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ImageMagick chop to remove whitespace rows in image

Trying to remove white space rows in an image: I tried : convert image_name.png -chop 110x170 + 240x300 chopped.png as pixels 110-170 and 240-300 need to be cut. The resulting image should retain ...
Benedict K.'s user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Copy a circle of image A into image B

I have two images: a.jpg b.jpg Both images are square (100x100 pixel). I want to cut a circle with a radius of 50 from image a.jpg and paste it in the middle of image b.jpg. I want to save the ...
wintermeyer's user avatar
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Specifying image dimensions like Gimp in ImageMagick

I am editing an image in Gimp with dimensions and size specified as below. How to use the same parameters in ImageMagick? (I tried something like below, but unable to get the desired output): ...
Steve Erick's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

ImageMagick "color to alpha" (like The GIMP)

I'm trying to do what The GIMP does when selecting "color to alpha" with an actual colour. I've got an image that has the color #a0132e in it, and I want that converted to transparency. Not only that ...
Thany's user avatar
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