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Export Python charts excel with grid layout

I'm trying to write a Python script that generates a series of charts from Excel. The Excel file has the price of different cars on each day. Column 1 is the Date; Column 2 is price for Green cars; ...
Anthony Guida's user avatar
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Creating groups from dataset based on time intervals [duplicate]

I am working on expanding a script I have made to do some reporting for one of our projects. I need to determine length of video, location and a few other attributes. This part works well when there ...
Brian Hamilton's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I replace text in a word document table using information from an excel file?

I have a template where I am trying to replace certain text with information from excel. The problem is that once I have replaced and saved the file, the conditions I have set no longer apply and all ...
Shin Jira's user avatar
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Return something from onclick?

I have a function that creates a chart with pandas & matplotlib. In the function there is an onclick handler that creates a table and then shows it with upon click. When the entire ...
chocalaca's user avatar
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How to calculate daily weights which certain conditions in python

I have the following pandas dataframe which represents the consumption of 7 days (day_0 is today, day_-1 is yesterday etc) of 10 people (ids): import pandas as pd import numpy as np df = pd.DataFrame(...
quant's user avatar
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Use attribute name as column name for sqlalchemy in pandas read_sql()

I am using pd.read_sql() together with SQL alchemy. However, it is not using the attribute name of the mapping for the columns in the pandas dataframe, but the original SQL column name: class DBtable(...
ju.'s user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Find average rate per group in specific years using groupby transform

I'm trying to find a better/faster way to do this. I have a rather large dataset (~200M rows) with individual dates per row. I want to find the average yearly rate per group from 2018 to 2019. I know ...
amance's user avatar
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Cannot compare tz-naive and tz-aware timestamps

I'm finding the error below: Cannot compare tz-naive and tz-aware timestamps How can I convert dates to fix the issue? The error appear in the end of the syntax below. from datetime import datetime, ...
lpca's user avatar
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4 answers

pd.read_csv() not working with parse_dates

I'm using the Netflix Movies and TV Shows dataset to better understand pandas. The column date_added is in the format: "September 21, 2024" which, as I understand, would be parsed as "%...
Théodore Targerian's user avatar
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How to efficiently make a large matrix of 1s and 0s

I have two numpy arrays x and y of same length, and I am trying to make a square matrix A such that the (i,j) entry of the matrix will contain a 1 if a certain relationship holds between x[i], x[j], y[...
JLB's user avatar
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Reindexing only valid with uniquely valued index objects

There are a couple of articles about this issue already, but none of them solve my issue. I have two sets of Python dataframes (df_A1, df_A2 and df_B1, df_B2) and I want to combine the A's together ...
Ganesh Gebhard's user avatar
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Pandas conditional filtering on categorical values

I have the following table in pandas: Index Ingredient Dish 1 Potato Pie 2 Potato Juice 3 Potato Fries 4 Potato Pure 5 Apple Pie 6 Apple Juice 7 Apple Fries 8 Apple Pure and want to apply ...
MaximJ's user avatar
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-3 votes
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pandas complex merge

How can I merge these two dataframes? df1 enter image description here df2 Rule: Merge based on callsign and re (if not null). If de and d_runway do not match, add a label indicating a mismatch. ...
user20321911's user avatar
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Pandas - Change specific input based on row and column name

Lets say I have the following dataframe data = [['Tom', 180], ['Adam', 174], ['Bob', 182]] df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Name', 'Height']) If I wish to change the value of Bob's height, I could ...
WaterDrop's user avatar
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2 answers

Split a Pandas column of lists with different lengths into multiple columns [duplicate]

I have a Pandas DataFrame that looks like: ID result 1 [.1,.5] 2 [.4,-.2,-.3,.1,0] 3 [0,.1,.6] How can split this column of lists into two columns? Desired result: ID result_1 result_2 ...
Ishigami's user avatar
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5 answers

How to transpose and modify a pandas dataframe based on column values

I have a set of data like below: name A B C foo 1 0 0 bar 0 1 0 coo 0 0 1 That I am trying to alter to look like the table below: name A foo B bar C coo I've done research but have gotten ...
skoleosho97's user avatar
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Calculate all missing values for specific data using pivot tables in pandas

I am working on this dataset called titanic.csv Let's simplify the problem and include some data here: I need to calculate all missing values for child, as you see it is a value under who column. ...
Anisa B.'s user avatar
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ImportError from Pandas while running XGBoost model on python

I am trying to run a basic XGBoost model on python (v 3.8.5), however getting an error that I can not resolve. Appreciate your help, thanks! My code is as below: import seaborn as sns import pandas ...
Preetam Pal's user avatar
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Getting empty dataframes after webscraping from Wikipedia

I am trying to extract data from a wikipedia page and load it into a dataframe. After webscraping and running the data frame, python is returning an empty data frame which shouldn't be the case. Here'...
Arbab Qaisar's user avatar
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IndexError: index out of range in self when training Dynamic Word Embedding Model (DWB)

I am a beginner in text mining analysis and am currently learning Dynamic Word Embedding (DWB) techniques. While running the replication codes from this Kaggle notebook, I encountered the following ...
ryang6476's user avatar
-2 votes
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How do I Get rid of '0' in index column?

I try to rename the Index column to 'idx' and get rid of 0 using this code: df1.index.rename(name='idx', inplace=True) However, I end up with the second dataframe as below. It results in messing up ...
Hưng Trần's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Skip rows with pandas.read_csv(..., comment="#") but allow hash in the data?

Is there any way in pandas to ignore #-commented lines in their entirety, but leave the # symbol alone in the CSV body? import pandas as pd from io import StringIO csv_content = """\ # ...
matentzn's user avatar
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Behavior of inside another df.apply()

I find this code very interesting. I modified the code a little to improve the question. Essentially, the code uses a DataFrame to format the style of another DataFrame using t1 = pd....
Scoodood's user avatar
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merge several columns of the same data into one

I've created a dataframe that adds data from several sources. Here is an example subset: index CompanyName Source1site Source2site Source3site City 1 Comp1 Nan ...
Anas's user avatar
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Interpolating time series data for step values

I have time series data that looks like this (mm/dd hh:mm): 3.100 12/14 05:42 3.250 12/14 05:24 3.300 12/14 05:23 3.600 12/14 02:45 3.700 12/13 10:54 3.600 12/12 13:19 3.900 12/12 10:43 ...
blahahaaahahaa's user avatar
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How to use numpy.where in a pipe function for pandas dataframe groupby?

Here is a script to simulate the issue I am facing: import pandas as pd import numpy as np data = { 'a':[1,2,1,1,2,1,1], 'b':[10,40,20,10,40,10,20], 'c':[0.3, 0.2, 0.6, 0.4, 0....
learner's user avatar
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2 answers

Update Pandas DataFrame slice row-wise using dictionary

Question I am updating the values in a slice of a pandas.DataFrame by row such that each row of the slice has unique value. I am using pandas version 2.2.3. I have found an approach that seems to work ...
Ouroboroski's user avatar
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Monkeypatching pandas series to_csv with pytest

I am testing a function, write_query(), in My test is in, which is carried out using pytest. I am using the pytest monkeypatch fixture to monkeypatch Series.to_csv(), in ...
Tim Kirkwood's user avatar
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Indices mismatch during merge in pandas

I am trying to merge two dataframes in Python, pandas, df1 and df2. I am trying to merge them on Column1, and then assign value of Column2 from df2 to df1. This is my code: df1 = df1.reset_index() ...
melca's user avatar
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3 answers

How to separate multiple tickers into individual dataframes with yfinance downloaded data

I'm trying to download stock data information using yfinance. Currently, I can successfully download a single ticker using which returns a dataframe with information I can use. This API ...
Ryanc88's user avatar
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Exception has occurred: DatatypeMismatch column "occurence_timestamp" is of type timestamp without time zone but expression is of type bigint

Here are the core steps and logics of my script below: Create and instantiate a PostgreSQLDB class object that does database operation Use view vw_valid_case_from_db1 to get a list of case_id which ...
KubiK888's user avatar
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How to convert the column with lists into one hot encoded columns? [duplicate]

Assume, there is one DataFrame such as following import pandas as pd import numpy as np df = pd.DataFrame({'id':range(1,4), 'items':[['A', 'B'], ['A', 'B', 'C'], ['A', 'C']]}) ...
DaCard's user avatar
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How do I pass a row to a function using df.apply in Pandas [duplicate]

I have a fairly complicated function that I need to run on each row of my dataframe - lambda functions won't work here. I want to pass multiple columns from the dataframe to the function. In my ...
Stumbling Through Data Science's user avatar
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Delete indexed observation based on other column entry

I have an example imported excel spreadsheet that appears like this with many more entries and i read in with pd.read_excel. I would like to delete all of ID 3's entries since the status is deleted ...
Brad's user avatar
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Sparse matrix in pandas/scipy with row and column indices

I have a dataframe in pandas that looks like this: >>> df[['BranchNumber', 'ModelArticleNumber', 'ActualSellingPrice']].info() <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 447970 ...
Scott Deerwester's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to impute OPEN_CLS_STS based on values in DT_CLS in Python [duplicate]

I'm trying to impute the OPEN_CLS_STS based on the values in DT_CLS. IF DT_CLS has a date populated then OPEN_CLS_STS should have a value 'C'. Otherwise OPEN_CLS_STS should have a value 'O'. I tried ...
Derekhe1988's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to impute OPEN_CLS_STS based on values in DT_CLS [duplicate]

I'm trying to impute the OPEN_CLS_STS based on the values in DT_CLS. IF DT_CLS has a date populated then OPEN_CLS_STS should have a value 'C'. Otherwise OPEN_CLS_STS should have a value 'O'. I tried ...
Derekhe1988's user avatar
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How to store the result of a datafram grouping seperatly using Pandas Python

I'm facing a challenge when I'm trying to group a dataframe, here's a fake datafram which similir to the real one : **univertcity country sector name firstname code** Evergreen College ...
innov-aphp's user avatar
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Creating separate groups in a dataframe when column values repeat [duplicate]

I have a dataframe with numbers formatted as follows: df = pd.DataFrame({"ColumnA": [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], "ColumnB": [1,3,5,6,4,7,5,4,1,2], "ColumnC": [0,1,1,2,0,2,1,1,...
zard's user avatar
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Manipulation of a Pandas dataframe most time- and memory-efficiently

Please imagine I have a dataframe like this: df = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.Index(['1', '1', '2', '2'], name='from'), columns=['to'], data= ['2', '2', '4', '5']) df: Now, I would like to calculate a ...
Saeed's user avatar
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Clearing outliers in Python using pandas

I am doing a small project (while trying to educate myself in OCR and data analysis), and I am facing a problem I cannot solve. I am plotting this graph of speed relative to time, but due to the ...
sanitaravel's user avatar
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Pandas Dataframe Multiindex - Calculate Mean and add additional column to each level of the index

Given the following dataframe: Year 2024 2023 2022 Header N Result SD N Result SD N Result SD Vendor A 5 20 3 5 22 4 1 21 3 B 4 25 2 ...
Tumas04's user avatar
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Python - Pandas matching two json API dumps as dataframes

I'm a network admin working on a small project at work using Cisco's Meraki API wrapper for Python The end goal is to have a dashboard that displays the amount of authenticated users on a single ...
Promise's user avatar
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pandas multi index subset selection

import pandas as pd import numpy as np # Sample data index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([ ('A', 'a1', 'x'), ('A', 'a1', 'y'), ('A', 'a2', 'x'), ('A', 'a2', 'y'), ('B', 'b1', 'x'), ...
TTY's user avatar
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What role does min value and max value play in reducing memory usage?

I am learning the code from this github Intrusion Detection (CIC-IDS2017) Here is the code and the result that the authors use to reduce the memory, but I don't know why the author made adjustments ...
Christopher Chen's user avatar
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Download and read an Excel file into a pandas DataFrame without saving the Excel file

I'm making a request to download an Excel file. The response is in byte form. What I usually do is save this response body as an Excel file using: with open('filename.xlsx', 'wb') as f: f.write(...
Jff's user avatar
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My Exponential Moving Average calculations are still somehow wrong?

Where am I going wrong... Here is my Python code which interacts with the MetaTrader5 API. import numpy as np import MetaTrader5 as mt5 import pandas as pd from sklearn.preprocessing import ...
RHO's user avatar
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Not getting decimals when extracting values [duplicate]

So I am practicing data wrangling and I have encountered an issue. food['GPA'].unique() And the output is array(['2.4', '3.654', '3.3', '3.2', '3.5', '2.25', '3.8', '3.904', '3.4', '3.6', '3.1'...
Sjaikisan's user avatar
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Comparing empty dataframes

I have a function, extract_redundant_values, to extract redundant rows from a pandas dataframe. I am testing it by running on in_df to generate out_df. I am then comparing this against my expected ...
Tim Kirkwood's user avatar
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Rearrange and encode columns in pandas

i have data structured like this (working with pandas): ID|comp_1_name|comp_1_percentage|comp_2_name|comp_2_percentage| 1| name_1 | 13 | name_2 | 33 | 2| name_3 | ...
Alessandro Togni's user avatar

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