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How do I connect the Arduino Nicla Vision to the pmw3901 optical flow sensor?

I was able to make the sensor work on the Arduino Leonardo but the Bitcraze Optical Flow Breakout pmw3901 board does not work on the Nicla Vision. **Bitcraze Optical Flow Breakout pmw3901 board to ...
Odydagreek's user avatar
-3 votes
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What parameters are required for monitoring river water quality using IoT technology? [closed]

I am designing a river water quality monitoring system using IoT technology. My goal is to measure parameters such as temperature, pH, and electrical conductivity using IoT sensors. I would like to ...
mirbahari's user avatar
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Serial monitor displays question marks and white boxes even though baud rate is correct Arduino Uno

I have been trying to build an electronic drum kit by utilizing piezo sensors and an Arduino Uno. I connected the positive terminal of the piezo in to analog read pin A0 in my Arduino Uno and the ...
Mohamed Mahmoud's user avatar
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Inconsistent Sensor Data when Writing to a new JSON File

I have a python program running on a raspberry pi that is taking data from a suite of sensors once a second and writing it to a JSON file and then uploading that JSON file to ThingSpeak once a minute. ...
Nick Miller's user avatar
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How do Airflow sftpsensor push xcom value

Airflow v. 2.8.2 I need check several files on sftp at some day_time. If all files exist-all good go next task. But if can't find some files, i want send email with text ('Files: file_name1, ...
Anton's user avatar
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Characters ��� appears when load turns on

I'm making an automatic watering system with an LCD that shows moisture level from 0 to 100. Whenever the pump turns on the output on the serial monitor turns into ��� and other random characters. ...
Dirk's user avatar
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How to make gate predictions for certain movements using HMM model?

I want to use IMU sensors to predict which gate the user is going to move into next (for walking, running, jumping, etc). From what I've researched it seems like HMM is the best machine learning model ...
Priyal Deep's user avatar
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What is wrong with this C code to control a LED using a sensor and a push button?

I am trying to program an ATmega328P to control an LED using an HC-SR04 sensor and a push button. My goal is for the sensor to turn ON the LED (like turn on a light in a room) when something passes ...
Igor Abrunhosa's user avatar
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2 answers

NUCLEO F401RE and multiple reading with HAL_I2C_Mem_Read_DMA

I'm doing a project involving STM32 and an accelerometer sensor (LIS2DE) I have to read every second the register from the sensor and send it via UART to arduino IDE but, idk why, the other two ...
Rob99's user avatar
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How do I read a register of a pyrometer over NModbus in C#?

I am new to MODBus, but have worked with Profibus/PLC before. I am trying to use C# NModbus package to communicate with two pyrometers using RS485. The system is set up as so: |Computer| -> |RS485 ...
mygrandclarity's user avatar
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Determining movement based on accelerometer and other sensors

I am making a application that detects orientation and movement of the android device, and send them to desktop for further usage. I could successfully get the orientation using TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR ...
lanthanide's user avatar
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Ph sensor always showing "0" but only in this specific code

I got this school project and I made this simple code linked with a google sheet, the thing is one sensor is giving me the correct reading while the other one only shows "0" The sensor ...
Luis Navia's user avatar
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Merge approx. same timeseries, round time (minutes)

I have two timeseries from two different sensors. Because of internal timestamp settings they differ in a few minutes. I would like to combine them, ignoring the exact time: #Timeseries 1 t = seq(as....
Phil's user avatar
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Airflow FileSensor, find new file in folder

I have the problem: Files that have a common mask constantly fall into one folder, on different dates in the names. For example: One file is called my_file_2024-10-22_10_35, and the second ...
Иван Шевцов's user avatar
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Trouble Communicating with HS3000 Sensor via I2C (Mbed OS) - Write and Read Errors

I am trying to connect to an HS3000 humidity and temperature sensor using I2C with Mbed OS on an Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense. However, I keep running into I2C communication issues when trying to read ...
MacKenna Bochnak's user avatar
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How to get a list of footsteps on android?

I'm developing an Android smartphone app and need to get a list of timestamps of all footsteps the user did in the last X minutes. As precise as possible. What I want looks something like this: var ...
jackattack's user avatar
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Struggling with auxilary I2C communication with BMI270

I have a breakout board that uses the BMI270 and the LIS2MDL magnetometer, the lis2MDL SDA and SCL pins are connected though the ASCX and ASDX pins of the BMI270. Essentially making it a slave device ...
Yesuah Balderas's user avatar
-1 votes
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Mathematical Description of Lidar Scan Pattern

I was going through Lidar sensors and their scan patterns and I saw this one: It is the scan pattern of a Lidar called Livox Horizon but it can be seen in oder Lidar models too. I want to model these ...
Yusuf Ziya Güleray's user avatar
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Seeed Studio MR24HPC1 mmWave Human Detection Sensor Kit

I have added the Seeed Studio MR24HPC1 mmWave Human Detection Sensor Kit in Home Assistant ESPHome. The ‘Presence Information’ entity value always shows as ‘Detected’, even though I am out of range of ...
Sahil_Satav's user avatar
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Issue with Adding a Temperature Sensor to DCPM Motor Model in OpenModelica

I am a beginner to OpenModelica, and I'm trying to build a model of a DC Permanent Magnet (DCPM) motor to measure its temperature using a temperature sensor. My model is based entirely on the DCPM ...
Astha's user avatar
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Proximity sensor issue on receiving telephone call

This is related to an issue with android custom ROMs on the legacy device the LG G4, since the move to A12 and A13. This doesnt occur on any version below A12. I need your help with debugging the ...
Antóin's user avatar
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//Code for HIGH TEMPERATURE ALERT SYSTEM using 8051 #include<reg51.h> // Includes 8051 microcontroller definitions // Function declarations void delay(unsigned int i); // Generates a delay for ...
Pavan Freak's user avatar
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Unable to send security code to Teltonika EYE Sensor using bleak in Python

I’m trying to connect to a Teltonika EYE Sensor device and send a security code using Python with the bleak library. I’ve successfully connected to the device but cannot send the security code to the ...
Foxbat's user avatar
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ESP32 and Laravel Project Communication

I'm trying to send a command to ESP32. I'm using Xampp to run my Laravel project which is outside my xampp htdocs. My Laravel Project works fine even if its outside htdocs but when I try to give ...
mona molina's user avatar
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Orientation Heading Inaccuracy

I'm working on an Android application that requires accurate orientation heading updates using the FusedOrientationProviderClient and a custom DeviceOrientationListener. However, I'm experiencing ...
HoLoGram's user avatar
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Options for custom serial stream into Codesys

We have a Codesys instance running on a Raspberry Pi that we're going to use for motion control. To enact motion control, we need inputs from a number of sensors (accelerometers, position encoders, ...
PoGaMi's user avatar
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Ultrasonic Sensor not receiving echo

I've tried quite a few solutions. I found them online and no rearranging of the code is doing it. I'm simply trying to see if the sensor reads at all, and I keep being thrown this: warnings.warn(...
Ameera Iftekhar's user avatar
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ESP32 + Max30102 Pulse Sensor. Problem with FIFO buffer reading

I am currently working on the implementation of SVM in an embedded system (ESP32) as a stress prediction tool. Since I have failed to get FIFO memory reading to work properly, it seems I am stuck at ...
b0nba's user avatar
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How To Get Started with ModBus in C# and Visual Studios

I want to get started using modbusClient in C# and visual studios to read the registers from a Seeed Studio TPH sensor that I linked below. I downloaded the manufacturers recommended application ...
Jason Hu's user avatar
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DeviceMotion.isAvailableAsync() return false on Android 13

The code import { DeviceMotion } from 'expo-sensors' const devMotionPerm = await DeviceMotion.getPermissionsAsync() const available = await DeviceMotion.isAvailableAsync() 'DeviceMotion ...
injecteer's user avatar
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System is attempting to load a plugin, but detected an incorrect plugin type

in my code i got an error [Err] [] System is attempting to load a plugin, but detected an incorrect plugin type. Plugin filename[]. I am using gazebo11 on ...
Adityavardhan Jain's user avatar
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ROS2/Gazebo: Ultrasonic sensor not working, no publisher for topic

I'm working on a robot simulation in ROS2 and Gazebo, but I'm encountering issues with my ultrasonic sensor. Here's my problem: I've set up an ultrasonic sensor in my robot model, but it's not ...
Adityavardhan Jain's user avatar
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While working on gazebo, the sensor plugins are not showing despite being attached

I am making a robot simulation on Ros2 humble using gazebo. After much effort in opening it, now the attached sensor (ultrasonic) are showing on the sidebar but not on the model itself. The model is ...
Adityavardhan Jain's user avatar
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How to interface MQ135 with raspberry pi 4?

So last time i was trying to interface MQ135 AIR QUALITY SENSOR using raspberry pi 4 but there is this analog out pin which is creating a problem as raspberry pi don't accept any analog signal. So now ...
Kjunior's user avatar
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Windows API for reading laptop hinge position/angle

My laptop has a sensor that can detect how far the hinge is bent. This is because it can turn 360 degrees. The accelerometer is in the display, keeping the display up right and rotating the body past ...
Foxyz's user avatar
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STM32 not reading temperatures from DS18B20 temperature sensor

I am trying to read temperatures from multiple DS18B20 on a STM32 NUCLEO BOARD. I am currently able to read from a single sensor with the SKIP ROM command, and I am also able to read the sensor ...
jlan's user avatar
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MPU6886 with Arduino Mega 2560: Steering Angle Calculation and Drift Issue

I'm working on a project where I need to calculate the steering angle of a vehicle using an MPU6886 sensor connected to an Arduino Mega 2560. The issue I'm facing is that the steering angle drifts ...
Durvesh Choudhary's user avatar
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Android movement detection using sensor problem

I'm using sensor movement on android (not GPS) to try detecting the movement or speed of an android phone while moving or simply being idle, I have a code here used in Android Studio but I have a ...
Razidl's user avatar
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Cap touch sensor reflash mode TTP233H-BA6

I have a hardware device us the TTP233H-BA6 capacitive touch sensor. When building multiple devices I'm noticing about 20% of devices will not trigger the cap touch sensor right away. It takes a lot ...
Michael Bender's user avatar
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Issue with QTR-8RC Sensor on ESP32-VROOM-32U

I am experiencing an issue with my QTR-8RC sensor array when using it with an ESP32-VROOM-32U. Despite following the setup and calibration procedures, the sensor does not seem to be functioning ...
renanuya's user avatar
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ESP-32 with DHT-11 sensor not returning the expected output

I am trying to use the output of a DHT sensor module whose data pin I have connected to Pin 27 of my ESP-32 Dev Module. The original code uses the DHT library but I can't seem to get that to work so I ...
Shrest Burra's user avatar
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Using VEML6070 sensor on STM32H750B

I am trying to write a function that uses the VEML6070 sensor for the STM32H750B board but cant figure out what I am doing wrong, I am using the sensor on the UV3 Click from MikroE and keep getting ...
Long Lost Hero's user avatar
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MQ-2 gas sensor problem: built and flashed code but serial has nothing in it

i'm trying to read the mq2 gas sensor using IADC, i took most of the code from this
baor's user avatar
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Program to receive and log serial data coming in from a sensor

The sensor is hooked up to a serial to USB converter, and I am programming in python. The program is supposed to catch the EUI from the sensor, which is the first piece of data that comes through, ...
prometheus41503's user avatar
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What is SiLabs equivalent of Arduino's analogRead()?

I need to get the output of a DHT11 temperature sensor for a club project but unfortunately we are only given SiLabs BGM220 Explorer Kit instead of a Arduino board. The SiLabs Documentation is no help ...
TA L 1223nij's user avatar
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How to connect Lora Module(in the pcp) to the LoRa Gateway, Model:LG01-N?

I'm working on connecting the sensors in the pcp to the LoRa gateway, model: LG01-N. To do this, I'll have to connect the LoRa module in the pcp to the LoRa gateway. I can't find any resource or ...
Sarah Pendhari's user avatar
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Read Data from external Sensors

I would like to create an android app which monitors the room temperature. Is it possible to connect a temperature sensor with cable (I do not want to be dependent on Wi-Fi and if possible not on ...
Arya's user avatar
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easy way to code the sensor for jetson nano

how can I code a specific sensor's working if I connect it directly to the jetson nano board? Is there any particular IDE to do that? Is it okay to use breadboard in this process? I was expecting a ...
Auroshree Anuvab Raj's user avatar
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CodeVisionAVR - if conditions

I'm using an ATmega164A microcontroller, a 2-rows display and a distance measuring sensor (analog output type, GP2Y0A21YK0F). I have to display a message based on the displayed distance. I managed to ...
Eliza Alexandra Cace's user avatar
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LSM6DS3 SPI-communication problem with STM32F4

I'm having trouble getting data from the LSM6DS3 sensor over 4-wire SPI. The datasheet says 4-wire SPI is the default, so I didn't send anything for the sensor settings, and immediately tried to read ...
Дмитро Мачковський's user avatar

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