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Rails 7 toastr using importmaps

Im trying to use toastr to display a message. Im using rails 7 but Im unsure if i have it imported and implemented correctly import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"; import { ...
gydevguy's user avatar
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toastr js CSS disable background-color on Rails project

When I call toastr.error or the others (info, success...) the background-color is not respect (or it is disabled). It is "forced" to white. Show the inspect image bellow to understand (I ...
Christiano Matos's user avatar
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Toastr notifications not rendering in Rails web app

I'm beginning with Rails and I want to display error messages in my webapplication with Toastr but it doesn't render. I probably missed something or the tutorial that I am following is deprecated ...
userHG's user avatar
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Toasts notifications not displaying on rails

Im trying to add toast messages on login/logout, but i get no toast. Thank u for any advice! gemfile gem 'devise' gem 'toastr-rails' app\javascript\packs\application.js require("@rails/ujs").start(...
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How do you add toastr-rails gem to Rails 6 project?

I am trying to add the toastr gem to my Rails 6 project. I also have the devise gem installed. I do not understand webpacker and how to make toastr-rails webpacker friendly. I have read all the ...
David Lee's user avatar
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How do I pass Rails5 flash notification to toastr in a form_for with remote: true without reloading the page?

I am building a basic CRUD app and I have a form_for that is set up for ajax with remote: true. The form works, as do the notifications, but I can't get it integrate with toastr. Essentially, this is ...
mochimantis's user avatar
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Rails: undefined local variable or method `resource' Toastr Rails

I wanted to add toastr-rails to my application and now I'm getting the following error. undefined local variable or method `resource' for #<#:0x854eb18> In the first application everything ...
klasarn's user avatar
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rails-toastr: add a close button

I'm using the rails-toastr gem (Rails and I want to add a close button to the toasters. I followed the instructions and added links to toastr.css and toastr.js in application.html.erb. Then ...
Simon's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I customize the look of the notifications - toastr-rails

I'm trying customize the position of the toast. I tried do that, but it doesn't works: applications.js //= require jquery //= require toastr //= require jquery_ujs //= require ...
S_A's user avatar
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Toastr message rendering issue

I am having difficulty getting Toastr to work within my application. Right now I have the following code that I wrote so that Toastr error messages would occur if a user did not input the correct ...
Jbur43's user avatar
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Rails 4 - Toaster notifications rather than flash notifications

I am using this library, ( and I am trying to push my Flash notifications to the javascript function Toastr has provided for me. How do I call this function for ...
Rizowski's user avatar
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