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PHP - Change Text Field to DropDown Menu and precompoiled Text Field [closed]

i'm working on a theme for vacation rentals in Wordpress and in a page, the owner have a text box in which he can write down any cancellation terms and policy. It's a simple text box. I want to change ...
Tiziano Giannotta's user avatar
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1 answer

WordPress Menu is expecting wp post element

Trying to add a Page Element to a Menu results that WordPress is hanging - in the debug.log I see an error similar like it is expecting a WP_Post Element (which makes no sense in this case here). How ...
Commander Wf's user avatar
-2 votes
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how to add a class to one button inside a menu based on php foreach? [closed]

i have a video site like youtube . admin can add many categories with no limit . these categories display on top of the site as a horizontal menu . this is the code that display the categories : <?...
yana's user avatar
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2 answers

Show 5 latest posts in Wordpress footer menu under the third menu item

I want to add a custom code under the third menu item in my Wordpress footer menu. It's meant to show the latest blogpost under the "Blog" (in this case "Insights") menu-item. I ...
Jelle's user avatar
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Switch language menu Codeigniter 4

I am a beginner in codeigniter, I am using version 4 to create a multilingual application, I have applied all the steps but it cannot work correctly. Manually it works, i.e., by typing the link ...
Samgione's user avatar
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Hide a nav menu item if a user hasn't purchased a specific product in WooCommerce and PHP

I am trying to write a PHP code that will hide an existing nav menu item called 'My English Course' if a logged in customer HAS NOT purchased a WooCommerce product with an ID of 426. In other words, ...
velvet's user avatar
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Wordpress anchor menu buggy

I have built my own portfolio website in Wordpress Elementor Pro, and on the portfolio page I have an anchor menu with all my categories of items, like "Logotyper" = Logotypes, "...
Ida Opti's user avatar
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Split wordpress bootstrap4 navwalker header menu into two lines on smaller screens only

This WordPress website uses Bootstrap 4 and a version of Navwalker. My client only views her website from her iPhone, and she doesn't want the menu to collapse. So, for her to see the entire menu ...
SunnyOz's user avatar
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How to Remove Parent Page Link from WordPress Submenus with Three or More Nested Levels?

I'm encountering an issue with WordPress menus where if there are three or more nested submenus, WordPress automatically includes the parent page link followed by the submenu link. For example, in ...
Ashish's user avatar
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How to create lists template enfold?

I am using wordpress to create the website, I have two problems, the First: I cannot create menus"can't customize drop down menu", after saving the menu it disappears. Second: I can't add an ...
george's user avatar
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3 answers

how to restrict a menu for some userd based on the value of a specific field?

On my primary wp nav, I have a menu item named 'Research' which i want to only be shown for Researchers in wordpress. Researchers will be defined by a user meta field called wpum_relationship_to_lib ...
Mary.fa's user avatar
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Why does my mobile WordPress menu display on the admin panel but not the site?

The mobile menu is displayed in the backend but not in the frontend. The theme is: Bootscore I added the following code to my functions.php to register the mobile menu: function ...
BegVK's user avatar
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Update Dependent Dropdown Menu PHP, Jquery, Ajax

Goals2 Table: id game_number_id team_id_goal player_id_goal 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 Teams Table: id name 1 MTL 2 BOS 3 CGY 4 EDM Players table: id team_id first_name last_name 1 1 Kirby ...
JahIsGucci's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to Change WordPress Menu Structure (ul > li to nav > a)

I'm trying to create a WordPress menu using: <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'menu' => 'Top Mid', 'container' => 'nav', ...
SARN's user avatar
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How do I speed up a large website category navigation?

I have a category menu on a website that goes about four levels deep. There are a few thousand links included. My current implementation simply loops through each level to add top-level items and then ...
Taylor Liesnham's user avatar
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Wordpress: Change menu based on JavaScript variable

My current problem is ti change the menu being loaded in my header-top-area.php file based on the value of a javascript variable I've created. So far, I've written a simple script that identifies the ...
Mance Rah's user avatar
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2 answers

Where/how to edit mobile menu on custom-coded site

I am looking to update a link in the mobile hamburger menu on a custom-coded website that uses custom fields. I want a menu item to link to a pdf instead of a #section (one-page site). I have scoured ...
Serendipitydoda's user avatar
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Wordpress plugin admin settings page

I'm working on a very simple plugin for wordpress. I'm dealing with "admin settings page". I'd like to keep things separated in php files, as most tutorials do, but something broke in my ...
Pol Senserrich's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why is both mobile and desktop nav menu showing on WordPress site?

Working on a WP site (site link) with Elementor Pro, my problem is that while editing the page and the site, the header looks fine, but on the live site both the mobile and desktop nav menu is showing ...
tomika_indaclub's user avatar
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Wordpress - How to add condition "if user logged in" for html/css/js menu

I'm working with elementor, in the html widget I wrote some code to create a menu and it works fine. Now I want to hide a part of the menu to make it visible only to logged in users. I understand that ...
Snorlax's user avatar
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How to auto Generate Menus If a module is installed in Laravel

Here's my goal. I'm Creating a laravel application and I split different functions in modules using NWIDART module. On my side menu I used pre defined code to check if module exists and if module ...
Treasure Uvietobore's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to create url form in menu dynamic laravel

I just want to know how create condition in laravel if url field / form in menus is true then in menu href will linked into $url, unless if url form is null, then in menu href will linked into $id ...
afada arugia's user avatar
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PHP include for header menu footer works on index.php but not other pages

I have tried substituting my html code for include PHP references. It works on the index.php but the three includes, header menu and footer do not appear on the other pages, though the content and ...
Shay123's user avatar
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"Notice: Trying to get property" for nested menu [duplicate]

cID cPID cSlug cName 1 0 hello H1 2 0 world WORLD 3 0 mars MARS 4 1 people People 5 1 dogs Dogs 6 3 cats Cats:) cPID: Parent ID PHP: $getMenuData = $db->table($vtCategories)->getAll(); $...
user avatar
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Css multilevel vertical menu with Php Mysql

I have the following code for integrating a categories menu with unlimited multi levels <ul id="menu_mb_ul" class="nt_mb_menu"> <li class="menu-item menu-item-has-children ...
Max Negri's user avatar
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how to category list? [PHP accordion]

I need to create unlimited categories, and ı use php + mysql. My database struct. id name parent_id 1 Electronic 0 2 Laptop 1 3 Desktop 1 4 Car 0 5 Renault 4 6 Megane 5 the look i want to ...
smhylc's user avatar
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Add a <div> after <li> in wordpress [duplicate]

I use this script to show the wordpress menu <?php $argsM = array( 'theme_location' => 'menu-principal', 'items_wrap' => '<ul class="sf-menu nav navbar-nav %2$s&...
Sylver's user avatar
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Hide/Show menus when logged in/out on WordPress

My website is built with WordPress and I currently have 3 nav menus The main menu - "Main" A secondary top menu - "Player Logged-in" Another secondary top menu - "Player ...
Brittany Marillier's user avatar
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Get subcategories of subcategories

I have my own menu structure in the template. The code below works fine. Here I get the parent category and all the subcategories of that parent category. The problem is that now I need to output ...
Sergey Pervushin's user avatar
-1 votes
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Add item to "Add menu items" section in wordpress

I am developing a wordpress theme. In the "Menus" there is a section: How can I add an item to this programmatically? is it possible? Update: If that is not possible, how can I add "...
Hossein's user avatar
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How to create and customize a menu in word press 5.8 by coding

I'm new to word press. For creating a new menu, I'm using register_nav_menus() function inside functions.php to register a menu. But I still need word press admin panel to add items in a menu e.g ...
Hamza Ali's user avatar
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highlight a wordpress nav link for a single page

I have an archive events page that links to a single page that lists all previous events created in the past and can only be visited via the archive events page. My question is, how can I highlight ...
Krys's user avatar
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New Registered Menu Not Displaying WordPress

Registered the menu in functions.php Selected the menu in WordPress dashboard Added wp_nav_menu to the page However it displays the desktop-menu not sidebar-nav. I have no plugins running functions....
Daniel Theman's user avatar
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my Css code for navigation menu not working in Wordpress theme

while making my custom navigation menus for my own Worpress theme, navigation menu's css code's some codes are working, some are not working while entering php navigation code for Wordpress theme. ...
barathi selvan's user avatar
-2 votes
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Bootstrap Toggle Burger Menu not working when switched to mobile view

<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark px-2 " style="background-color:#E53935;"> <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">HeadOverMeals&...
rakshit karande Rakshit's user avatar
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Yii2 AdminLTE: how to load left.php file?

I am using yiisoft/yii2-app-basic with dmstr/yii2-adminlte-asset but I can't load the left.php file (it has the left menu). I want to change the left menu (left.php file) and I found this in the ...
Roby Sottini's user avatar
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How do I pull variables from my Database?

I have a menu of Home About Blog Templates Contact. There is a table in my database called Categories. The items in my table are Home About Blog Templates Contact. These five items are being pulled ...
Niecey Sanchez's user avatar
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Add top level menu item title to start_lvl in Wordpress menu walker

I've created a custom WordPress menu using the WordPress walker function. I've managed to do all the necessary HTML I need except adding the top-level menu title to just after one of the divs in the &...
LadyX's user avatar
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Close mobile menu after link click

I have a mobile menu that does not close after clicking a menu link because the menu links are anchor points on the same page. I'm trying to make it so clicking a mobile menu link activates the "...
JOKKER's user avatar
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Wordpress global $menu not showing all menu items in a custom plugin

I have created a php function which changes some wp admin menu item names. When I added this code to the function.php of my custom theme it works perfectly. But when I added the same code to a custom ...
MNPronk's user avatar
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Dynamic menu via PHP

The code below generates a menu with UL and LI correctly, but I needed to add other information to make the code a little different. <?php $items = array ( 1 => array ( 'parent' => '0', '...
Frederico Moreira's user avatar
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How can I share a non-primary menu of a Multisite's main domain across all sub-domains in the form of tabs as links?

I have a Multisite with a main domain ( and various sub-domains (, etc). I am wanting to share a custom top ...
Dayley's user avatar
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Hide WooCommerce empty product categories from WordPress menu

Based on Sort WooCommerce product category sub menu items by name ASC in Wordpress menu answer code to my previous question, I am able to automatically display child subcategories as menu sub items ...
Erik Duits's user avatar
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wp_nav_menu Returning nothing

So I have come to move my HTML site over to wordpress and im having issues with the menu. None of the links listed in the admin panel pull through. header.php code: <nav> <?php wp_nav_menu(...
HizY's user avatar
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Add a second line to main menu on Divi

I'm trying to create a 2nd line above the top main menu on WordPress Divi. I created the variable $secondaryNav to hold the 2nd line. I'm trying to replicate the menu from this page as an example: ...
user36115's user avatar
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How to add classes to wp custom nav <li> and <a> elements

I have custom nav, i did put custom classes on nav ul element, but i cant put on li and a elements. There is my code functions.php: function wpb_custom_new_menu() { register_nav_menu('...
Vaidas Aleksandravicius's user avatar
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how to give my WordPress menu page custom link

I have created a menu page using add_menu_page() and now page link is admin.php?page=xxxx ,but I am using this page to show notifications using add_action('admin_notices', 'any_name'); and in this ...
sonia's user avatar
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How to add classes to Wordpress navigation menu items based on custom advanced menu options

I found this code which has allowed me to add custom fields to the advanced options in the Wordpress menu editor: /* * Saves new field to postmeta for navigation */ add_action('...
Graphic Detail's user avatar
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Menu active item with PHP

I am trying to make menu with active class for every site. And I don't know what I am doing wrong. Thnaks for help :D <li class="nav-item <?php echo $home; ?>"> <a class="...
Jarda_H's user avatar
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Show category in menu blade laravel 7

I'm trying to show the categories in a drop down menu, but I'm having some trouble in the blade. The categories don't show, but I'm not getting an error. This is my blade: <li class="nav-item ...
Zml's user avatar
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