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boto3 redshift client .describe_statement provides no error message

I've run an sql query through boto3 redshift client's execute_statement function, and subsequently checked the status of the query with describe_statement. result = client_redshift.execute_statement(...
tonneofash's user avatar
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Redshift COPY query hangs. (Running but not submitted) (Table size just 30 rows)

I have been running COPY commands on Redshift in query editor and boto3 (programatically), successfully. However, after yesterday, neither method works. Although, cluster console shows that query is ...
Hamza E. Khan's user avatar
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Is there any way to get more detailed syntax error messages in Redshift SQL?

I am re-writing some 1000+ line queries which were written originally for a PostgreSQL DB and now have to run on near-identical data in Redshift (using Redshift Serverless and the QueryEditorV2). This ...
Indoordinosaur's user avatar
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Create table from another table, but only the primary column

From a table, how can I create another table without the data and with only the primary key columns? I am able to get the primary key columns using the following query: SELECT column_name FROM ...
jeremie bergeron's user avatar
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2 answers

fill gaps in outer join in redshift

I have a table that contains products and sales data. Unfortunately, not every month a given product was sold, and I would like unsold products in a given month to also be shown. In Oracle, the query ...
l_obr's user avatar
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Unable to create AWS Glue Connection to RedShift Serverless

I am trying to create a connection between AWS Glue and the Redshift database in Glue. Currently, I am getting an error: Connection creation is failed. Create connection failed during validating ...
Dmitri's user avatar
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Is there a SQL feature to return the max value for every column?

Background: I have a unique setup with multiple tables, each with circa 1,600 columns, which I am trying to clean up (it creates benefits upstream). I know that around 80% of these columns will always ...
David Jerome's user avatar
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in GA4,the daily exported events are about to exceed 1 million. What should I do next?

I am using the Daily Export method to export some GA events to BigQuery, but the daily event volume is about to exceed 1 million. If I switch to the Streaming method, I might lose information such as ...
Yan's user avatar
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Seeking Advice on Reducing Redshift Snapshot Costs [closed]

I'm decommissioning my Amazon Redshift cluster due to high costs. It was running on 4 ra3.xlplus nodes, and the snapshot size is 225TB. I've already paused the cluster to save on compute costs, but I ...
Zvika Glick's user avatar
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How to Extract Nested JSON Array in Redshift and Create a Table with Specific Columns?

I have a table in AWS Redshift with a column called json, which stores a nested JSON object as a string. I need to create a new table with three columns: sid, skill_name, and skill_vdd. The json ...
nilesh1212's user avatar
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Amazon QuickSight | Recursive CTE in subquery are not supported

I would like to use a recursive CTE to generate a series of dates. I am using this CTE to cross join onto locations to generate a mapping table as a CTE where each location has a row for each date. ...
Ryan White's user avatar
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updating the two dimesional data in sql redshift

so lets say i have two tables inventory and demand. both contains 3 keys location , matrial and yr_wk. inv contains onhand and demand contains demand quantity. INV data : location , matrial , yr_wk, ...
Aman Verma's user avatar
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Datashare writes are not authorized by producer or associated by consumer

I am trying to query a datashare from AWS Data Exchange using Redshift in Python. This datashare, to be precise. This is how I am attempting to run my Python code: import os import psycopg os.environ[...
Minura Punchihewa's user avatar
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1 answer

How to count from 0 and onward for every new ID?

I constructed the following query and it gives me the following output... with tb1 as ( select id ,row_number() over(order by id)-1 as lag_0 from id_store ), tb2 as ( select * ...
sir datum's user avatar
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Recursive SQL not returning full scope of data

I have a logic to calculate number of patients and med dosage per period, however my redhsift recursive SQL is not returning full scope of data: WITH recursive build (period_start_date, peq, prev_peq, ...
Kondjitsu's user avatar
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Carrying forward SQL

I have a query gets opening and closing balances for each month of customers from their transactions and then get a company total for the month. but if a customer does not have any transactions for ...
Marinos Kaitis's user avatar
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How best to to dynamically query S3 folders

We have an extremely large S3 bucket, which is divided into folders by date. e.g. dt=2024-11-19 dt=2024-11-20 dt=2024-11-21 I run queries through Redshift, and was instructed to always filter by the ...
Ms.Lis's user avatar
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2 answers

Not able to create a redshift table using glue

Getting error: exception: java.sql.SQLException: Exception thrown in awaitResult: the table is getting created flight_details but there is only one column dummy in it and the schema defined in create ...
Prateek Goel's user avatar
2 votes
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Explode values in dbt

I'm trying to replicate the repeat_by and explode functions from Polars using dbt with a Redshift database but am having difficulty finding an equivalent solution. Here's the sample Polars DataFrame ...
Akmal Soliev's user avatar
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Which type of index should I build in this situation to speed up the query on a Hudi table?

I have a Hudi table generated by Spark; the schema was like: id: int64 content: string create_date: timestamp[ns] This table was super large. Most of the queries we perform on this table involve ...
Rinze's user avatar
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Redshift query takes longer in Databricks than in Redshift client

update I have optimized the query so that the performance now is much better. So, the original question is not important or relevant anymore. Original post: I have a query that takes about 5 minutes ...
thotwielder's user avatar
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Getting the error when creating the redshift table from GLUE

The error output in the log is: Failed to create table: An error occurred while calling o105.getSink. : java.lang.RuntimeException: Temporary directory for redshift not specified. Please verify --...
Prateek Goel's user avatar
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Amazon Redshift, Datagrid find the lock and kill

I am trying to find the lock sql queries, and I used this code, But when I wanted to cancel the list of queries, it did not work. Could you please help? SELECT * FROM stv_locks;
walkingbas's user avatar
-1 votes
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"SQL Error [XX000]: ERROR: Numeric column 2 precision and scales cannot be merged" when coding logic in REdhsift

Such code gives me an error of: "SQL Error [XX000]: ERROR: Numeric column 2 precision and scales cannot be merged" WITH RECURSIVE build (PERIOD_START_DATE,PEQ,PREV_PEQ,repeated_patient, ...
Kondjitsu's user avatar
-1 votes
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Copying File to Redshift from S3 Bucket

I am trying to move some data from a CSV in S3 to a Redshift table. The date column is giving me a hard time however. When opened in a text editor, the date is formatted like this: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:...
plakosizzle's user avatar
-1 votes
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Translate excel formulas into Redshift SQL query

I am looking for help to translate excel formulas into Redshift SQL . With given fixed input values for rows 1 (Month ascending) and 2 (SU - some number) I have to calculate through particular cells ...
Kondjitsu's user avatar
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Handling nested fields in Amazon Redshift using COPY command when loading from dynamo db source

I am trying to load data into Redshift from a DynamoDB table. The table includes nested fields which does not get fetched correctly. The data inside the DynamoDB has structure like "Status": ...
Svante Allgulander's user avatar
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Host name for LocalStack Redshift for Amazon Redshift JDBC driver

I have setup LocalStack in my windows machine and started with redshift and few other services. Then I created a cluster and a DB. >awslocal redshift describe-clusters --cluster-identifier my-...
Tharaka Deshan's user avatar
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How to transfer data using Zero-ETL to a writable DB in Redshift

Im using Zero-Etl to move my data from Aurora to Redshift. But this moves the data to a read-only database. How do I then move my data to a full access database? I have tried creating a materialized ...
Alexander Hernandez's user avatar
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How can I get Redshift query execution time

I want to find out the total amount of time the queries are running in Redshift. Is there any query with which I can get this information?. I tried to get this data using stl_query but because there ...
Saicharan Reddy's user avatar
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Refresh slowness of materialized view that select latest row for each group in a large table

I have a materialized view defined like this: CREATE materialized VIEW order AS SELECT * FROM ( SELECT *, pg_catalog.row_number() OVER( PARTITION BY flow_id, order_id ...
carfield's user avatar
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Redshift query duplicates

I'm using python with redshift_connector, and analysing the data with pandas. When accessing a redshift db with selecting n columns, I got i lines. However when I wanted to add a new column to this ...
Newl's user avatar
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The difference between text255 and bytedict Redshift encodings

When selecting a compression encoding for a VARCHAR column in Redshift, two options that present themselves when the column contains a small set of potential string values are text255 and bytedict. ...
Woody1193's user avatar
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Best way to capture verbosity in Redshift error

I frequently run into issues with Redshift where I have multiple columns in the same table with the same varchar length. When i try to run an insert statement where a value is greater than the ...
lollerskates's user avatar
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Regex to identify all "special" characters

I have a table, sales, with a column, email_address. I want to filter to only include records in the sales table that have any characters that are neither alphanumeric nor special characters. These ...
wcbrown's user avatar
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Maintaining Consistency Between Python (e.g. Polars) Functions and SQL (e.g. Redshift) UDFs

I'm working on a data engineering project that processes data from multiple sources using Polars in Python and Redshift as a data warehouse. I need a robust strategy for keeping Python Polars ...
Elis Evans's user avatar
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Error in creating external table in amazon redshift

I created a cluster with Amazon redshift. Using this connection, I opened the query editor to create an external table CREATE EXTERNAL SCHEMA dynamodb_external_table2 FROM data catalog database 'dev' ...
Racheal Babatunde's user avatar
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How to select rows that don't have overlapping dates

I have a table that contains dates for different products. Each row on this table represents a ticket/issue and the start and end date for the tickets. Each product can have multiple tickets, and ...
MyNameHere's user avatar
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How to identify the same date and last month date from prior year based on the most recent date for current year in the table in SQL?

I am trying to summarize the overall profit and transactions results for Name and id grouped by new fields on Amazon Redshift. Data Example is provided below: Table Data Example After execution, I ...
SQLPractice's user avatar
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Convert MD5 to BigInt on Amazon Redshift

I have the following C# code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; public class Program { public static void Main() { ...
MOOKERAIZER's user avatar
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Dependency mismatching in requirement file in AWS Manager Workflows for Apache Airflow(MWAA)

I was trying to upgrade the version of Apache Airflow from 2.2.2 to 2.10.2 but I was getting the error with installing the packages in the requirement.txt file in dbt-redshift , dbt-postgres , dbt-...
The Mustafa's user avatar
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How to Resolve 'Invalid JSONPath Format' Error When Importing Nested JSON into Amazon Redshift?

I'm trying to insert a nested JSON list into Amazon Redshift but I'm encountering an error: Invalid JSONPath format: Member is not an object. This may be due to incorrect usage of JSONPaths for ...
Akmal Soliev's user avatar
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Is it possible to disable the Query Compilation Cache in Redshift?

Redshift has two caches of interest; Query Result Cache and Query Compilation Cache. For this question, I am only interested in the Query Compilation Cache. For control and testing purposes, I need to ...
mcsilvio's user avatar
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Json Extract from column in amazon redshift

my query: SELECT CAST(employee_id AS INT) AS employee_id, employee_email, gender, custom_fields_json FROM xxxxxx_employee WHERE employee_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ...
Sandeep Sharma's user avatar
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Redshift Copy Command & parse to JSON

I'm trying to load data from S3 to Redshift using the COPY command. The table where I'm trying to load have multiple columns, one of those is SUPER. I want to load JSON in that column. For this ...
ijonas's user avatar
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Redshift admin cannot see svl_user_info table

Even when I connect as the admin superuser, Redshift will not let me access the table: svl_user_info so queries like select * from svl_user_info do not work. The error message is: ERROR: permission ...
CyclingDave's user avatar
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How to return the list and count of unique combinations based on a primary column?

I have the below table structure and want to return a count of the unique combination of relationships based on product. Relationships has 14 unique values customer ID relationship product ID 123 ...
GaBBaii's user avatar
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How can I differentiate between null value and empty string in query result?

I ran the following sql statement in SQL Workbench/J for redshift: select null, ' ', len(' ') This is what it returned. How can I differentiate between the null value and the empty string? In ...
fdkgfosfskjdlsjdlkfsf's user avatar
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Redshift error: "permission denied on relation ___". But, I'm not using the table specified in the error message. What could cause this?

Summary I'm using the Boto3 APIs (get_jobs & get_workflow) to create an AWS Glue resource inventory for myself. The only manipulation performed includes basic data cleansing (flattening the JSON, ...
mystiquenoir's user avatar
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Running redshift configuration settings within Excel's VBA?

In VBA I want to run enable_case_sensitive_identifier TO true just before the actual select statement. In sqlworkbench the script works as expected. This is running against an Amazon redshift database....
fdkgfosfskjdlsjdlkfsf's user avatar

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