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MS Access Form Datasheet - Enable / Disable Totals Row Using VBA

I would like to be able to enable / disable the Datasheet Totals Row via vba. It would seem to be a very simple and straightforward thing to do, but I don't believe the ability is currently exposed ...
gwruck's user avatar
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How can i make the result from fetch_revenue display on the table

<?php // Database connection $host = 'localhost'; // Change this as needed $dbname = 'cms_db'; // Your database name $username = 'root'; // Your database username $password = ''; // Your database ...
Matthew Onyenwe's user avatar
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How can I change the dateformat of dateColumn in react-datasheet-grid

I want to change the date format to "dd-mm-yyyy". But when I am using DateSheetGrid and set the column to dateColumn, the type always "mm-dd-yyyy". How can I fix it? Please help me....
Bravo's user avatar
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Time warping analysis from HMD's Data-Log

I have a very little knowledge about time warping. I retrieved the position of the player inside a VE every 0.05 seconds. I have done this for 40 player that interacted with a device, and 40 player ...
NicNLM's user avatar
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How do you get a field to requery in a datasheet

I am trying to create a MS Access table that has relationships to multiple tables. The value of the field 2 is queried on the value of field one. I understand how to get a form to perform the ...
Fredrick Durgan's user avatar
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Pivot table "Sum of Value" shows 0 and only count works

I have a data set with no blank cells and the format of all cells are numbers. When I try to create a pivot table for it, it by default takes the count of value. When I try to change the value field ...
Sarah's user avatar
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SP 2016 Single Line of Text greyed out in Datasheet view

I have an InfoPath form library with multiple promoted fields. The fields in question are Single Line of Text fields. The fields are all greyed out in the Datasheet view. I am used to only seeing this ...
Sean's user avatar
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Where did they get this value from?

So I've got the following example code that prints the temperature of a connected temp sensor. But this line I don't understand NVIC->IP[20] = 0x60; //Set interupt priority to 3 How does a hex ...
JorisTDP's user avatar
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Is it possible to export the data from multiple pictures in a data excel sheet?

I got 1500 old books and i want to sell them all. I got from every book a picture but not al the information. I want to make a data sheet from al the books with pictures, names and author. My question;...
Vlugge Japie's user avatar
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Style cell in react-datasheet-grid

I came across a very nice package called react-datasheet-grid. I want to color a specific cell depending on it's value. When I build the table (data-sheet) I do it with an array of columns as the doc ...
Itai Ben-Avraham's user avatar
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MLX90640 thermal camera subpage are shifted when the object is moving too fast

I am deploying the application with MLX90640 sensor (thermal camera 32x24 pixels) I am facing the issue, that when the object is moving too quickly, I can see that the subpages are shifted against ...
Skooty's user avatar
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How to add a popup to add a hyperlink to a cell in Excel?

I am new to Excel. I have a data sheet, and a lot of users have to enter their data in the sheet. I have a column with the header - 'linkToData'. Whenever a user clicks on a cell, there has to be a ...
User's user avatar
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why not only one datasheet for STM microcontrollers [closed]

I know it's not a coding question , but I am struggling with something around my head for a little bit, for example stm32f446re : why it doesn't have only one datasheet , why so many datasheet for ...
abdo Salm's user avatar
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MS Access datasheet no output from Pass-Through query

I Created a datasheet form (frmSales) in MS-Access Pro Plus 2021 based on a Crosstab query (qrySales) jus for report. The "qrySales" itself reads data from a linked view (dbo_Sales) from a ...
Seyyed's user avatar
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How to paste in datasheet form with Allow Edits = No?

I've created a datasheet form and set the "Allow Edits" property to "No". I need to be able to past a record from excel (it has the same format and fields) into the new record row. ...
ndemo's user avatar
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Filtering for rows within every 30 seconds interval

I have a large data file from a test where I send a voltage that is increment by 1mv every 30s from 0-5V) to test the accuracy of my system. The computer outputs a file that has over 70000 rows of ...
Quade Howald's user avatar
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Where can I find I/O address range of BIOS?

I have been reading this chipset datasheet for a while, looking for the BIOS I/O address range, but I haven't found it. Where can I find the BIOS address range? Is it on this datashhet or should I ...
Antonio Sanchez's user avatar
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How can I use SPI signals?

I've recently started to read this intel's datasheet, but I don't understand section 2.16 This section shows the name of SPI signals and a short description of it. The point is, how can I use that ...
Antonio Sanchez's user avatar
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VEML6075 UVA and UVB measuring ranges

I use a VEML6075 sensor to read UVA, UVB, and UV index. The UV Index is automatically calculated by the chip, also sent by I2C to my MCU. According to the next Datasheets: Vishay Datasheet Adafruit ...
Peter Boldt's user avatar
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Is there a way to employ the tab stop function on certain fields within my sub-form in datasheet view within the main form

I have a sub-form where I have employed some tab stops when a user is entering some product details. They enter the part code, and the description and other known details autofill, so they then tab ...
PaulJ's user avatar
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Can access display multiline captions in Access 365 form datasheet view?

I have read about using VBA to concatenate terms together using VbCrLf; I personally used Ctrl-Enter to create a second line in the caption field in the properties box. But, after I do my ctrl-enter, ...
jimm's user avatar
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How does this hardware increment register addresses for 32-bit values only by one via communication bus?

I have a question regarding memory layout in hardware. I am currently reading the datasheet for the device Ade7978 (Isolated Energy Metering Chipset). In its register list for communication via I²C or ...
Peter Pointer's user avatar
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What does the [Bit 31:16] format mean, for example, in datasheet's

Can someone help me understand what the format means: "Bit 31:16" (for example). It is the same format that appears on the electronic components data sheet. So far I still can't understand ...
wvillão's user avatar
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MS ACCESS - How to filter a splitform's datasheet by a multiple combobox values

I have a splitform with some txtboxes and 1 combobox. The combobox is related to the same form's query (qryPurchase) and it shows 3 columns of the query fields: ID_purchase, Purchase_Type, ...
Alex's user avatar
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MS ACCESS - How to filter a subform datasheet by a main form's textbox like a searchbox

I have a main form1 (formview) and a subform2 (datasheetview) based on the same query like a splitform. In the main form1 i have a textbox that i want to use like a searchbox for the subform2. This ...
Alex's user avatar
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TensorFlow 2.0 Dataset vs. Keras Data Generator

I am a bit confused. When and why I should use the following packages? For image data, should only the Keras image functions be sufficient? a. Tensorflow 2.0 Dataset b. Python Pandas (or any other ...
John Puskin's user avatar
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Microsoft Access report margins are set incorrectly, but only when they're created from my system

Sometime after last Thursday morning (3/5/2020), the product datasheet that I've been automatically generating and printing for years from a VBA-enabled Access database now comes out with the margins ...
MBB70's user avatar
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Average a Data Set while maintaining its variables?

I am currently trying to plot some data into cartopy, but I am having some issues. I have a datasheet that has a shape of (180, 180, 360) time, lat, and lon respectively. I would like to get an ...
A_Luna1999's user avatar
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Query is read-only probably due to an aggregated value

There is an existing MS-Access project (not done by me), where people want to get an additional column into a data sheet for advanced filters. Just imagine a simple straight-forward query filled to a ...
Gottfried Lesigang's user avatar
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Notation of register values 1'b0 and 2'b00

I've seen in a datasheet the notation 1'b0 and 2'b00 to refer to some register values. I assume that it is used to represent a value in binary, specifying the number of bits at the beginning, and its ...
EUS's user avatar
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Parse list type data into different format to make compatible for spreadsheet

I am new in JavaScript and react If can't explain the problem correctly, please post a comment so at least I can tell more. Thanks a million in advance will appreciate if anyone can give me a little ...
Rubel Sarker's user avatar
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Dependant variable column in R

I'm trying to add a newcolumn of information to a data table in R, I have a column dataSheet$day with numerical values 1 to 3 with 1 being Thursday, 2 being Friday and 3 being Saturday I want to ...
Marius.db's user avatar
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Adding 0 values to absent data in Excel

Over the past 20 years a bunch of wildlife counts have been conducted in a whole bunch of places across a country. When a species is detected, the amount of individuals is written down along with the ...
user3403745's user avatar
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MS Access displaying vba select query in datasheet

Learning to use SQL inside ms access vba. I've gotten how select queries work but they don't immediately output to a datasheet like one built through the access forms. I needed complicated if else ...
ChadT's user avatar
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Allocating users into groups on condition

I have this datasheet with 5 columns: 1. user ID 2. date 3. status 4. doctor ID 5. visit ID I need to divide users (by their ID) into three groups: Users who booked a visit to a doctor by ...
jacob_t's user avatar
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Detecting selection change in datasheet form in Access

Is there event in Access that detects change of column selection on the same row in datasheet view?
Rosen Nikolov's user avatar
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MS Access setting RecordSource results in error

I like to use an unbound subform to display the result of an crosstab query. However following code Me.subFormForecastSummary.Form.RecordSource = "SELECT ....." results in this error message: "The ...
borntosucceed's user avatar
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Get a product custom field value in Woocommerce single product pages

Could anyone assist in helping me get the below code to function correctly. I have taken bits of code from various other posts to create it. I need to create a custom field (Datasheet) and be able to ...
Josh Dyas's user avatar
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Copy from datasheet to ListBox

I have a problem with copying data. I have a subform shown as datasheet with 8 columns and dynamic number of rows. I have a code, that if you select a cell in a datasheet and press button it copies ...
Adam Kowalski's user avatar
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Conditional formatting in Excel 2013

I need to make conditional formatting in Excel. I need to switch between 2 colors, for example white and grey. Give one color when email fields have the same content 1 or more times, and switch to the ...
Jens Mouritzen's user avatar
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Prevent User From Unhiding Datasheet Columns

I have hidden several columns in an access datasheet using the ColumnHidden property like this example here: ColumnName.ColumnHidden = true This works great, but when I view the datasheet, the end ...
Joe's user avatar
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Import weatherdata as csv in OpenModelica

For a energy model I have to integrate weatherdata into my OpenModelica model. The data I have is a csv data with 9 columns and several hundreds of rows ... for specific classes I need one or more ...
Anni's user avatar
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MS Access 2016. Synchronize two combo boxes on a form datasheet

I have two cascading lookup table comboboxes on a Datasheet form.(SessionCategories - SessionTypes). I'm having the following problems: 1) When the form loads I only see the values from the ...
Chris Kotsiopoulos's user avatar
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MS Access: Hiding Columns in Datasheet View using GUI

I am trying to set some columns in a datasheet view of a form as hidden when the form is loaded. This is possible via VBA code like: Private Sub Form_Load() Me.Product_ID.ColumnHidden = ...
Shadi's user avatar
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Create Excel file in vbscript generates a corrupted file

I have the following code in a vbscript: Set ExcelObject=CreateObject("Excel.Application") ExcelObject.visible=False ExcelObject.WorkBooks.Add ExcelObject.Sheets(1).Cells(1,1).value="...
JoaoFilipeClementeMartins's user avatar
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Customize auto-complete functionality on Microsoft Access datasheet

I have a main form tied to a User record, with a subform tied to a number of Client objects the user "owns." So, there is a one-to-many relationship between User and Client. As the subform exists, ...
npp1993's user avatar
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MS Access: Trying to do DSum() across multiple fields in a form but it won't filter by criteria

I am trying to create a form that takes sums from certain fields and displays it next to its appropriate field name. I've attached pictures of it in datasheet form (how it's displayed) and its design ...
FriendlyNeighborhoodNSA's user avatar
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MSAccess: Call a summation from a subform (in datasheet view) to be displayed in a textbox on the master form?

Sorry if this question is simple but I have googled and haven't found a satisfactory answer. I'm creating an engineering cost estimator. I have a form that takes inputs as ISO/Drawing, and for each ...
FriendlyNeighborhoodNSA's user avatar
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Generate a SQL data sheet with button click (Visual Studio + SQL Server)?

Is there a way you can generate all the data from a specific database table as a data sheet using a button click in C#? Is this possible using Visual Studio and SSMS? Thank you,
CodingLife's user avatar
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hide left pane of datasheet view in subform

is it possible to hide the left pane of the datasheet view (marked red on the image below)? datasheet view Thanks all!
leMiro's user avatar
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