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React Native TextInput maxLength not working after refocusing

I’m facing an issue with the maxLength property in React Native’s TextInput component. The maxLength restriction works perfectly the first time I focus and type into the input. However, once I switch ...
Jay0813's user avatar
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Using the StringLength (or MaxLength) attribute in ASP.NET MVC, I am not receiving client-side validation

when using StringLength or MaxLength attribute, it only prevents further text input after the defined limit is reached, and without displaying a validation message. Code (model): [Display(Name = &...
Petar Pan's user avatar
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gSOAP SOAP_LENGTH error occurs regardless of setting both soap.maxlength and soap.recv_maxlength to 0

I have two different types of clients, one using soapC and the other using a Proxy. Both of them return SOAP_LENGTH whenever the response exceeds a certain threshold (which appears to be 32K or less)....
Jerry Miller's user avatar
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MUI: AutoComplete not support type number with maxLength restriction how to fix the same?

I'm trying to apply maxLength to AutoComplete component while type is number but it not working export default function Select({ onChangeInput, label, name, value, options, ...
KARTHIKEYAN.A's user avatar
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MUI: TextField not support type number with maxLength restriction how to fix the same?

I'm trying to apply maxLength to TextField component while type is number but it not working. my code is: const CustomTextField = ({ label, value, maxLength, required, disabled, ...
KARTHIKEYAN.A's user avatar
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How to limit Ant InputNumber maxLength

I am using antd InputNumber component. I wanted to set the maxLength but it doesn't work . I also tried to do it with max attribute to limit the charachters at 12. But none of them worked. ...
Konul Memmedova's user avatar
-1 votes
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Scanning the next line, but only to a certain length

I have an existing code, where I have to scan the next sentence that the user types into the console. This sentence can be no longer than 99 characters. My current code takes the .nextLine() method, ...
Thinchance's user avatar
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How to set limit of length inside JTextField? [duplicate]

I'm working on a Java Swing application that involves the use of JTextField for user input. I want to restrict the minimum and maximum length of text that users can enter into the JTextField component....
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Why a disabled element is being validated?

I'm creating a custom validation for my HTML form to change the maxlength attribute behavior from blocking the input above limit to non-blocking, so users are allowed to enter more characters than the ...
Jakub Janowski's user avatar
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Limit user input in a text field using Kendo UI grid and React

So I have a datagrid, with editable rows where the user can edit and add rows. I want the user to have a limit on each different row cell field. For example, smallNumber will have 3 and description ...
daniel's user avatar
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Blazor InputText with maxlength based on dbcontext Table Column size

I've been looking at how to automate a Blazor InputText maxlength attribute to a dbcontext table column size (without using DataAnnotation which repeats information) and have come up with a solution - ...
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My maxlength 'fix' for android, kills my 'uppercase only' data

I have a password input on my site, which I would like to limit to 8 characters, and change the input data to all upper case characters. The following code works great for both, except on an android ...
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How to call function once on max length of input in Angular?

Here is simple function I want to call confirm when input length = 6 but the issue in this way is that some time it call multiple time same function on max length. I want to call function once only ...
Shehzad Hussain's user avatar
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Use subqueries to connect two table into one

Tables: CRIMES, SUSPECTS What was the maximum sentence for the crime committed and what was it? Use a subquery. table Crimes : enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image ...
Aikul Tungyshbaeva's user avatar
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The problem of not recognizing max_length in Django

class ConcerModel(models.Model): Name=models.CharField(max_length=100) singerName=models.CharField(max_length=100) lenght=models.CharField() def __str__(self): return self....
Amirhosein Nazari's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Create a list of the given length in Dart/Flutter

How to create a list with a given length? I want my list to take only 3 variables, it should not expand. How to do that in Dart / Flutter?
Emirhan Selim Uzun's user avatar
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Odata V2 Java set EDM String MaxLength

We are using Apache org.apache.olingo odata jar in order to expose as odata Service in Java. Facing one issue in EDM String MaxLength property. Not able to expose a string which is more than 255 ...
DAIRAV's user avatar
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Universal max length for EditText - Android

I know about the similar max length method for EditText that looks like this editText.maxLength = "21" But the problem is that this type of method isn't effective in my case. I have an ...
vsi-'s user avatar
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Is collections.deque() the best implementation of constant length list in Python?

I want to limit the length of the list in python, when len(list) > limit, the first item will be removed, collections.deque() can achieve it, however, will it be slower than: list_A = [2,4,6,8,11] ...
tung's user avatar
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How to prevent typing after some length in flutter text Field

If item Quantity is 3 then user must have to enter 3 serial # (comma Separated). I want to prevent user to type further if the comma separated string length reaches to 3. Also Backspace should also ...
asad malik's user avatar
-2 votes
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SQL Server/T-SQL needs to concatenate strings yet fit under 100 bytes long

I have a business problem needing a technical solution developed. I receive in SQL Server an array of 1-20 columns. I need to concatenate variable length strings into a result fitting in 100 bytes. ...
phil pham's user avatar
-1 votes
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HTML, Javascript, and PHP - maxlength able to be changed through inspect element

Back with an issue which I'm sure you guys will find easy to fix. Whilst using the maxlength function in html, I noticed that users can simply use inspect element to modify the maxlength deeming it ...
Liambails1's user avatar
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How to display all the biggest strings in a stack with typescript

I'm new to typescript and I'm trying to make a function that fetches and returns the length of the biggest string in the stack. I think I got the structure right but I'm missing something on the way ...
user19653619's user avatar
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How to get rid of the 'nlp.max_length' limit?

I am trying to do custom NER using spacy for articles; but when I start to train the model I get the error saying, "[E088] Text of length 1021312 exceeds maximum of 1000000...." Tried the ...
Tulsi Patro's user avatar
-4 votes
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terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::length_error', what(): cannot create std::vector larger than max_size() [closed]

I solved 416. Partition Equal Subset Sum problem as : int sum = 0; for(auto num : nums) sum += num; // get sum if(sum%2 == 1) return false; // not possible case - in odd sum ...
Mithlesh Upadhyay's user avatar
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Delphi VCL TMediaPlayer: file path/name length limit

Using Delphi 10.4 Community Edition, VCL, Windows 10 64bit, although the compiled .exe application is 32bit. The VCL's TMediaPlayer seems to have a file path/name length limit of 128 characters. Is ...
Delphist's user avatar
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How to reject extra characters entered by the user?

In my HTML, I have an array of inputs. The user should be allowed to enter only one character in each. Here is its HTML: <input class = "green" type="text" maxlength="1&...
Victor's user avatar
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How Reduce function really work in JavaScript?

I'm trying to use reduce function in order to find the max length array in arrays so I tried this approach at first but it didn't work const arrays = [[1],[3,3,4],[3,4],[4,5],[6]] let maxLength = ...
Ahmad Abu Rabea's user avatar
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Regex to match code with fixed country code and variable wildcard usage

I need to implement a regex which cover several requirements. These are the following: A length restriction to max 8 chars should be done (with or without wildcard). In any case the code is never ...
EXTSY's user avatar
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BCP QUERYOUT how to change length to all decimal fields

I export SQL tables to txt files (by the code below in ssms) all the columns are exported well except decimal columns, which export 41 chars (I want 19 chars), even the size column is 14(4) how can I ...
Ron's user avatar
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How to set max length validation on textbox using combobox selection

In my project used 1 ComboBox and 1 textbox, in ComboBox multi byte length available like 8,12,15,20,25,30 etc. If user select ComboBox 12Byte at the same time in text box user allow only 12byte in ...
SSW's user avatar
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Vuetify v-textarea maxlength on devices

I have vuetify v-textarea in my page and problem with maxlength in it. In web all is good, but on devices when I paste text inside textarea and then typing I pass over maxlength. <v-textarea ...
Oleksii's user avatar
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Selenium IDE: verifying the maxlength of a textbox

Good day. I am new to Selenium IDE and I am trying to test the maxlength of a textbox. In the given scenario the textbox should accept a max of 50 alphanumeric characters. The HTML file indicates id=&...
KMB's user avatar
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.netcore 6.0 Querystring length causing badrequest

having issue when i am passing 2048 bit encrypted string (very long set of characters) in Querystring and keep getting bad request. I tried the following requestlimits in web.config - doesnt work ...
djkumar72's user avatar
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Getting a maximum of 2 values of a column based on having same values in the first field using pandas dataframe

I have three separate columns: Link_Id, NEW, Length in a data frame. I want to group similar Link_Ids together and then collect their Length values, out of those having the maximum Length value I want ...
Rajesh Patnaik's user avatar
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regex : limit overall match length to 5 characters [duplicate]

I would like to limit the matches to matches that are at least 5 characters long. The regular expression selects words that are combination of letters and numbers: [A-Za-z0-9-]*([a-zA-Z-]+[0-9-]+|[0-9-...
Bruno SALANON's user avatar
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Find the longest consecutive day

I just don't figure out what I am doing wrong. I want to obtain the longest consecutive days having the value >= 1. My training data looks like this : df <- data.frame(id =1, value = c(0 , 0 , 0 ...
Alex.V's user avatar
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How to store a column value in Redshift varchar column with length more than 65535

I tried to load the redshift table but failed on one column- The length of the data column 'column_description'is longer than the length defined in the table. Table: 65535, Data: 86555. I tried to ...
Shruti's user avatar
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How to accept only numeric numbers which has maximum 5 length for an input in Angular?

I have a input field type number and I want to achieve the following scenario. Value length should be less than 5. (Max Length 5) If above condition true only, submit button will enable. Can someone ...
Kalana Tebel's user avatar
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Setting maxLength of input field in react

I have multiple fields on different pages all controlled from a single page and using material ui textfield. I have to set different maxLength for different fields. I found inputProps={{maxLength: 10}}...
CuriousTS's user avatar
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MS Access setting max length of a string in a query

I'm having an issue setting the max length of a username field that is the result of a query. The query takes an employees first name's letter, their last name and combines them. ie, Bob Smithson = ...
Tom TK's user avatar
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Divide too long text in similar chunks considering punctuation

I have a list of strings that have to be not more than X characters. Each string can contain many sentences (separated by punctuation like dots). I need to separate longer sentences than X characters ...
Paolo Magnani's user avatar
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Сan't set up eslint "ignoreUrls" and "ignoreStrings"

Trying to use eslint + prettier with default angular project. I want to turn off the warning of exceeding the length of url. Here is my .eslintrc.json { "files": ["*.html"], &...
LuciusEg's user avatar
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What is best way to validate the max length in XSD for alphanumeric fields?

I need to validate the max length of alphanumeric data in an XML document using XSD schema. If I use restriction base xs:string, I end up with validation errors on type because it contains numbers. ...
Kelly 's user avatar
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how to limit character length in essential addon for elementor form

I tried to target in php the following form I tried this code : Username limit character length. i also tried this one separatly : if( strlen( $fields['form_field_password'] ) < 8 ) { return ['...
zack's user avatar
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PIL text exceeds desired length

Today I have a question in relation of some of the PIL modules, specifically: the Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont. My problem starts when trying to write on an image with the ImageDraw module: The text ...
EncryptEx's user avatar
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Executing string in Python exceeding the max string length

I want to execute my code saved in the variable texto that exceeds the max string length (8000) that exec() accepts. I found this post where it is said that using + the problem can be solved by ...
Tereso del Río Almajano's user avatar
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limit number os characters in a field, when using p-password component of primeng

I'm trying to limit the number of characters on an input using primeng 12, the maxlength property doesn't seem to work with this password component, on a normal input works fine but I need the special ...
user2045099's user avatar
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C# - Generic custom List.Add method to add checks before adding?

I am wondering if something like this is possible. I am looking to create a method that can be called instead of List.Add. The method would check any/all string properties and make sure they don't ...
Jeremy P's user avatar
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Min and Max length of a column in SQL

I have a table with two columns CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_Orders] ( [OrderID] [bigint] NOT NULL IDENTITY(500000, 1) ,[OrderDate] [date] NULL ) I would like to know the min and max length of ...
iSf5903's user avatar

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