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pdf to png conversion of latex generated plot

I have a bunch of pdf (plots generated using pgf in pdflatex) files that I would like to convert to png files. So far I've tried the following: 1) ImageMagick convert -density 500 a.pdf -quality 90 ...
Sebu's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How to automate image slicing process in Linux?

Input image I need as following, output explanation Output scheme Following steps needed to be done. Process the input image Split the image into more images based on the gap between the ...
Maheshwaran velusamy's user avatar
3 votes
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Converting tiff to mode 1 bit images

Is it possible to convert a tiff image to mode 1-bit image using command line tools. I saw it can be done with gimp but I need to run a script so I prefer a solution using packages like imagemagick ...
iLoveCamelCase's user avatar
0 votes
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Creating a multi layered psd file with "editable text" using command line

I am trying to create a PSD file using command line (linux/osx). Example: I have 5 blocks of text "hello" "this" "is" "an" "example" I need a way to take these 5 blocks of text and generate a psd ...
user2981174's user avatar
1 vote
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Image resizing, maintaing image size - beginner question

Im attempting to resize an image from 480x800 to 320x240. Below are the results. The original image has an oval shaped circle whereas the resized image has a more spherical shape. Is it possible to ...
blue-sky's user avatar
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ImageMagick - Transparent background - Act like Photoshop's "Magic wand"

I'm trying to convert hundreds of images that Have an unknown subject centered in the image Have a white background I've used ImageMagick's convert utility in the following way convert ORIGINAL.jpg ...
joar's user avatar
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1 vote
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Imagemagick or similar for scripted image enhancement

I found the following algorithm to work fairly well for enhancement of various images of whiteboards, etc: duplicate the layer, make sure the top layer is active (gaussian)blur the new layer. You ...
Parand's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Resizing screenshots/screen captures for inclusion in Beamer

Sorry, this may or may not be a programming question directly, but I am trying to resize screenshots with Imagemagick and Gimp to include in a Beamer presentation, but it comes out even blurrier than ...
hatmatrix's user avatar
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