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Dynamic Allocation or Declaration of Robot Framework Variables

I have a script that automatically generates Robot Framework testcases based on a few parameters. Now in this generated testcases there might a ssh connection or some other things that has predefined ...
Srijan Dutta's user avatar
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1 answer

How to fix DataDriver error in Robot Framework: "ImportError: cannot import name : "FileNotFoundError" from 'pandas.compat"?

I get this error when hovering on the DataDriver Library Unresolved library: DataDriver. Error generating libspec: Importing library 'DataDriver' failed: ImportError: cannot import name : "...
Rica Jacutina's user avatar
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Unable to drag and drop using robot framework. UI is built with angular cdk. The application is based on electron app

I am facing an issue in drag and drop using robot framework. I am automating drag and drop with a desktop application which is built on electron open source framework. The UI contains Available ...
Irfan's user avatar
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Text verification case sensitive on macOS Robot Framework?

For example We need to validate UI Text "SUMMARY PAGE" when we execute script on Windows for getText it will return "SUMMARY PAGE" but same script executed on macOS it will return &...
Ravi S Mundhe's user avatar
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3 answers

how to locate an id of the button to click when id is dynamic in robot framework

I am new to robot framework and learned few basics of robot framework. when i tried to create a new account in facebook , i have used id element of "create new account" but everytime new id ...
Sneha Menon's user avatar
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How to generate report.html for every testsuit( .robot file) in RoboTFramework?

I,m using single pycharm project to run different test files for a particular website. ex -: I'm having robot files with test cases such as loginTest.robot , purchasetest.robot , signinwith_facebook....
Kasun Ishanka Yapa's user avatar
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How to use Browserstack Automate API for mark test status in ROBOT Framework PyCharm

I tried with CURL given in BrowserStack for mark tests as fail/pass. I have implemented the automation code with the robot framework in pycharm. I added the test status for each test case in my test ...
Kasun Ishanka Yapa's user avatar
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Robot Framework - SSH library - Editing a file on remote server

I am writing a test case in Robot Framework where in, I have to either copy the file from the local machine (windows) to the remote server (linux) or create a new one at the location. I have used ...
Nike's user avatar
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Redirect robot.api.logger calls to file as messages are invisible due to XML-RPC

In one of my projects we are using Robot Framework with custom keyword libraries in a complex test environment using assorted ECUs and PCs. One keyword library must be controlled by a python remote ...
Aleph0's user avatar
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