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Api to call Rotating proxy Service

I am building a python Selenium bot and I am trying to bypass captcha checks; what I was thinking of doing is connecting to the page each time using a different IP address; Are there tools/services ...
Niccolò Lauriola's user avatar
-4 votes
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Is it possible to run javascript on client side when implementing a telegram bot? [closed]

Is it possible to run javascript on client side when implementing a telegram bot? To be more specific, I want to generate key pair on client, but don't let the bot know the client private key, and use ...
Patrick Bernardina's user avatar
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Error al cargar una imagen en un button, Windows Form C# [closed]

Tengo un problema al asignar una imagen a un botón en mi proyecto de Windows Forms C#. Me aparece el error 'CS0117: 'Resources' no contiene una definición para 'Refresh''. He verificado que la imagen ...
Hugo Vazquez's user avatar
-1 votes
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Azure Bot is not receiving scheduled messages; otherwise, it is working fine

he bot subscription, our bot is working fine, sending cards and other responses as per the settings, but it is not receiving the scheduled messages that are sent daily through Lambda functions. ...
Muhammad Moeed's user avatar
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reCAPTCHA v2 suddenly requires a lot more attempts

I have a reCAPtCHA V2 protecting some paths in my site and recently the trust score has dropped significantly and many reCAPtCHA attempts are getting blocked... so I tested it myself, and for some ...
winner_vth's user avatar
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'SignedTransaction' object has no attribute 'rawTransaction'

` from web3 import Web3 import os import time from dotenv import load_dotenv # Load environment variables load_dotenv() # Define RPC URLs for different networks RPC_URLS = { "ethereum":...
george wale's user avatar
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I want to build bot with cogs and slash commands [closed]

As title says I would like to do bot with cogs and slash commands. I know how cogs work with normal text commands but I have no idea how it works if I want slash commands. Can someone ...
nipatsu yt's user avatar
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Discord, is there such a bot? [closed]

I have a question. I have my private discord server with people I met in a certain game (we playing now as a team). This game also have official discord server where admin's are posting updates. Can i ...
voz's user avatar
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block cheating using tamper monkey and ant-captcha api [closed]

i have a game built with php , it is about wars and stuff . we have set captcha and other protection methods like tracking click position and other security method in order to block any attempt of ...
Zeyd Lprn's user avatar
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How can I make this code to be able to detect a message on telegram? [closed]

I'm trying to create a bot in python that is able to identify one message or another. For example "Buy" "Sell". The bot is able to connect to my telegram account and find the ...
kelvin junior's user avatar
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problem of not having all YouTube video qualities in the yt-dlp list

so basically i'm trying to build telegram bot using telebot (pyTelegramBotAPI) library and yt-dlp so that the user can download the video he wants with the quality he wants. also because yt-dlp shows ...
Blackthor's user avatar
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Why is the new_chat_members or chat_member event not triggered in a Telegram supergroup?

I am developing a Telegram bot using Telegraf to listen for the new_chat_members event when a user joins a group. However, the event does not trigger in a supergroup, even though the bot has the ...
Arthur Odon's user avatar
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What causes the web server return different HTTP codes?

Reviewing Apache's access_ssl_log I've come across certain scanbots activity that to my surprise causes strange server responses I.e. - - [29/Nov/2024:08:29:50 +0100] "GET /vendor/...
Anton Duzenko's user avatar
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Error: ```ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)``` when writing a filter to find links within a message

I write something like anonymous valentines in telegram for a certain audience, and I want to do automatic moderation, but since I work with this for the first time I encountered a problem at the ...
user28547173's user avatar
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API BingX TrailingStop

I managed to install take profit and stoploss But I can't set the trailing stop correctly I tried to place an order and then use its id to set trailing, but I got an error Then I tried to set ...
Andrey's user avatar
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How do I write a code that posts into X (formerly twitter) using tweepy and free X API?

I have tried using api.update_status() which gives the error - 453 - You currently have access to a subset of X API V2 endpoints and limited v1.1 endpoints (e.g. media post, oauth) only. If you need ...
Shakthi Udhai's user avatar
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Trading Bot - 'solders.transaction.Transaction' object has no attribute 'recent_blockhash' and no __dict__

I'm trying to get this Solana trading Python buy script to work, but I'm getting the following error. Any help would be highly appreciated. Error: Attempt 1 to create associated token account failed: '...
Wacky Alien League's user avatar
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Erorr calling a module that uses

(I'm kind of new, did some stuff but still a noob) I believe my problem is at I'll try my best explain the program and issue, I have multiple "modules/files" ...
pablomu's user avatar
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How to realise bot work on several Discord servers with command input?

It is specifically about ‘memorising’ the data to be entered into the command. @bot.command() async def explosion_channel(ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, id_channel, id_role): global channel_id ...
newbee's user avatar
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Solana bot with serum DEX in python transaction error

I've build a sniping bot for SOL, using solana and pyserum. Connect using all required keys - market address, private key, etc. The bot connects, makes trades but fails to return the profits to ...
Marian's user avatar
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How to see the participant who makes the call in Microsoft Teams with the graft api?

Good communities, I am trying to identify the participant who makes the call and the participant who receives it, I am not talking about a meeting but one on one. Thanks! i receved all Participant but ...
Antonio Navarro Ortin's user avatar
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Skype Bot Not Responding to Group Messages

I’m currently developing a bot using the BotBuilder SDK (v4) and the Microsoft Bot Framework, and I’ve successfully registered it on Azure with Skype as one of the channels. The bot works well for 1:1 ...
jojohanhannesnes's user avatar
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bot composer Instagram channel

I am trying to connect my azure bot to Instagram channel, bot working fine with facebook businesss account. Added instagram app to facebook page, but its not working , or not getting any responce ...
Murthy's user avatar
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Creating a Discord Role Bot, goes online fine, but won't actually update the roles

I am currently programming a rolebot for a small community discord server as a means to learn python 3 and the Discord library as a whole. I've mucked around all over the internet trying other ...
Jared Singleton's user avatar
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Python bot can’t be deployed to azure web app

I have python app flask bot developed in visual studio code with respective requirements.txt and template/index.html, debugged and locally works ok, created Linux azure web app and when I’m trying to ...
Dimitar Grigorov's user avatar
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How to Mitigate Bot Traffic from Microsoft IPs Triggered by Bulk Email Campaign Links?

We recently started encountering an issue where each time we send a bulk email (ezine) featuring links to our latest products, we see a significant spike in bot traffic that appears to originate from ...
Robert Gray's user avatar
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Copilot Studio, error when chat flow passes through a Prompt: The calling application’s identity could not be verified, AuthorizationIdentityNotFound

I'm building a chatbot and it was working very well in my own development environment. But it was when I moved the solution to my provided company's environment to configure manual authentication, the ...
Ngọc Thạch Nguyễn's user avatar
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Using IRC how can I get a list of current viewers of my twitch stream?

Using twitches IRC API I am trying to get all the current viewers of my stream when the bot runs however on_names never runs even though when the bot connects it should receive JOIN, 353 and 366 ...
Oliver Conway's user avatar
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How do I keep a log of all user requests for a specific route properly?

An exploit in my application was found by someone allowing them to bypass, many security checks. I have no idea how they did it after many attempts of brain storming and crafting malicious requests I ...
winner_vth's user avatar
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how do i set a custom emote as a booster role icon like bleed has it

im trying to set a custom booster role icon so the way i have it is it steals the emote then sets it as the icon then deletes it but it wont work i tried everything i even had gpt helping me but it ...
Gypsy's user avatar
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Using MEXC API with Python

I am making a trading bot using mexc API in Python but I am getting this error: {'code': 700002, 'msg': 'Signature for this request is not valid.'} # Signature creation function def ...
hasan kral's user avatar
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Teams Toolkit - I need help integrating long term storage into my bot

Overview: I built a bot using teams toolkit - I have had this issue for a while where the bot will lose references for the member when a new version comes out or after some time of not sending ...
Justin J's user avatar
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Python telegram bot with Aiogram

I want to make a back button while creating telegram bot. I need to make this button in ReplyKeyboardButton, but back button works for all functions and handlers. For example, there are two main ...
Javlon's user avatar
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How to make a discord bot print my response that I have set

I was trying to make a discord bot that insults my friends, but it keeps telling me that' weight is not defined when I test the code in Discord. import os from dotenv import load_dotenv import random ...
ThatCyclone's user avatar
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Discord Slash Commands In Python Not Working

So I tried like every which way to use a slash command in the python environment. Even hybrid commands, in which the prefix version works but the slash command doesn't even appear. I have all the ...
jay's user avatar
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Isolated context does not hide [Re]browser automation

My goal was to apply/run cloud browser Rebrowser as a bot-undetected entity. Initially I've got help from How to fix Runtime.Enable CDP detection of Puppeteer, Playwright and other automation ...
Igor Savinkin's user avatar
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Request/response on Facebook mobile cannot be captured by Chrome DevTool

I have an issue when trying to view XHR requests on the mobile version of Facebook. None of the requests/responses from Facebook are visible. This happens when the device is switched to a mobile ...
Syafrie's user avatar
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TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'GuildText')

I keep getting this error, [AntiCrash] | [UncaughtExceptionMonitor_Logs] | [Start] : =============== Uncaught exception monitor: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'GuildText') ...
Lewis Byers's user avatar
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VoiceNextClient App does not respond when bot tries to join channel

Im making a discord bot using DSharpplus + VoiceNextClient. I want to make my bot able to join channel which I'm connected with. Tried to do it like that: [SlashCommand("join", "Makes ...
stara chwesiuka 's user avatar
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Socket Connection for MS Teams Bots Using the Bot Framework SDK?

The BotBuilder-Samples repository has a host of sample bots that can be served as async web apps (using aiohttp). I was wondering though, is it possible to simply create something like a socket ...
Minura Punchihewa's user avatar
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Notification Bot: empty installation list when deployed on Linux

I'm developing a notification bot for Microsoft Teams using Node.js and deploying it to Azure App Service/Bot Service. The bot works fine when hosted on a Windows environment in Azure. However, if I ...
Sara's user avatar
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How to redirect to a specific message in a group on telegram?

I'm coding a python code to retrieve message in all my private groups (there are like 500 message in each group/each hour). So it's impossible for me to read thoses and this is why I need a bot. I can ...
Impact's user avatar
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How to call functions with

Calling functions like normal gives me an error. :( Every time I try to do await warn(ctx, member) it gives me an error AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'name' @bot.hybrid_command() ...
HOGANCLAN236's user avatar
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Azure bot and channel with WhatsApp

You may know that WhatsApp is not one of the communication channels supported by the QnA Bot in Azure. Many other are supported but not WhatsApp. What I found is that I download a function from github ...
PanLondon's user avatar
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how to configure fullfillment updates in amazon lex bot to send initial response and periodic updates about fullfillment

Scenario: I have a Lambda function integrated with Amazon Lex (V2) for fulfillment, which calls an external API to process the user's raw input. The external API takes a considerable amount of time to ...
Mahmudul Hasan Shafin's user avatar
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Deploying Python-based Chat Bots for MS Teams

I am trying to deploy a simple Microsoft Teams using one of the provided samples, but I cannot seem to get it running. Here are the steps that I followed: Cloned the the BotBuilder-Samples repository ...
Minura Punchihewa's user avatar
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How to create MySQL function to update database if a value reaches 800?

I'm trying to make the database check the table every second to see if the XP value has reached 800, and if it does, set the rank value to 'Elite Genin' and set the XP value to 0. @bot.event async def ...
TurkeySouls's user avatar
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How to update a database using a loop?

I'm trying to get my bot to check the database every second, and if someone has 800 XP, to change their rank to 'Elite Genin'. @bot.event async def on_ready(): print(f"Logged in as: {bot.user....
TurkeySouls's user avatar
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My Bot not clicking in blue icon that appears on the screen

Im got problem with my bot, he must select aplication and on aplication when im do something, then small blue icon appear on the screen, then my bot must click a icon, but there is a problem, hes not ...
Centrum Programisty's user avatar
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Download using discord bot

I'm making a music discord bot that plays songs that are on a local directory. My problem is that I'm trying to make a command that downloads the song from youtube and saves in this directory, but ...
Gabriel Porto Terruya's user avatar

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