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On IdentityDbContext vs AspNetSqlMembershipProvider: How to solve coexistence of webforms and web api technologies?

Being quite new to ASP.NET Core and Web API (Microsoft solution), I need to use the authentication and authorization for the Web API where the users and roles are maintained using the older ASP.NET ...
pepr's user avatar
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non-firing onkeyup function [closed]

I have some javascript in my ASP.NET HTML who's purpose is to fire a command whenever the Enter key is pressed in a related TextBox. <asp:TextBox ID="txtFind" Style="z-index: 103; ...
jp2code's user avatar
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Crystal Reports and how to handle it in .Net 8

I have a webforms project with quite a number of designed crystal reports. I have used slicing to slice the project up and move majority of the Logic to class libraries to make the migration easier. I ...
Tonto's user avatar
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Javascript does not open to the size I pass in

We have a security screen that opens a popup dialog box using a new custom script showWin that I wrote. The security screen: Private Sub SecCheck() Dim sScreenName As String = String.Format("{...
jp2code's user avatar
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Whatever happened to GridViews?

I used C# and ASP.NET Webforms for years. I've been working mainly with Winforms for a company and now am coming back to the web world. One of my most useful objects was the gridview. I could connect ...
boilers222's user avatar
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With telerik:RadWizard in RadMultiPage large ViewState causes RadGrid refresh ViewState exception

For a version 7.3 of C#, ASP.Net Web Form app with .Net Framework 4.6.2 I have an ASPX with an ascx loaded with LoadControl On the ascx, I have <telerik:RadMultiPage <telerik:RadPageView 1 ...
Robert Achmann's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I use OnBubbleEvent and RaiseBubbleEvent in ASP.NET?

Microsoft has Control.RaiseBubbleEvent to handle the Control.OnBubbleEvent method. I have the following VB.NET code in the same ASP.NET WebForm: <System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(...
jp2code's user avatar
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Refresh ASP.NET page from another ASP.NET page in Code Behind

We have an ASP.NET WebForms site. Page 1 (Main) has a form with several fields. A menu option on Page 1 (Main) opens a login dialog called Page 2 (Login). Once Page 2 (Login) authenticates, it stays ...
jp2code's user avatar
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Modal Not Displaying When Button Is Clicked in ASP.NET Web Forms

I am working on an ASP.NET Web Forms application where I have a GridView and a button for each row that should open a modal when clicked. However, the modal is not opening when I click the edit button....
Ahmed Babader's user avatar
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Function set td text in <%if statement%> always be called

I want to use C# function to set text in dataRepeater and use if statement in aspx page. <asp:Repeater ID="dataRepeater" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> &...
Ansel Liou's user avatar
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How do I find out what is causing Edge Developer Tools to be BLANK on the company ASP.NET WebForms website?

We have an old ASP.NET WebForms site that currently only runs in Microsoft Edge because of the way hundreds of links open in popup windows. It needs to be rewritten, but that is our long-term project ...
jp2code's user avatar
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How do I get the the value of an ASP.NET hiddenfield in a typescript file

Here is the control on the aspx page: <asp:HiddenField ID="hdnGOfromLocalStorage" runat="server" Value="-1" /> Here is the code that is not working in Typescript: ...
Roto's user avatar
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OnItemCommand not firing from nested DataList

I have 3 nested DataLists data being loaded from SQL query for each. DataList1_ItemCommand is working properly but DataList2_ItemCommand is not even firing. protected void DataList1_ItemCommand(Object ...
NMV's user avatar
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how to raise <asp:CustomValidator> OnServerValidate event on key press only?

After doing many searches I didn't find any reference to raise <asp:CustomValidator> OnServerValidate event on keypress only. For example press 'Enter'. I found that I must set CausesValidation =...
Software Memo's user avatar
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How to add spinner to while processing

I am using Web forms I have users register into my page once they registered a 3rd pty code updates the database which can take between 1 sec and few minutes I want to add a rotating spinner ...
asmgx's user avatar
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How to add an item that is not included in the listbox to a listbox in ASP.NET?

I need a control in ASP.NET webforms. When the user writes a text in this control and clicks enter, the relevant text should be selected and appear in the control. In this context, I tried Listbox, ...
Bumda's user avatar
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In an ASP.NET web forms project (.NET Framework) how do I simply concatenate scripts together, preferably also minify them, and do this at build time?

I have an ASP.NET Web Application and a bunch of legacy scripts that are being bundled together using the Visual Studio "Bundler & Minifier" extension. These are just creating library ...
Alan Waiss's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core 8.0 MVC : file download based on page's model and form

I've found various bits here and there on how to accomplish this but I hadn't found anything that put it all together. I have two questions here: Is there a better way to accomplish this? I don't ...
Rob K.'s user avatar
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How do I add a row in Entity Framework?

The theory seems to be to add an empty record to the Entity Framework Data Table, DataBind that DataSource to the GridView control, and Edit the Index of that newly inserted record: Private Const ...
jp2code's user avatar
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Telerik RadGrid showing GridExpandColumn with list of domain entities

I am using a Telerik RadGrid to display a list of domain entities. A column is implicitly being added (no column header, shows twisty/arrow icon that does nothing). I believe this column is a "...
jmoreno's user avatar
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How to display a success or failure message after an AJAX call in an ASP.NET webforms app

I am working on an ASP.NET webforms project written in VB.Net. I want to call a web method in the code behind using Ajax. The button click event correctly calls the code behind method. However after ...
Massey's user avatar
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How to register async method in ASP.NET WebForms project deployed to Azure Web App?

I'm trying to implement an async call in an ASP.NET WebForms page. I can do this by either registering the async method: RegisterAsyncTask(new PageAsyncTask()) or adding async to page load: protected ...
StronglyTyped's user avatar
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Filtering the specified records in Webforms

Problem: I'm working on an ASP.NET WebForms application where I need to filter records in a DataTable based on a date range. The date range is selected using FromMonth, ToMonth, FromYear, and ToYear ...
Mangala's user avatar
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facing issue during isntall the shopify app

I am using C# webform, and developing Shopify embedded app code for installation and authorization.  I have created the Install and Auth (redirect callback) in ApiController. When I was using ...
Naveen's user avatar
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How do I replace System.Web.UI.Page RegisterStartupScript?

I've got old code that I am working on, and I'd like to replace some depreciated methods like this one: Public Shared Sub cmnCloseForm(ByRef pgTemp As System.Web.UI.Page, Optional ByVal sMsg$ = &...
jp2code's user avatar
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Page is loading twice when using Google translator in Asp .net Webform

whene refeshing the page, page is being loading twice I have tried this: function googleTranslateElementInit() { new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en',includedLanguages: "en,...
Arsh's user avatar
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Search Box in GridView ASP.NET

I’m working on an ASP.NET WebForms application where I want to add a search box on top of each column header in a grid. The search box is supposed to filter the grid data based on user input. Here’s ...
Mangala's user avatar
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How to prevent two separate web apps from sharing the same session state

I have 2 separate ASP.NET web apps, when I run them locally from Visual Studio or from a remote IIS server where they are deployed, they always use the same session state although I use separate ...
Ben Daouda's user avatar
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Save asp:Image ImageUrl as byte[]? to SQL Server database VARBINARY(MAX)

I have a page that displays an ASP:Image using C#. Once the image is displayed, how do I update the database, saving the ASP:Image into a VARBINARY(MAX) column in my SQL Server table? For example, if ...
Michael Wood's user avatar
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Could not load file or assembly System.Runtime.Extensions

I've tried reinstalling the package from nuget (mutiple versions) I've tried reinstalling visual studio 2022 The Project is running on .net 4.7.2. I tried switching to .net 4.8 I've also tried adding ...
boruchsiper's user avatar
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Enter Key with Two Login Controls

I'm updating the upload and download parts of an ASP classic website whose main page (that I'm NOT updating) has an "Upload / Download" link that brings the user to a page with two login ...
Ken Krugh's user avatar
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Dynamic ComboBox with C# and ASPX ASP.NET Web Forms (ASPxDataEditors)

I am trying to create dynamic ComboBoxes, and the following code works for me: private void controlCreateCmbT(string idcomp, string caption, List<dynamic> columns) { var controlInfoCmbT = ...
Eric Reyes's user avatar
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Latest version of bootstrap not rendering modal dialog in Visual Studio 2022

I have upgraded from Visual Studio 2019 to Visual Studio 2022. I work on ASP.NET .NET Framework Webform based web applications. When I upgraded to Visual Studio 2022, I was warned that the current ...
user115553's user avatar
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A registered service is null in a nested user control

I have a couple of nested usercontrols, and in the innermost one, I'm getting a null ref on a service method. The service is registered, so I think it should be available. I've included a sample of my ...
M Kenyon II's user avatar
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@Html.TextBoxFor with @Value

I am in the process of learning some ASP.NET and now I have a problem that is not helping me despite intensive searching... I have a view in which I generate a textbox (See My View): Basically, no ...
El Bee's user avatar
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Strange behavior of OnClientClick in ASP.NET webForm [duplicate]

I'm dealing with a large ASP.NET project (Web From, Framework 4.6). The issue is when user click on a button , button should show as disabled immediately and after a lengthily calculation is done ...
S Nash's user avatar
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EventListener not being removed

I've got some Javascript that works fine on the first load, but isn't working on Postback. After doing some reading, it seems like I need to remove the EventListeners and rebind them. So I've got ...
Johnny Bones's user avatar
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Unable to implement forms authentication in ASP.NET webforms on .NET 4.8

Here is my web.config: <system.web> <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.8" /> <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.8" /> <pages> ...
Shaharukh Pathan's user avatar
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.aspx files not seeing codebehind class members (webforms)

We recently upgrade our old webforms code base to .NET Framework 4.8. All .aspx files, .aspx.cs files and aspx.cs.designer files were properly configured. Problem is we now have compile errors for ...
le_rsoft's user avatar
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ScriptManager not calling Js function

I have a server control page where the input is entered and when button is clicked I want to trigger function in .aspx and again continue the C# code written below the script manager. Now the thing is ...
Ronish's user avatar
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ASP.NET : why is the dynamic delete button not working the first time?

I have a dynamically added delete button on my page, and it's working only after the second click, not on the first. After the page is loaded, when I'm trying to delete a user on the first click, it ...
lingar's user avatar
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My C# button not doing anything when clicked on?

I have a table of venues for an webforms website I am creating. At the end of each row of the table I put a button labeled Book. When I click on the button it should send me to the page on the ...
Harrison's user avatar
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How to give CSS or bootstrap class to Modal Popup Extender in ASP .NET Webforms

I am working on a web project using the Dashbyte template, and I am encountering an issue with modals. While the modal itself is working correctly, none of the custom or Bootstrap classes I apply are ...
Daniyal's user avatar
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Default page set in web.config is not captured by IIS website

I am trying to take an existing copy of a IIS website folder, put in a new folder and run a new site from IIS. But the default page set in web.config file is not picked up by IIS... When I type the ...
sm101's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2022 ASP.NET : how to set the cursor position in a TextBox when it has focus?

I'm using Visual Studio 2022 and an ASP.NET webforms app. I have a textbox linked to a ajaxToolkit:MaskedEditExtender. If the user tabs from the previous control to the Text Box, and the textbox is ...
Yuppski's user avatar
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ASP.NET webforms on .NET 4.8 with Web API : authentication issue - 401 Unauthorized error

I work on a old legacy ASP.NET web forms application on .NET 4.8, which includes a Web API. The web form application uses Windows authentication, but the API must be accessible by any kind of client. ...
PereVerti's user avatar
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Why does my ASP.NET page return HttpException 0x80004005 for all buttons but one?

I have created a ASP.NET page which populates a table on every page load. The table contains properties for a report and the properties are grouped together. Every property has a button which is ...
Peter Häggmyr's user avatar
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Can i use .NET Framework with docker on Linux?

I've recently started working on an existing project built with ASP.NET Framework 4.8.1 WebForms. However, my development environment is Ubuntu Linux, which doesn't natively support ASP.NET Framework ...
Breno Pimentel da Silva's user avatar
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How do you return empty field for time in the side

I can do this for a date Text= '<%# Convert.ToDateTime(Eval("AddDate")) != Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/0001") ? Convert.ToDateTime(Eval("AddDate")).ToString("MM/dd/...
ghostfly's user avatar
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How to stop caching for a webforms website page

I have an internal website that we use for device status lookups. And on this webpage we start at a search screen that looks like the following Once a user searches by a type it pulls info that ...
user24621771's user avatar

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