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Creating groups from dataset based on time intervals

I am working on expanding a script I have made to do some reporting for one of our projects. I need to determine length of video, location and a few other attributes. This part works well when there ...
Brian Hamilton's user avatar
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How to get input from user for ad hoc manual runs

We have a small piece of code using snowpark using python to be run from inside snowflake. We need to get input from the user for ad hoc manual runs. For example consider a code that takes start_date ...
rainingdistros's user avatar
-2 votes
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KeyError although it exists [closed]

I try to replace a couple of IDs in a description by new IDs. The mapping is done using a dictionary in Python. import re #Return a list containing every occurrence of "ai": ...
MakePeaceGreatAgain's user avatar
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python.invalid command name ".!canvas"

I am making a ping pong game, in the line code ball movement(ball.goto(ball.xcor() +2, ball.ycor() +2) ) , after run the code it appear me this error message Exception has occurred: TclError invalid ...
Sara Fudl's user avatar
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How to run a Telegram bot polling asynchronously without blocking the main application (using python-telegram-bot version >= 20)?

I am trying to run a Telegram bot using the python-telegram-bot library (version >= 20) in asynchronous mode. The problem is that when I start the polling, the whole application blocks. I have ...
Uccio Maselli's user avatar
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Linking GMenuModel to actions for context menus in Python Gtk3

I've built an application using Gtk3 and Gtk.Builder, using GMenuModel for the menus. So far so good. Now I'd like to add context (i.e. right-click) menus. The menus themselves appear, but as I can't ...
DobbyTheElf's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I approximate 255/sqrt(x) using Newton's method?

I am trying to approximate 255 / sqrt(x) using Newton's method to avoid using division or the sqrt() operation on an architecture where those operations are expensive. My derivation is: y = 255 / sqrt(...
the five states's user avatar
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Creating an index in PyMilvus 2.5.x does not actually index any rows

I am trying to create an index on text embeddings for a RAG system with Milvus 2.5.x as vector database in Python. I have already create the collections and populated them. My dataset size is quite ...
Liqs's user avatar
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ALSA problem using speech recognition on Debix model A

Card : Debix Model A OS : Ubuntu 22.04 Hello I'm trying to work on a speech recognition script using Edgeimpulse on an Debix model A card running a Ubuntu 22.04 OS. When I try to run it I get theses ...
Matt91's user avatar
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Deploying Keras model for prediction in Google Cloud Functions

I've been trying to deploy a very simple toy Keras model to Cloud Functions, which would predict the class of an image, but for reasons unknown, when the execution gets to the predict method, it gets ...
Denny Ceccon's user avatar
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How to Set Dask Dashboard Address with SLURMRunner (Jobqueue) and Access It via SSH Port Forwarding?

I am trying to run a Dask Scheduler and Workers on a remote cluster using SLURMRunner from dask-jobqueue. I want to bind the Dask dashboard to (so it’s accessible via port forwarding) and ...
user1834164's user avatar
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Is there a way to read an .egp file without using SAS Entreprise Guide?

I want to scan using Python a folder containing hundreds of .sas and .egp files. The .sas files are not a problem since I can simply read them like that : with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='latin-1') ...
Freddy's user avatar
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Wheel File Not Including templates Directory and Root Files in Python Package

Background: I am new to using Python packaging tools and have typically relied on custom tooling. However, I’ve decided to get a better understanding of the packaging process, but I’m running into an ...
avalon20's user avatar
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Calculate the distance on a document from point to point in relative units

I have a template pdf file (although for solving this problem it is absolutely not important, the file can be like an image). The file size is dimensions = (5725, 4015), where dimensions[0] - axis x, ...
Paul's user avatar
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Simulating mouse clicking in html treemap generated from python Ploty

I am trying to create a treemap that shows orders, families, genera, etc etc. The treemap works perfectly, I used the Ploty package from python, the data I imported are in a csv file and the resulting ...
Deiocean's user avatar
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Managing Token Limits in GPT-4o for Variable-Length Input and Output

I’m using GPT-4o via the Azure OpenAI API to handle variable-length queries, but I frequently encounter token exhaustion when the combined token count of my input and output exceeds the model's ...
Sanskar's user avatar
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Why does scipy.sparse_matrix not accept values directly from a dataframe?

I create a scipy sparse matrix that works fine X = csr_matrix( (df["rating"], (item_idx, user_idx)), shape=(M, N) ) But to simplify where (roughly equivalent) item_idx ~= df[...
plotmaster473's user avatar
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Adding Edge Color to the Network Graph using Networkx package

PATY_HI PATY_LO MATCH_KEY WEIGHT_BUCKET 12345 6789 T r 54321 3456 A;T b 34567 12345 EP;T y I'm using the Networkx package to create a visualisation of the associations of a customer, so the user ...
Noobie09's user avatar
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Error: pg_config executable not found in a dockerfile [duplicate]

I'm getting an issue with psycopg2 when I build the image on Debian machine. I have a dockerfile: FROM python:3.12-slim COPY . /app WORKDIR /app RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt ENTRYPOINT [ "...
innov-aphp's user avatar
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Having a hard time dealing with API

I want to create a cron job on through their API using python. As a result, I get 404. I don't know exactly what is not found from datetime import datetime import requests, json # Cron-...
Oussama El Khamlichi's user avatar
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Python CosmosDB upsert_item deletes document

I am going to update a document using upsert_item function of CosmosDB Python SDK. Here is a script: from dotenv import load_dotenv from azure.cosmos import CosmosClient import os import uuid def ...
grudev's user avatar
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How to correctly identify entity types for tokens using spaCy using python?

I'm using spaCy to extract and identify entity types (like ORG, GPE, DATE, etc.) from a text description. However, I am noticing some incorrect results, and I'm unsure how to fix this. Here is the ...
PrakashT's user avatar
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How to loop datasource in UI.Vision

I created a functioning script that opens a page, selects options 1 and 2 from a.csv file, and submits; it then loops and repeats the process. Everything has been wonderful up to this point. Just one ...
Texh's user avatar
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Chat with Sql: I want to show query result table in the form of dataframe in my web app and also make chart

The code generates a SQL query, executes it, and stores the result in a variable named result. I want to display this result as a data frame, including the column names from the original query. I am ...
SHUBHAM SHEKHAR 20GCEBCS091's user avatar
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mock motor AsyncIOMotorClient with uuid settings

I have AsyncIOMotorClient code as below. def get_client(): """ Get Client. Get the client for the database connection. """ return motor.motor_asyncio....
Nilesh's user avatar
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Why is my Azure Functions deploy not working through GitLab CI/CD despite working when done with Azure Function Core Tools extension in VSCode?

I've created some Azure Functions using Python (3.9) and I'm having trouble setting up the CI/CD in the GitLab repository where the code resides. This repository resides in an Azure VM, not sure if ...
110110010011's user avatar
-1 votes
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Avoid Turning Image Black When Removing Background Conditionally Using OpenCV

Problem Description: I am working on a Python script to remove the background from images using OpenCV. The goal is to: Check if background removal is needed (for images with simple or uniform ...
Sara Samir's user avatar
-1 votes
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Discriminated union over instance attributes

Suppose I have the following class class MyClass: def __init__(self, ...): self.attr1: Union[Attr11, Attr12] self.attr2: Literal["val1", "val2", "val3"...
AnotherSherlock's user avatar
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How does ConvTranspose in pytorch with groups > 1 work?

I'm trying to underestand the workflow of convtranspose of pytorch with groups > 1 , mainly focusing on the calculation process between grouped transposeconv weights and padded input, I've ...
YunFu Cui's user avatar
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Python Kivy & Buildozer : How remove the Kivy logo and message "loading ..."

I've built a little application that works just as well on PC as it does on Android (nothing complicated; the application is excessively simple). Everything works fine on my android and on my debian ...
Miguel Martin Perez's user avatar
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Changes detected after squashmigrations

python showmigrations shows: mainapp [X] 0001_initial ... [X] 0240_employer_data [X] 0241_person_metadata [X] 0242_personemployer_employerworkplace [X] ...
Nils's user avatar
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How do you import libraries so you can use coloured text while using an online IDE with Python?

I am using an online IDE: or make a text based dungeon game. I am trying to use coloured text to make things clearer with the combat system but cannot work out how to. I ...
noob131's user avatar
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Pytest fails with "ValueError: Missing staticfiles manifest entry for 'assets/img/favicon.ico' " while STATICFILES_STORAGE is set to default in tests [duplicate]

FAILED tests/ - ValueError: Missing staticfiles manifest entry for 'assets/img/favicon.ico' In my Django Template based project I have the error above when running ...
Del_Wiz's user avatar
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How to handle ever-changing password in psycopg2?

Similar to how to handle ever-changing password in sqlalchemy+psycopg2? I an faced with a PostgreSQL setup where passwords are rotated frequently. My application runs longer than a password is valid ...
bugmenot123's user avatar
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Compute percentage of positive rows in a group_by polars DataFrame

I need to compute the percentage of positive values in the value column grouped by the group column. import polars as pl df = pl.DataFrame( { "group": ["A", "A&...
Andi's user avatar
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Vectorize objects in python Jax

I am unsure what is the best way to vectorize objects in Python Jax. In particular, I want to write a code that handles both calling a method from a single instantiation of a class and from multiple (...
Sam's user avatar
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Wrong padding tokens in HF model prediction

Please consider the following code: from datasets import load_dataset_builder, load_dataset import numpy as np import os import torch from transformers import AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, AutoTokenizer, ...
Antonio Sesto's user avatar
3 votes
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ImportError: when importing GridDB in Python3.10

I'm trying to get GridDB working on my WSL/Ubuntu environment. I have followed to install griddb and was successful but when trying to import the module I'm ...
Luke Summerville's user avatar
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python selenium chrome close window

trying to login instagram from chrome but its instantly closes the window here is the code url = "" from selenium import webdriver from ...
Mehmet Can Şahin's user avatar
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Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement contourpy==1.3.1

I'm conda to manage a python project, now I want to deploy my app to a linux machine. ihave this Dockerfile : FROM python:3.9-slim COPY . /app WORKDIR /app RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt ...
innov-aphp's user avatar
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Dynamic Allocation or Declaration of Robot Framework Variables

I have a script that automatically generates Robot Framework testcases based on a few parameters. Now in this generated testcases there might a ssh connection or some other things that has predefined ...
Srijan Dutta's user avatar
-4 votes
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How do extract text from PDFs including all the spaces [closed]

I'm being trying to create some code to extract text from PDFs and putting them into a database, I've been using extract_text() for this. However, for some reason some of the spaces between words are ...
blademan9999's user avatar
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Not able to create a repo using template repo GIthub API

I have generated a personal access token and configured Single Sign-On (SSO), providing full authorization to the token. The issue I'm facing is that while I can successfully create GitHub ...
Abhishek's user avatar
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Phython Code for BOT returning incorrect result [closed]

This Bot should be working this way simply but I can't locate where things went wrong. TBH, I am not a developer but a beginner learner. A user opens the chat and sends the bot a link this link has a ...
David's user avatar
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VIsual Studio does not accept launch.json (pydebug)

I want to debug my python project using a remote debugger. So I created this launch.json file in .vscode folder of my project. { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations&...
user1383029's user avatar
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Issue with Mamba Transformer Implementation for Medical Image Detection

I am currently working on a medical image detection problem on the Kaggle platform and attempting to use the Mamba transformer for this task. However, when I ran the code below, I encountered an issue ...
RaMa TamaRa's user avatar
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Is egg-info still the recommended way to manage python packages installed in editable mode?

I am installing local python package in editable mode, using a pyproject.toml file to configure it. The pyproject.toml looks like this: [build-system] requires = ["setuptools", "...
Ben Jeffrey's user avatar
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python polars in jupyter lab leads to error due to infer_schema_legth

I often run into data fetching errors when I'm working in JupyterLab and trying to use polars instead of pandas as the dataframe library. I do this by running the statement %config SqlMagic.autopolars ...
N. Maks's user avatar
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ERPNext v15 Dahua time attendance Employee CheckIn integration

I am trying to push employee attendance data with this code: import local_config as config import datetime import requests import json def _safe_get_error_str(response): """ ...
Mangi's user avatar
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How do I replace text in a word document table using information from an excel file?

I have a template where I am trying to replace certain text with information from excel. The problem is that once I have replaced and saved the file, the conditions I have set no longer apply and all ...
Shin Jira's user avatar

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