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Don't show the success message by using toastr.js after deleting the category with the sweetalert2.js, just showing the error: toastr is not defined

I want to show a successful delete message by using toastr.js when any user will click on the delete button, first it will show alert, so I use sweetalert2.js, but after confirming delete in ...
Maruf Hasnat's user avatar
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1 answer

404 error page not displaying due to validations toastr error code in my script

I am working on a php project with laravel where i used errors->any() to capture all errors and display them with toastr lib within my script. The issue now is that when I implemented a 404 error ...
Abasilim Joe Abasilim's user avatar
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1 answer

Show multiple Toastr notifications in Laravel

I am using the Toastr library in my Laravel project, which only shows one notification on page redirect. I want to show multiple notifications for different tasks on form submission, such as when the ...
Pavel Rahman's user avatar
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The Toastr notification is not woking

i use toastr by Brian2694\Toastr\ToastrServiceProvider::class in my laravel project but now i have a problem is not working after redirect example when i update things i set toastr to show me the ...
Deogratias Alison's user avatar
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toastr - want to add input inside toastr message - can this be done

I want to show a toastr message with an input box to ask for the users email if the data is too large so I can send via email. I've tried this but can't get it to work if (this.dataListTotal > 500)...
tercou1's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Django Ajax toastr not display when success

I encounter a problem with ajax toastr, i'm using bootstrap 5 also so that might be cause style problem. My Ajax: {% load humanize %} {% load static %} <link rel="stylesheet" href="{%...
Dung8466's user avatar
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Toastr Notification not showing green background and top right

I'm watching a video for learn core.I'm trying to use toastr notifications ( its working fine but the problem is that they only appear at the left bottom. I ...
Bedirhan's user avatar
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Toast message with wrong mark always positive

getting correct mark with correct message i want crros mark for the following code i am getting same(positive sign in toast message with coreect message why so plx check it once.. const navigate=...
Himanshu Prem's user avatar
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Where do i put toastr code in a react redux app which uses sagas?

I have a react redux application that is using sagas to make api calls. I want to use toastr to display error messages. Where do I place the toastr code? In the sagas or in the components? I can't ...
Jenna S's user avatar
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2 answers

Toastr Success message showing every page reload

I am using codeigniter 3 framework, where i use toastr notification. When i save a page i get success message from toastr, the same message is repeating if i reload or navigate to another page. I don'...
user21725469's user avatar
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2 answers

Clearing a single Toastr message instead of entire thread

I'm working on a SignalR notification system and each time the system updates, you get a toastr message alerting you of changes in a SQL database. I searched but could not find the answer I was ...
Jacob Kresak's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Can I suppress the 'i' symbol in an information toast?

Is it possible to suppress the 'i' symbol in an information toast in tostr?
AAA's user avatar
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Toastr color doesn't change even when I have it in my CSS

I have the following in my scripts.js toastr.options = { "closeButton": false, "debug": false, "newestOnTop": false, "progressBar": false, &...
AAA's user avatar
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Error: File to import not found or unreadable: easy-autocomplete/dist/easy-autocomplete

i want to install ruby website on my machine but i have this probleme hwo can help me
Bouregaa Samiha's user avatar
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How to prevent duplicates abp.notify.warn toastr?

I have been trying to prevent the same warning message from appearing. multiple duplicate warning popup But I don't want to stop duplicate for every popup. Only for one of them. CageAuto.ts getMeasure(...
Arnaud VDR's user avatar
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1 answer

toastr options not working with bootstrap 5?

I have a web app that uses bootstrap and toastr. I recently upgraded the bootstrap library from bootstrap4 to bootstrap5. I then found out that toastr options do not work properly. For example the ...
Avner Moshkovitz's user avatar
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Display an error message notification using Toastr and the Exception class render() method in Laravel

Trying to have a dynamic way to catch thrown exceptions and display the custom error message to the user.(Custom meaning each exception has its own message relating to why the exception was thrown.) ...
watkib's user avatar
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Angular toastr2 doesnt shows up

So I am trying to do toastr in many ways but it's not working. Heres doc: My HTML: <button (click)="test()">Make a toast!...
LasagneLover's user avatar
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Laravel Vue toastr show blank notification

import toastr from 'toastr' function store() { let nomor_induk_pegawai = pegawai.nomor_induk_pegawai let nama_pegawai = pegawai.nama_pegawai let id_departemen = pegawai....
Bruh Brah's user avatar
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ngx-toastr giving error c.Subject is not a constructor when angular app is being served by nginx using dist

I have an angular app and the home page is a template from The template is edited to include ngx-toastr and I show some pop-ups. If I run the same code on localhost via ng serve, it ...
Manish's user avatar
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toastr shows only after I refresh the page just for one condition

I am using the following line to display toastr success message. But there is one condition where this line is being hit but toastr is not getting displayed and it works when the page is refreshed. ...
sai kiran's user avatar
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Closing the toastr notification after a certain process?

I am using toastR in my ASP.Net WebForms application. I have this code to show a notification to the user for the whole application. private void ShowToastr(Page.Page page, string message, string ...
Milo's user avatar
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2 answers

Could not find 'ShowToastr' ('ShowToastr' was undefined). Blazor

I get this error: Could not find 'ShowToastr' ('ShowToastr' was undefined). I am creating a Blazor app with .NET6. This is the page: @page "/hotel/rooms" @inject ILocalStorageService ...
RRuseva's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Which version of ngx-Toastr supports version 13.0.4 of Angular CLI? How to install ngx-Toastr this version?How to install ngx-Toastr certain version?

I have an Angular project. My global Angular CLI version is 14.2.1, and my local Angular CLI version is 13.0.4. Newest version of ngx-Toastr supports Angular CLI version 14.0.0 and and more, so it ...
Denis's user avatar
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Toastr Message not Showing in ajax crud

I try to show toastr message in my ajax crud but only the toastr modal is pop up and nothing is displayed in the modal. I add all the necessary cdn in the master layout and script tag also. Data ...
Utsab Dey's user avatar
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3 answers

Cypress E2E testing: How to test the text message on toast container (or) popup on a web page?

screenshot of html code for the error toast popupI am trying to get the element of popup (or) toast-container and asserting the text, but I am getting an error that element never found. Please someone ...
Mr.Prasad J's user avatar
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2 answers

Toastr notifications after ImageButton is Clicked C# aspx

I am using .aspx in c# for creating food ordering system. Now my problem is in the menu part where I need to show toastr notications after I cliked this Image button. <asp:ImageButton ID="...
compsci's user avatar
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1 answer

toaster js success showing background color white

toaster js for notification working properly but the background color for all the types is showing white color. My header is like this <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('...
ANAS MK's user avatar
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2 answers

Laravel-toastr notification is not working after host in a live server

I am using laravel-8 and follow this to use toastr message in my project. Same code is uploaded on live server. But tostr message is not working on live server where working on local. How to fix it? ...
Arafat Rahman's user avatar
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Rails 7 toastr using importmaps

Im trying to use toastr to display a message. Im using rails 7 but Im unsure if i have it imported and implemented correctly import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"; import { ...
gydevguy's user avatar
1 vote
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Angular Function call inside toaster not working

Please I want to call a function inside a toaster. When I put an a href link it work but button no. When I put the button outside the toastr the function call it work. Thanks. this.toastr....
oami89's user avatar
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1 answer

ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError Explained in toastr Angular

I am getting errors. This only seems to happen when a toast is created automatically on load. Most likely because not everything is loaded yet? Error: ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError: ...
jetyzi's user avatar
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Toast Notification not triggering .NET with Angular

Hope someone can help me clarify some doubts I have regarding popups and toasts. I have a .ASPNET Core application with users, I have a change password functionality and i'm trying to send a toastr....
Tigs's user avatar
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2 answers

Show multiple errors by toastr

i'm trying to show multiple error messages in view by toastr , for user register page. I passed a list of error messages to View with TempData["errors"] but i don't know how to show a list ...
An amateur's user avatar
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Toastr is behaving strangely with query

I am using Toastr messages on a laravel project together with jquery to present information for the user. But if I need to persist the toast and let user click on the button I noticed that toast doesn'...
ToroLoco's user avatar
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How to use Laravel toaster package in Vue 3

I'm working in a project which is made in Laravel 8 and Vue 3. I use this Laravel toastr package: composer require yoeunes/toastr This toaster works very fine in Laravel Controller but the problem is ...
Mohsen's user avatar
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1 answer

Cannot add Toastr in Laravel

When i wrote this in command line composer require brian2694/laravel-toastr. I've got message like [InvalidArgumentException] Could not find package brian2694/laravel-toastr. It was however found via ...
Nico Aramy's user avatar
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How to place two toastr on different positions

Hi everyone I am using toastr (CodeSeven/toastr) I am facing one issue I was trying to put two toastrs one on the top right corner and another on the bottom middle using toastr.options, both should ...
Amara's user avatar
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Uncaught ReferenceError: toastr is not defined

I'm trying to use the toastr library within my .NET Core 3.1 Project. I've added the client side librarys I've also included the references in my head tag in my .cshtml razer file: <link rel=&...
rahulchawla's user avatar
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Toastr onhidden function only success messages

I am using the toastr library and have this code: toastr.options = { "closeButton": true, "newestOnTop": true, "progressBar": true, "positionClass": &...
Trombone0904's user avatar
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NToastNotify is not defined error in my .NET Core 3.1 Application

The solution NToastNotify was working in .NET Core 2.2 before migration to .NET Core 3.1. Also, I am using the NToastNotify NuGet package (v7.0.0) with .NET core 3.1. I will get the following two ...
Raj's user avatar
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Show toastr once after succesful login

I want to show only once toastr notification after the user has a successful login. If the user tried to reload the page or the user redirect to another page, I don't want to reshow the notification. ...
Levesque Xylia's user avatar
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The sqlsrv_query does not return any result after the checking data function is perform

I am working as a company project task related to prevent duplication of data entered for user registration. The data i wish to prevent them from duplicate is email(user cant signup using same email ...
Moo Zhen Cong's user avatar
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render another page after toastr notification in angular

i am trying to render navigate another page after toastr notification disappear. showToasterWarning(){ this.notifyService.showWarning("No Data Found for this Date!", ""); ...
lampard bre's user avatar
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$.extend is not a function with Toastr and NodeJS

I am using NodeJS and trying to implement error messaging with Toastr. I keep getting the error $.extend is not a function whenever I try to use it. I am importing toastr into the file with var toastr ...
Alex88's user avatar
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3 answers

ngx-toaster is notifying in the wrong place of the screen by default

This is the problem it's presenting the notification by default up above, maybe it's getting affected by CSS properties ?? when I configure the place in the import of the module like this : imports: [...
armando t's user avatar
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2 answers

Angular Injectable Toastr Service is undefined

I created a custom Toastr service (more of a wrapper class if you will). I inject this in my data service (api calls) but every time I call it I get an error that its undefined. If I use this service ...
CompiledIO's user avatar
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WordPress with select2 and Toastr get previous selected value destroys select2 behavior

I am using WordPress and I have used Select2 and Toastr libraries successfully. Basically I have a dropdown and if I change, Toastr will ask whether I need to update or not. If I click on "Yes&...
Mittul At TechnoBrave's user avatar
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Where am I making a mistake in if else statement?

I can't return a toast error message. Where am I making a mistake? Message returns when successful. My code is as follows: public function store(Request $request) { $validated = $request->...
Serdar Kavrazlı's user avatar
1 vote
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How to adjust the width of the toastr message in Angular

I have toastr message notification using ngx-toastr from npm (my current stack is Angular 9) Is there a way to alter the max-width for the messages since it is causing the message-text to wrap. this....
Vignesh Ravichandran's user avatar

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