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Android Studio Menu Issues

I'm not a developer but I do manage several apps for clients and I came across an issue that my developer doesn't know how to fix... When I open Android Studio my default menu isn't loading and ...
Francisco Iniguez's user avatar
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Unable to create menu with toolbar using Viewpager2 (without fragments)

When I try to create the menu via "onCreateOptionsMenu" on my Viewpager2 (without fragments) toolbar, the menu is not being created. I can only see the toolbar without a menu. When I use an ...
Stergioman's user avatar
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How to open menu programmatically in Android MAUI App?

I'm building a MAUI app for android devices that have physical keyboard (and want to open menu by using hotkeys). I know how to handle keyboard but I just can't find a way to open menu (3 dots) ...
Viri's user avatar
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How do I make a navigation drawer open another website link or page?

There are tons of tutorial videos about how to create navigation drawers, but I want to know how to actually make it function. I figured out how to make the navigation menu, but when I click each ...
BridgeOfLife's user avatar
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Menu item of NavigationView doesn't get checked if it was the last item checked

I have a menu with a few items, which are displayed or hidden depending on if the user is logged in. If the user has logged in, I show an item option to sign out. When this happens, I launch the home ...
xerez's user avatar
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1 answer

Menu not showing up in activity and also showing some bugs but i didnt get to identify them

this is my mainactivity.kt file package com.example.everythingcalci import android.os.Bundle import android.view.Menu import android.view.MenuItem import ...
Thriller Universe's user avatar
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iconTint in the Toolbar menu in Android

I have a menu: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <menu xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="http://schemas....
Иван Жуков's user avatar
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Android MenuProvider adding menu items out of order when resuming activity w/ fragments?

Has anyone seen this? Feels like a bug in the Android MenuProvider. Activity A has menu items 1 & 2. Fragment A in Activity A has menu items 3 & 4. Menu items are in order: 1,2,3,4 ...
kenyee's user avatar
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2 answers

Show red line in switch case statement with menu in android studio

I have faced the error code red line under case ( Constant expression required ) to find the id from menu.xml and I have tried to find the problem but I was unable to find it. MainActivity....
M.alsaoud's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can anyone help? Starting new activity using onOptionsItemSelected with Kotlin

After looking through docs and threads I can't find a solution for my case an am wondering if I could get some help / slight nudge with this. I'm not fully understanding this function and am teaching ...
ACE's user avatar
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1 answer

How to change deprecated onPrepareOptionsMenu

I tried to change code for deprecated menu methods such as setHasOptionsMenu, onPrepareOptionsMenu... used in fragment. I found maybe similar task link, but I don't know how to change. Here is current ...
Musketyr's user avatar
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action bar not showing in activity

I wrote a simple menu and added it to the action bar but I can't understand why they are not visible in my activity. I'm using java and android studio, thanks. Here is my code: @Override public ...
Heda Lexa's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to style drawer menu options in Android Studio - headers for group not stylizing

[Edited 10/5/2023] I have a drawer menu - swipe the screen from the left and it appears with a list of menu headers each having beneath it 3-5 sub-menu items, each sub-menu item is clickable. I ...
kiteandwindsurfer's user avatar
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I want to create ArcMenu of 180 degree

I want to create menu like semi circle / 180 degree arc as per given image. Want to create bubble menu like given in image I tried with "com.sa90.materialarcmenu.ArcMenu" but it giving ...
Prutha Trivedi's user avatar
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How to detect sub menu click in pop up menu in android?

Facing Click listener issue of Sub Menu of a Pop Up Menu in Android
Ali Hassan's user avatar
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Kotlin Options menu not displaying on

so I've implemented a simple Kotlin program for displaying the options menu and ran it on like every type of emulator, the output does not display the options menu instead it only displays the ...
Yash Mane's user avatar
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Android Studio - MenuProvider in MainActivity and also in Fragments?

I migrated from normal menus to MenuProvider so I added in MainActivity: private void setMenuProvider() { addMenuProvider(new MenuProvider() { @Override public void onCreateMenu(@...
Luigino's user avatar
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Adding a button to the support ActionBar

I currently have this setup for my application in which I have an action bar at the top of the screen with a "hamburger" icon in the top left that shows this navigation drawer. I now want ...
randomdood1923's user avatar
1 vote
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FragmentPagerAdapter keeps not visible fragment menu

I'm using menu provider to create option menu specific by fragment, fragments are managed by viewpager + FragmentPagerAdapter (requireActivity() as MenuHost).addMenuProvider( object : ...
Nininea's user avatar
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Flutter swipe on screen to display new page

I am still learning flutter but want to make something a bit more complicated now. I would like to create something like the Draggable Main Apps menu in Android. While it's possible to use a stack ...
Nscpt's user avatar
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QML: An unexpected spacing

I am trying to create a menu bar in Qt 6.5 and QML. But I faced with problem. Why mainButton Button have a very big space from top of menuHeader Reactangle? I want just attach this Button to bottom of ...
tomeadom's user avatar
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Menu resource not found

I started a new project and it's a problem I haven't encountered yet. It's a simple job that other times worked, create a menu for the toolbar Android Resource Directory -> Resource Type 'menu'. It ...
Vlad.mir's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I fix my menu on Android studio its not visible in my activity

I have created menu on Res, Directory Res, then menu, inside menu I created dashboard_menu. When I run the menu its not visible. Here is the code on Java. I tried to change my mini sdk from 23 to 21 ...
faith milly's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I change color of top & bottom bar in Android Options Menu?

Options menu bars I have tried everything to try and change or remove them bars. It doesn't go away. styles.xml: <resources> <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme....
Brandon Haynes's user avatar
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How do I add a three dot vertial ellipsis menu with external links to my app in android studio?

I am trying to add a 3 dot vertical menu to my app and all the buttons will lead to external websites, how do I make this happen in android studio? Does anyone know where I should look on how to do ...
Marfog509's user avatar
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Android Studio: Chips cannot be clicked after translating them

I created an expandable menu which contains a chip group. When this menu is opened or closed there is an "undo" chip and a "redo" chip that are translated up or down when the menu ...
Matt_CV's user avatar
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Check textview and get it return as a null

I am working on my java snippet that I want to check if the TextView in the menu is exist or not. If the textview is not exist then I want to return it as a null so I could do something. When I try ...
chris oojer's user avatar
1 vote
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Android Toolbar menu SearchView id is not matching inside Fragment

I'm trying to implement searchview on my fragment toolbar. For me other menu item is working properly but using searchview id is not either clicked or listeners invoked to perform searching. I'm ...
Nikita K's user avatar
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How to set the colors of an Options Menu

I have an older app that uses openOptionsMenu() and onCreateOptionsMenu() to bring up a menu. Yes, I know this is obsolete, and replacing it with a more modern UI is on my short list of things to do, ...
Edward Falk's user avatar
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Trouble setting multiple MenuItem Methods when adding to Android Options Menu using Kotlin

I can't seem to figure out how to get my code to set multiple Methods when using Kotlin to programatically add Menu options in Android. This code works to add a single Method (isCheckable): ...
dbaddorf's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Android: How to change the background of the menu item in the toolbar

You need to change the background of the ~showAsAction = always element as in the example. I tried to make custom xml through a layer-list with a background and an icon, but as a result, the ...
KudaGonsih's user avatar
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How to access ActivityMainBinding file from fragment

I MainActivity where I have bottom navigation tabs. And I have a fragment where I need to have access to the ActivityMainBinding file to change the state of the bottom tab. Could you please show me ...
Alex20280's user avatar
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PopUp button showing on bottom Kotlin

i am making a popup menu on a fragment, the problem is when i show the popup menu that it shows on the bottom of the screen and I want it to show on the right high corner, does anyone know how to ...
Adria Fernandez's user avatar
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Add/Remove menuItem not working in onPrepareOptionsMenu function

enter image description hereI am a beginner and i am trying to add and remove menuItem dynamically. Here is my MainActivity.kt I have two popups where in one popup i am asking for first name, last ...
Akash Verma's user avatar
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Transfer menu bar to other activities

I've been struggling with this problem for hours and can't get any further. I have an app that I want to add Bluetooth to. If you press a button, the smartphone should search for Bluetooth devices. It ...
user19887561's user avatar
5 votes
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Remove elevation from dropdown in Jetpack Compose

I need remove the elevation/shadow from dropdown menu, like right image: My menu: DropdownMenu( expanded = mExpanded, onDismissRequest = { mExpanded = false }, modifier = ...
Carlos Galindo's user avatar
1 vote
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Drawer Navigation menu click listener is not working How to solve this?

Drawer Navigation works normally, but when an item is clicked, no event is generated and Navigation is terminated. Which event listener should I use? I want to use the Drawer Navigation by clicking on ...
jyk's user avatar
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1 answer

How to load image via URL into BottomNavigationView menu item icon

I followed this answer, But it showed up like this and this is my code String imageUrl = "
Osama Sayed's user avatar
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onOptionsItemSelected(@NonNull MenuItem item) item ids are not matching what is in my xml of the menu

I have a navigation menu in my HomeActivity extends AppCompatActivity The drawer opens and closes and the menu items show up but when I click an item eg logout The ids inside this code do not match ...
user4447899's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to add items to the menu bar using the new MenuProvider?

Very much a beginner question here. Since the old paradigm which used "setHasOptionsMenu(true)" in the fragments was recently deprecated in Android Studio, I have been trying to convert my ...
Eriol's user avatar
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Android drawable menu options are not clickable

I want to create a drawable menu for my android app, currently using Java. I followed this tutorial: ... public ...
Alex T's user avatar
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MenuProviders are not switched automatically inside a ViewPager

I have a ViewPager with 2 Fragments. Each Fragment holds a MenuProvider which is added as follows: @Override public void onViewCreated(@NonNull View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { ...
Carlo Codega's user avatar
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Unable to navigate items on menu drawer

I am trying to navigate different activity using menu drawer but nothing happens after clicking on any item of the menu drawer. It would be great if anyone could help me in finding out what I am ...
Deepanjali Tripathi's user avatar
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Change the color of the icon that opens the navigation bar, located in the toolbar

I am trying to change only the color of the icon that opens the navigation drawer. I have tried using a few solutions found on here like IconTint and the one current in my themes.xml file. The tint ...
newbie-coder's user avatar
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Not sure how to target menu items

this is probably a simple question for most of you but I'm just wondering if any of you could tell me what exactly MenuItem item is targeting when working with toolbars? I'm taking a class on Android ...
ReginaldRey's user avatar
3 votes
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Material toolbar menu background padding and color

I migrated by app to Material design 1.5.0. I use following code for toolbar (simplified): Inside Activity: <include layout="@layout/toolbar_default" /> toolbar_default: <?xml ...
Tom11's user avatar
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SharedPreferences. how do I make sure that the account remains the same?

I have already created users, a name and password in my database. Then the user name is passed to the next activity. And with the next activity from the menu, you can click the logout button and it ...
S S's user avatar
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NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int android.view.ViewGroup.getPaddingBottom()' on a null object reference

Crashing when I am trying to inflate menu to BottomNavigationView but got crash on same. I have updated material design library from '' to '
Sumit Jain's user avatar
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Navigation Drawer item Click not Works.followed Questions

I have used navigation drawer in the code.When clicking items noting happens.Tried various things from Stackoverflow and net. import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.MenuItem; import android....
Rajendiran S's user avatar
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How do I get the "custimize the activity" menu back in android studio?

It seems that in older versions of android studio when starting a new project after selecting the activity type there used to be a menu titled "Customize the activity" and I wanted to know ...
user1091091's user avatar

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