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Terminated gulp watch

I am using jquery and express (maybe) project. This project node version is 12 If I run gulp watch Then It work. But after I change my script file because of editing code, [10:47:42] Finished 'js' ...
Gamrom's user avatar
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MS Teams Meeting App - gulp ngrok-serve error

I get the error below when I run gulp bgrok-serve >>gulp ngrok-serve --debug [16:34:54] Found additional Yo Teams plugin: yoteams-deploy [16:34:54] Using gulpfile ~\OneDrive - HEGELMAT\Desktop\...
hegel mat's user avatar
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Gulp 5 not compile if src have multiple items

I have a problem with Gulp because it doesn't compile if there is more than one specific element in the SRC. I need multiple files to be compiled on the JS, PHP and IMG. Node: 23.1.0 NPM: 10.9.1 Gulp: ...
budwaiser4's user avatar
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When I use mix() in dart-sass, the output is rgb() instead of HEX(#)

I use [email protected] , [email protected] on Mac. The gulp task are as follows. import { src, dest, series, watch } from 'gulp'; import * as dartSass from 'sass'; import gulpSass from 'gulp-sass'; const ...
ysakmrkm's user avatar
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Gulp and "SASS: Deprecation The legacy JS API" Warning?

As many others, I've recently begun to get this error whenever I compile my SASS. Deprecation Warning: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. No matter what I do, I ...
Micke Hasselqvist's user avatar
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Not found problem in Vercel deployment using Gulp

I have tried to deploy a site on Vercel using Github, however it doesn't work. I didnt use any of frameworks. By the way, when i had only one page it worked perfectly. Here is my gulpfile.js My build ...
Ramazan's user avatar
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gulpjs - How to debug errors

I'm on a poject that is using gulp to compile and run tasks. I'm facing an error with the gulp-file-include plugin that will throw this error in console PluginError: Expected double-quoted property ...
newbiedev's user avatar
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gulp-uglify expects an object, non-object provided

I have an old project and have to add a filter to remove an item from the array of objects if the condition is true. I am getting the below error when trying to run gulp build. [14:44:03] Using ...
user007's user avatar
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odd behavior when using gulp with Deno 2

Now that Deno 2 supports npm, I'm trying to use gulp in Deno 2. But I'm getting odd behavior that's causing me to doubt this will work. I'll provide the list of steps I used later, but first, here's ...
John Deighan's user avatar
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Error in building legacy solution using jspm packages

I am trying to build a legacy solution which is using jspm packages but getting below error: Error on fetch for npm:[email protected] at file:///C:/KeskoUpgrade/My%20K%20Keskonet/...
Krishna's user avatar
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Does Webpack need an entry and output?

I am migrating an old gulp project over to webpack, and wondered if it was possible to make a webpack project that doesn't require the entry and output options, I have a series of tasks that need ...
Takuhii's user avatar
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My sprite.svg file showing only one/first element, project compiler is gulp

The icon-location icon is displayed correctly, but other icons such as icon-mail are not displayed. I have tried clearing the cache and reloading the page, but the problem persists. <svg xmlns=&...
Эльёр Садуллаев's user avatar
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Why is ccsnano messing up the css of bootstrap styles in gulp builder?

.pipe(sassGlob()) .pipe(sass(["last 2 version", "> 2%"])) .pipe(autoprefixer()) .pipe(cssbeautify()) .pipe(gulp.dest("./dist/assets/css/")) .pipe(cssnano()) .pipe( rename({ suffix: "....
user28155802's user avatar
1 vote
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How to Silence Deprecation Warning in Gulp Sass Task - "The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0."

My current installation is the follow: Node - v20.18.0 Gulp - v5.0.0 Gulp-Sass - v5.1.0 Sass - v1.80.6 My gulpfile.js: const gulp = require("gulp"); const sass = require("gulp-sass&...
Scott Smith's user avatar
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Trying to download dependencies, but got "Build failed with error code: 1"

I got a great portfolio template from Start Bootstrap, but I ran into an issue installing dependencies. There is no node_modules folder after running npm i. This is my package.json: { "title&...
Peter Farrow's user avatar
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Glup/Rollup/babel-preset-minify requires await on rollup.rollup() for multiple files in same function

I want to verify that the statement in the title is true, and see if anyone can provide an explanation and/or a workaround. If I only work with one .js file, it works without the async/await. Adding ...
Sideways S's user avatar
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stream.on('exit') in gulp-nodemon

I'm a newbie to gulp. So this question might be obvious. var gulp = require('gulp'); var shell = require('gulp-shell'); var nodemon = require('gulp-nodemon'); var fs = require('fs'); fs.readdirSync(...
Waakul's user avatar
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Having a trouble with gulp-imagemin

I'm having a trouble with gulp-imagemin. When I test the minify-image task, it can't run. I tried a lot of ways to fix it but every time it had a problem. Can someone help me to fix this? I need this ...
Matin Saadati's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is npm library not a function?

There is a problem with npm library for html minify. I downloaded and declared a library import htmlmin from 'html-minifier'; but when i try to run a gulp task export const html = () => { ...
Даниил Дашкевич's user avatar
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Multiple Node.js builds in different subfolders with different node versions with one command possible?

I'm working on a project, a WordPress plugin for the Divi theme, with the following file structure: root gulpfile.js package.json /src/divi4 gulpfile.js package.json /src/divi5 gulpfile.js ...
xxtesaxx's user avatar
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Folder font not sent from src to dest

The folder with fonts from the working area is not moved to the public one. Tell me, there are fonts in the folder, I don’t know why it doesn’t transfer them to the final project. font: { src: `${...
Виталий Кравченко's user avatar
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Gulp pattern matching - match all scss files

My test function looks like: function taskBuildStyles() { let path1 = 'Amtsverwaltung_Achterwehr/Web/styles/source/web_v1.scss'; let path2 = 'Amtsverwaltung_Achterwehr/Web/styles/source/*.scss'; ...
user3590094's user avatar
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Babel is NOT working well with the super keyword

I have this package.json: { "name": "theme1", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", "...
poashoas's user avatar
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How to use merge-stream with ES6 imports?

I'm using Gulp 5, and I converted my Gulpfile to use modules instead of CommonJS. It mostly works but I'm having trouble with the merge-stream package. Here's the minimal version of my original code: ...
DisgruntledGoat's user avatar
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BrowserSync throws aggregate Error with Gulp 5/Node.js v.20

I am attempting to rebuild my gulpfile.js after upgrading to Gulp 5 and the most recent stable version of Node.js (20.11.1). The gulpfile below works just fine with Node.js version 16.14.0, but is ...
joakland's user avatar
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How to Pass Variables between Nested Includes in Gulp File Include?

I'm using gulp-file-include to build my HTML files and I'm running into an issue with passing variables between nested include files. File Structure: . ├── index.html └── template-parts └── common ...
Muhammed Muneer's user avatar
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Why don't folders delete in gulp tasks? [duplicate]

This task work ok. I use path ".wwwroot/css/site.min.css" var gulp = require("gulp"); const fs = require('fs').promises; gulp.task('clean', async function (done) { try { ...
Viktor Bylbas's user avatar
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scssTask Errored during Gulp-Sass execution

I'm just starting out with Gulp via VS Code but I can't seem to get it working. Here is my Gulp file: // Initialize modules const { src, dest, watch, series } = require('gulp'); const sass = require('...
arabella turner's user avatar
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LitElement with SASS

I am currently using Lit to learn more about custom web components and I am trying to use .scss files to render an style for my components; but I can't find a way to compile the scss files in a way ...
Vitor Mignoni's user avatar
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gulp 5 src() make the images format unsupported

I have some images in my project that I want to compress them using gulp But first I want to move them to the dist folder so I made this simple task function test(){ return src("src/images/*&...
Sarl sbeer's user avatar
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Uncaught SyntaxError with DOMPurify 3.1.6 and 2.4.9: Invalid Regular Expression due to ${...} in Minified Files

I was using DOMPurify 2.3.10 with Gulp for minifying files, and everything worked fine. However, after upgrading to versions 3.1.6 or 2.4.9, I'm getting the following error: Uncaught SyntaxError: ...
Maldanna Gk's user avatar
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Compiling Angular 12.2.17 code as a library, get the following error Error: No supported format property to consider among [tsconfig-aot.json]

I'm having the following error: Error: No supported format property to consider among [tsconfig-aot.json]. Supported properties: fesm2015, fesm5, es2015, esm2015, esm5, main, module, browser I am ...
molivera's user avatar
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gulp nunjucksRender not compiling html files

I am trying to render nunjucks .njk files into HTML file This gulpfile.js... var gulp = require("gulp"); var nunjucksRender = require("gulp-nunjucks-render"); var browserSync = ...
satnamsingh's user avatar
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Docker & Gulp Browser Sync

I'm migrating my WordPress projects from Wamp to Docker ( WSL) and I have problems getting Gulp to work properly. The changes to CSS are not seen, although Gulp successfully compiles assets as well as ...
BlazZ's user avatar
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SVG element not displaying in production mode

I'm facing an issue with viewing the svg elements in production mode, it worked totally fine in development mode (localhost). Me and my team are suspecting it is the issue with the gulp. <img src=&...
user19766923's user avatar
4 votes
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Bootstrap 5.3.3 _type.scs has waring on compile with Gulp

I am using Bootstrap 5.3.3 in my project and compile using gulp.js I see warning on every save change. below message see on terminal. Deprecation Warning: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear ...
Mitul Chhabhaya's user avatar
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gulp why I get the Error: Input buffer contains unsupported image format?

I am using gulp to simply clone a src folder (jpeg images only). I used the official documentation -> ( When I enter gulp in my terminal to run my ...
bitmage's user avatar
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How to resolve "SSL handshake failed" error when using Penthouse Critical CSS generator (on Node.js)?

I want to create a Gulp task that generates a file with my site's Critical CSS. Penthouse seems to fit exactly what I need. I can achieve generating the Critical CSS file with, and ...
MeltingDog's user avatar
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I need enable text compression to optimize my time

When I run "Lighthouse" in my angular app it show me that I have to enable a text compress . I cannot modify server configure so I follow this tutorial: how to enable gzip compression in ...
Doppu's user avatar
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gulp imagemin breaking images and not optimizing

I am trying to setup up the imagemin package to run through gulp. I seem to have got the package running, however there are a number of unexplained issues: const imgSRC = ''; const imgDIST = '....
Jonathan Hutchinson's user avatar
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VS Code and Gulp 5.0 / Gulp Cli 3.0

I´m trying to copy some files between folders without success. This is my program: const gulp = require('gulp'); const using = require('gulp-using') const fs = require('fs'); const gzip = require('...
amen0103's user avatar
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Gulp only randomly output file?

I've got this function on Gulp that precompiles templates and partials and then outputs a file. Well, only sometimes, that is. I can't seem to wrap my head around the 'inner workings' of Gulp. ...
Sam's user avatar
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gulp template precompile broken

In the process of trying to update the following I have broken it. I changed require to import but it is obvious that I need to do more - can anyone help? It currently reports TypeError: template....
vogomatix's user avatar
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Github pipeline for angular js project

I have this github pipeline I just created to automatically deploy an angular js project, that is compiled with the gulp command. name: Node.js CI with Gulp on: push: branches: - main ...
newuser147's user avatar
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Gulp install error - Bad signature error ,ssl3_get_key_exchange

I am trying to install gulp 3.9.1 and getting an error message Bad signature error write EPROTO 101057795:error:04091068:rsa routines:INT_RSA_VERIFY:bad signature:openssl\crypto\rsa\rsa_sign.c:278: ...
mahima jain's user avatar
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Gulp does not create a folder in dist

Gulp cannot create an img folder in the dist folder. Everything goes without errors, but the folder does not appear! const srcPath = "src/" const distPath = "dist/" ...
Виталий Кравченко's user avatar
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Upgrading from gulp 4 to 5: Error: Writable stream closed prematurely

I'm trying to upgrade from Gulp 4 to Gulp 5 and I'm getting Error: Writable stream closed prematurely. Here's the relevant function: const download = require('gulp-download2'); /** * Purgecss can ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
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Trouble setting up gulpfile.js using ES module

I am trying to set up my Gulp workflow using the latest versions of all packages. I am used to CommonJS and having some difficulty figuring out how to get my tasks to run. I have a task to compile ...
user13286's user avatar
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Delete all prior files in dist folder before 'gulp build' task begins?

I'm wanting to deploy a website to a testing server. I have literally spent days watching Youtubes, Learning, etc. to find the best way to 'gulp build' a dist folder for me to ...
MMead's user avatar
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Gulp browser-sync when reloading stream scss html the same css link href keeps repeating

When I try to change the scss variable, the html looks like this <link href="assets/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet"> become like this <link href="assets/bootstrap....
aboutjquery's user avatar

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