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How to reorient (shift/offset) spherical (360-deg) images via command line with e.g. Imagemagick or The GIMP?

I'm installing a remote network of spherical/360-degree cameras and need to have the images they produce all aligned with something (north). The problem is, the cameras might end up being mounted ...
ZPMMaker's user avatar
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convert image to Indexed black and white (1-bit) palette linux

I'm trying to convert (several) PNG files to an indexed black and white (1-bit) palette image in linux via a bash script (or C code). If I use Gimp and take menu options Image, Mode, Indexed I get ...
kalpha's user avatar
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2 answers

Filling the gaps made in chinese character due to line removal for ocr

Hello friends, I have a hard time to ocr the above image due to the gaps that were made due to line removal.So could anyone kindly guide me on how to fill the gaps in chinese character using ...
thekingmaker's user avatar
3 votes
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ImageMagick chop to remove whitespace rows in image

Trying to remove white space rows in an image: I tried : convert image_name.png -chop 110x170 + 240x300 chopped.png as pixels 110-170 and 240-300 need to be cut. The resulting image should retain ...
Benedict K.'s user avatar
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Subtract a value from the Red channel only

Is there any easy way to subtract a value from the red channel? For example, let's say a pixel has RGB(140, 30, 50), I would like to see subtract 100 from red channel only, hence giving RGB(40, 30, ...
fatdragon's user avatar
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How do I circle select and crop with fu script?

I am trying to expedite the process of cropping a bunch of images using fu scripts. All the images will get cropped identically. I need to select a circle that is centered on the image and then crop ...
wesleywmd's user avatar
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Hole filling of color pictures [closed]

I would like to perform some image editing by removing annoying element on these image such as electric poles, grids, ... (pic. 1) The amount of edits to perform is quite significant and I wonder if ...
JeanJouX's user avatar
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How to create an image from font style

I need to create multiple images for each and every character of a specific font. For instance, I want to create separate images of size say 32x32 for all characters of english alphabet with Times New ...
vanangamudi's user avatar
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Gimp index-colors vs ImageMagick in terms of image size?

I made a small image using imagemagick, this image has only 2 colors (alpha + some other color) so I want to turn in into index-color mode. Once I finish the image, I run the command convert file....
Tom Tsagkatos's user avatar
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Converting tiff to mode 1 bit images

Is it possible to convert a tiff image to mode 1-bit image using command line tools. I saw it can be done with gimp but I need to run a script so I prefer a solution using packages like imagemagick ...
iLoveCamelCase's user avatar
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Specifying image dimensions like Gimp in ImageMagick

I am editing an image in Gimp with dimensions and size specified as below. How to use the same parameters in ImageMagick? (I tried something like below, but unable to get the desired output): ...
Steve Erick's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

Split image into parts

Is there anything in imagemagick or gimp or other linux compatible tool what can automatically detect individual objects on image and either return some location of object or store each object as ...
Tomas Greif's user avatar
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Image resizing, maintaing image size - beginner question

Im attempting to resize an image from 480x800 to 320x240. Below are the results. The original image has an oval shaped circle whereas the resized image has a more spherical shape. Is it possible to ...
blue-sky's user avatar
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