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Bump map failing to cause changes in surface of sphere in Unity

I've been having some trouble with randomly perturbing the surface of a sphere with a bump map in Unity (v2021.3.18f1) for a VR application. Here are the steps I've taken so far: created a sphere ...
Ender's user avatar
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How to prevent Color Banding with GIMP?

Just doing a simple bump_map operation in python GIMP. But the result has color banding! import os, glob, sys, time from gimpfu import * image = pdb.gimp_file_load(img_path, img_path, run_mode=...
user2827214's user avatar
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How to create bump map using as little RAM as possible?

I am working with Python and NumPy. I have an image: Its heightmap: I want to combine them to create a bump map like: I need to use as little RAM as possible. The formula is: newColor = oldColor+(...
Gabriele Maurina's user avatar
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Calculating tangents on a normalized cube

I made a post similar to this one previously, but I have gained a lot more insight since then. For context, I am creating a DX11 based 3D rendering engine where the central focus is a large planet, ...
TheApplePieGod's user avatar
3 votes
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OpenGL Normal Mapping

I'm trying to implement Normal Mapping, using a simple cube that i created. I followed this tutorial but i can't really get how normal mapping ...
Fra's user avatar
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Grid artifacts when disabling linear filtering on bump map in Three.js

If the magFilter of a bump map in Three.js is set to THREE.NearestFilter, a weird grid artifact appears on the object. The grid's spacing is equivalent to the bump map pixels. As soon as the magFilter ...
Georg Molzer's user avatar
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Tangent and Bitangent are not orthogonal to normal

I am trying to calculate the Tangent and Bitangent vectors for my terrain. I followed this tutorial to figure out how to calculate these 2 vectors and from what I understand, Tangent Bitangent and ...
Saik's user avatar
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blender2.8 gltf export for three.js with bumpmap or normalmap or roughnessmap?

I saw some discussions saying gltf does not export bumpmap but if I look into my exported gltf file (separate files mode) there is a bumpmap file with a bumpscale (and also normal map). After loading ...
user2758635's user avatar
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How to detect bump mapping with OpenCV

I have an image with bump mapping, like the image here (the rightmost one): I wonder if I can detect the bump mapping area with OpenCV. The image is a normal RGB image with no depth information. Any ...
J S's user avatar
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2D Water Bump Mapping - Monogame

Thanks for taking the time to check out my issue. I am working on improving the ocean in my first attempt at a game. I have decided on a using a bump map against my ocean tiles to add a little ...
Lamar's user avatar
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OpenGL: Which shaders for normal map (bump map)?

I could not find a way to generate a normal/bump map in PyOpenGL. Specifically I want a map which I can read with glReadPixels(). I do not know how to get a map of the form: (width, height, normals) ...
Ferchar's user avatar
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How do you bump-map large areas in a JavaFX Canvas

I want to apply some lighting effects using JavaFX onto a canvas GraphicsContext. At first I used the Lighting.bumpInput to pass a static bump-map for lighting. However this only lights a certain area ...
kalidali's user avatar
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Bump Mapping with javascript and glsl

/** * A class creating buffers for a textured box to render it with WebGL */ class RasterTextureBox { /** * Creates all WebGL buffers for the ...
Lisalein's user avatar
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rough bump texture when loading OBJ in three.js

We are having difficulties loading model in three.js we are using OBJLoader2 because it smooths mesh properly, but somehow textures are looking way more rough then they should be. some normal map ...
Mukhammet Gafarov's user avatar
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Bump Depth slider for Maya Python script

I have asked about this Python script before, but now i have become faced with a new question: I want to have the texture slider of my script affect the bump depth of my model, but I am not sure how ...
Jake's user avatar
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What's wrong with my Normal mapping? C++ Directx

Hi guys' I'm trying to implement Normal Mapping in Directx and I'm very close to creating it but I'm getting these weird black colors on some objects. This is how it looks like without the Normal ...
Awni's user avatar
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scene loaded via objectloader, bump map not rendering

attempting to apply a bump map to an object loaded, but no change is seen on the material var loader = new THREE.ObjectLoader(); loader.load("../js/brain2.json", function(object) { var mapHeight =...
Benlov's user avatar
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Three js bump mapping

I have created a simple scene in three js (r85). It contains a camera, a light and a plane geometry mesh. I have also created a renderertarget where I render the bumpmap texture of the plane with a ...
László Jakab's user avatar
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Improve bump map quality in threejs

I have a model with a flat surface where I'm applying a bump map texture to draw and put some text on it. The code I'm using is this: loadedMesh.material.bumpMap = new THREE.Texture(canvas); ...
Andres's user avatar
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Add generic Bump Map in Fragment Shader

I have a obj with normals and I want to use a surface bump map on it. Can anyone help me how can I calculate the final normal map from the obj normals and the Bump map my fragment shader is: ...
sabby's user avatar
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Displacement map in three.js

I'm currently using a black and white image as a bump map for my model. The model is an .obj file with the associated .mtl file for UV mapping. This is the code I use: // Load material ...
Andres's user avatar
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Three.js bump map not updating

I have a .obj model with the corresponding .mtl file loaded in my scene. I'm applying a bumpMap to it after being loaded: var mtlLoader = new THREE.MTLLoader(); mtlLoader.setPath('/...
Andres's user avatar
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GLSL Bump Mapping Point Light

Recognize any logic errors? Any suggestions to improve this code or to enhance the results? Image: Before & After Video: Short video demonstrating current bump mapping results! The normal and ...
Revolut1on1ze's user avatar
3 votes
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GLSL3 Tangent space coordinates and normal mapping

First of all, I must apologize for posting yet another question on this subject (there are a lot already!). I did search for other related questions and answers, but unfortunately none of them showed ...
Smoove's user avatar
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Bump map give no effect on texture in three.js

I am using THREE.ImageUtils to load maps and bumpmaps.The grayscale image of the maps are used as bumpmaps .on adding bump maps it doesnt gives any effect on it. var material = new THREE....
ArUn's user avatar
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Changing settings of normal map intensity

i currently have an issue with the correct view of my Normal map in three.js. It looks like shown in the attachment. I think it is a problem with the setting of the normal-map intensity. Is there a ...
gerdsattler's user avatar
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Getting the Tangent for a Object Space to Texture Space

A university assignment requires me to use the Vertex Coordinates I have to calculate the Normals and the Tangent from the Normal values so that I can create a Object Space to Texture Space Matrix. I ...
Gerhard Plesch's user avatar
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Bump Mapping black fragments

Currently i try to implement Bump Mapping for my OpenGL Project. The Problem is that same parts of my cube is black. Like shown in this picture : I am almost certain that i just dont understand how ...
greedsin's user avatar
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Bump-map a sphere with a texture map

We would like to bump-map a sphere with a texture map. However, the surface of the sphere has an area that is 10 times the area of the texture map(area for both in pixels). Describe different ways in ...
Avinash Bhawnani's user avatar
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Three.js ColladaLoader bumpScale/weighting? Way to adjust bump map intensity

In the current ColladaLoader.js I don't see anything that reads or applies the Collada standard's "weighting" value (0.0-1.0) that indicates bump intensity or "bumpScale" in Three.js Phong material. ...
BoeroBoy's user avatar
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SKSpriteNode lighting doesn't work with textures from SKTextureAtlas

I ran into a problem with SpriteKit (tried Xcode 7 beta and Xcode 6.4 on OS X 10.11 beta) where normal-mapped lighting breaks down if I create a SKTextureAtlas from the image and normal files that ...
CodeSmile's user avatar
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Trying to generate 3D bumpmap text in PHP

I have a website I monetize with numerous original pictures on it, I want people to visit the website to see the original pictures and have search engines only show the pictures with transparent ...
Mike -- No longer here's user avatar
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How do I create an Object-Space normal map from a height map?

I'm able to convert my existing height-map into a normal map by sampling the surrounding pixels, like in this question Generating a normal map from a height map? except I'm doing it on CPU. I have a ...
NeomerArcana's user avatar
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What's wrong with my normal mapping? I think it's my tangents

edit: you might want to start at "Edit 3" because I've solved a lot of this Here's a screenshot of my normal cubemap applied to an icosphere: The tangents for my cubemapped icosphere are generated ...
NeomerArcana's user avatar
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Normal mapping: TBN matrix different result in vertex shader compared to fragment shader

I'm working on a normal mapping implementation for a tutorial and for teaching purposes I'd like to pass a TBN matrix to the fragment shader (from the vertex shader) so I can transform normal vectors ...
Joey Dewd's user avatar
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SVG filter bump mapping with diffuse lighting spills out

I am trying to create a bump mapping effect in SVG using luminanceToAlpha conversion of an image and then altering the location of a point light on the overall surface. Here is the short fiddle I ...
sugantha's user avatar
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Normal mapping on flat water surface produces incorrect specular highlights

I have a flat water surface with a dudv and a normal map attached to it. The dudv map works correct and the normal map is attached correct as well (visualizing the normal map looks like it should). ...
ABHAY's user avatar
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"virtual" movement normal map without camera move and without move light source in Three.js

How can i move normal map without moving the camera and without moving light source in Three.js? i have a plane that is perpendicular to the vector of the camera view. This plane is always in the ...
Eugene's user avatar
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What is the difference between a World Space Normal VS a Tangent Space Normal?

Figured I'd ask to get a great detailed explanation on what is the difference between a tangent space vs world space normal. Also please include any pros and cons to either or if possible. mainly ...
Franky Rivera's user avatar
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Unity3D, round the edges of a box, cube?

What's the usual way to round the edges on a cube, a rectangular object as in the examples? The ideal result would look pretty much exactly like these images. (Naturally, you could literally use ...
Fattie's user avatar
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Is there a "standard" extension to the .mtl format which allows specular, normal or parallel maps?

Reading about the MTL material format commonly used with the Wavefront OBJ format, I discovered that it doesn't support additional features like specular mapping, parallel mapping, bump mapping, etc. ...
Joey Eremondi's user avatar
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Normal Mapping Questions

I'm implementing tangent space normal mapping in my OpenGL app, and I have a few questions. 1) I know that, naturally, the TBN matrix is not always orthogonal because the texture co-ordinates might ...
Haydn V. Harach's user avatar
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libgdx and pre-built shaders?

I am coming from an XNA background and it was really cool to re-use shaders that other people made. There was a really cool bloom shader that was available and easy to reuse. Is there an official or ...
smuggledPancakes's user avatar
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SDL OpenGL Normal mapping

What is the simplest way of applying a normal map to a textured four vertex polygon in SDL? Do you have to create a shader or is there a simpler way? I have here my code that creates a textured ...
GlamCasvaluir's user avatar
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Tangent Space, Tangent / Binormal Calculation

I have the following code to calculate the tangents , bitangents. And I can successfully render some mesh examples using normal mapping. I have an issue with a particular mesh, that it calculates the ...
user3476651's user avatar
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Vertex world position in glsl, JOGL

so i've been trying to implement bump mapping for some time and i have it working in some way. So it renders the texture and shadowing correct but does not change as the light source moves around I ...
Johandre's user avatar
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Bump mapping with GLSL

I'm trying to implement bump mapping but I don't know where is the problem, the shaders seems to be ok. I'm pretty sure the normals, tangents and bitangets are well computed and the problem is in the ...
Tolokobcn's user avatar
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ThreeJS: Does bumpMap for Phong Material uses UV Mapping?

I got crazy trying bumpMap working on a PhongMaterial in ThreeJS (r61). The diffuse and normal are working fine. Here is my code: var params = { map: new THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture("models/...
Markus Siebeneicher's user avatar
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Bump Mapping in OpenGL and GLSL

I'm trying to implement bump mapping on a cube using OpenGL and GLSL. However, when I rotate my cube around, only the left-facing square and right-facing square appear (that is, in the negative x and ...
Aaron's user avatar
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How to perturbate surface normal from height map

I'm working on a bumpmapping implementation in my own 3D tracer. And to be really short - I want this result: I've been reading pages and pages about bumpmapping, heightmaps, normal maps, ... and I ...
nachtwezen's user avatar