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Clipping a moving Rectangle within the bounds of a rounded Rectangle in QML

I am creating a custom style in QML and would like to have an indeterminate progress bar that looks like this, a rounded background with a rounded bar on the inside that moves from left to right. The ...
eejakobowski's user avatar
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Round Corners of UIContexualAction

I am trying to round corners of UIContexualAction like in photo. Is there ways i can do it without any frameworks? result i want to see I know that here was some questions like this but answers there ...
Айдос Куатбек's user avatar
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label text cropped with border with CornerRadius setted maui

when I set a CornerRadius in a Border the Label that is the Content of the Border is being cropped. This only happens when i run the program in windows, adroid works fine, ios I don't know. <Grid ...
Steven's user avatar
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SwiftUI Chart corner radius

I am trying to apply a corner radius to a horizontal 1D sectioned chart. The best I have achieved is top and bottom trailing having a corner radius. I have also tried using clip shape but I have the ...
jat's user avatar
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Maximum possible for corner radius of a view in ConstraintLayout

Is there a standard way to set the corner radius of CardView and TextView to the maximum possible value in ConstraintLayout? Suppose I have two horizontal guidelines H10 (10%) and H24 (24%) and I've ...
user21193451's user avatar
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Rounded Rectangle in tkinter that I can fill inside and change the color from until border

Ok, I will try to explain better. I need to use Canvas from tkinter to create a rounded rectangle. I need too a way that I can change the color from tha forth borders with a tuple, fill inside this ...
DazzRick's user avatar
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How to create a View where circular profile image is split between two views, where second view has only top right, top left corner radius in swiftUI

I'm learning SwiftUI, and my Profile Screen requires a view similarly shown in this image: I have managed to set background ...
SwiftNewbie's user avatar
-2 votes
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Changing the checkbox square box from square to rounded with WPF

I have successfully created the rounded corner for the checkbox, right now I have issues connecting the control template with other checkboxes, is there anyway to connect the control template to the ...
Lim's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Shadow and Corner Radius at the same time doesn't show in swift

I have a CameraView which has two button 1.takePictureButton 2.recordVideoButton. I want to add corner radius and shadow in the CameraView. So I add a innerView and add it as subview of CameraView. In ...
T33's user avatar
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DropShadowEffect and CornerRadius Problem in WPF

I have an Window in which I want to apply drop shadow effect alongside the round corner radius. so far I'm doing something like this: <Grid Margin="10" x:Name="MainGrid"> ...
Inevitable's user avatar
1 vote
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How to provide a cornerRadius to a UIImageView with contentMode set to scaleAspectFit

I have an image which has contentMode set to scaleAspectFit with a cornerRadius but i don't get the rounded corner but when I set the contentMode to scaleAspectFill it works. My question is i still ...
chevi99's user avatar
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cornerRadius does not apply to swipeActions in List rows

I have a list like this: List { ForEach(litters, id: \.id) { litter in LitterView(litter: litter) .confirmationDialog("Are you sure that you want to delete " + litter....
Louis 'LYRO' Dupont's user avatar
-1 votes
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Swiftui put border with different radii and stroke the border

I need to put a .cornerRadius with different radii for each corner around a view with padding and I need to put an outline around that border. Any ideas?
Dan Selig's user avatar
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I want to give cornerRadius to an arc made of UIBezierPath

I made an arc using the UIBezierPath and I'm going to give it cornerRadius Here's my code let shapeLayer = CAShapeLayer() let path = UIBezierPath( arcCenter: CGPoint(x: rect.midX, y: rect.maxY), ...
jmindeveloper's user avatar
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I want to reverse the rounded corner in Android kotlin

I have tried with layerlist but don't know which syntax can help me to implement my desired shape.
Pankaj Sah's user avatar
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CornerRadius doesn't work when fliping UIViewController

My view looks fine before a flip. but when I flip, it looks different than I expected. What should I do to make the corner looks rounded even when I'm flipping it? corner looks bad
MrGarlic's user avatar
-1 votes
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only specific corner radius to UIView with constraint?

snap shot before applying corner radius to some corner i code these to get corner radius extension UIView{ func roundCorners(corners: UIRectCorner, radius: CGFloat) { let path = UIBezierPath(...
heli bhadeshiya's user avatar
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Strange cornerRadius behaviour on UIView from xib

I created a custom Numpad keyboard through xib and wanted to initialize it with a rounded corners. Here is the code I use: import UIKit class NumpadView: UIView { @IBOutlet weak var resetButton: ...
artexhibit's user avatar
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How to set the CornerRadius of a button programmatically [WPF/VB]?

I know how to set the corner radius of a button in XAML. However, I need to set the corner radius of buttons that are created programmatically (dynamic buttons), during runtime. Here's a code example: ...
Omnisciens's user avatar
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How to draw only corner of a square in flutter

I wish to have a similar result at the corners of the image. But I don't find any solution with the Container and the decoration. Do you have a suggestion? Thank you in advance.
Doublon's user avatar
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cornerRadius not working with backgroungTint

I am a beginner in android dev. I am making a calculator in which i want to add round button using corner Radius. the problem is that it is working fine when i donot set background tint as shown below ...
Shlok Jain's user avatar
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How to develop Radius Proxy Service to intercept and route to underline Radius Servers for AAA requests

I am pretty new to this Radius concept. Need some help and ideas on how to handle the below use case and what opensource libs can be helpful. We have many devices that are doing RADIUS MFA with RSA ...
Developer's user avatar
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Add corner radius to view borders Swift

I have a UIView extension with a function that adds borders to specific edges (which I need). On that function, I am also trying to add cornerRadius if the borders are near each other. Here is my ...
poPaTheGuru's user avatar
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Swift UITableViewCell separatorStyle breaking autolayout on iPhone MIni

I have a UITableView which has a UITableViewCell which contains a UIImageView. The constraints are setup such that the UIImageView has padding 20 points at the top and sides, and a size ratio of 1:1, ...
theDuncs's user avatar
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Button Stroke Set Gap In specific position Swiftui

I have added the borders for all sides using code below in SwiftUI. I want to trim stroke a particular position like below. Want to achieve:- Output:- Code:- import SwiftUI struct RoundTrimImage: ...
Sham Dhiman's user avatar
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3 answers

Add a circular image view with corner radius for an image in swiftUI

How can I add a circular view similar to the attachment below. In the attachment, the check is the image icon and I want to add the green background color in circular shape. I have a solution in Swift ...
Tejasree's user avatar
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UIImage with the corner round itself

Due to the auto layout feature, I tried to use UIImage corner radius instead of UIImageView. The corner radius was too thin when the photo was too large, such as 4k x 4k, but when the photo was small, ...
Travgalax's user avatar
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UISwitch has an outline when changing the background color

I've defined a switch as below: self.toggleSwitch.onTintColor = UIColor.redColor; self.toggleSwitch.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellowColor; self.toggleSwitch.layer.cornerRadius = self.toggleSwitch....
Sanich's user avatar
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How to give corner radius in one side to Imageview in swift?

How can I give corner radius in one side to Imageview like zig zag? like in image In this image I want like a large image witch is highlighted in Blue line. If anyone know about this Please help me. ...
Fiaz Hussain's user avatar
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How to show recylerview items behind the bottom navigation view

Hello i have a bottom navigation view which has corner radius from topLeft 30dp and same for the topRight and i have a recylerview which has to be above bottom navigation ,but what i want that still ...
Vasant Raval's user avatar
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CSS Oval String Radius of a Triangle? [duplicate]

i there a way to make the largest string of this triangle an oval string like in the picture? Thanks! #triangle-topleft { width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 50px solid red; ...
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4 answers

Flutter - Quarter round Button

For my Flutter App I want that four buttons together are a circle. Here an Image of what i kinda want. I don't know how to style the corners of a button in flutter. In case of button 1 my idea would ...
F.M.'s user avatar
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SWIFT - Setting layer.cornerRadius greater than the view height causes issues

I actually want to add a corner radius to a view on only one side. The radius is supposed to be of full height. This is my implementation. someView.layer.cornerRadius = someView.frame.size.height ...
Faran Rasheed's user avatar
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how to make a hole area in the bottom corner of the overlay css

I tried to make a hole area in the bottom corner of the overlay like in the image below, but still having trouble. here is an example of the code <div className="container h-screen bg-...
muhfaridzia's user avatar
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Find radius from 3 points

I need to calculate the radius of a corner of a rectangle and the data I have to figure it out with is some points along the curve. Below is picture to illustrate: How do I calculate the radius from ...
HighHopes's user avatar
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Custome drawable Shape android

Anyone know how to make this type of custom shape drawable view in android.
Joker's user avatar
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How to set the same rounded corner to linear layouts?

I'm trying to make a single bar chart using Linear Layout (don't want to use MPAndroidChart or other libraries). This is something i'd like to achieve: So as you can see, the corners have the same ...
Andrei Manolache's user avatar
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Animate maskedCorners in Swift when some corners are always rounded?

I have a rect. Top corners are always rounded. Bottom corners have animation - rounded or not. Previous my solution was to split this rect into top and bottom rects (top one is constant, bottom one is ...
Vyachaslav Gerchicov's user avatar
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CornerRadius is not Displayed

I have set the corner radius to 10. But the image view does not show corner radius. lazy var imageView: UIImageView = { let imageView = UIImageView() imageView....
udi's user avatar
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I have trouble using cornerradius and borders on a textfield in SwiftUI

I have a text field in swiftUI, and in order to make it more appealing I'd like to add a border and have rounded corners. But it doesn't seem to work like it's supposed to (see image). What did I miss?...
Sydney's user avatar
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WPF - Setting corner radius in code behind

I want to bring a some rectangles to my WPF-Pages, these Rectangles should have rounded corners. To bring a few of the rectangles to the page without having to write every single one in xaml I decided ...
VR46_Italia's user avatar
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Round Specific Corners of Stroke/Border SwiftUI

I am working on a SwiftUI project where I need a view to have a border with only some of the corners rounded (for instance, the top left and top right). I added a RoundedRectangle with a stroke and ...
Rosalie W's user avatar
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How can I both add a Style and a Template to a Button?

How can I both add a Style and a Template to a Button? I have a Style with a DataTrigger that sets the background color of the Button to either Gray (if disabled) or Blue (if enabled). I also have a ...
Stout's user avatar
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Round Corners in custom UICollectionViewCell not working in Swift

I have custom UICollectionViewCell and try to round corners for button, which doesn't work. I had the same problem for ViewController and the problem was that I was doing rounding in viewDidLoad ...
Giga Khizanishvili's user avatar
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Clip For GradientDrawable.setCornerRadii not working

I'm trying to create a view with custom radius but facing a problem when using GradientDrawable.setCornerRadii...Line If i use Below code the view clips all the child view inside it public void ...
nikzdevz's user avatar
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Custom UISlider inner bar corner radius issue iOS 14

in my custom UISlider I want to achieve a rounded corner inner bar. I'm using no thumb. it works fine in iOS 13, but in 14 it crashes with error : *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception '...
Iftiquar Ahmed Ove's user avatar
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UIImageView with cornerRadius is incorrectly cropped

I am trying to add cornerRadius to UIImageView which is rectangle with small height (7pt). UIImageView is incorrectly cropped on the right side. The strange thing is that UIImageView is perfectly ...
Danny's user avatar
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UIView frame slightly different when setting corner radius

I am drawing a sequence of UIViews that touch each other's edges. But when I set view.layer.cornerRadius they get slightly out of alignment creating artifacts. Is there some way around this? Minimal ...
Hans's user avatar
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how to remove white space in corners of `AppBarLayout` with rounded background

I want to have toolbar with corner radius in the bottom edges.I create a drawable background for this perpous. But there is a problem.The bottom corner of the toolbar, show withe spaces.I set same ...
maryam's user avatar
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I just created a new android studio app and when i synced it, the following error messages in the image links below appeared. Any solutions?

The following are the images of the 13 errors which are arriving when I am trying to use android studio today. These errors have never occurred before. These are related to something called dialog ...
Ali Muhammad's user avatar

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