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Wicket - Getting broken pipe exception when accessing DB

In my wicket application I have this service class: import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org....
Otis Ottington's user avatar
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AppFuse + wicket: No qualifying bean of type [org.hibernate.SessionFactory]

I have a small application written in AppFuse (multi-modular project). I want to try to use the Apache Wicket to make some kind of UI. Since AppFuse is based on Spring I found a tutorial for using ...
Cajova_Houba's user avatar
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Autowiring of SessionFactory not happening

I have a project with: Spring : 4.1.7 Hibernate : 4.3.10 Wicket: 6.20.0 I am trying to get Hibernate and spring and wicket playing nicely I have the following code: init in ? extends ...
user1383163's user avatar
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org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException when I try to open hibernate get session from sessionFactory

I created basic wicket-spring-hibernate application. I think, that spring is integrated into wicket correctly. When I start my application hibernate creates table from my model class, but when I try ...
Eleer's user avatar
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2 answers

Configure wicket with spring without xml

Is it possible to configure wicket with spring without using any xml files like web.xml??? Here is my already made and working configuration for spring+hibernate. I would llike to go with this ...
masterdany88's user avatar
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Autowired field remains null causing WicketRuntime Exception

There are tons of these questions but suggested solutions doesnt seem to work for me. Im useing wicket along with hibernate and spring. Im trying simple form with one textfield but wicket keeps ...
Ziker's user avatar
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Strange Lazy initialization exception

I am getting a lazy initialization exception that I don't understand... I work with Java, Hibernate, Spring and Wicket. So, from the save method of the Form (extends wicket Form) I get a ...
diminuta's user avatar
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Tomcat but not Jetty: NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.JoinColumn.foreignKey()Ljavax/persistence/ForeignKey

I have recently upgraded my Wicket 6 application from Spring 3 to Spring 4. When I run the application locally on Jetty 7, it runs fine. When I deploy it to Tomcat 7, I get the following error: [...
Lucas T's user avatar
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1 answer

wicket,spring jpa repository - nullpointer on @Autowire

Im trying to build an application based on wicket, Spring jpa repositories, and Mysql. The problem is, my Service classes just don't want to autowire. I got a nullpointer exception if i want to use ...
Westy's user avatar
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Wicket authorization: Grant access based on page model

I'm developing a fairly standard web application with Wicket, Spring & Hibernate. I've been using wicket-auth-roles and spring-security to authenticate users, and now want to add more fine grained ...
Tim's user avatar
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NullPointerException in HibernateDaoSupport.getSession()

I'm using Wicket-1.5.x, Spring-3.2, and Hibernate-3.6. My application successfully starts and reads from the database, however when I try to actually load a page I get the exception pasted below. ...
Raystorm's user avatar
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Accessing DB via JPA in Wicket IResource?

I want to implement an DynamicImageResource which will be mounted in a Wicket 6.7/Spring 3.2/JPA 2 application. This DynamicImageResource shall retrieve information based on input parameters and ...
lajuette's user avatar
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OpenSessionInViewFilter and Wicket and still running into LazyInitializationExceptions

I'm using Spring's OpenSessionInViewFilter in combination with Wicket and I kept running into LazyInitializationExceptions, which I couldn't get resolved. I could see in the logging that the hibernate ...
insert_name_here's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there some fully configured Spring Wicket Hibernate archetype including Annotations?

I guess tons of people asked this questions, but as of now, I haven't found a sufficient answer: I'm a newbie to Java-WebApp-Development. I'm quite used to work with a fully configured Spring-Wicket-...
Herr Ferdinand's user avatar
3 votes
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wicket spring hibernate getting started

I am looking for an archtype to create a Maven project based on Wicket 6.0.0 Spring 3.2 Hibernate 4 (annotation based) All the examples I have seen (I have been looking for the last 4 hr) are with ...
yoav.str's user avatar
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Hibernate OpenSessionInViewFilter Prematurely Closing Sessions?

I have a Spring, Hibernate, and Wicket application set up to read internationalized json content items from a database and pass them out via a request on an api url. The codebase responsible for ...
Wertible's user avatar
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3 answers

Spring Dependency for Wicket 1.5.3

I am developing an application with Wicket-Hibernate-Spring, where I am using Wicket 1.5.5. <repositories> <repository> <id>googlecode</id> <url>http:...
Tapas Bose's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Hibernate: No session after save of new entity

I create a new entity, store it the first time and then want to access the collections of the related classes: @Override protected void onSubmit(final AjaxRequestTarget target, final Form<?> ...
Yashima's user avatar
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Wicket Spring Hibernate Transactional

I have the following problem. Within my wicket application i want to use @Transactional annotations. All my DAO's are loaded with the @Component annotations ; @Component @Transactional(propagation = ...
Niels Van Haren's user avatar
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Whats a good Workflow solution for an existing Wicket Web application?

I' writing a web application with Wicket 1.4.X, Hibernate 3.6, and Spring 2.5.6. I have some objects For Example: Person name SSN positon etc.... now some fields are not editable. say SSN, ...
Raystorm's user avatar
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2 answers

How to add transaction to wicket + spring + hibernate application for junit test

Hi I have the following problem when running junit test. org.hibernate.HibernateException: No Session found for current thread at org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.SpringSessionContext....
Chun ping Wang's user avatar
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Wicket application throws exception on start up when starting with jetty:run-exploded

I'm currently developing a Wicket Spring Hibernate application. For development I'm using Jetty as web server. When starting the application with mvn jetty:run everything works as expected. But when ...
Flo's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to access Session information on service layer?

Is there a way I can share Http/Wicket Session information to the service layer without introducing servlet api/Wicket dependency? I'll provide some context to why am I asking this question, just in ...
Xavi López's user avatar
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How to use the LoadableDetachableModel in a Wicket, Spring, Hibernate based web application correctly?

I'm developing a web application based on Hibernate, Spring and Wicket. Until now I implemented the business objects and the persistence layer. The transaction is managed by a transaction ...
Flo's user avatar
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Wicket, authentication and transaction demarcation

I am using Wicket with a custom PageAuthorizationStrategy which accesses the database for information on the current user and thereby his access permissions. Every request is wrapped by the Spring ...
Lunikon's user avatar
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How to use a single transaction for a Wicket / Spring page view?

My previous question How to wrap Wicket page rendering in a Spring / Hibernate transaction? has led me to thinking about transaction demarcation in Wicket. Whilst the example there was easily solved ...
Duncan McGregor's user avatar
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How to wrap Wicket page rendering in a Spring / Hibernate transaction?

My application loads entities from a Hibernate DAO, with OpenSessionInViewFilter to allow rendering. In some cases I want to make a minor change to a field - Long orderId ... link = new Link("...
Duncan McGregor's user avatar
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Developing web application in eclipse by wicket-hibernate-spring

I want to develop a web application or project in eclipse by wicket-hibernate-spring. I have searched Google for a step-by-step tutorial but I found nothing which can direct me to the right path. I am ...
Tapas Bose's user avatar
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2 answers

Wicket+Spring+JPA+Hibernate: No Persistence Unit Found

I'm developing a web application using Wicket+Spring+JPA+Hibernate. This is my first project with this setup and I think I've probably made some mistakes. I get the following error: No persistence ...
John Manak's user avatar
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3 votes
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Why doesn't my (spring)HibernateTransactionManager work in wicket?

I tried to shorten this to what I think is relevant, I hope it's sufficient and not overwhelming. Please help! I'm converting a small wicket+databinder+hibernate web application to use wicket+spring+...
RMorrisey's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I resemble the typical "confirmation of account" procedure seen in multiple websites?

I want to resemble the typical "confirmation of account" procedure seen in multiple websites. When a user registers an email is sent to him with a confirmation link. Once the user goes to that ...
user avatar
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How to go about creating a first startup wizard with Wicket? (Database table creation etc.)

I'm working on a Java Web Application with Wicket, Spring and Hibernate. The web application is not particularily large (I have one DAO and one service), but I'd like to offer the users that deploy ...
John's user avatar
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How does Spring fit into my application architecture?

I'm currently rebuilding an existing PHP application using Java. I therefore have an existing frontend GUI and an existing database schema that I'm working with. Here is the technology stack I'm ...
Dolph's user avatar
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Wicket testing - AnnotApplicationContextMock - There is no application attached to current thread main

I've written a couple of tests for a small web app, but I get an error when I try to run the page specific tests that makes use of WicketTester. Google sends me to a mailing list for Apache Wicket, ...
John's user avatar
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How to deal with databases for websites written in Java, more specifically Wicket?

I'm new to website development using Java but I've got started with Wicket and make a little website. I'd like to expand on what I've already made (a website with a form, labels and links) and ...
John's user avatar
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What should I do in order to be able to work with maven + eclipse + wicket + hibernate + spring in Mac OS?

I want to create a web app that will use wicket, hibernate and spring frameworks. My IDE of choice is Eclipse, I am using maven for the .war generation and I am running Mac OS. What steps should I ...
user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

How to get rid of LazyInitializationException with Wicket JPA/Hibernate integration (with Spring)

i'm developing an application using Wicket as the view layer and JPA(Hibernate) as ORM. building the UI has been fun (even with ajax) using Wicket. My problem comes from integrating the persistent ...
bert's user avatar
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Three tier layered application using Wicket + Spring + Hibernate. How would you handle transactions?

I'm thinking about using the Open Session In View (OSIV) filter or interceptor that comes with Spring, as it seems like a convenient way for me as a developer. If that's what you recommend, do you ...
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