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Trouble running client and server program with docker

i really dont know what to do anymore i sat down with gpt for 4 hours and at this points its just reapiting the same steps that doesnt slove my problem docker-compose file: services: server: ...
Itay Derazon's user avatar
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Add .env variables to Client Component NextJS from docker-compose.yaml

Is there a way to add env variables to a NextJS app from docker compose, I have it working with adding the .env variable to the Dockerfile (prefixed with NEXT_PUBLIC_). I am currently passing a server ...
GOOSE_CPT's user avatar
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Grid DB Connection Issue using gss-client

I have installed the Grid DB server on my RHEL machine and further I am trying to connect to the GridDB server. From the online docs, I see that there are two different downloads - Server & ...
nadeshara's user avatar
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Error: async/await is not yet supported in Client Components, only Server Components in Next.js

I’m working on a Next.js 14 project and encountering an issue where I receive the following error intermittently: Error: async/await is not yet supported in Client Components, only Server Components. ...
Vladimirs Jurčenoks's user avatar
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Can't find module @prisma/client

When I use Prisma Client I have a problem. After the import i have a mistake: no module found "@prisma/client" enter image description hereenter image description here I tried to install ...
No Date's user avatar
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Disconnect from client in MongoDB in Julia

After connecting a client to Mongoc with Julia (Version 1.11.1). I try to disconnect. I found this : julia> destroy!(client) ERROR: UndefVarError: `destroy!` not defined in `Main` Suggestion: check ...
user3879332's user avatar
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Quarkus REST Client: How to serialize a query parameter with custom date formatter

I have a REST API to call that expects dates in the format yyyyMMdd My REST Client code looks like this @GET @Path("/atl/") RestResponse<AtlResponse> getAtlResponse( @QueryParam(&...
thomas's user avatar
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Attempting to Authorize for Admin API

Unable to get an AccessToken using the client credential flow. I ran this command and got the below ...
Jakob Colladay's user avatar
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Issue with Nuxt’s useFetch returning null during SSR but working fine on the client

I am using Nuxt and have wrapped the useFetch function to handle API requests with a custom setup for headers, error handling, and other configurations. Below is my implementation: // Core API wrapper ...
long sihua's user avatar
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2 answers

React App crashes without invoking WebSocket.close() function in useEffect cleanup function

I’m building a test app that connects to a server via WebSocket. The app crashes when I don’t use the WebSocket.close() function in the cleanup part of the useEffect hook. The app works fine when ...
Niebieski_kwiat i_kolce's user avatar
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In Angular (Uncaught (in promise) Error: Access to storage is not allowed from this context.)

How To fix this error on the browser is error is on client they said the error is Cors related on my main.ts main.ts import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core'; import { AppModule } from './app.module'...
dox Lebumfacil's user avatar
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Weird Redis timeout

I'm having a weird Redis cache timeout on a client. Why weird? It's because the application (a REST service) is running 2 instances on 2 identical VMs thru a load balancer. One box never has any Redis ...
Sergey Or's user avatar
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Looking for Advice on My Auth API Flow Design

I’m working on setting up an authentication flow that involves multiple endpoints called by another API to handle login and password reset processes. I need to consolidate these steps into a coherent ...
xDrMaLeK's user avatar
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Aerospike client not adhering to connectionQueueSize

We have a Go application running in a highly concurrent environment. We do several aerospike reads for every single request, by spawning multiple goroutines . Currently we are facing this issue where ...
dhamu's user avatar
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Python Socket - server.bind(ADDR) OSError: [WinError 10048] Normally only one use of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is allowed [duplicate]

I'm trying to connect two different python files by using "socket". To let pass data from the client file to the server one, after I run on vs the server I have to run it as well on the cdm; ...
Andrea Lucarelli's user avatar
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Problem with client and server operation on ZeroMQ pattern ROUTER-DEALER

I want to make a connection between the client and the server in my C++ application in Linux. On the client, I use a DEALER socket. On the server, I use proxies and workers to asynchronously process ...
Natal04ka's user avatar
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How to request access token for Microsoft Graph API in .NET Core application?

I'm trying to create a quick, simple Teams channel demo app, but am stuck trying to figure out the Graph API. I'm able to test the available endpoints through the Graph Explorer in the browser. I have ...
josephwj's user avatar
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firebase redirect in chrome extension

I have developed an extension where I want when user signs up, an email is sent to him. And once verified they're then redirected to the home page. I'm using onAuthStateChanged to handle it, but it's ...
Syed Abdullah Ali's user avatar
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Would it make sense performance wise to use workerpool for websocket client to parse incomming messages?

Iam trying to understand how to make node ws client more performant and I have come across worker threads and workerpool. The use case is to parse incomming messages (done in the worker) and pass the ...
Lmfao's user avatar
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How to connect telegram with session and json file (pyrogram)?

I have .session ang .json file for telegram account, but when I starts script, it gives sqlite3.OperationalError: no such column: number err import asyncio from pyrogram import Client import json from ...
EL_Pablo's user avatar
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Queries on oauth2.0 flows

I’ve looked into various sources to understand OAuth 2.0 flows, but I’d like clarification on a couple of points: The resource owner is responsible for granting the client access to resources. How ...
Anirudha Kundu's user avatar
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How can I persuade a remote server's timitity to output it's sound to the client?

Running timidity on a server, playing sound on the client. I have written a program in C to help with music practice. The program makes system calls like: timidity -T %d -A90 %s/%s.midi >/dev/null ...
tangent's user avatar
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Blazor Web App NavigationManager in Client -> Exception_WasThrown

I was creating a Blazor Web App using VS2022. Here is the project overview: When using the NavigationManager in the code section of the Client project I get an Exception_WasThrown error: Here is the ...
Toni Turek's user avatar
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Using WithQuery API In NativeQueryBuilder Of Elastic Search

With the previous version of spring data elastic search and RestHighLevelClient i was able to use the BoolQueryBuilder with NativeSearchQuery and NativeSearchQueryBuilder as shown below ...
GANESHAN RAMAN's user avatar
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Regenerate access tokens through refresh token rotation in Next.js between site-changes

So I've implemented refresh-token-rotation with jwt. This works great for api-calls, since when ever I return 401 instead of the data, I can just make the client call the api endpoint to refresh the ...
Georg's user avatar
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How to use server components in Client components Nextjs

I am trying to call the signup function defined my actions.ts (a server action) from a form on client side but I face the same error: You're importing a component that needs next/headers. That only ...
darel noutsa's user avatar
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ApacheConnectorProvider : Jersey Client using proxy failf with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/auth/Credentials

I'm tryng to use Jersey to build a client and it works. But I'm not able to connect via a proxy server. I have tried to use sugestion found in ApacheConnectorProvider : Jersey Client 2.5.1 but I get ...
Ivano Luberti's user avatar
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Running Kivy app and client concurrently with asyncio

I have no asynchronous knowledge and very little experience with kivy. What I am attempting to do here is a card game (Phase 10) with a Kivy GUI asyncio Server/Client communication Here is the ...
Corey Magick's user avatar
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Azure VPN Client version disconnects with following error: "Your authentication with Microsoft Entra is expired"

If you are using the Azure VPN Client on windows with the Microsoft Entra ID authentication and getting connection disconnected with following error: Your authentication with Microsoft Entra is ...
Srikanth Sangani's user avatar
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Reading stored response from file in IntelliJ's http-client

I'm using IntelliJ's Http Client plugin to send requests that use OAuth2. If I create a request for the token, I can then use the response to authenticate subsequent requests: ### POST http://...
Motti's user avatar
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Vite App Build doesn't work with changing K8s Configmap

I recently deployed a new Vite image from my dev envrionment to my prod envrionment and noticed that the client didn't work because it was still using the envrionment variables from dev, even when ...
Pepper's user avatar
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I have an issue where a script made for creating a virtual player works but also doesn't work

I'm having trouble with a Java program that attempts to connect to a Minecraft server and send a chat message. The script encounters errors when the server is not running, but it works without issues ...
user334919's user avatar
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apollo client failed to fetch but simple fetch from the same url works

i am trying to implement a graphql client / server in my private lan. i am using apolloclient 3 and apollo server 3. for some reason the client fails to query the server. a simple fetch from the same ...
Ralf Bokelberg's user avatar
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How to Implement Efficient Data Fetching between Client, API, and Database?

Recently, a client asked me to add a chart to the dashboard of one of their systems. The problem is that the dashboard was already huge, with several charts and tables, and it took forever to load. ...
Breno Pimentel da Silva's user avatar
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Python post request with json body to Spring Boot server gets redirected to login page

I am using a Python client to submit a post request to a Spring Boot application server. Instead of executing the controller method that has been mapped to the url, the server appears to redirect the ...
ManishM's user avatar
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How to send GA4 Client id in shopify with orders

We have shopify website, we are sending transaction id with every purchase in GA4 and as well as in shopify. now we want client id as well in shopify on every orders. This is possible? if yes then if ...
Insights Analytics's user avatar
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Android app client can't connect to my server

I created a client and a server to train my self with POST request. That was in java windows program, and I had no problem, it was fully functional. Now I m trying to create an android version to have ...
Alberto Palladipelo's user avatar
-1 votes
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Mocking RestClient using Mockito

I have a RestClient such as below: String result = -> httpHeaders.setBasicAuth(id,pwd)) .contentType(MediaType....
Nit's user avatar
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Sitecore - not able to send data from client side JS to C# backend

I have a requirement to build a custom dialog box in sitecore. I am facing an issue on OK button click where I need to send the user inputs to backend. In the client side JS i am using the below. ...
Debmalya Ghosh's user avatar
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Methods to add role attributes to tokens in Keycloak

I'm using Keycloak version 25.0.4. I created roles for Clients and added Attributes as key-value pairs to those roles. However, in the token, only the roles are passed as an array, and the Attribute ...
Juhui Kim's user avatar
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Laravel Pulse with GuzzleHttp/Client and custom base_uri

I'm trying to add laravel-pulse-guzzle-recorder to my Laravel Pulse, to record Slow Outgoing Requests when using a GuzzleHttp/Client instead of the builtin Http facade. Docs say you need that the ...
Vito Meuli's user avatar
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In Google Earth Engine get an attribute value from a Feature Collection to use it later

I am working with a Feature Collection in Google Earth Engine (GEE) to extract attribute values that will be used as parameter values in subsequent processes. Essentially, I'm using the Feature ...
Isa's user avatar
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Android, node.js as server, android as client

here is a nodejs server code snippet that works fine : const express = require("express") const { createServer } = require("node:http") const { Server } = require("
Gilles's user avatar
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Hosting client react app with npm start equivalent to server side rendering?

I'm figuring out how to host a React, Node and Express app. If I take the react client that I've got and run npm start on AWS Lightsail, is that considered server side rendering, and would it be a ...
JobHunter69's user avatar
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Iterating and Counting Records in Milvus Collection without Double Connection

I am trying to iterate through all records in my collection, so here is the code I attempted: source_collection = Collection(source["collection"], using="source") iterator = ...
Trevor Miller's user avatar
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How to design and Implement dynamic components in .NET Form apps?

In here I need get all products from the API and how to loop products..this products component is groupbox in .NET forms. when user click add btn need to add that product to right side groupBox panel. ...
Dulshan DevOps's user avatar
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Getting IOException - "The semaphore timeout period has expired" while using Apache Mina SshClient

We are using Apache Mina to connect to an RHEL server, and intermittently we are getting IOException - "The semaphore timeout period has expired" while using Apache Mina SshClient. This ...
Raghavendran Venkataramanarao's user avatar
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Client Application throws IBM.WMQ.MQQueueManager throws an exception

When I try to connect to WebSphere MQ Server using C# Application, I encounter the exception: "The type initializer for 'IBM.WMQ.MQQueueManager' threw an exception." I have added reference ...
dita's user avatar
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keycloak user storage SPI by client

In a keycloak, I recently set up keycloak User storage SPI. My need was to connect a specific client on keycloak to an external database that I maintain. This works very well. The problem I encounter ...
Beaugrand Charly's user avatar
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Client communicate with the server using localhost:PORT

I have a small question: Is it possible for the client to communicate with the server using localhost? I'm trying to do that so to prevent the users from directly accessing the service and use it for ...
LunaTech's user avatar

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