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Is there a way to get scala code to ignore ssl validation?

I am trying to download my facebook profile image. I successully use oauth to connect and get all the right tokens, and am told by the facebook API the url for my profile image. However when I try and ...
Andrew Bucknell's user avatar
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How do i get value of DataBinder.Eval in RowCommand without using cell index or DataKey

I want the values without using cells as they might change later and the values i want are not primary key so i cant put them in datakeys so how can i get values in RowCommand event I am getting Null ...
BKM's user avatar
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Asp Radiobutton error

I would like the Id correspond to the data in the dataitem so that I know on which radiobutton the user clicked: I write: <asp:RadioButton ID="<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "IdFlight")...
user1238784's user avatar
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API REST php7 symfony 3.4 - Databind json to forms

I found this: "How to process nested json with FOSRestBundle and Symfony forms" but the acepted reply was: "making an unmapped form and binding data manually using a form event" In play, you can ...
Alvaro Denis Acosta's user avatar
1 vote
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How to change color of text in rows with DataBinder

I want to change color of text in specific column in each of rows. I have several columns, one of them is named DeliverState which can obtain one of two states - "Delivered" or "NotDelivered" <td&...
Július Marko's user avatar
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Parser Error Message: The server tag is not well formed. ImageButton

<asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButton1" runat="server" ImageUrl="<%# DataBinder.Eval("ProdImagePath","/Images/{0}") %>" /> I have retrieved the ProdImagePath from the database and Images is ...
Vivek Samudrala's user avatar
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Can't bind Visible property

ASP.NET 2.0 As much as I try, I can't seem to bind the Visible property to data item property: <asp:Panel runat="server" Visible="<%#(bool)Eval("IsBoolean")%>">X</asp:Panel> I ...
Paulo Morgado's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Boolean and array data binding using Jackson

I am trying deserialize the result returned from an API call. However, the result can either contain a Boolean or an array. If the result is Boolean, the JSON content received in the response looks ...
alwaysAStudent's user avatar
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MVC Razor Custom Binding for DateTime With bootstrap datepicker?

I have a PatientSearchCriteriaBinder and when runs it call a DateTimeBinder. The first time it occurs, everything goes well. But, I don't know why. When I do in my controller the RedirectToAction is ...
Tuga_Coder's user avatar
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DataBinder.Eval Issue

I have a some controls inside an EditItemTemplate within a RadListView control: <telerik:RadComboBox ID="cbCategoryTypeTueET" runat="server" Skin="Office2010Black" SelectedValue='<%# ...
JohnCoderMan's user avatar
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Spring MVC and Checkbox

I read many posts, but I didn't find a solution. I have an object called Utente. Utente has a field called autorizzazioniLista public class Utente{ ... @OneToMany(mappedBy = "utente", fetch ...
MDP's user avatar
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Bind label to DataSource.TotalRowCount

I have a custom DataSourceControl class that I'm using somewhat like a view model. I'm coming from WPF databinding land and I would like to be able to bind the text of a label to the TotalRowCount ...
NullEntity's user avatar
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using Databinder.Eval in onclick of checkbox in datagrid

<asp:DataGrid ID="dg" runat="server"> <Columns> <asp:TemplateColumn> <ItemTemplate> <asp:CheckBox ID="cb" runat="server" onclick='...
mike's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Convert.ToInt throws Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types [duplicate]

What seems to be wrong with the below code? I think there are null in the database, how do I sum a column that contains null? int Total_QtyinHand = 0; int Total_QtyAllocated = 0; int Total_QtyinStock ...
Sales QOrbit's user avatar
9 votes
6 answers

Issue with bindFromRequest in Play! Framework 2.3

I'm trying to use the automatic binding feature of Play, without success. I'm developing in Java, on Eclipse 4.4 Luna. Here is my form : <h2>Create a new user</h2> <form action="@...
Danish Ashfaq's user avatar
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1 answer

how to telerik radgrid binding with a grid template column with the visibility of the delete icon on and off

i have telerik radgrid binding with a grid template column with the visibility of the delete icon decided by calling the code behind method ISDeleteVisible with variable from the correponding column ...
subash's user avatar
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Using Eval If/Else/EndIf in GridView causes error Databinding methods such as Eval(), XPath(), and Bind()

I am trying to pro grammatically alter a value in a GridView based on a returned database value. The database value "is_zero_minutes_task" is Boolean. If True I wish to display a "0" and if False I ...
Rich's user avatar
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Why is the link set wrong in my databound repeater?

I want to show email links on my repeater (if the user has elected to have his/her email address displayed) but all I'm getting is the Databinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "emailaddress") writing to ...
Ortund's user avatar
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Retrieve ASP.NET Eval on ImageButton Click

I have the following repeater, with some div containing information and an ImageButton. On click of the ImageButton I would like to retrieve the DataBinder.Eval which contains the "ID" <asp:...
rikket's user avatar
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Invalid target for Validator in spring error?

Hi all I am getting the following error whenever I am trying to invoke validator in my spring Servlet.service() for servlet spring threw exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Invalid target for ...
Pulkit's user avatar
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3 answers

Scala dispatch GET request, fail to parse response to json

im writing a function that : 1) send HTTP GET request (response is a valid JSON) 2) parse the response to a json object code snippet : val page = url("") val ...
Nimrod007's user avatar
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Databind inside style="width: of div

I am facing a problem like this: I have it in HTML page: <div class="bar bar-success" style="width:80%;"></div> BUT I'd like to use this 80% comming from a database. so I'd tried this: ...
Matheus Elias Fernandes's user avatar
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Print Empty String when DataBinder.Eval is NULL

I have the following in my repeater: <div class="LabelHolderrepeatershort" style="font-size:10px"><%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "id")%></div> <div class="...
rikket's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

DataBinder.Eval data item Empty

I am having trouble trying to figure on how to hide a ',' when the DataItem is empty. Basically, I have table row that displays Registered Address and populated using the following technique: <%# ...
KJSR's user avatar
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databinder dispatch not properly handling HTTP 302 and authentication

I am using dispatch 0.11.0, Scala 2.10 and trying to get this code to work val svc = url("https://my-server/img/cat.jpg").as(username, password) val respBody = Http(svc OK as.Response(_....
Bob's user avatar
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Pass DataBinder value in ASP.NET Repeater to database through submit button

How I can pass this value :<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.QuestionsText")%> , TO THE SUBMIT CODE : database.InsertUpdate(String.Format("CALL spSurveyAnswer_Insert('{0}', '{1}','{2}');...
Ismail Saifo's user avatar
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Use value from DataBinder.Eval to show an image

I am using a Repeater and DataBinder.Eval to get the values from a code behind: <asp:Repeater id="Repeater1" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <ul data-role="listview" data-...
Georg's user avatar
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1 answer

evaluate two bools for a single bool result

I have a asp repeater and one of the items requires me to show or hide a text string depending upon the state of TWO boolean values This works fine: <asp:Label ID="X" runat="server" Text="...
T3.0's user avatar
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Remove DataBinder.Eval field if it is null or blank

Actually I am binding some data on tooltip of a Image control in gridview. all is working fine. see my code below <asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/img/images.jpg" ToolTip='<%# ...
Gaurav's user avatar
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How can I fetch a binary data stream via scala?

I want to download an image for a given url in a scala program. I am trying to do something like the following but all the dispatcher examples I can find talk about text, not data streams. Can anyone ...
Andrew Bucknell's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Repeater databinder.eval double quotes

I have a repeater like the following, <asp:Repeater ID="rptEntries" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:LinkButton ID="lnk1" runat="server" Text=""...
Sait's user avatar
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SpringMVC how to Bind A Multi Select Option Element

I have four select option list two are populated with data form the database and two are multi selects which are bind to the POJO. I then use java script to add options form the database select option ...
devdar's user avatar
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Databinder.Eval double quotes

I have a problem and I can't figure it out how to solve it. I search for solutions but they did not work. So, I have a Datalist with ItemTemplate. I need to add google analytics on onclick event to &...
Coder's user avatar
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Binding empty values to numerical fields in Play Framework 2 (Java)

I have forms where I want to be able to leave some numerical fields empty, but I get "Invalid value" errors from Form.bindFromRequest(). This seems like a common requirement, but I can't find any ...
Rolf Staflin's user avatar
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How to change the amount of columns in DataList (Webforms, C#)

I have made a web app which query's a database and returns the results in a Datalist. The user can specify which columns to return. For the Datalist I have done this: <asp:DataList runat="...
user1826413's user avatar
3 votes
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Using the setAllowedFields() method in Spring

I'm using Spring 3.2.0. I have registered a few custom property editors for some basic needs as follows. import editors.DateTimeEditor; import editors.StrictNumberFormatEditor; import java....
Tiny's user avatar
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Spring databinder reusing

I'm creating few objects in loop using DataBinder. I wonder if it is possible to reuse DataBinder object instead of create it each time. Is it possible? Now I have: while (condition) { obj = ...
Saram's user avatar
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checking value through IF in repeater

<asp:Repeater ID="rptEntries" runat="server" DataSourceID="dsEntries"> <ItemTemplate> <% if (Convert.ToInt16(Eval("entryWinner")) == 1) { %> ...
GenericUser's user avatar
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How to iterate on a T object to find a property?

I have this code that I am currently adapting to use nested entity (entity framework). I have an entity which contains 2 property which are 2 children entities. The first step was to read the ...
Kraz's user avatar
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repeater ASP .NET databind to navigationURL

I'm trying to bind an ID to an already defined navigation url from a hyperlink. <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink4" runat="server" NavigateUrl='accounts_history.aspx?accountId=<%# DataBinder....
user1122844's user avatar
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How to bind form field to a Map of Objects in Play 2.03

Trying to bind a field to a map of objects I got this error "*[NullValueInNestedPathException: Invalid property 'wrappedText[index]' of bean class [models.Simple]: Could not determine property type ...
jgatcher's user avatar
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ASP.NET MVC 3 DataBinder.Eval on Viewmodel object throws "does not contain property"

I have a view that was using a standard Model but now I need to add information from two different models on the page. I created a ViewModel after doing some research to handle this. Now I am ...
Todd Skelton's user avatar
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Alternative(s) to DataBinder.Eval for .NET Framework Client Profile?

I would like to have the functionality of DataBinder.Eval (i.e., perform runtime databinding); however, DataBinder.Eval is defined in the System.Web assembly, which is not available on the .NET ...
cm007's user avatar
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Databinder inside a "for" loop in an ASPX page

I'm still trying to understand how I can take advantage from DataBinder ( Is there a way to use a DataBinder.Eval statement as an index of a specific array in an ASPX page? ). I'm currently building ...
S3MP's user avatar
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Is there a way to use a DataBinder.Eval statement as an index of a specific array in an ASPX page?

Is there a way to use a DataBinder.Eval statement as an index of a specific array in an ASPX page? I'm trying to develop a page containing a list of bibliographic references, for which I'm using the ...
S3MP's user avatar
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3 votes
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Spring MVC custom editor and select-options bad performance

Im using custom editor in Spring MVC to map string valuest to my domain objects. Simple case: User object refers to Company ( -> Company). In User form I register data binder: protected ...
Bad Pitt's user avatar
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DataBinder in

i have this: ( useing Repeater but this bit long with all the fields problem is with this one) <td valign="top"> <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Category")%> </td> and : ...
user1246950's user avatar
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databinder for wicket concept & status

Seems like Wicket + DataBinder( is good solution if you know only plain java and need to write data-driven web app, as i am. But when i use auth ...
cynepnaxa's user avatar
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using values within if conditions in mark up

I want to use a value that is pulled from the SQL within the if statement. Ideally i want to do the equivalent of <% If DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.BookID") == 1 Then%> Is there a ...
Sophie's user avatar
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Databinder Eval value.value will not work

I'm testing databinds in ASP.NET with C# Visual Studio. But I've a irritating problem... To show all products from a database I use a repeater with a datasource query. The query is: SELECT titel, ...
Jelmer Holtes's user avatar