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1 answer

Is collections.deque() the best implementation of constant length list in Python?

I want to limit the length of the list in python, when len(list) > limit, the first item will be removed, collections.deque() can achieve it, however, will it be slower than: list_A = [2,4,6,8,11] ...
tung's user avatar
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Getting a maximum of 2 values of a column based on having same values in the first field using pandas dataframe

I have three separate columns: Link_Id, NEW, Length in a data frame. I want to group similar Link_Ids together and then collect their Length values, out of those having the maximum Length value I want ...
Rajesh Patnaik's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Divide too long text in similar chunks considering punctuation

I have a list of strings that have to be not more than X characters. Each string can contain many sentences (separated by punctuation like dots). I need to separate longer sentences than X characters ...
Paolo Magnani's user avatar
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PIL text exceeds desired length

Today I have a question in relation of some of the PIL modules, specifically: the Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont. My problem starts when trying to write on an image with the ImageDraw module: The text ...
EncryptEx's user avatar
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Executing string in Python exceeding the max string length

I want to execute my code saved in the variable texto that exceeds the max string length (8000) that exec() accepts. I found this post where it is said that using + the problem can be solved by ...
Tereso del Río Almajano's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Better way to filter two list of lists by checking length of the inner lists

Given two list of lists, the goal is to filter out the list based on the length of the inner list. The length criteria is set by the user, i.e. >>> x = [[1,2,3], [1,2,3,4,5,6], [1,2,3,4,5], [...
alvas's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

How to use range() with while loop?

I need to create an empty list Ask the user for any input 5 times Only add the input to the list if it does NOT already exist I keep getting into an infinity loop instead of only 5 times. That's my ...
Viper's user avatar
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empty column: object is 'float' and has no len()

Bu running this code I'm trying to filter the files that it reads, one of those filters is: if the file has 'SOURCE' column then: if the lambda len().max() of 'SOURCE' column is > 0, we can ...
Berny's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

max_length doesn't fix the question-answering model

My Question: How to make my 'question-answering' model run, given a big (>512b) .txt file? Context: I am creating a question answering model with the word embedding model BERT from google. The ...
Liza Darwesh's user avatar
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string formatting not working as expected

I am trying to format strings to print in a fashion that fits the following: Payday 1000.00 groceries -50.00 dinner out wit -175.00 bacon, eggs, & -50.00 total: 725 And for ...
不苦労真's user avatar
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Django: ModelMultipleChoiceField is applying underlying model's max_length validator to total length of selected results

I'm using a ModelMultipleChoiceField to allow users to select certain model objects to delete. It works fine when a single object is selected, but when multiple objects are selected then a validation ...
Andrew H's user avatar
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1 answer

Python Pandas Truncate a column to a specific length without cutting the last word

I try to reduce the length of a column to 50 and I use this lambda fct: df['col_1'] = df['col_1'].apply(lambda x: x[:50]) It is working just fine excepting the fact that its cutting the last word, I ...
Isa's user avatar
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-2 votes
7 answers

How can i delete elements in a list with remove order? [duplicate]

I have a list like this lst = [1,3,5] and a major list like lost =['the' , 'cat' , 'thinks' , 'you' , 'are' , 'crazy' ] I want to delete elements in second list based on indexes in the first one . ...
determindedElixir's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to validate automatically String/Unicode columns maximum length when specified on declaration?

SQLAlchemy allows to specify a length when declaring String columns: foo = Column(String(10)) as in SQL: foo VARCHAR(10) I know this length value is used by some DBMS to allocate memory when ...
Damien Flament's user avatar
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Django max_length of another model attribute

I want to have the integer value of one model attribute be the max_length of another model attribute like mentioned below "capacity = models.IntegerField(max_length=Concerthall.capacity)". class ...
Manuel's user avatar
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2 answers

Limiting size of an empty widget

I have been surfing the web for answers that don't use the 'class' function but have not been very successful. What I've got is 3 entry boxes, for example, and I am trying to use this function (...
jackdomleo7's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to reduce max_length of CharField in Django when data already exists in db

I have a CharField on a Django (1.9) model: alias = models.CharField(max_length=50) The app is being used and already has data, and there are objects using all 50 characters already. What is the ...
43Tesseracts's user avatar
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2 answers

Minimal max_length of a Django CharField to store the output of the sign method of a Signer object (django.core.signing)

I have to sign a value, in my case emails, and I have to store the signed value in a Django CharField. I am using the Signer.sign method of the django.core.signing module. Since I would like to insert ...
Antonio Ercole De Luca's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Conditional statment regarding various regex and length of a list in python

I have following list : ['E12.2', 'E16.1', 'E15.1'] ['E10.1', 'I11.2', 'I10.1_27353757'] ['E16.1', 'E18.1', 'E17.3'] ['E1.8', 'I12.1_111682336', 'I12.1_111682195'] ['E55.1', 'E57.1', 'E56.1'...
AishwaryaKulkarni's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to add a specific number of characters to the end of string in Pandas?

I am using the Pandas library within Python and I am trying to increase the length of a column with text in it to all be the same length. I am trying to do this by adding a specific character (this ...
user3601042's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to select words of equal max length from a text document

I am trying to write a program to read a text document and output the longest word in the document. If there are multiple longest words (i.e., all of equal length) then I need to output them all in ...
Tamjid's user avatar
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Bypassing size limitation on a subprocess command

I need your help to solve my problem. I want to launch a powershell command using subprocess. However the command used will be very long, so it will be bigger than the size of the buffer. I have done ...
BobPeterson's user avatar
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digits in a string fit in between max and min

So I am trying to get my string to be verified between 1000 to 9999 and when I try to run this, it comes back saying it is unverified. Curious on how to fix this problem so that it can actually read ...
Victor Cano's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

How to use recursion to calculate the max length of a nested list?

Here is the code that counts the maximum length in a nested list. def max_length(obj): """ Return the maximum length of obj or any of its sublists, if obj is a list. otherwise return 0. ...
1412's user avatar
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4 answers

Pythonic way to set a maximum length parameter

What is the pythonic way to set a maximum length paramter? Let's say I want to restrict a list of strings to a certain maximum size: >>> x = ['foo', 'bar', 'a', 'rushmoreorless', '...
alvas's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Python regex pattern max length in re.compile?

I try to compile a big pattern with re.compile in Python 3. The pattern I try to compile is composed of 500 small words (I want to remove them from a text). The problem is that it stops the pattern ...
mquantin's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to override max length of username in Django by creating a custom model

I have a problem. I'm using Django 1.7, and have already made a custom user model, that inherits Django's abstract user like this: class CustomUser(AbstractUser, BaseModel): Now they say in here ...
Ville Miekk-oja's user avatar
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Django use Widget to Override ModelForm Attributes

I have a tags CharField with a maxlength of 300, but I need to reserve 100 characters of that for default inputs, but I want users to be able to set the remaining 200 characters via an input text box. ...
Oblivionkey3's user avatar
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14 votes
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Creating an empty deque in Python with a max length?

I'm looking at the documentation for a Python deque, and it looks like the constructor is deque([iterable[, maxlen]]). Is there no way to make an empty deque (that is, without specifying the iterable) ...
itsmichaelwang's user avatar
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Making sure length of matrix row is all the same (python3)

so I have this python 3 code to input a matrix: matrix = [] lop=True while lop: line = input() if not line: lop=False if matrix != []: if len(line.split()) != len(matrix[-...
Program_coder's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How to find minimum, maximum length strings generated given a regular expression? [closed]

How to find minimum and maximum length given a regular expression ? For example [1-9]?[0-9] This regular expression can generate a minimum 1 (0 or 1 0r 2.... or 9) and a maximum of string length 2 ...
user3362766's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

Return len of the longest word in a list [duplicate]

Hi, I'm trying to make an python program that will return the length of the longest word in a list but it does not work so well for me. here is the code: def find_longest_word(): list1 = ['a','aa'...
Rom Becker's user avatar
22 votes
5 answers

How to set a max length for a python list/set?

In c/c++, we could have: maxnum = 10; double xlist[maxnum]; How to set a maximum length for a python list/set?
alvas's user avatar
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1 answer

Setting max_length of a form field using a parameter in Django

I have a parameter that I am passing in to the form. It is a dictionary to configure the form. How can I set the max_length of a field using a value from the dictionary? class StepTwoForm(forms....
heri0n's user avatar
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