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Get rid of '0' in index column

I try to rename the Index column to 'idx' and get rid of 0 using this code: df1.index.rename(name='idx', inplace=True) However, I end up with the second dataframe as below. It results in messing up ...
Hưng Trần's user avatar
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merge several columns of the same data into one

I've created a dataframe that adds data from several sources. Here is an example subset: index CompanyName Source1site Source2site Source3site City 1 Comp1 Nan ...
Anas's user avatar
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Debugging Error: Non-Numeric Argument in R Function for Calculating Animal Movement

I have an animal movement dataset ("data") that looks like this: Data ID Time x y u v A 2008-02-01 12:00:00 9155834.12606686 -1085858.899 ...
Cam's user avatar
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How to use numpy.where in a pipe function for pandas dataframe groupby?

Here is a script to simulate the issue I am facing: import pandas as pd import numpy as np data = { 'a':[1,2,1,1,2,1,1], 'b':[10,40,20,10,40,10,20], 'c':[0.3, 0.2, 0.6, 0.4, 0....
learner's user avatar
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Update Pandas DataFrame slice row-wise using dictionary

Question I am trying to update the values in a pandas (version 2.2.3) dataframe by row (such that each row has the same values) using a dictionary with row indices as keys and row values as values. In ...
Ouroboroski's user avatar
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python df astype doesn't work on object from csv_read

I have a function that reads a csv into a df. the csv is quite large, but it's a combination of strings (categories) and numbers in different columns: import pandas as pd df_temp=pd.read_csv('somefile....
Ohad's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'categories'

Modin DataFrame Merge Issue After dropna on Categorical Column: I'm encountering an issue when using Modin to merge DataFrames that contain categorical columns. The issue arose after I performed a ...
Sumukha G C's user avatar
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Indices mismatch during merge in pandas

I am trying to merge two dataframes in Python, pandas, df1 and df2. I am trying to merge them on Column1, and then assign value of Column2 from df2 to df1. This is my code: df1 = df1.reset_index() ...
melca's user avatar
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Pandas read_excel with nrows and skiprows and lazy-loading?

I am searching for ways to read an .xlsx file as chunks of dataframes, instead of loading the whole thing into memory. What exactly happens when I pd.read_excel(nrows, skiprows, usecols) ? Is the ...
zensei's user avatar
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Comparing every latitude and longitude in a dataframe

Probably in over my head here as I'm still learning R... I have a dataframe containing a column with longitude values and another column with corresponding latitude values. I want to find long/lat ...
TwentyandChange's user avatar
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How to separate multiple tickers into individual dataframes with yfinance downloaded data

I'm trying to download stock data information using yfinance. Currently, I can successfully download a single ticker using which returns a dataframe with information I can use. This API ...
Ryanc88's user avatar
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QTableView's ComboBox Delegate model is not synchronizing with the PandasModel

I've got a QTableView that uses a combobox delegate in 2 of the table's columns. The selected item from the combobox displays in the TableView correctly if no columns are sorted. When a column is ...
Tadpole's user avatar
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How to extract strings after specific symbols in one column and separate to multiple rows?

I have data that contains the nearest gene sets, including their genomic region and strand, in one column. I want to make a new column for the single gene extracted from that column and separate them ...
AKO's user avatar
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How to impute OPEN_CLS_STS based on values in DT_CLS in Python [duplicate]

I'm trying to impute the OPEN_CLS_STS based on the values in DT_CLS. IF DT_CLS has a date populated then OPEN_CLS_STS should have a value 'C'. Otherwise OPEN_CLS_STS should have a value 'O'. I tried ...
Derekhe1988's user avatar
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How to impute OPEN_CLS_STS based on values in DT_CLS [duplicate]

I'm trying to impute the OPEN_CLS_STS based on the values in DT_CLS. IF DT_CLS has a date populated then OPEN_CLS_STS should have a value 'C'. Otherwise OPEN_CLS_STS should have a value 'O'. I tried ...
Derekhe1988's user avatar
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Creating separate groups in a dataframe when column values repeat [duplicate]

I have a dataframe with numbers formatted as follows: df = pd.DataFrame({"ColumnA": [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], "ColumnB": [1,3,5,6,4,7,5,4,1,2], "ColumnC": [0,1,1,2,0,2,1,1,...
zard's user avatar
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How convert complex JSON into parquet file

I need convert the next json into a parquet file. Convert this kind of json using pyspark it's really easy, but the complex here is that i have a sub childs and have to do more that one explode, and ...
Julio's user avatar
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Manipulation of a Pandas dataframe most time- and memory-efficiently

Please imagine I have a dataframe like this: df = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.Index(['1', '1', '2', '2'], name='from'), columns=['to'], data= ['2', '2', '4', '5']) df: Now, I would like to calculate a ...
Saeed's user avatar
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Pandas Dataframe Multiindex - Calculate Mean and add additional column to each level of the index

Given the following dataframe: Year 2024 2023 2022 Header N Result SD N Result SD N Result SD Vendor A 5 20 3 5 22 4 1 21 3 B 4 25 2 ...
Tumas04's user avatar
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Order dataframe within pivot_wider function?

I have a dataframe in a longlist format with duplicate IDs. Each ID has a so-called donornr and timepoint (Tijdspunt). One ID (Deelnemernr.) can have duplicate timepoints like so: Deelnemernr. ...
Debbie Oomen's user avatar
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My Exponential Moving Average calculations are still somehow wrong?

Where am I going wrong... Here is my Python code which interacts with the MetaTrader5 API. import numpy as np import MetaTrader5 as mt5 import pandas as pd from sklearn.preprocessing import ...
RHO's user avatar
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python dataframe slicing by row number

all Python experts, I'm a Python newbie, stuck with a problem which may look very simple to you. Say I have a data frame of 100 rows, how can I split it into 5 sub-frames, each of which contains the ...
Jasper's user avatar
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I cannot get all data to export to CSV

# Collect batting stats for the 2022, 2023, and 2024 seasons try: print("Collecting batting stats from 2022 to 2024...") batting_data = batting_stats(2021, 2024, league="all&...
Chad Broussard's user avatar
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Comparing empty dataframes

I have a function, extract_redundant_values, to extract redundant rows from a pandas dataframe. I am testing it by running on in_df to generate out_df. I am then comparing this against my expected ...
Tim Kirkwood's user avatar
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loop over date range and appending new values to a new data frame

I wish to loop each row of the date frame below over each date of date rage below, check the following condition and return the current date of date range in a new data frame with all columns we have ...
lpca's user avatar
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Fill in rows to dataframe based on another dataframe

I have 2 dataframes that look like this: import pandas as pd data = {'QuarterYear': ["Q3 2023", "Q4 2023", "Q1 2024", 'Q2 2024', "Q3 2024", "Q4 2024"]...
TIC-FLY's user avatar
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Convert null values from json file into a empty string

i need a help from all of you. I have to copy a json file from an S3 bucket to another S3 bucket, but this new json file must contain all the fields that have "null" value as an "" ...
Julio's user avatar
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Alternate background colors in styled pandas df that also apply to MultiIndex in python pandas

SETUP I have the following df: import pandas as pd import numpy as np arrays = [ np.array(["fruit", "fruit", "fruit","vegetable", "vegetable", &...
bismo's user avatar
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Combine likert plot from appended data frame and bar plot from pure data frame in R using ggplot2

I have a data frame in R called df : library(tibble) library(tidyverse) library(ggplot2) library(ggstats) var_levels <- c(LETTERS[1:20]) n = 500 likert_levels = c( "Very \n Dissatisfied&...
Homer Jay Simpson's user avatar
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force a column of all NaNs to be seen as a string

I have two dataframes that I need to merge with an automated process with the corresponding details: They are read as CSV and there is a corresponding type inference of the dtypes. Most of the time, ...
Stephen's user avatar
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How to style all cells in a row of a specific MultiIndex value in pandas

SETUP I have the following df: import pandas as pd import numpy as np arrays = [ np.array(["fruit", "fruit", "fruit","vegetable", "vegetable", &...
bismo's user avatar
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Pyspark computation time increases with less data

I'm posed with a problem where i have to iterate the same computations on each row of data until they converge. My train of thought was to remove the converged rows after each iteration so the ...
Søren Jensen's user avatar
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bad : in bean i tried to create muiltiple data base to h2 and mysql [closed]

Error creating bean with name 'mysqlEntityManagerFactory' defined in class path resource [com/example/bank/Configure/MysqlConfig.class]: No PersistenceProvider specified in EntityManagerFactory ...
rakesh sharma's user avatar
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Create an empty schema with struct inside

Hello guys i have a small question today, something that i want to set when i create an empty dataframe i want to set an empty schema if the json that i receive is the field "data" empty i ...
Julio's user avatar
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XML to Pandas dataFrame [closed]

0 A 51 non-null object 1 B 51 non-null object 2 C 51 non-null object 3 D 45 non-null object This is the info of the dataframe. It is fine when I just return it ...
Debasish Kundu's user avatar
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How to transform nested data to be used with an tabular learning network

I have an dataframe containing measurements and error with there corresponding status and counter. And i want to use it to feed it into e.g. TabNet Raw dataframe protocolid time measurement_1 ...
Max_Och's user avatar
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How can I extract specific values from a .csv-File and add them into a specific cell in a pre-exisiting dataframe/tibble in R automatically?

I want to automatically extract specific values from a .csv-File, which is generated by our measuring device, into a a dataframe/tibble in R which has a pre-defined layout. The name of the measured ...
Piratepenguin's user avatar
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Data retrieving and SQL database update

I'm trying to retrieve some data from an API and save them to a local database I created. All data come from Google Ads campaigns, and I need to make two separate calls because of their docs, but that'...
Davide's user avatar
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why am I am getting an the: sns.lineplot(x=anomaly_df['Date'], y=scaler.inverse_transform(anomaly_df['Close/Last']))

import numpy as np from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import LSTM, Input, Dropout from keras.layers import Dense from keras.layers import RepeatVector from keras.layers import ...
Asiedu's user avatar
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Trying to iterate over different teams in mean data from a larger dataset [duplicate]

Basically after the mean data for the teams home and away games is taken, I want to plot multiple graphs for each team in one loop, essentially, in the code below, where Arsenal is in quotes in the ...
Daragh's user avatar
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I reduced a dataframe of times series, and now get "Error in replCmat4" and "Incompatible methods" error messages

I want to estimate a panel VAR model on a large set of data (130 companies, 6 variables, 2 identifiers over 10 years), so large I had to cut my sample by half to have enough memory to run the function....
Guillaume Brasseur's user avatar
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How can I clean a year column with messy values?

I have a project I'm working on for a data analysis course, where we pick a data set and go through the steps of cleaning and exploring the data with a question to answer in mind. I want to be able to ...
Jubilbee Draws's user avatar
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Pandas dataframe reshape with columns name [closed]

I have a dataframe like this: >>> df TYPE A B C D 0 IN 550 350 600 360 1 OUT 340 270 420 190 I want reshape it to this shape: AIN AOUT BIN BOUT CIN COUT ...
Sun Jar's user avatar
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Pandas Dataframe rolling mean of last 50 daily values differs from rolling("50D").mean() [duplicate]

I'm trying to find how the "50D" rolling mean is being calculated in the following example because really I cannot find the way. import pandas as pd values = [np.nan, -0.00076194, -0....
Armando Contestabile's user avatar
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Dropping duplicates by column in PySpark

I have a PySpark dataframe like this but with a lot more data: user_id event_date 123 '2024-01-01 14:45:12.00' 123 '2024-01-02 14:45:12.00' 456 '2024-01-01 14:45:12.00' 456 '2024-03-01 14:45:12....
Myakotka247's user avatar
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Create a new line for comma separated values in pandas column - I dont want to add new rows, I want to have same rows in output [duplicate]

I have a dataframe like this, df col1 col2 1 'abc,pqr' 2 'ghv' 3 'mrr, jig' Now I want to create a new line for each comma separated values in col2, so the output would look ...
Kallol's user avatar
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How can I count cominations of variables in R?

I'm trying to count the number of occurrences of combinations across two variables in a data frame in R. If I have the following dataframe: df <- data.frame(v1 = c("A", "A", &...
decamaramp's user avatar
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How can i change a column data type in pandas without creating null values in the whole column in my dataframe

I have been getting null values when trying to convert a column with the non-numeric type values to a column with numeric type values I have been using the below code line to change my column data ...
Samuel Sepeku's user avatar
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How to Increase Precision of Decimal Points in Python DataFrames? [closed]

I am developing a system in Python that replicates another written in LabWindows. A part of the design involves calculating the Periodogram, which returns a decimal array. I then add this array to a ...
S N B's user avatar
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When I change the status and save the spreadsheet, the status I changed is not modified [closed]

I am comparing two excel spreadsheets, I select the first one that has all the data that should be in the system and the second spreadsheet has the data that was included in the system, after ...
Thoru Tuhi's user avatar

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