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Undefined symbols when using -Onone optimization level in Xcode 16

I am encountering a linker error when building my project with the No Optimization (-Onone) option in Xcode 16. The project compiles and runs fine with the Optimize for Speed (-O) option, but when I ...
myself's user avatar
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How to remove corrupted flash from vc-02 module?

How to remove corrupted flash from vc-02 module? The flash size was 2MB but I went to upload 2.195 MB. So the upload stopped after it reached 93%. Since then, the firmware is not being uploaded in any ...
Saddam Ali's user avatar
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connecting a fine-tuned chatgpt model with vtt and tts via terminal in linux (raspberry pi)

Basically, I'm trying to build a way to interact with a finetuned chatgpt model via a headset. I've managed to make it work with tinylama, though for to me unknown reasons that doesn't work anymore ...
marsika's user avatar
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Issue with @react-native-voice/voice on iOS: Stops Working After First Run

I am using the React Native library @react-native-voice/voice. This package doesn't seem to be working correctly with the latest versions of React Native and iOS. It works properly on the first run, ...
UtilsBisleri's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What is the way to test Google assistant integrated android app?

I have tried to test Google Assistant with my Android app. I have been using Android studio version Android Studio Ladybug | 2024.2.1 Patch 1. In Google Assistant Docs one and only way to test the app ...
Suman Routh's user avatar
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Azure Speech SDK Pronunciation Assessment Always Returns AccuracyScore = 0

I'm trying to add pronunciation assessment to my code using Azure's Speech SDK. Here’s the code I’m using: public static AudioConfig CreateAudioConfigFromBytes(byte[] audioBytes) { ...
tzviya's user avatar
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What DeepGram SDK C# object to use when receiving a response?

I am using the DeepGram API alongside the SDK ( to process voice to text. I have setup a webhook to listen for the incoming transcript e.g. public ...
Mark's user avatar
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Can I run voice recognition, speaker output, and continuous audio recording simultaneously on Android without issues?

I'm developing an Android app where I need to have voice recognition, play audio through the speaker, and continuously record audio from the microphone simultaneously. The components I’m using include:...
Mohammad Faizan's user avatar
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Able to run the code in python software but not in replit

I',m new here in experiencing a problem .i'm able to run a particular program in python software but not in replit or any other compilers. my code import speech_recognition as sr # ...
Kiran Das's user avatar
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Issue with Data Preprocessing and Tensor Concatenation for Whisper Model Training

I am trying to train a Whisper model for Jeju dialect speech recognition. However, I am encountering several errors related to tensor concatenation during the data preprocessing phase. Below is the ...
dw26's user avatar
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SpeechToText (Voice Recognition) result is empty string on Android device but not on Windows .NET MAUI

Can anyone solve or explain this problem. Voice Recognition result is ok on Windows but return empty string on Android devices. Is there possible some permission problem or what else might cause this ...
Weissu's user avatar
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Android, how to launch application via Google Assistant?

I'm implementing an application and they are providing their app through their Website, not from Google Play Console. I just wanted to integrate Google Assistant into that application. All I need to ...
testivanivan's user avatar
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How to input MediaRecorder webm opus bytes to Whisper model?

I am recording voice, on the client side, using MediaRecorder, and sending the resulting blob of (webm, opus) bytes to the server using a WebSocket, with this code: <script type="text/...
Bob Bobson's user avatar
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Sending file from Raspberry Pi Pico to voice recognition API

I have a project of a bedside lamp with a voice assistant using special requests. I have this code on my PC : import os import shutil import time import requests import speech_recognition as sr from ...
Melki Youssef's user avatar
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Synthesizing Audio with Unseen Speakers Using Pre-trained VITS Model

I've been using a pre-trained VITS model (VCTK dataset) for text-to-speech synthesis. I've successfully obtained a list of available speakers using the command: !tts --model_name tts_models/en/vctk/...
Adil Ahmed Chowdhury's user avatar
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To address the issue of the microphone picking up both the user's voice and the NVDA (Nonvisual Desktop Access) voice output while recording

I have implemented a voice-to-text feature in my application, and I am utilizing the connected earphone microphone for voice input using navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({audio: true}) API. The ...
Moni's user avatar
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offline voice recognition for Arabic Language in flutter?

I am using speech_to_text and it's very good online , but i want it work offline how to make this in Flutter? according to readme file of package in google App install google app Settings > Voice ...
Tarek_ElsaWy's user avatar
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Duplicate Recording Requests in Browser Extension for Mic/Screen sourced Audio Transcription

I have a website where a function is the user can transcribe audio from their mic and pc audio at the same time, to run other things (core function). Since he browser won't let computer audio to be ...
D M's user avatar
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Speechbrains SpeakerRecognition saves short cuts/links/symlinks of used audio files in working directory

I use the speaker recognition of speechbrain using the Python language: from speechbrain.inference.speaker import SpeakerRecognition and I load a model in the following way model = SpeakerRecognition....
Tütü's user avatar
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Do some LLMs understand the voice directly, or do they have to go through a text transcription stage? [closed]

I want to interact with an LLM via voice. In order to select the right model, I'd like to know if there are LLMs that understand voice directly. If not, I'll have to transcribe the user's voice into ...
Heloddius's user avatar
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Android SpeechRecognizer not working with Chinese

I can't get the SpeechRecognizer to work with Chinese even though I have the language downloaded under "Offline Voice Recognition" under google settings. Other languages like English work ...
Andrey Starenky's user avatar
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Hotwords won't trigger on bumblebee-hotword-node

I'm trying to setup bumblebee (bumblebee-hotword-node) within a server that will listen to a discord server for the 'bumblebee' hotword derived from So ...
Jack blundell's user avatar
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Why doesn't video-conferencing with subtitles exist?

Voice-to-text has existed for a long time, and is built into every major desktop and mobile OS. Video conferencing exists on many platforms and across many protocols. Language translation tools can ...
Shane Millsom's user avatar
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How to achieve offline voice recognition and trigger the keyboard microphone in React Native?

I'm currently working on a React Native project where I need to implement voice recognition functionality. I'm using the react-native-voice package for this purpose. However, I've noticed that this ...
Sachin Mohan's user avatar
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Using webrtcvad to capture audio when the user starts speaking and stops speaking (like Siri) and then saving to a .wav file

I'm trying to make a "Siri-like" audio capture using python. I would like the system to detect speech to begin recording, and then detect silence to stop recording. I would like for this ...
helpme's user avatar
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How to extract these acoustic features from audio files

I was making a voice gender detector, and when trying new samples I need to get the features below from the audio samples, and I wrote this code that doos that; but apparently audioFeatureExtraction ...
yacer meftah's user avatar
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Using Voice Assistants (Siri or Google) to control launch and actions in an app - React Native

I have an app developed using react native running on both IOS & Android platforms. I am currently exploring the option of controlling the app - Launching & actions within the app using the ...
Rakesh V's user avatar
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React-Native : Developing a React-Native Android application for Voice Assistant | Error in voice activation (file-build.gradle ,index.ts)

I am trying to develop a voice assistant in react-native but even after i install my react-native-community/voice there is a error saying..Build file 'E:\react_native_projects\VoxAI\node_modules\react-...
Chethanasree R's user avatar
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Why Python voice assistant works so slow?

I am making a voice assistant using Python 3.12 on MacOS. Now, i am at voice recognition step, but it needs like 6 seconds for just recognize my speech and say 'How can i help you' to user. I know, ...
Dima Paharski's user avatar
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How to Custom command with Custom Intent to open my Android App using Hey, Google Voice command

We need to open the app using google voice command. I have creating the below code to custom Intent but when i ask to Hey Google Help to My ExampleApp then app is not opening and redirect to the ...
Atman Bhatt's user avatar
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How to Automatically Pause and Resume Narration in a Next.js 14 App When User Speaks..?

I am developing a web application using Next.js 14 where a narration (probably using text-to-speech) is ongoing, and I need the app to automatically pause the narration when a user speaks and then ...
Sharvil M's user avatar
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Detecting Silence in Python Voice Assistant

I'm making small pet-project. It's voice assistant. Now, development is on speech recognition part, and i need to make silent detection, to react on user's phrase end. I use vosk for speech ...
Dima Paharski's user avatar
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how to add events to calendar with google calendar api

for example; I have a meeting at 2 o'clock on December 8th, I'm trying to make a python voice assistant that will add the appropriate date in the calendar as an event when I give the voice command, ...
zeyzey's user avatar
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not able to convert produce audio file in gradio

I am making Voice Assistant for ordering in restaurants, the VA takes voice input passes to a trained model, and gives output according to intent. For interface, I am using Gradio which takes voice ...
Isha 's user avatar
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Does Google Speech-to-Text Consume Internet Data for Silent Audio Input in Python?

I am currently using Python's Speech Recognition library with Google's Speech-to-Text functionality. My concern revolves around cases where there is no speech detected during the audio processing. ...
mrithul e's user avatar
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How to print out dictation transcript using, Voice SDK and Unreal Engine

I'm using UE 5.2 building for VR on the Quest. I have the Voice SDK installed. In the docs there is info about installation but no real info on how to use the ...
jm007's user avatar
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Unable to tts = TextToSpeech() | Tortoise tts | Torch

Am sorry, I may not use apt words for explaining my issue. please help me out. Running the code in VS code with python. These are the codes screenshots with errors: My setup commands: !nvidia-smi !...
Daaris Ameen's user avatar
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Python voice recognition stopping when it hears a sound it does not know

I am using Python speech recognition and when it hears sounds that are not understandable (like a dog barking) it raises an error and the program has to be restarted. Is there any way to fix this? ...
Asher Ellet's user avatar
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Is speech recognition is available on Galaxy Watch 4?

I try to make a voice recognition on my Galaxy Watch 4 in Kotlin language with Android Studio and it seems that it is not available on this device. The value of SpeechRecognizer.isRecognitionAvailable(...
KBill's user avatar
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Android Kotlin: Saving RecognitionIntent user's audio to app's cache folder

After reading dozens of posts regarding this topic I've come to the conclusion I'm behind a very difficult goal, but shouldn't be impossible. You can use my app to learn/improve English and I'm trying ...
Diego Perez's user avatar
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i was trying to create a desktop assistant using python but whenever i speak something it shows an error

FOR EG (I SAY ="Hello bro") The error-- "'hello' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." or even if i say anything else it displays ...
MANAN SINGH's user avatar
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I have trouble working with pyaudio . How do I fix the errors?

I'm having trouble with my voice commander as it's not working properly and I think it's because of some errors in the PyAudio file. Can you suggest some steps to fix this issue? I have already ...
Muskaan Sharma's user avatar
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How to change the language speech

def take_command(): try: with sr.Microphone() as source: print('listening...') voice = listener.listen(source) command = listener.recognize_google(voice)...
Windows Master's user avatar
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[Android][expo][@react-native-voice/voice] [TypeError: Cannot read property 'startSpeech' of null]

I'm trying to record user voice and transform it to text in react-native app, using expo, typescript, and @react-native-voice/voice package. I have imported the library into my project, but when I try ...
baronnat theo's user avatar
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discord.js voice channels no sound

I'm working on a discord.js v13 bot that joins a voice channel then listen for user then transfer the voice to text then transfer the text to voice then send it back to the voice channel When I join ...
GEYO 5's user avatar
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Python "speech_recognition" module has no "recognize"?

I was trying some code i watched on a video but when i had to run the program it said the following text: "An error ocurred : module 'speech_recognition' has no attribute 'recognize'" i used ...
axel cardona vasquez's user avatar
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How to implement continuous voice recognition?

I'm making an application that helps people by calling the police when they say "Help". However, I'm currently having a problem with the continuous voice recognition. I tried to use the ...
ihavenoideawhatimdoing's user avatar
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How to enable program to speak?

I am trying to create my own voice assistant with React.js, react-speech-recognition and react-text-to-speech packages. My problem is that it does not speak, just when I added button like it is in ...
Peter_Griffindor's user avatar
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Azure Cognitive Speech SDK Issue in Vuejs Project

I am importing & using microsoft-cognitiveservices-speech-sdkin VueJS Project but whenever I click on mic, I am getting below issue. This is what I tried: import * as SDK from "microsoft-...
Sonali's user avatar
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PvRecorder not reading fast enough on my Raspberry Pi Zero

I'm using picovoice (rhino speech-to-intent and pvrecorder) on my pi0. Here's my code: from pvrecorder import PvRecorder import pvrhino #my pico voice key key='my_access_key' #removed the access key ...
aashvikt's user avatar
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