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Error in Python 2 script eunning under Python 3 [duplicate]

First of all, let me say this is not my script. I need to install an older .deb package. It evidently uses Python 2, but that is deprecated on the system. I have fixed a number of obvious issues, ...
LesRhorer's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why would a simple input statement cause a runtime error? (Work@tech IDE) NZEC error

Since replit has started charging for collaborative IDE's i've been trying to explore good alternatives. I am experiencing NZEC error when trying to run a simple program such as: answer = "" ...
wattwatt789's user avatar
1 vote
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ImportError when unpickling an object in Python 2.7

I have a pickled object of MyCustomClass. It is pickled using Python 2.7.8 builtin pickle module: # import pickle class MyCustomClass: def __init__(self): attr1 = None def ...
Theobaldus's user avatar
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Unable to locate #audio-source element in captcha solver using DrissionPage

I'm working on automating the solving of a reCAPTCHA using Python, pydub, and DrissionPage. I've managed to reach the point where the audio challenge is presented. However, I'm having trouble locating ...
user3228899's user avatar
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Is there a way to capture Event from focused Text widget before it gets to widget

QUESTION: Is there a better way to do this? Can I hijack the Event before it reaches the focused Text widget? Or is emulating the behavior I want the best I can do? PROBLEM: Using Python 2.7 Tkinter....
AutumnKome's user avatar
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opcua python2.7 -- Writing to OPC UA server using .set_values(nodes, values)

I'd like to write multiple nodes to the OPC UA server. Therefore I use the .set_values() method of the opcua lib. I've to use the opcua lib in cause of python version 2.7. Using the .set_values() ...
explorer4x4v6's user avatar
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Python 2.7: difference between<f>, 'r', encoding=<enc>) and <string>.encode(<enc>)

What is the difference between code like this: with<file path>, 'r', encoding='my_enc') as f: json.load(f) string = json['key'] and code like this: with open(<file path>, ...
IzaeDA's user avatar
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-4 votes
2 answers

How to turn a tuple of lists into a list? [closed]

I am using Python 2.7 to turn a tuple of lists (of 2 elements) of float into a list of floats (([1.0],[2.0]) => [1.0,2.0]) like the following: [tuple_lists[0][0],tuple_lists[1][0]] Is there a ...
Sam's user avatar
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How to remove connecting lines in the line plot for large dataset?

i have a large dataset of around 4000 line, and with python i want to plot all the lines in graph, but as showen in the figure below all the time shows those lines connecting the start and the end of ...
IkDen's user avatar
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When making a Python 2.7 venv in Pycharm, I am getting a syntax error and told it is using Python 3.11? How do I use Python 2.7?

I have a project that is in Python 2.7, it has to be in 2.7 and upgrading is NOT an option so please don't tell me I should just do that, I am using a python package for a specific software that has ...
Réka's user avatar
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Custom modules are not working even after adding them to

I am trying to get all the odoo projects from my other system to a new system and while doing so, I am facing a problem during moving my files. When I add previously created custom_addons folder to ...
Chaitanya's user avatar
-2 votes
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Transpose of a matrix_comp

given a matrix of 3*2 A= [[10,20],[74,25],[340,20]] to get output = [[10,30,-10,20],[74,99,49,25],[340,360,320,20]] where the 1st and 2nd col values will be the 1st and 4th col values and 2nd, 3rd col ...
low_code's user avatar
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Cannot install Database-library package in Python2 using pip

I am new to python and moving one test from one (working) to another physical machine (new). in the process , One of python file has -> from DAL.database import DBC when I do 'pip2 freeze' on both ...
user1873657's user avatar
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How to make my Telegram bot stop working at 16:15 and not work on Fridays?

I have a Telegram bot written in Python using the Telethon library. The bot is supposed to function from 10:00 to 16:15 from Saturday to Thursday, and it should be completely inactive on Fridays. ...
Dragan Marković's user avatar
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Could not find py4J jar at

I am trying to run my PMML pre-trained model in Python 3.9, but no matter what I do I have this error Could Not find py4j jar at. None of the solutions provided on the blogs are working. And, even if ...
Tidiane Sall's user avatar
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how to conver new key into old in python3 ndb

Here my code new_key= ndb.Key(urlsafe = request.user_key) this is written in python3 ndb this will return us key and we change in urlsafe key = new_key.urlsafe() key.decode(encoding="utf-8&...
Jaskaran Singh's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

TypeConversion of a string with float values to integer is throwing error

I have written the following code: typConvInt = int('3.3') print(typConvInt) But compiler is throwing an error. ErrorMessage: Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\Trainings\...
Sunil G.V.'s user avatar
2 votes
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Change mantissa in scientific notation from 0-1 instead of 1-10

I want to format a number so that the mantissa is between 0 and 1 instead of 1 and 10 in scientific notation. For example; a=7.365 print("{:.6e}".format(a)) This will output 7.365000e+00, ...
Raheel Shaikh's user avatar
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How to change the python version of a virtual enviremnet?

I am writing a Django React web app and I am required to install Dlib for a specific component to work (to install face_recognition library). However I am unable to do so because I used Python 3.12 to ...
Achira Silva's user avatar
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Converting python 3 to 2.7.5 F string to .formated

I learned all of my python on 3.0 and greater and come to find out the server that I need to put my script on is 2.7.5 which means no f strings. I am having issues converting my script from F strings ...
Patrick Perea's user avatar
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AttributeError when running unittest with coverage in Python 2.7 on WSL

I'm encountering an error while attempting to run unit tests with unittest and coverage in Python 2.7 on a Windows 11 system using WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). The error message suggests an ...
a_retr0's user avatar
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Is there a way to mock .strip() for unit testing in Python 2.7's unittest module?

I am using Python 2.7 for a coding project. I'd love to switch to Python 3, but unfortunately I'm writing scripts for a program that only has a python package in 2.7 and even if it had one in 3 our ...
Réka's user avatar
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Unable install python-ldap in python 2.7.9 on windows 11

I cannot install the required package because it needs Visual Studio C++ 9.0, which is no longer supported. Unfortunately, I can't upgrade my Python version because I need it for Odoo 8 development. ...
Bagas Muhammad Shaka's user avatar
3 votes
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Why is format() throwing ValueError: Unknown format code 'f' for object of type 'str' when I'm not inputting a string?

I am using Python 2.7. (Switching to Python 3 for this particular code is not an option, please don't suggest it.) I am writing unit tests for some code. Here is the relevant piece of code: class ...
Réka's user avatar
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Generate Python 2.7 dependency tree for offline installation [duplicate]

I need to install the dateutil Python library to run a script at work. The problem is that our machines do not have internet access so we cannot use pip2.7 to install the dependencies. What we can do ...
montepinar's user avatar
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Python Pandas data frame column split based on previous unique columns combination [duplicate]

I have a data frame like below: TAG TAG_NAME METRIC METRIC_NAME CAPTURE_DATE MB DB PRO SPACE A 2024-03-01 3 DB PRO SPACE B 2024-03-01 4 DB ...
Shanzid Hossain 's user avatar
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List of lists (double [[) in Python

This is a really basic thing but after reading the documentation I am still not able to do. I just want to create a list of 9 sublists as follows [[0, 0.05, 0.1, ..., 25],[0, 0.05, 0.1, ..., 25],[0, 0....
Hans's user avatar
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can't find the page URL

I got the same error while writing code. I started making this project using a video tutorial on YouTube. I think the problem is in the URLConf but I can’t find this problem myself. Essentially the ...
Игорь.К FK's user avatar
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Error Building 'pycapnp' for AppScale on Ubuntu 18.04 with Python 2.7

As a Java Developer transitioning into the Python ecosystem, I've noticed a difference in how dependencies are handled between the two languages. In Java, project dependencies remain intact and the ...
quarks's user avatar
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SCRAM authentication method in Psycopg2 and Python 2.7

I have an old application based on python 2.7 which is currently using psycopg2 2.7.4 and using latest releases of postgresql I got the error "pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server:...
semantic-dev's user avatar
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Using Revit Python Shell, is it possible for the print statement to output colored text?

Using Revit Python Shell, is it possible to get a print statement to print colored text? For example, print "An Apple is red" where the word "Apple" prints in red.
Michelle's user avatar
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Django Tests Throw ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

I haven't found any questions with respect to Django tests and Oracle DB. I am trying to run a test on an existing application, but am running into the table or view doesn't exist error. I am confused ...
Casey's user avatar
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simple python lambda sorting gives different results on different devices

this is my python code for apache hive udf: #!/usr/bin/python import sys counter=0 delay={"carrier":0, "nas":0,"weather":0, "security":0, "late_aircraft&...
Reungu Ju's user avatar
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Problem with python server cert? - "There was a problem confirming the ssl certificate: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed."

This command suddenly started failing on my centos image: RUN pip install --upgrade 'pip==20.3.4'. This is the error message: Could not fetch URL There was a ...
Annie Van's user avatar
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Maya Python: Drop down menu align with button

I'm relatively new to using python in Maya. I am trying to figure out how to align the drop down menu with a button. I would like for both the drop down menu and both the buttons to be aligned with ...
Anjani Sathe's user avatar
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How to replace \r or \n in \r\n python2.7

How to replace \r or \n in \r\n in Python 2.7? Input string = 'hello\r\n\n world\n \r\r\n\r\n' Output string = 'hello\r\n\r\n world\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n'
Satyajit Das's user avatar
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python2.7 - How to decode JSON without decoding the UTF-8 inside of it?

I need a function to decode UTF-8 encoded JSON. This function should take a UTF-8 encoded JSON string and convert it to UTF-8 encoded objects. The following code works: # helper function def ...
personal_cloud's user avatar
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Unable to Install Python 2 on Parrot OS

I'm facing an issue while trying to install Python 2 on my Parrot OS. Whenever I run the command: sudo apt-get install python2 I receive the following output: `Reading package lists... Done Building ...
Kamran's user avatar
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shutil.make_archive works but throws Error 13 for /root

I have a script that collects various files into a directory structure than creates a final zip archive. The directory <dir> is located at /home/<user>/<dir> and I want it to create /...
Nosjack's user avatar
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3 votes
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Unable to connect to cloud datastore from local legacy project based on python2.7 and django 1.4

I have a django==1.4 project (python==2.7) that I wanted to run and make some changes. I am unable to connect to cloud datastore from my local codebase. Right now, when I run the project using ...
Akif Hussain's user avatar
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Python json.dumps of a tuple with some UTF-8 characters, either fails or converts them. I want the encoded character retained as is

On my server, a Python script gets data from a database as a tuple. Then the script converts the tuple to a string (using json.dumps()) to be passed to the JavaScript script in the user's browser. The ...
Davide Andrea's user avatar
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How to change numbers received from text file to integer

I used python script to read numbers form *.txt file and use that number for future works, but the number when I parse I am getting error "TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like ...
Sijith's user avatar
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how to run next js and python backend on local server?

i want to run a project on local host , where frontend is built with next.js and backend is built with python, i am attaching package.json file of frontend and backend, package.json file of python ...
Ritu Raj's user avatar
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OpenAI API error: "You tried to access openai.ChatCompletion, but this is no longer supported in openai>=1.0.0

I am currently working on a gpt content creator system, and as I am using Mac it does not let me migrate to newer OpenAI library or downgrade it. Could I replace the ChatCompletion function with ...
Divine's user avatar
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Get image from data looking like \x00\x00\x87

How do I create/get/open the image from a URL request when the response looks like this: \x00\x00\x00 ftypavif\x00\x00\x00\ ... \x87"y~\x13 $%\\\xad ... xb5\xa07tR\x80 Much longer, of course. An ...
user984003's user avatar
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Pylance in vscode cannot find system functions for Python 2.7

I have Python 2.7 installed on my computer and have correctly configured the path in vscode, but Pylance still prompts that it cannot find the system functions. Due to some necessary reasons, I ...
吕元朋's user avatar
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symbol not found in flat namespace '__PyTrash_begin

I was trying to compile a code with instalooter login when I am getting this error symbol not found in flat namespace '__PyTrash_begin. all the other errors are mostly same but the end package looks ...
user23892065's user avatar
-1 votes
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Python search for the errors in the JSON

Premise: those dictionaries are strings. Those are JSON with a bad format. I search for the errors inside those JSON and print them. example 1: input { "ced": { "CED_PH2&...
user3084383's user avatar
-5 votes
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Unable to execute Python Script directly [closed]

I am unable to execute Python Script directly. enter image description here enter image description here whereas path to Python Environemnt is as follows: root@UbuntuDockerGuest-1:~# python -c "...
introvert's user avatar
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Pip from Python 2.7.10 installed via pyenv-win cannot install any packages

I installed pyenv-win to create virtual environments in windows. One of the environments I need requires Python 2.7.10. To create virtual environments for Python versions below 3.3 I need to install ...
W8_4_it's user avatar
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