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toastr shows only after I refresh the page just for one condition

I am using the following line to display toastr success message. But there is one condition where this line is being hit but toastr is not getting displayed and it works when the page is refreshed. ...
sai kiran's user avatar
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Toast notification from theme

I am using a theme made with bootstrap and sass for my webapp. I am not very familiar with bootstrap and sass. I need to know how to get the code to insert on my webapp. You can see the ...
Nyxco's user avatar
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Toastr for Form validation

Im trying to replace javascript alerts with Toastr. I have successfully linked both css and script. For example: If the textbox is empty, a Toastr will pop up showing "Please enter your ID". Im new ...
Joshua C. Tuonan's user avatar
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Toastr JS appears in source code but is invisible

I am trying to use Toastr JS, initially i could not figure out why it just wont appear but it actually does(figured out by changing Timeout to 10min and looking at the source code) but it is invisible ...
Tayyab's user avatar
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Append from Toastr

My desired behavior - On a page click the words "click me", this brings up the Toastr, and has a text box, the user types information in the Toastr Text box then clicks "Append" and this adds the text ...
aaron lilly's user avatar
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Toastr not working as intended? Showing up at bottom of screen

This is what I have written for my toastr. toastr.options = { "closeButton": true, "debug": false, "newestOnTop": true, "progressBar": false, "...
Dylan Cronkhite's user avatar
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Toastr and FontAwesome 5 not displaying the right icon in a success message [duplicate]

I'm using toastr and when I display a success message, by default there was a font-awesome "check" icon there, but after I upgraded to FA-5, the icon is gone now. I inspected element and saw these ...
DeA's user avatar
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Toastr multiple divs

i have multiple divs that contain custom css toastr notification, what i need help with is displaying random div each time page loads or using toastr by codeseven how to do it in same way, any help is ...
Dzo's user avatar
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Multiple toastr js click function [closed]

I'm fetching multiple post from DB. There is a option for make post as Favourite, I'm using toastr for showing notification. every post has a id="favourite_ads". but toastr notification only works ...
Ana Gabriel's user avatar
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Is toastr confirm works with Angularjs

Dear experts: I am using toastr.success and toastr.warning and they are working fine. BUT it is not working with toastr.confirm. I have added the jquery,angularjs and toastr libraries . Any idea or ...
hassanzi's user avatar
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Toastr: toast-top-center doesn't get applied at the first click of the button

When I click the button, the message is displayed in the top-right. Only after one or two attempts, it is positioned in the top-center. But when submitting a form it should come in the top-center in ...
user5776462's user avatar
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Toastr notifications not showing on bottom right

I am trying to use Toastr notifications ( They work fine, but the problem is that they only appear at the top right. I can change anything about the position, but ...
Chili's user avatar
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Html, how to import / use toastr.js

I've got a little problem here. I think the solution is pretty simple and I'm just overseeing something. So, my problem is, that I'm trying to use toastr.js on my webpage. What I've got so far: <...
Red_C0der's user avatar
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How to add a AJAX submit form inside a notification without reloading the page?

I am using the jQuery plugin for notifications toastr js ( and I am trying to add a contact form in the notification balloon and when submitted to use AJAX. Even ...
EnexoOnoma's user avatar
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toastr is not defined [closed]

Receiving the following error in developer console when loading the page: Uncaught ReferenceError: toastr is not defined Here are the html contents. Can someone please explain to me why toastr is ...
ontheroadmike's user avatar
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Responsive design using Css

I would like to do a responsive design for the popup notifications in my application.I'm using Angular Toaster for the notifications. For instance I have located the toaster-container element in the ...
fgonzalez's user avatar
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How to adjust toaster popup width

I'm using AngularJS-Toaster to popup notifications in my app. For the frontend I'm using bootstrap. Using the class 'container' I have a grid of 1200px. Inside I have a div with the popup ...
fgonzalez's user avatar
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How do I use toastr?

I like the idea of what I can do with toastr, but I can't seem to get it to work. From the official page... (1) Link to toastr.css (2) Link to toastr.js (3) Use toastr to display a toast for info, ...
lordterrin's user avatar