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How can I make a while loop wait for a JButton to be pressed?

I am very new to Java, and am trying to make a program that asks to use to guess a random number between 1 and 77. How can I make the while loop in this code run only when an answer has been provided ...
Michael Carpiano's user avatar
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2 answers

JDialog is interfering with JFrame owner MenuItem accelerators

I have a JDialog (non modal) with a JFrame owner. The problem I have is the that when the JDialog has the focus it is preventing the ActionListener associated with the JFrame JMenuItem accelerators ...
Ian's user avatar
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How to Enable Keyboard Navigation in a Non-Focusable JPopupMenu in Java Swing?

I am working with a JPopupMenu in Java Swing and need to allow users to navigate through the menu using the up/down arrow keys. However, I am setting the JPopupMenu to be non-focusable (popupMenu....
Rafi Ahmed's user avatar
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When using turtle-graphics in Java on Mac,the background color of the JButtons is not changing as expected

I want to create a program that randomly creates the number of horizontal and vertical grid layouts and fills them with the numbers that come out by rolling a dice. The screen size is 500×500, the ...
Minseo's user avatar
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Set data from WebSocket Server to JFrame components

I have WebSocket server: @ServerEndpoint(value = "/demoApp") public class MyWebSocketServer { @OnMessage public String onMessage (String message, Session session) throws IOException {...
Okneas's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Why are my Java text boxes only holding the last number of an imputed array? (I am using a JFrame Form for the GUI)

I have tried to get a textbox to display an array, but as far as I have tried it only shows the last number of the array ex: array gives: 1, 24, 18, 98, 100, 78, 63, 24, 77, 46 Textbox displays: 46 ...
Brandon Blank's user avatar
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2 answers

How to assign a class variable using the value obtained from JTextField in Java

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class Test { private String textFieldValue; public Test() { JFrame frame = new JFrame (); JPanel panel = new ...
G Yu's user avatar
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Problems reloading a JPanel image [duplicate]

I have a panel in my interface that will have an image inside it. Initially, it starts out empty. When I click on a button, it executes a logic that creates the image in the specific folder and then ...
thiagohip's user avatar
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2 answers

zooming and mouse click with JFrame and AffineTransform

I'm having a issue with mouse click being tied to JFrame location while a BufferedImage is being displayed and setting the location of the mouse click relative to the scaling of a zoom. (code is from ...
user27466996's user avatar
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Resizing JFrame issues with a JPanel and JTable using GridBagLayout

I'm in the process of testing combining a JPanel (controls) and JTable (the data) in the same frame and have run into issues when trying to resize the JFrame that contains them. The first issue I am ...
Andrew L's user avatar
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1 answer

why did my color of JPanel fill up all the window gui? I didn't know if there's something wrong in the code or the compiler?

the window appeared like this: this is my code: import java.awt.Color; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; public class gui2 { public static ...
Nikel Halogen's user avatar
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Weird whitish tint over video feed from the canvas frame

I have a JFrame, on that a JPanel, on that a JButton. Of JButton, I have handled JButton.actionPerformed() event of it. But when I click on the JButton to open the canvasFrame where the image be shown,...
Samar's user avatar
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2 answers

What does "Canonical constructor cannot delegate to another constructor" mean?

Im new to programming and following this tutorial for a weather gui app in java. Below is the very small amount of code I'm working with so far. Where I am getting errors is at the "super(...
2012anonBO2's user avatar
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Adding ZOrder to JLabels causes them to Flicker in Jframe

I am trying to make a 2D game using Java Swing, but I am running into some trouble. I added ZOrder to my JLabels because I wanted them to appear in a certain order, but it caused them to start ...
asdadada's user avatar
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Unable to deselect a JButton once it has been clicked

So I am writing a program which has several layers of menus using a JFrame with JButtons but once the user clicks a button that button ends up stuck as selected and I cannot update it. Any help please?...
Alex Parker's user avatar
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Illegal Argument when trying to draw

I'm trying to draw a chess piece on the board I created but keep getting an error that seems my picture can't be found. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: input ==...
Anthony McKinney's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How do I make this grid display in another jframe?

I have coded a MazeClass that paints a grid and has a method to change the color of a block on the grid. I would like to display this grid in a separate class on a jframe in the position I want to. ...
LonelyBoi404's user avatar
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how do i make my g.drawline draw ontop of my JTextFields in a JFrame

i am attempting to make a soduku solving java program. i want it to be graphical and graphical isnt an area ive really explored before.first ive created a graphics method to draw all my needed lines. ...
Freddy Redpath's user avatar
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My components in two different panels are too small and don't fit to the frames size, how can I fix this?

I made a JFrame (size: 500 , 600) that uses GridBagLayout to place two JPanels (one using GridLayout and the other using GridBagLayout) on top of each other; however, when I run my JFrame the ...
user25673196's user avatar
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How do I Get JFrame to Display JPanel Text Content Even When Called by Action Event?

I have a simple JFrame dialog, that should display "Please Wait" message while the main program completes other activities (which may take anywhere from 30 seconds to more than 10 minutes): ...
Bud McGinty's user avatar
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Simple animation using a JLabel and ImageIcon throwing an exception

I'm making a simple static animation at the start of my program, and it uses a timer and ImageIcons to work. Here is the code: int staticChecker = 0; private void btnStartMouseClicked(java.awt....
William Hughes's user avatar
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Is it possible to connect two different JFrames to one single class?

I make two forms but I have this problem where my second form that will appear after we press a button on the first form could not get the data from the subclass. The plan was I want to only use one ...
Mile's user avatar
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How does JButton call the actionPerformed method?

I was trying to understand exactly how a JButton object works. I created the below SampleFrame object that extends JFrame. import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; ...
Umang Lunia's user avatar
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Starting X and sometimes Y coordinate of JFrame is displaced

Just recently started playing around more with Swing and right now I am trying to build an Algorythm Visualiser. The array being displayed is displaced. The starting X coordinate is shifted to the ...
domk's user avatar
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my program still does not recognize txtFechaDev, even though I have the jcalendar 1.4 library

is my first time here, i have a problem in this program, I download the jcalendar 1.4 but the problem is in textFechaDev, it seems that the program txtFechaDev is not declared or there is an error in ...
Arom Moises Ruiz Gonzales's user avatar
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Graphics2d on JPanel

I want to make a program in Java that drops a square at the position of your mouse. For that I wanted to draw a grid as background and then add the squares but as soon as I add a new component to the ...
Wurstbrot's user avatar
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Issue with object arrays and their usage among frames

I need to find a way to handle the object array to send it to the other frame "Start" I've tried various ways but I can't, I'm just a beginner in the field of OOP, I've tried creating ...
BigDaddyX's user avatar
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Image URL syntax

I am trying to make a background image in a java jframe window, but when I try to initialize it, I get a null pointer exception saying the location url I put in is null. I've tried the following: ...
TechnicalVessel's user avatar
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Add image as icon for window

this is the code import javax.swing.*; public class test { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.print("Starting up..."); createWindow(); } private ...
Örlygur Hugason's user avatar
-1 votes
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Java KeyPress is getting the value before the key press, not the value during the key press

I'm writing a Java program that generates 5 random letters when user press G. After pressing G, if user press S, the next pressed key would be compared to the random generated letters to check if it ...
jared-dev's user avatar
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getResource not retrieving images in Source Package

I am trying out a java with Ant slideshow in a video I found. I have made the output, and the window is appearing, but none of the images are being shown. I suspect I have done something wrong ...
Alonzo Rebucas's user avatar
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Having an Issue with my JComboBox filling the entire JFrame/ Not displaying options

I am working on my final project for class and need some input on why my JComboBox isn't working properly. When I had it in the main program "GUI" I was able to display it properly but I ...
zjones22's user avatar
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Continue Detecting Input with KeyListener While Typing In a JTextField

I'm currently working on a small utility window for another application and I'm running into the issue that KeyListener input stops detecting input while a user is focused on a JTextField. I've made a ...
ObSp's user avatar
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Making my JLayeredPane background transparent in Java

I would like to stack 3 different 15 × 15 grids filled with JButtons on top of each other where one of them should be visible and the others transparent, but the JButtons should still function and ...
Ahmet Savaseri's user avatar
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JDialogue's components won't show up before while loop ends

I am currently building a RPG game using built-in GUI and is trying to display a simple fight scene on a JDialogue. My partial code are as follows: public void setupFight(Character c) { ...
Tony Chai's user avatar
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Can I delete a certain character from a JList?

First of all, English isn't my native tongue. So sorry in adavance for any mistakes! For a project of mine I want to have a list with numbers the user decides to put in, and all of these numbers get a ...
Phatbottle's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why does my update function complete without updating the db and it gives no error?

private void Approve_btnActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { int bonus = Integer.parseInt(bonus_txt.getText()); int sal = ...
Allan Sharad's user avatar
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How do I run my java code on my JFrame in eclipse?

I'm currently trying to create what I thought was going to be an easy Java program. I want to create a GUI that prompts the user to enter the day of the week and will spit out the chores they have to ...
abbey's user avatar
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Frame showing up super small Java Swing

could someone tell me why my frame is showing up super small/minimized? I thought I just had to pack my frame to resolve the issue but packing my frame does not seem to have any effect on the outcome. ...
Sofie Chernyak's user avatar
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JComponent added to JPanel doesn't appear?

I have searched a lot for this problem and did find similar problems but not exactly this so nothing has worked yet. I am making a game like Vampire Survivors and right now I am trying to get the ...
Rodolf's user avatar
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Java paintComponent not display background image on JFrame

I am trying to display an image that have in a subdirectory of my project src, and from the testing that I have done, the path reference to utilize the image is correct, however, when I run the ...
Dustin LaRoche's user avatar
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How to add good quality image to JFrame?

After inserting a good quality image into the JLabel, the final image quality is less detailed (as if it had a lower resolution).original image JFrame screen after inserting. The difference may not be ...
Eugene's user avatar
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repaint() leaves trace of object initial position

I'm implementing a JFrame program that is supposed to mimic balls bouncing with wall & between other balls in a concurrent setting. While the balls are correctly displayed and updated, it leaves ...
Prionantha's user avatar
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How to Implement SRCAND with Java?

If I want to use Java to implement the SRCAND effect of BitBlt() in VC++, that is, perform AND operation on the image and background. For the following example, how can I mix the red string AAAAAAAA ...
ysouyno's user avatar
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Coding battleship in java using Jbuttons in a Jframe

I'm trying to code battleship in a JFrame with 2 matrices of 2d arrays with JButtons. I have most of the code ready to go, but I'm running into a problem with placing the ships. The problem is that ...
Muizenpower222's user avatar
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How do I colorize the text in a JFrame Title bar

I have an application controlling hardware that has a JDialog displayed when the user wants 'backdoor' access to the hardware. That JDialog is filled with buttons and features and I don't want to ...
AlexHomeBrew's user avatar
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Java : How to display a label inside a Jframe component

I try do display a text at the bottom of the container (JFrame) but it doesn't appear .... import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics; import ...
Cisco_dev_sn's user avatar
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Problems with moving an object in Java Swing

I'm having trouble displaying the movement of a custom Jbutton object in Jpanel that has been added to the Jframe. The chart is displayed but when the startMovement method is called the chart ...
Andrea's user avatar
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Get accurate coordinates within JPanel in a JFrame

How does one get accurate xy coordinates from a JPanel placed within a JFrame. I tried figuring this out on my own but the coordinates are slightly off and I dont know why. I know this probably isn't ...
sky's user avatar
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table is not visible in the window. How to fix it?

String[] columnNames = {"Customer ID", "Name", "Address", "Salary"}; dtm = new DefaultTableModel(columnNames, 0); // 0 is row count customerDetailsTbl = new ...
Trishane Reid's user avatar

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