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CSS Navbar Media Queries-

im a designer now working as a web dev (taught myself thru YT lol) Working on a navbar for one of my first clients and struggling to make it responsive on smaller devices and scratching my head as to ...
user28774270's user avatar
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3 answers

Responsive CSS Text Frame Decoration

Im Trying to create a paragraph that is inside a two divs and where there is a decoration on each side. I can get this to work with absolute pixel Values but trying to make it responsive with relative ...
360Bits's user avatar
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designing a responsive mobile menu with grid layout

I try to build a responsive mobile menu. My problem is, that I can open the menu, by clicking on the hamburger icon, but the close icon is not doing its job. I think there might be a conflict between ...
Melle's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I know if a widget fits into my layout?

Lets say I have a complex widget build of a widget tree which takes up some space. Now, when the available space is smaller than this widgets size, it shall be replaced by a simpler version. Everyone ...
Mr. Clear's user avatar
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PrimeReact DataTable: How to Enable Horizontal Scroll and Prevent Overflow?

I am working on a React project using PrimeReact's DataTable component, but I'm struggling to contain the table within its parent container. When the table's content exceeds the available width, it ...
Giorgi Kalandadze's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I dynamically adjust a CSS grid layout for a memory game with a variable number of cards while maintaining responsive design?

I'm building a memory game and want to dynamically adjust the CSS grid layout to accommodate a variable number of cards. The challenge is to ensure that the card size remains consistent regardless of ...
Neeraj Kumar's user avatar
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CSS aspect-ratio not maintained when parent container's height exceeds limit [duplicate]

I'm working on a layout where a child element inside a parent container must always maintain a 16:9 aspect ratio. The parent container's size can be dynamically adjusted through JavaScript, and the ...
Kodak3993's user avatar
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Bottom Navbar Position For React Native Web is Inconsistent across browsers

I am working on an app in react native for three platforms (web, android & ios). on ios and android, the bottom navbar has the same spacing from the bottom. But on web, the spacing changes from ...
Agwa Daniel's user avatar
-4 votes
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Responsive template looks zoomed in on desktop [closed]

I have a responsive template here which looks zoomed at 100% with elements looking very big and no spacing on side like this - At 80% zoom it looks accurate like this with spacing on each size and ...
user2897282's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How to prevent larger width ranges from applying on exact media query widths?

I have separate ranges for smartphones/tablets/ipads and i have setting for them like 100px width to 500px width , 501px width to 1000px width and so on using a variable .is-smartphone. and i have no ...
Ali Abdul Rehman's user avatar
4 votes
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Rotating Text around a circle to make it look like a sphere

Trying to get my nav bar to be a series of circles where if you hover over them it displays the text that goes with them. Heres what I have so far: document.querySelectorAll('.color-circle')....
mmkranz7's user avatar
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How can I minimize CSS code for responsive calculator buttons using order? [closed]

I am designing a responsive calculator, and I want to simplify the CSS code used for arranging the buttons. Currently, I am using CSS Grid to handle the layout, but the code is getting lengthy because ...
mohaddese's user avatar
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Input Box component and buttons are too small to apply md: despite having md:w-* classes

I'm working on a responsive navbar using React and Tailwind CSS for my course-selling website. The layout contains: A logo on the left. A search input box and search button in the right (visible only ...
Aditya Basak's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to Make React Native App Responsive for Both iOS and Android Devices

I'm working on a React Native app and want to make it fully responsive on both iOS and Android devices. I aim to ensure consistent layouts, styles, and functionality across different screen sizes and ...
Affan Zahid's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How can I create a smooth scroll effect for anchor links with JavaScript? [closed]

Smooth Scroll Only Works Once: The first anchor link works fine, but after that, subsequent links cause the page to jump instead of scrolling smoothly. I’m trying to implement smooth scrolling on my ...
Pankaj Sharma's user avatar
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Trying to embed a leafletJS map in a responsive website

I am trying to generate a responsive website where a map and an info div would be displayed laterally on large screens and stack on phones. My main code is: <body> <div id="...
leparc's user avatar
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2 answers

I have an image banner I'm trying to center on desktop and fill the screen on mobile

I have a banner that I'd like to float in the middle of the page on desktop and fill the screen on mobile. Here's my CSS for media (set up by someone else) } @media(max-width:100%) { height: auto; ...
Suzanne Pozzo's user avatar
1 vote
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How to disable double-tap zoom on Safari mobile?

How can double-tap zoom be disabled on Safari mobile? There are some rules for default behaviour: With text it somehow depends on font-size. Other types of elements also allow to be double tapped and ...
Adler's user avatar
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4 answers

Huge gap at the bottom of the webiste

Here is my website:, for a personal project I am making, on below the footer there is a huge white space. And I have checked margin both for the footer and ...
Enmanuel De Los Santos Cruz's user avatar
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Responsive navigation bar with dropdown buttons

The problem: in responsive view, dropdown button does not move to the visible navigation bar from the menu icon when any of its dropdown content is clicked. In more detail: In responsive view (screen ...
Balazs Keisz's user avatar
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Organizational Chart without using Library

I have working half organization chart, I am struggling with making sure connectors are nicely connecting and moving with nodes when they are expanded or the node tree is growing/grown size. I need ...
Lloyd's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make Android system font size affect my page?

I know that system font size is supposed to update font size of the HTML tag, which is 1rem in CSS. So I was expecting that if I do not touch HTML font and just use REM units across my website — it ...
waterplea's user avatar
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Vertical scaling doesn't work properly in React Native

I don't understand how to make my React Native app 100% responsive. I've looked into it, but overall I haven't found anything better than using Flexbox or scaling functions like these: const ...
Raak's user avatar
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2 answers

Dynamic height calculation incorrect on page load but correct after viewport resize

I have an Angular component that is used with composition, meaning the title of the component changes dynamically based on input. The problem I'm encountering is that when the page loads, the height ...
Semedmar's user avatar
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Chakra custom component library - responsive height={{ base: "15vh", "2xl": "30vh" }} not working

I have a custom ui library with NavBar component function NavBar({ navItems, sticky, maxWidth, logoUrl }: NavProps_t) { return sticky ? ( <Box className={'sticky__nav-...
sharath's user avatar
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1 answer

How to Create a Responsive Grid with Unequal Heights and Different Order on Mobile?

I'm using Tailwind CSS to create a responsive grid layout where sections have different orders on mobile and desktop. The sections also have different heights based on their content. The mobile layout ...
Hardik Patil's user avatar
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Best way to make font sizes responsive in Mantine UI

In mantine UI <Text> component you can set the size of the text by using the size prop, which takes a size from the mantine theme and is a value like sm or xxl. My question is this ... for ...
Arthur Klezovich's user avatar
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How to stop image overlapping text with relative position

I have placed an image towards the top of the page and to the right of some text, but when I resize the browser the image (composting-machine) overlaps the H1 text, even though it doesn't overlap the ...
jemma 's user avatar
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Make a first level menu vertical when there is an overflow caused from a change in the font-size in the browser setting for accessibility reasons

I'm creating a simple first level menu (here I have a minimum reproducible example) with flexbox. When there isn't enough horizontal space for the seven links I make the menu vertical with a simple ...
Nick's user avatar
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Nextra docs theme - customize breakpoints

Context We're using Nextra Docs Theme - Nextra for a documentation portal. We want to change the breakpoint pixel value at which the layout changes to mobile. The issue The current (default) ...
edison23's user avatar
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Trying to create auto-resizing horizontally-scrollable background image

I'm trying to recreate this webpage, and I'm looking for advice on my approach. What I'm trying to achieve: A background image with a height that always matches the screen height while preserving its ...
Joshua Edo's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Problem with conditional CSS media query for mobile phones

I am trying to have two columns in landscape mode or one column in portrait or landscape mode on phones. For some reason I am getting one column on my iPad Pro when in portrait mode. Can anyone help ...
Cecil Ward's user avatar
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Flutter: Optimizing cacheWidth/cacheHeight for responsive images on desktop/web without flickering

I'm working on optimizing image performance in a Flutter app where high-resolution images are used. On smaller devices, these images tend to consume more memory than needed, so I implemented ...
Andres Garcia's user avatar
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Making object shifted to the side responsive with orthographic camera Three js

I’m trying to figure out the best way to make the position (and scale if needed) of the model across all devices without relying only on match medias. Ofc I can’t use %, so is there something built ...
aka_lux's user avatar
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How to properly position widgets using Stack in Flutter for responsive design?

I am building a splash screen for my Flutter app, and I'm having trouble positioning text and branding elements responsively on the screen. Specifically, I want to: Position my app logo text ("...
Chamalka Gunawardana's user avatar
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How Can I Achieve a Zoom-Out Effect for a Website When the Viewport Width is Below 190px?

I’m trying to replicate a zoom-out effect similar to what’s seen on SuperSimpleDev's Amazon Clone when the viewport width goes below 190px. I have a video showcasing the exact effect I want to achieve,...
Sed's user avatar
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How to make responsive Toolbar (with collapsible overflowing buttons) without using setTimeout()?

I'm creating a toolbar for my richTextEditor (tiptap). I wanted the buttons overflowing editors width to hide under "more" button. I came across reddit post with flow explained, but I'm ...
Karol Studniarek's user avatar
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How do I use media queries correctly in tailwind?

I'm using CVA to generate class names. I have this function to generate class names for title text: const title_text = cva(['title-text font-medium font-brand'], { variants: { size: { sm: [...
kat's user avatar
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Pure CSS dynamic HTML table layout issue

I want to display two HTML tables (a main list and a detail view) in a responsive manner, such that at Boostrap's xl breakpoint the two are shown side by side, and otherwise one below the other (with ...
Alnitak's user avatar
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Fit React Native Paper Cards in All Screen Width

Using two React Native Cards align horizontally. Cards are fitting differently in different phone screen. First image is android emulator Pixel 3a API 34 and 2nd image is from physical device OnePlus ...
Souvik Sankar Mitra's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to create a rounded rectangle with an Inverted S-curve style in CSS & HTML? [duplicate]

I'm trying to create a design similar to the image attached below 1, where a rounded rectangle has an "S-curve" effect at the bottom. My current strategy involves a parent element (...
Tahir Musharraf's user avatar
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Arrows are not working or showing for table content that is not displayed in the initial viewport

Some of the content career route connections do not work for the table's last row. So, I'm wondering that the information that we need to scroll to click on is experiencing arrow pathway connection ...
Rejuan hossain's user avatar
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How to Maintain Rounded Corners with Full Background Color in Flutter Sidebar?

Question: I'm working on a Flutter Windows app and trying to achieve a sidebar design with rounded corners and a full background color. However, I'm having trouble maintaining the rounded corners when ...
Muhammad Ali's user avatar
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HTML body does not obey the width or height

I am doing my own portfolio site using HTML and CSS, so far so good. All the other pages are responsive and looking good, but there is one page that for some reason the HTML body does not obey the ...
N1ne's user avatar
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How to make this slick slider responsive for tablet and mobile in Shopify?

The slider looks fine on desktop view but it does not resize properly. I just want it to resize on tablet and mobile for responsiveness. Keep it still 3 pictures in main view. I tried a few media ...
ldyamore90's user avatar
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How to properly scale an SVG mask within a container element?

I'm trying to apply an SVG mask to a div element, but I'm encountering an issue where the mask is not scaling correctly with the container. The mask appears to overflow the container, showing only ...
David's user avatar
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3 answers

Implementing a Responsive Navigation Menu with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

I'm working on a travel agency website and I'm trying to implement a responsive navigation menu using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I want the menu to be fully functional on both desktop and mobile ...
Tanzeela Fatima's user avatar
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Responsive design with shapes and canvas with KonvaJS

Context I have a page that allows the user to upload an image (e.g., floorplan) and then add custom circles (desks) and custom rectangles (zones) on top of that image. The shapes will collectively be ...
Ahmet-Salman's user avatar
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CSS responsive design scrolling horizontally and there is white space out of content

When I made a website design using HTML and CSS it was working for large screens but when it comes to media query to make it responsive for small screens and medium it showed a lot of white space and ...
Hakam Hammoud's user avatar
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Background Image Not Displaying on Smaller Screens

I’m having trouble with a background image not displaying correctly on smaller screens in a Tailwind CSS-based project. The image is correctly showing up on larger screens, but it's not visible or ...
doneil chapman's user avatar

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