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How to adjust the width of the toastr message in Angular

I have toastr message notification using ngx-toastr from npm (my current stack is Angular 9) Is there a way to alter the max-width for the messages since it is causing the message-text to wrap. this....
Vignesh Ravichandran's user avatar
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How to expand toastr thing in Angular 2?

I have a ToastrService imported from 'ngx-toastr' in my Angular 2 app. The problem is that the text which I show there does not fit in, and it gets cut. Can I expand it somewhere? Eg, I can set up ...
Sofia Bo's user avatar
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success toastr not visible until dismissing (Angular 8)

I'm trying to create a toastr success banner for my web page. The page has data in an ng-grid, with a button component that creates a modal for editing the grid values. After saving the data, a banner ...
DHorowitz's user avatar
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ngx-toastr GlobalConfig timeout settings

Not able to achieve using the IndividualConfig and GlobalConfig classes. imports: [ToastrModule.forRoot({timeOut: 10000, positionClass: 'toast-bottom-right', preventDuplicates: true})] Setting the ...
Chandrababu's user avatar
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how can I initialize a 3rd party module within my .forRoot() in angular

I am building an internal library for our projects, using Angular 6+. I am using the .forRoot() approach to register global services as documented. My library will be using ngx-toastr to provide ...
Eric Liprandi's user avatar
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Angular JS cascade notifications

I need your advice to help me. I'm making an Angular JS app and I need some notifications like angular-toastr or angular-ui-notification but showing not like a list but cascade. Like in picture ...
hofshteyn's user avatar
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Event should trigger when Toastr notification appears

i want to trigger an event using protractor for close the Toastr notification messages. whenever the notification appears this event should triggered.. is this possible?? I have 10 forms ,i am ...
anand arya's user avatar
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3 answers

Can't resolve all parameters for ToastrService: (?, [object Object], [object Object], [object Object], [object Object])

I am applying toasterjs in my angular component. Here is my code. i have imported the ToastrService using the code: import { ToastrService } from 'ngx-toastr'; and inject that service in the ...
Gaurav_0093's user avatar
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Is toastr confirm works with Angularjs

Dear experts: I am using toastr.success and toastr.warning and they are working fine. BUT it is not working with toastr.confirm. I have added the jquery,angularjs and toastr libraries . Any idea or ...
hassanzi's user avatar
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3 answers

Original Toastr with Angular 5?

I like the original toastr b/c I could pop up a "Item X Saved" message and it stays on the page for X milliseconds after I redirect back to the home page. So I would like to use the original toastr ...
user441058's user avatar
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How to initialize component from service for toast messages

i want to do global toasts service in my application with own styles and html for toasts. I'm using ng2-toastr. For example i have component A. In view i have button: <button (click)="showSuccess()...
Eugeniusz Zuev's user avatar
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Angular injecting toastr service

I want to handle common http errors using angular materials mdsnackbar service, however, i cannot figure out how to implement it. It gives me an error such as do not match any parameter type if i add ...
agriboz's user avatar
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Cannot load ng2-toastr

I am using systemjs.config, angular 4 and ng2-toastr version 4.0.1 I got an error when running the app "Cannot read property 'forRoot' of undefined" It seems does not load the ToastModule or any class ...
malballah's user avatar
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Angular 2 : Loading nested Component is destroying the existing scope of ng2-toastr

I'm using a ng2-toastr in my page and working fine, but when I have a nested component in the page the existing ng2-toastr(ToastManager) scope is destroyed and toastr is not working. constructor(...
sudhir's user avatar
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3 answers

Wait for toast to disappear in Protractor

Summary How do I wait for all toasts to disappear when using Protractor for testing an AngularJS webapp? More details I have an AngularJS app, that I am testing using Protractor. I am using angular-...
MW.'s user avatar
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Angular 2 - Toastr Custom Location

I'm using toastr-ng2 and I want the location of the toast to be under the header of my webpage (e.g. style="margin-top: 30px"). I can't seem to find the settings for this option. Is this possible?
ToDo's user avatar
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5 answers

Find and clear a toast (Toastr)

I have a page where there may be multiple toasts added dynamically using the plugin I have a link(Ok) on each toast on clicking that link I need to close only the ...
Gokul's user avatar
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Set options for single instance of an Angular Toastr?

I am using Angular JS 1.4.1 and Angular Toastr 1.7.0. Most of the toastrs in my app are the default top right, and work fine. However, I want to call ONE with the positionClass: 'toast-top-full-...
Steve's user avatar
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Angular Toastr Callbacks

Hi I am using Angular Toastr ( to create some messages on screen. I have a maximum of two messages which can be open both at the same time at any one point ...
user1809790's user avatar
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