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Can't load numpy when installed through Anaconda

I am trying to run the vaex module which requires Python 3.6 and, apparently, a conda install rather than a pip install. I don't really know what I'm doing here, but I went ahead and installed ...
MKJ's user avatar
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PyCharm loading ssh conda environment takes forever

I am using PyCharm SSH to work on a server. I am now stuck at setting up an interpreter for my Project. Note that I didn't create a project and use an ssh interpreter. Instead, I chose Remote ...
SerSmile's user avatar
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Python crashes without providing any exceptions [closed]

My python code always crashes after a few iterations without any prompt message. And the number of iterations when it crashes is uncertain. But I found that every time the code crashed, there would be ...
ever young's user avatar
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Problem running/installing anaconda No module named ‘pluggy._result’ No module named ‘idna.package_data’ No module named ‘idna.package_data’

I had anaconda working properly on my machine, it started having some problems, I uninstalled it, cleaned it all. Now when I try to install it, I’m having multiple errors and I don’t know why. ...
Al777's user avatar
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What should I do if Spyder refuses to open?

I need to use spyder in Anaconda for a final class project in Python. When I tried to open it it started loading, then just stopped and refused to open. There were no error messages or anything, it ...
avivtheprogrammer's user avatar
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Conda Not Using Expected, Base python.exe

I ruined something in Conda that now has disabled my anaconda prompt. I believe some change occurred when I attempted to add an interpreter to Pycharm. Unsure what I did wrong, but now when I open ...
NW_Photo_Laureate's user avatar
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ResolvePackageNotFound message due to the channel constraints

I was trying to reproduce a developing environment using a given yml file, such as conda env create -f "C:\tmp\proj_dev.yml" Due to some security constraints, I have to using a given ...
user288609's user avatar
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Windows Explorer Shift+Right Click Commands for Python versions

I used to have scripts that would update the registry editor (regedit) to add multiple python versions so that when I shift+right click, I can select one and a command window linked to that python ...
Celeste Wilson's user avatar
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What are the differences between CMD.exe Prompt and anaconda_prompt in anaconda navigator?

According to the description, CMD.exe Prompt “Run a cmd.exe terminal with your current environment from Navigator activated”, while anaconda_prompt “Opens a terminal instance with conda activated (...
Qi Dawei's user avatar
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After installing Python 3.12.7 from 3.9.1 I got this issue. Numpy version has been altered and I received this error

I tried to incorporate tensorflow 2.0 into anaconda to be used in jupyter notebook. However, numerous issues have arise ranging from no module tensorflow detected to uninstall and reinstall anaconda. ...
Michael Yen Ezett's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to fix import library or packages path for Anaconda environments in python?

I have recently uninstalled Anaconda, installed Python 3.12.4 globally and then reinstalled Anaconda again in my Windows 11 machine. When I activate my Anaconda virtual environment it picks the Python ...
ViSa's user avatar
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pdftotext in python not working missing dll probably

I was able to use pdftotext earlier after a alot of challenges in installation few months back and at that time if I remember correctly I did downloaded some files and placed it some folder and did ...
ViSa's user avatar
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conda create --name opencv-env conda 'conda' is not recognized as an internal or external command, [duplicate]

I was following the video on Install OpenCV on Windows. After installing Anaconda. They tell you to open CMD and type "conda create --name opencv-env" But I was getting this error "'...
Alakazella's user avatar
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Failed to launch anaconda navigator on wsl2

Followed installation instructions for linux on this page. Installed some apps from here, to test out. Everything works. Following instructions here. I should be able to launch anaconda navigator. ...
fmvio's user avatar
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Using a .ps1 script to open Anaconda Prompt and pass in multiple commands. Failing after opening the prompt

I am trying to use a powershell script to open anaconda prompt, activate an environment, move directory and launch a script. I've simplified the list of commands as it fails on the first one. Here is ...
CAT - HAIR's user avatar
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Jupyter-Notebook with Anaconda hangs the virtual machine

I am working in Anaconda Jupyter-Notebook on a virtual machine. When I do complex operations (like reading large files in Pandas DataFrame) my virtual machine freezes. I guess my Anaconda may freeze ...
user5356625's user avatar
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Error when creating a conda-build recipe for a binary file

I am trying to create a conda-build recipe for a package that is distributed as a binary (linux only). I.e. the recipe should simply download the binary and copy it into the appropriate directory. ...
johnymm's user avatar
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Jupyter Notebook & Lab won't startafter anaconda's successful installation

It is around one year that some of my students got issues with Anaconda Jupyter lab/notebook; they all got similar errors, as below: [I 2024-11-22 06:01:59.231 ServerApp] Extension package ...
B nM's user avatar
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Issue between MacOS 13 and tensorflow

I am trying to use PhaseNet and it request the tensorflow==2.14.0. However, when I try to install the tensorflow, the pip does not shows availability of the version 2.14: pip install tensorflow==2.14....
gwsmelo's user avatar
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Any way to create a subset (or partially clone) from a conda environment?

For example, I have a working environment with 300 packages. Is there a clean way to duplicate or clone from this environment with only 100 packages, without the need to resolve/download dependencies? ...
prusswan's user avatar
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SMAC3 conda dependency

Are there any caveats to take into consideration before installing AutoML's SMAC3 using pip inside a regular venv rather than within a conda environment, as recommended by the docs? The docs suggest ...
bbudescu's user avatar
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cryptic error when installing python toolkit in anaconda

I install nilmtk from nilmtk channel (conda 23.7.4), that has dependancies in channel cobra-forge conda install nilmtk -c nilmtk -c defaults -c conda-forgeall on older os x to keep 32-bit ...
Macuser's user avatar
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Conda commands are broken within Conda environment

After creating a fresh install of Miniconda from the website and running conda init inside of Anaconda Prompt, the (Base) environment in a new PowerShell window will run fine and I can install ...
Nick M.'s user avatar
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Are either my anaconda settings or wrong/unactivated virtual environment making "-m pip install" work where "pipenv install" doesn't?

I'm following a tutorial in which VS Code, when a new integrated terminal window is created, automatically activates (with source command) the virtual environment in which the Django project is ...
Jensen Oness's user avatar
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Jupyter Notebook doesn't open

I'm super new into Python and I meet some problems with Jupyter Notebook openning. (normaly I learn with VS Code). Here is an error: \[E 2024-11-15 22:50:06.734 ServerApp\] Failed to write server-...
Damian Chojnacki's user avatar
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remove default conda channels

I have just re-installed my anaconda. Below is my ~/.condarc channels: - - - https://...
给你机会你不中用啊's user avatar
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Error while loading conda entry point: conda-libmamba-solver (module 'libmambapy' has no attribute 'QueryFormat')

I was trying to install a conda env by running an executable file that included this command conda install mamba -n base -c conda-forge and since then i keep getting this error Error while loading ...
Evdokimos Theodoridis's user avatar
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Specifying Anaconda install in VSCode on Windows OS

I have two versions of conda installed. I have a default profile linked to ARcGIS conda. I have been using this conda installation until recently with VSCode. I installed another version of conda that ...
user5774244's user avatar
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using conda after remoting to remote machine by Enter-PSSession

I have a remote machine with a conda environment. I'd like to always have conda when starting up powershell. I know it's done by conda init powershell. But that only works when I directly open ...
Tri's user avatar
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Jupyter notebook kernel is not connecting to correct python environment

Version: jupyter_client : 8.6.2 jupyter_core : 5.7.2 jupyter_server : 2.14.2 jupyterlab : 4.2.3 Here are steps I've took to create kernel in my jupyter notebook. Create conda env: conda ...
haneulkim's user avatar
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Error with undefined reference to __fdelt_chk@GLIBC_2.15 during Conda environment compilation

I'm compiling a C++/MPICXX software program within a Conda environment that includes the following requirements (the version I currently have): cmake (3.26.3) openmpi (4.1.6) h5pcc [...
n3lmnTrxx's user avatar
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Python Package Bug on installing via conda

I attempted conda install on a remote pc from my university. Attempted conda install pytorch==2.2.0 torchvision==0.17.0 pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia -y It is very slow and I am unable to ...
Johnson Carson's user avatar
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Module not found after creating from .conda file

I am working with an offline device, so I am trying to install packages via .conda files or .tar.bz2 files. In particular, I am trying to install python-levenshtein. I ran the following commands: (...
rudinable's user avatar
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Web scraping with Python BeautifulSoup in Spyder IDE

I'm trying to scrape the table from the following url in Spyder IDE. Following's my code so far. I inspected the hteml code to figure out the table class and any th, tr, td, tags. But extracting the ...
Rimi's user avatar
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Updating to Spyder to 6.0.1 - Chosen Path already exists Error

Earlier today i got a pop-up stating Spyder can be updated to 6.0.1. When i try to update it, I get the following error message: The folder exists and but i am hesitant to delete it, as far as i can ...
Die Tagesvola's user avatar
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Can't install tensorflow in Anaconda

So I am running the latest Anaconda, and I am trying to run tensorflow but my install gets stuck here info libmamba Adding job: conda-forge/win-64::zlib==1.2.13=h2466b09_6 but when I check my ...
Alejandro Diaz's user avatar
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nvcc is not installed despite successfully running conda install command [duplicate]

I followed following steps to setup conda environment with python 3.8, CUDA 11.8 and pytorch 2.4.1: $ conda create -n py38_torch241_CUDA118 python=3.8 $ conda activate py38_torch241_CUDA118 $ conda ...
MsA's user avatar
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Can Anaconda3 / Conda Maintain Pristine Base Environment?

I would like to have my base conda environment to be pristine (i.e. installed with the least amount of packages possible). Right now, my base environment has a few dozen packages in them, and I'm ...
Jess Stuart's user avatar
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Error when installing evaluate library in miniconda3

I've just installed a fresh miniconda3 on my computer (ubuntu 22.04) by following the instructions from the official doc. My goal is to work with the hugging face's ecosystem with some langage models. ...
Tetro's user avatar
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Anaconda Navigator Fails to Start with ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils'

The anaconda navigator suddenly stoped working from today(17-10-2024). C:\ProgramData\anaconda3>anaconda-navigator Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\ProgramData\anaconda3\Scripts\...
Chaithanya K's user avatar
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Python in Excel: How to install other Anaconda packages

Python in Excel includes some packages in the Anaconda distribution. +info, anaconda distribution packages. However, is it possible to install additional packages that are still in the Anaconda ...
FZNB's user avatar
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Connection Refused Error with H2O on WSL after Recent Windows Update

I'm experiencing a connection issue with H2O when running it on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) after a recent Windows update. Here's a detailed breakdown of the problem and the troubleshooting ...
lvfmc85's user avatar
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Anaconda will not open after installing PostgreSQL

I was previously able to open Anaconda, jupyter notebook, and Spyder, etc., but after installing PostgreSQL, I cannot open Anaconda, Jupyter notebook, or Spyder at all. Powershell shows an error that ...
Misha's user avatar
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Install Anaconda on Ubuntu (Linux)

I have installed Anaconda on Ubuntu and can't open the navigator: My error is: " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" During installation I had to run: &...
Jonathan Frutschy's user avatar
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Anaconda3 - downgrade python version to 3.11.8 in the current (base) environment

Windows 11 OS I installed a clean Anaconda3 platform just 3 days ago. It came with Python 3.12.4. But it seems some things (PySpark related) just don't work with python 3.12.4. For example, I am ...
peter.petrov's user avatar
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Including URLs in an environment.yml for conda

I am working on creating a reproducible workflow for setting up a personal conda environment, and I'm using an environment.yml for the dependencies. One of the libraries need to be installed from a ...
Adam's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils.msvccompiler' when trying to install numpy 1.16

I'm working inside a conda environment and I'm trying to downgrade numpy to version 1.16, but when running pip install numpy==1.16 I keep getting the following error: $ pip install numpy==1.16 ...
TheTomer's user avatar
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Conda offline install module shows DONE, but the module is not installed

I am trying to install pyarrow using conda. The install appears to succeed but the files are not placed in the relevant directory. My Python install is on a corporate Linux server with no internet ...
iMacThere4iAm's user avatar
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Can I use Spyder (Anaconda) to Render .tex documents?

I'm trying to go about learning LaTeX and would really like to be able to write up documents in my preferred IDE (Spyder) and render them there. I've been trying for some time to get it working but ...
AnarQ's user avatar
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Jupyter Notebook Markdown not rendering anything

I installed Anaconda and Jupyter notebook the default way on my Windows pc and everything works fine. However, it seems the markdown feature is not working properly. Markdown writte: Markdown not ...
Oğuz Arslan's user avatar

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