I am trying to approximate 255 / sqrt(x) using Newton's method to avoid using division or the sqrt() operation on an architecture where those operations are expensive.

My derivation is:

y = 255 / sqrt(x)
255 / y^2 = x
f(y) = 255 / y^2 - x = 0
y[n+1] = y[n] - f(y) / f’(y)
f’(y) = -510 / y^3
y[n+1] = y[n] - (255 / y[n]^2 - x) / (-510 / y[n] ^ 3)
y[n+1] = 3/2 * y[n] - x * y[n]^2 / 510

I tested this with the following code

# what I want is 255 * isqrt(x) or 255 / sqrt(x)
def inverse_sqrt_newton_255(x, iterations=5):
    y = 255. / x
    for _ in range(iterations):
        y = (1.5 * y) - (x * y * y / 510.)
    return y

However, I find that the result is always off by a factor of sqrt(x)

inverse_sqrt_newton_255(25) = 10.2 (should be 51)

I could obviously multiply the result by sqrt(x) but the whole point is to avoid the sqrt() operation.

For reference, the following works correctly for computing 1 / sqrt(x):

def inverse_sqrt_newton(x, iterations=5):
    y = 1.0 / x
    for _ in range(iterations):
        y = y * (1.5 - 0.5 * x * y * y)
    return y

What am I doing wrong?

  • 2
    Have you tested your code? Just because hardware division is slower than, say, multiplication doesn't mean your Python implementation mirrors that. (If you're worried about hardware division being slow, I'm not sure why you are using pure Python in the first place.)
    – chepner
    Commented 6 hours ago
  • 1
    In the second line 255 / y^2 = x, the 255 should be squared too, shouldn't it?
    – VPfB
    Commented 6 hours ago
  • I'm using python to simulate what I would be doing on another platform that's harder to test on, to make sure my math is right Commented 4 hours ago
  • re: VPfB, yes, you're exactly right, and that solves it. I'll update the question for posterity. Commented 3 hours ago

2 Answers 2


per a comment, my math was wrong.

Updated math:

Y = 255 / sqrt(x)
255 / y = sqrt(x)
(255 / y)^2 = x

255^2 / y^2 = x
f(y) = 255^2 / y^2 - x = 0
Y[n+1] = y[n] - f(y) / f’(y)
F’(y) = -2 * 255^2 / y^3
y[n+1] = y[n] - (255^2 / y[n]^2 - x) / (-2 * 255^2 / y^3)
y[n+1] = y[n] - ((x * y[n]^3) - (255^2 * y[n]) / (2 * 255^2)

This results in the following code, which works

def inverse_sqrt_newton_255(x, iterations=5):
    y = 255. / x
    for _ in range(iterations):
        # works:
        # y = y - (255**2 / y**2 - x) / (-2 * 255**2 / y**3)

        # works, but dividing by a constant
        y = y - ((x * y**3) - (255**2 * y)) / (2 * 255**2)
    return y

Compare your good code with bad code:

Good code:

    y = y * (1.5 - 0.5 * x * y * y)

Bad code:

    y = (1.5 * y) - (x * y * y / 510.)

Looks like badly placed parentheses.

A programmer's way to transform your good code into what you need is to introduce two types of y:

y1 = 1 / sqrt(x)
y2 = 255 / sqrt(x)

Then y2 = y1 * 255; invert that to get y1 = y2 / 255.

The code which works:

y1_new = y1_old * (1.5 - 0.5 * x * y1_old * y1_old)

Replace y1 by its expression:

y2_new / 255 = y2_old / 255 * (1.5 - 0.5 * x * y2_old / 255 * y2_old / 255)

Multiply by 255 and get rid of "new" and "old" subscripts:

y2 = y2 * (1.5 - 0.5 * x * y2 * y2 / 255)
  • If I replace y = y * (1.5 - 0.5 * x * y * y / 255) into that function it results in huge positive and negative errors Commented 4 hours ago

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