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Altering indexed bitmap's byte array breaks image display

I'm loading a .PNG file with a 1-bit color depth (so, indexed), converting it to a byte array, JSON-serializing it, and sending it as a response to a call to a web API by a Blazor web assembly app, ...
Eric Eggers's user avatar
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0 answers

How can I create an indexed function in SymPy?

What I want is to create an indexed function. Something of the form: Where i is an integer and x is real. The idea is then to be able to integrate or take the x derivative: I've been looking ...
immortal's user avatar
3 votes
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Typescript 5.0.3 - Why these types with incompatible generic parameters do not generate an error?

------------- Motivation and context (Not essential to understand the question)---------------- In my typescript app, I have objects with references to other objects. Sometimes these references are ...
sudo's user avatar
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Problem with indexed access within nested generics

I have a db-config file in the following form: const simpleDbConfig: DbConfig = { firstTable: { columns: { foo: { nameDb: "Foo", dataType: "TEXT" }, ...
Steffen's user avatar
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Planner return error : : caused by : : No indexed plans available, and running with 'notablescan'

I recently updated MongoDB version 6.0.3. I am using MongoDB driver version 4.5.0. And Mongoose version 6.3.1. I am trying to do a findOneAndUpdate with upsert and getting an error. Console Error Also,...
Haris Shaikh's user avatar
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How to find Indexed Color mode PNGs in python

How do I get a list of all the Indexed Color mode PNGs that are present in a given folder that contains a lot of other files (which are all images, but they all have different Color Modes) using ...
Francesco Calderone's user avatar
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Using an integer indexed list of strings with Arduino

I do have a list of string status messages. Each status message has an individual integer status code assinged to it, like this: {0, "INITIAL STATE"}, {12, "ERROR INVERTER COMMUNICATION&...
MacSass's user avatar
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Any indexed color mapping features in CSS?

When creating graphics in GIMP I often make several versions of graphics (like game characters with different outfits) using indexed color mode in the .png file where I develop the images so I can ...
Billy's user avatar
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SharePoint list column header filter not working

I have a list which has exceeded LVT,I have created a view and filtered it on an indexed column and made sure the items returned by the filter are less than 5000. When I am trying to filter in the ...
kavita negi's user avatar
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1 answer

want to get json file data from particular index in laravel blade file

I am new to php laravel kindly help me out to solve this proble. This is json file api "meals": [ { "idMeal": "52771", "strMeal": "...
Timothy's user avatar
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4 answers

in Bash: how to echo alphabet in multiple lines from A to E then in a new line from F to J and so on

I have tried declare -a arr=( {A..Y} ) for j in {06..10}; do echo -n "$j " for (( i=0; i<25; i++ )); do if [ $i -eq 4 ]; then echo -...
Learner78's user avatar
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Assembler HCS12 how does register with index work with TST-instruction?

Hello this is my test code: LDX #$2000 LDY #$1000 LDD #$0000 la: ADDD #1 MOVB 1, X+, 1, Y+ TST -1, X <-- what do I ...
kanat0x61's user avatar
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if condition for array index

foreach($results as $result) : $featured_image=wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($result->ID));?> <div class="col-sm-6"> <a href="javascript:;&...
Osama Zubair's user avatar
1 vote
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AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'is_expression_type', What does this mean in pyomo?

model = pyo.ConcreteModel() # Sets model.k = pyo.RangeSet(136) model.i = pyo.Set(initialize = [1,2,3,4]) model.n = pyo.Set(model.i,initialize = {1:[1,2,3],2:[1,2,3,4,5],3:[1,2,3],4:[1,2]}) def ...
Jhh's user avatar
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2 votes
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Check if indexed variable has a value assigned somewhere

Part 1 If we have this [> restart; a[5]:=23: a[7]:=41: then [> about(a); whattype(a); a: nothing known about this object symbol but [> print(a); ...
Robai's user avatar
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R Nonliner Least Squares (nls) function: Using indexed vectors as inputs?

I am trying to run the nls function in R using indexed vectors as inputs, however I am getting an error: > a=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) > b=c(6,7,9,11,14,18,23,30,38,50) #make some example data >...
Andy's user avatar
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Would like to delete a document after 30 min , stuck at the moment

I am using the indexed expire after second ,everything seems fine for me ,but nothing happens after 30 seconds is there more I should do or am I doing something wrong public class ConfirmationToken { ...
user avatar
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Crop an indexed PNG with ImageMagick and keep the same palette as the input file

I want the resulting PNG file to have the exact same palette as the input file. I tried things like: convert $INPUT -crop 8x32+10+10 -depth 8 $OUTPUT convert $INPUT -crop 8x32+10+10 -remap $INPUT $...
Pedro L.'s user avatar
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Indexed but blocked by robots.txt on my english cart

i have a small issue checking on google search console. It display only 1 error Indexed, though blocked by robots.txt but is on my website in the english version (the italian version is ok). How can i ...
Bosco91's user avatar
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convert image to Indexed black and white (1-bit) palette linux

I'm trying to convert (several) PNG files to an indexed black and white (1-bit) palette image in linux via a bash script (or C code). If I use Gimp and take menu options Image, Mode, Indexed I get ...
kalpha's user avatar
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Create indexed view that contains text columns

I require to create an indexed view in SQL Server. Two tables are inner joined in this view. Both tables also contain text columns. The view index is created on an index column of table1. CREATE ...
Uli's user avatar
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What is the simple way to get value and index on For of loop out of an array in Javascript / ReactNative? [duplicate]

I understand that for of is to get the element from an array in Javascript. for (let element of array) { // do something with element } The problem is that I can't get the index inside the loop. ...
Chen Li Yong's user avatar
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Python 3 script or gimp script-fu to rearrange color map Index images

Previously I wanted to swap color values in palette of indexed color map but that seems to be not what im looking to do... as then colors on the image also swap (black becomes magenta and magenta ...
programc7r's user avatar
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Replace colors in colormap

I use a simple line to break an indexed image 256 color into palette using import numpy as np from PIL import Image im ='') palette = np.array(im.getpalette(),dtype=np.uint8).reshape((...
programc7r's user avatar
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1 answer

how to modify properties of an nested object?

I have the following nested object and I need to leave the "alias" property blank and the "group" property set to true for all "entries" and "exits". I also need to delete the whole "parameters" ...
homerThinking's user avatar
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Access records locked by another transaction in Service Fabric reliable indexed dictionary

In our application, we are using service fabric indexed dictionaries to store data. We are also using Service Fabric Queryable package to add querying capabilities on our collections. In our case, we ...
Anudeep Sai's user avatar
1 vote
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Views(Projections) in QLDB

As per QLDB documentation, QLDB provides views(projections) like User, Committed views to query data in it. Are these views are provided from indexed storage? If so, Current and History sections will ...
Shivaganesh's user avatar
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Indexed Storage in QLDB

What is the type of database used in indexed storage as QLDB supports storing structured, semi-structured, nested data and it doesn't enforce schema but it supports PartiQL(SQL compatible access)?
Shivaganesh's user avatar
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Add colours to an Index PNG Image using Python

I'm using a program that requires 4bpp indexed images, I'd like to pad my 1bpp and 2bpp images with black palette entries. How would I go about this using Python? I can't see a method of doing it ...
Matt B's user avatar
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How can I Convert grayscale image to false color gradient with imagemagick

input b/w, output with CLUT I want to create false color images from grayscale input images. Similar to the typical false color images produced by nasa from b/w inputs to highlight contrast and ...
Molly's user avatar
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Summing vector products in SymPy

The following code computes $\sum_{i=1}^3 x_i y_i$ symbolically first, and then substitutes specific numeric values into the expression to yield a single number. (I've added some lines to show ...
CharV's user avatar
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Pyomo Indexed Sets

I'm fairly new to Pyomo and trying to figure out what the use cases are for an indexed set (a set of sets). As far as I can tell, it can be substituted for parameter and behave the same way. Any ...
Conor's user avatar
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Indexed color memory size vs raw image

In this article It says this: Indexed color images with palette sizes beyond 256 entries are rare. The practical limit is around 12-bit per pixel, 4,096 ...
mike's user avatar
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Why does indexed_search don't work only on sub-pages in TYPO3 8 / 9?

I need your help. I've a TYPO3-installation (version 8.7.24) with 8 different websites in my tree. Now I want to install and configure "indexed_search" for every sub-page. The index is ok and works. ...
MFEMH's user avatar
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3 answers

Ansible - Enumerate list when looping on list product (nested loop)

I am using a nested loop in Ansible ("create 3 VMs for each of the 10 users"): - name: Add hosts to inventory add_host: name: "{{ '%s-%02d-%02d' | format(vm_prefix, item.0, item.1.number) ...
Bogd's user avatar
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C/C++ indexed jump into a set of NOPs

I want to produce delays with a one clock resolution so my thoughts are to have 255 NOPs one after the other and then jump to the last one minus the delay required. So 0 would jump past the last NOP, ...
Mike Bryant's user avatar
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Deleting from Indexed Priority Queue (java)

I have an Indexed Minimum Priority Queue implemented as a heap. When deleting an indexed element, the code is: public void delete(int i) { if (i < 0 || i >= maxN) throw new ...
StraightUpBusta's user avatar
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Indexed 8bpp image and array of pixels without GetPixel

I need to get index of every pixel of my Bitmap in color palette (I have an indexed 8bpp image). Now I use the following way: List<byte> data = new List<byte>(); // indexes List<Color&...
Vlad i Slav's user avatar
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Turning an indexed array into a dictionary in Swift

So I found on here this method to doing so but I don't understand exactly how to implement it. extension Collection { var indexedDictionary: [Int: Element] { return enumerated().reduce(...
Harper Creek's user avatar
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create a set of sets in pyomo based on certain conditions

I am fairly new with Pyomo and I am trying to solve the following problem involving the creation of a set of sets based on certain conditions. Let assume I have a set O of 'operations' and a set V of ...
Mike's user avatar
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Setting a default value to an indexed pyomo parameter

I got a dataframe which looks like following: >data x y Name A NaN 0 B 65,2 NaN C NaN 100 I create a pyomo Set-Object m.index, ...
oakca's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Is Putting Quotes on PHP Named Indexes Unnecessary?

Is the following: $arr = [ foo => 'bar', bar => 'foo' ]; The same as: $arr = [ 'foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo' ]; In other words, is putting quotes on named indexes ...
GTS Joe's user avatar
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Searching in indexed organized table [closed]

Does indexed organized table return result quickly only when searching condition has primary key? If not, how do they work?
Ankita Patel's user avatar
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Will get the pages indexed via analytics API?

I am using analytics API to get the below mentioned metrics, $metrics = array("sessions","avgSessionDuration","bounceRate","Pageviews","...
Nuju's user avatar
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SymPy: Derivatives of KroneckerDelta and indices

Please refer to the following MWE: import sympy as s x = s.IndexedBase('x') y = s.IndexedBase('y') i,j,k = map(s.Idx,['i','j','k']) a = s.exp(x[i]*y[j]*s.KroneckerDelta(i,j)) b = a.diff(x[j]) The ...
user avatar
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Move address to register by using the indexed addressing mode

Is it possible to calculate an address by using the indexed addressing mode syntax and store it into a register? Something like the following (wrong) expression (in AT&T assembly syntax): movl $...
cppstudy's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Map/Merge data from a flat array into the rows of a 2d array [duplicate]

I want to add the values of array b to array a: $a = [[1, 2],[4, 5],[7, 8]]; $b = [3, 6, 9]; Result should be: $result = [[1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6],[7, 8, 9]]; I am trying this (and lots of other stuff) ...
Jan Tenner's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Loop to be used before function call in matlab

function output=Input(data,T) [x,cmap]=imread('abc.tiff'); data=im2double(x); ID_notNaN=find(~isnan(SWI)); D=data(:,1); X=data(:,2); F=nan(length(data(:,1)),1); P(ID_notNaN)=SWI; output=[data(:,1),...
Pooja's user avatar
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@Indexed not working with spring data cassandra

I am trying to use @Indexed for creating a secondary index on the field using spring data cassandra. But while querying on the field it is throwing exception No secondary indexes on the restricted ...
dgandhi91's user avatar
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Difference between Indexed based, Random access and sequential access?

According to me: Indexed Based: Which can be accessed by passing index. Now internally it is doing random or sequential iteration doesnt matter. Random Access: You can access a position in on go ...
Ankur's user avatar
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