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How can I round window corners smoothly with C and Xlib?

I have tried to use XCreatePixmap/XFillArc/XFillRectangle/XShapeCombineMask to round corners but it seems can not make pixmap mask smoothly. For details of the unsmooth renderings, please see: https://...
gsm's user avatar
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Transparent background and rounded corners css [duplicate]

Please tell me how to solve this problem: the block has a nested block in the upper left corner. I need the space between the nested block and the main block to be transparent, and all the corners of ...
Julia Faizova's user avatar
1 vote
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Corner radius displays correctly in XML layout but doesn't work on the device

I'm trying to apply corner radius to a MaterialCardView . The corner radius displays correctly in the XML layout editor, but when I run it on an emulator or a physical device, it doesn’t seem to take ...
Player91's user avatar
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Text backdrop by ass formatting

I want to add box behind a word using ass subtitles formatting. The box should have border radius. the ass file later will be used by ffmpeg. I have tried the BorderStyle=3 form stack ansers 1, 2 both ...
Armen Sanoyan's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make a barplot with rounded corners in R

I have this dataset: df <- data.frame(category = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"), value = c(10, 20, 15, 30, 25)) I want to create a barplot with ...
adircinho's user avatar
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Attributed string with background rounded corner in iOS Swift

enter image description here I have two textView one is attributed string and other is html string so I want add background inside the span tag for elements and used this as attributed sting. ...
Sharukh Khan's user avatar
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WPF Rounded Window Contents issue

I have a custom window design which I use. It has rounded corners which can cause issues when I add other controls into the window. Window style definition: <Style x:Key="Authentication_Window&...
Richard Gale's user avatar
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I'm trying to create a rounded windows without title bar, but the windows corners are always sharp

I'm currently working on a PyQt5 application where I have a translucent widget with rounded corners inside a translucent window. However, despite setting the border-radius property for the widget, the ...
Sudharsan R's user avatar
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How to calculate sharp corners for polygons with rounded corners?

Basically this question, but in reverse: How to calculate rounded corners for a polygon? I have (at least) a polygon made up of edges which has round corners in it and I would like to completely ...
user362461's user avatar
-1 votes
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CSS - Box with Slanted and Rounded Corners

I am currently working on a Web Project and am facing some issue related to CSS. I need help with finding a Solution (responsive) for the interface elements that I am pasting below. I have gone ...
Waqar Ahmed's user avatar
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Custom rounded button using win32

I want to create a custom button using Win32. After searching, I found a group of methods, including using BS_OWNERDRAW, and I got the desired result and this is when the button is rectangular, but ...
stepic Game's user avatar
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How to get RoundedCorners to work with latest Android

My phone (a Samsung Galaxy S21) has rounded corners on its display screen. I want to add padding to my View so that some text doesn't get cut off by the rounded corners. I was using this code, which ...
Richard Parkins's user avatar
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How to make half rounded border?

I have a RoundPanel class that extends JPanel and provides a rounded appearance. JPanel user_icon = new RoundPanel(8); user_icon.setBackground(Color.decode("#363b41")); user_icon.setBorder(...
Mohamed Gharib's user avatar
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Rounded corners on div have background-image CSS [duplicate]

I want to make a white header with rounded corner over an image like below * { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } body{ background-color: black; // as an image } img { ...
XMehdi01's user avatar
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Rounded side menu bar corner

I'm developing a Qt widget application using C++. In my main window I have a QGridLayout that contains 3 main widgets: a header on top, a side menu on the left and a body on the right. I mainly use ...
Sébastien B.'s user avatar
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IOS corner smoothing in python

I am working on a project that involves video frame manipulation, and one of the requirements is to add smooth rounded corners to the frames. I did some research on how to add rounded corners to ...
Aviato's user avatar
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iOS Round corner of button

I've been out of pocket for 11 months because of a health glitch. Did I read somewhere that I can specify a corner by selecting "Large, "Medium," or "Small"? I know how to do ...
rattletrap99's user avatar
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How can I make 4 curved corner borders in CSS? [duplicate]

example picture I've got four summary section and they all have four small curved corner borders which I haven't been able to do it. I was able to make two corners with after and before pseudo ...
Adri Vasarhelyi's user avatar
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Setting a Corner Radius on a NavigationStack: Unresponsive Content View Areas in SwiftUI

I attempted to apply a cornerRadius to the NavigationStack, but as a result, the touch area became restricted to the initial view position. In simpler terms, if the slider is closed, you cannot open ...
Amirca's user avatar
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How to put rounded corners on a MUI X charts Bar chart?

I have created a chart using MUI X barchart, import { BarChart } from '@mui/x-charts/BarChart'; import { ThemeProvider, createTheme, useTheme } from '@mui/material/styles'; and I want to give the ...
Maria's user avatar
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2 answers

MaterialCardView rounded corner only from top

I simply want to make my bottomSheetDialog round from top right and top left only. I want to have my bottomSheetDialog rounded from top corner but straight from below.. I. have tried multiple ways to ...
Taimoor Khan's user avatar
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TabBar Customisation in SwiftUI

I want to customize the tab bar like the curved rectangle in the center but all i am able to do is added one image in the center. the border should come below the circle, tried so many ways but it ...
Aruna's user avatar
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How to set rounded border using java?

Need to set custom rounded border JPanel called "user_icon" and "lock_icon" need to make it 4px rounded/radius on top-left and bottom-left only which means the top and bottom on ...
user22399010's user avatar
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Maximum possible for corner radius of a view in ConstraintLayout

Is there a standard way to set the corner radius of CardView and TextView to the maximum possible value in ConstraintLayout? Suppose I have two horizontal guidelines H10 (10%) and H24 (24%) and I've ...
user21193451's user avatar
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CSS partial border with rounded caps

I am trying to create a rectangle with partial borders with rounded caps. Like the image below: I have come this far to remove a part of the border. But I can't think of an easy way to get the result ...
m-sarabi's user avatar
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How do i make a good pill/rounded button in WinForms C# 2022?

Today I wanted to change the UI style of the WinForms app, I want to make round curved buttons but I cant find code that works properly. I have been searching for ~20 minutes and cant find anything ...
GalaxyGaming2000's user avatar
-2 votes
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CSS - I would like to implement round (inverse) corner for texts [closed]

I often see the design with the rounded corners. But I haven't seen a live version yet. I would like to implement this myself but except before/after with inverse-border-radius I have no idea for the ...
Benjamin Seifert's user avatar
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How can I round the corners of an image attachment displayed in a UITextView using Swift?

I am writing on this forum to receive help, I am writing an app on Swift for iPhone and I have created a textview to present some information to end user BUT I have included a picture as an attachment ...
Hernanccito's user avatar
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Border-radius doesn't round the borders of my table but the background color

I'm trying to create a table with rounded corners. But instead of the corners it is the background color that is rounded. Here is what the table looks like for me (in Firefox 112.0.2): And here is ...
user avatar
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How can I smooth jagged RoundedCornerShape in Jetpack Compose?

I'm trying to round off the top two corners of a Box, and keep the bottom two corners rectangular. If I use RoundedCornerShape(topStart = 8.dp, topEnd = 8.dp, bottomStart = 8.dp, bottomEnd = 8.dp) or ...
Kian's user avatar
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Tailwind tooltip rounded arrow

I am trying to make a tooltip using TailwindCss but I am facing a problem as I am not very good with border manipulation Example of how I want it to look: I am able to round the tip of the arrow by ...
Vlad Dutan's user avatar
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How to get rid of left rounded corners in landscape mode on Android on some devices

In my app I would like to have no rounded corners in landscape mode. I don't want to use the notch area (on the left). I use AppCompactActivity with Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar theme. XML layout ...
FiveDragons's user avatar
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qml rectangle with customized rounded borders

So there was need of qml rectangle with customized rounded corners. I ended up crating one with shapes, pathLines, pathArcs and bit of math. Somehow my arcs/rounded corners are not sharp/fine as ...
codemaths's user avatar
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I need combobox style with rounded borders

I want to ask how to make rounded corners for wpf combobox and how to set custom background for the items and how to change the drop down icon shap something like photo I tried to put border but it ...
Hiba HL's user avatar
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Android Studio: Rounded corner for camera preview

This is my first time posting here. I would like to ask if you have an idea how to make the layout of the camera view finder like with Instagram or BeReal (with rounded edges). Attached below is the ...
Borealis's user avatar
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Round corner swiftui

Hi I have a question how do I round the edges of the Suggest view present in this swiftui ui? import SwiftUI struct Topbar: View { var body: some View { ZStack(alignment: .trailing) { ...
riki's user avatar
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Imagview inside cardview not working rounded corner in emulator but works in xml preview

How can I fix this? Imageview rounded corner perfectly works in preview but in emulator and physical device there is no rounded corner effect. Preview window XML Emulator That is my code. <...
Kyaw Zin's user avatar
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Android Studio shape xml file - no transparency in the background

My xml file is as follows : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape xmlns:android="" android:shape="...
Yusuf Yazır's user avatar
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Rounded corners in svg [duplicate]

I am trying to create a triangle (polygon element) using svg. Is it possible to give it a rounded corners? I am thinking about using the same option as in this case (
zosia's user avatar
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UIBezierPath rounded corner becoming circular

I am facing a weird issue. I don't know if I am making some mistake or it is a fault with UIBezierPath. I want to have corner radius of UIBezierPath around 40 percent of width or height, but the issue ...
Danyal Naveed's user avatar
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Card view doesn't make corner radius

I have dialog fragment and i set my custom view to it. I want to make it with round corners and im using CardView for it, but the shape of dialog is still rectangle. Here is my view: <?xml version=...
dobriy denyok's user avatar
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The rounded corners of the images inside a card don't look right

I have multiple cards with images inside those cards. I want the images to have rounded corners. The code kind of worked but the rounded corners don't look right. For the images, I'm just using the ...
br1saturno's user avatar
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Make child view respect parent layout round corners

I have a layout with round corners who has a child without corners inside that can be move. When this child is in a side it doesn't respect the round corners of the parent. So this is what I want to ...
Iban Arriola's user avatar
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HTML CSS Table with rounded corners

I have little problem with my table. It is stylized by classes. One for TABLE that makes rounded corners and changes background to grey. The other is to make rest of the table white and I assign it to ...
kaodeer's user avatar
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How to rounded every tr in table

I have this code but I can't round every <tr> in a table or in the child table. I'm a backend developer and I have some basic knowledge of HTML, and CSS. My code result: The intended result: ...
md.119's user avatar
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Rounded corners in subtitle (Advanced Substation Alpha [.ass])

Is it possible to have rounded corners with the BorderStyle 4 in .ass (Advanced Substation Alpha)? I only found out that the BorderStyle 4 exists, because I was looking at this stackoverflow. Is there ...
Leander Mihm's user avatar
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How to change corner radius of a context menu preview?

I am using a UIViewController as a preview view for the context menu for my table cells. I don't see a way to change the corner radius of the standard blurred background that appears behind my view. ...
Grant Oganyan's user avatar
-1 votes
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border-radius is only rounding one corner

the border-radius css command doesn't seem to be working on all corners. html: <img style="object-position: -200px -100px;" id="wlimage" <!--this is the image giving ...
9Limes's user avatar
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Swift: Get n numbers of points around a rounded rect / squircle with angle

I’m searching for a method that returns a CGPoint and Angle for each of n items around a rounded rect / squircle (I’m aware those shapes are different but suspect they don’t make a relevant visual ...
ixany's user avatar
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Material Cardview - rounded corner of TabLayout not getting clipped

When I'm putting my TabLayout inside MaterialCardView to make TabLayout rounder but I'm not getting desired result <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <androidx....
Sachin Gurnani's user avatar

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