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ADB Device Not Found On "Universal ADB Driver"

So, first, it all started when someone here at home tried to update a TV Box (MXQ Pro 4k 5g), and when it finished, it no longer found any Wifi connection. I also couldn't set up a connection manually....
Neri's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How to remove corrupted flash from vc-02 module?

How to remove corrupted flash from vc-02 module? The flash size was 2MB but I went to upload 2.195 MB. So the upload stopped after it reached 93%. Since then, the firmware is not being uploaded in any ...
Saddam Ali's user avatar
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How to Generate a .bin File Without TouchGFX Images in STM32 Firmware?

I am working on firmware development using STM32CubeIDE with TouchGFX for an STM32H750Bx MCU. The firmware includes a GUI and a CAN-Bus for external communication. Currently, the firmware size is ...
Geisterfahrer's user avatar
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Building nodemcu (lua) esp32-dev firmware with u8g2 support does not include requested display driver

nodemcu esp32-dev branch cloned to raspberry pi 5. Firmware built with basic modules seems fine, bin files are produced and flashed to espressif esp32-wroom-32 (also generic 32E, dev kit 1,...) using ...
owl's user avatar
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unable to generate bin folder using bash script with command: cmake -B build/Debug -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug; cmake --build build/Debug -j8

the bin folder inside build/Debug is generated in local environment (in vscode) by building the project using ctl+shift+b. like that in below image using command: cmake -B ${workspaceFolder}/X2/build/...
T B's user avatar
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arm cbz instruction with apparent always non-zero register value

While analyzing a 3d-printer firmware (From Flashforge) with ghidra, I stumbled upon following arm thumb code: ... LAB_0012a734: XREF[2]: 0012a808(j), 0012a810(j) 0012a734 06 9b ...
w_m0zart's user avatar
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Download binary file to MCU with STM32CudeIDE

I have .bin file. How can I download this to microcontroller using stm32CubeIDE. I have tried to change .elf to .bin in Run configuration. Error: Failed to execute MI command ... not in executable ...
Lissease's user avatar
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Is EFI Simple Filesystem protocol always available in UEFI?

In my UEFI Application, I am using the EFI Simple Filesystem protocol to read and create files in the ESP partition. My question is, is this protocol always available? Meaning can I assume this ...
OneAndOnly's user avatar
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UART Communication Between STM32 and ESP32

I am trying to get my ESP32 and STM32 boards to communicate via UART connection. However, when I run both programs in the Arduino IDE, it (1) doesn't seem to see that the Serial Port is available, and ...
Heath R's user avatar
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What is the most stable approach for communication between UEFI Runtime Driver and Windows Kernel Driver?

In my UEFI runtime driver, I want to set some flags (UINT) based on some conditions, and then I want to read these in my windows kernel mode driver. I cannot use the gRT->SetVariable, because the ...
OneAndOnly's user avatar
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Issue with Sending WebSocket Messages Using SiLab RS9116

I am using the RS9116 API for WebSocket communication. Here is a detailed explanation of the issue I am facing: WebSocket is created using rsi_web_socket_create (works fine). Data reception after ...
이재석's user avatar
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How to read DEVID register properly using SPI Protocol for AVR16A?

I am trying to read DEVID register from ADXL345 sensor using SPI protocol but always print 0x00 instead of 0xE5.but i don't know what the problem is. Is this firmware side problem or Hardware side? #...
Meet Bhatt's user avatar
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Validation of Latch LS374 data

I'm using LS374 Latch, and I have two of them. I have captured the data that goes into the latch, and that outputs from the latch, at clock signal. I recorded the data from logic analyzer that goes to ...
Andre Ahmed's user avatar
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Weird android recovery/fastboot countdown timer

I have a device running Android 10. The bootloader is unlocked. I was able to flash TWRP but there's something strange happening. I guess it's because the manufacturer has enabled boot time USB stick ...
Nick G.'s user avatar
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CC32XX using code composer for development

Does anyone know how to mock/fake the CC32XX board to do development. I am doing development for this firmware and would like to make it more simple that having to flash it with Uniflash to try things ...
Ed Heal's user avatar
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Problems compiling CMSIS-RTOS library in ARM A7 firmware

I'm writing a firmware for STM32MP135 A7 ARM micro. I'd like to include CMSIS-RTOS2 libraries and compile a simple basic program (to blink 2 LEDS in 2 different threads) by gcc cross toolchain and ...
SteMMo's user avatar
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How to change the I2C configuration in ARM Trusted Firmware?

I have an STM32MP processor that needs ARM Trusted Firmware for communicating with the PMIC. But when I flashing the STM32MP processor with the firmware, I get an error that the I2C device is not ...
euraad's user avatar
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Setting Endorsement Primary Seed fails

I am trying to set the EPS in an EDK2 UEFI Application. I always get "Device Error". int main(int ArgC, char *ArgV[]) { TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND AuthSession; AuthSession.sessionHandle = ...
Shmurkio's user avatar
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How to Convert a Byte Array to Unsigned Short and Calculate Standby Time from Battery Current in Android?

I'm working on an Android project where I need to interpret a byte array representing the battery current in mA and calculate the remaining standby time based on the battery capacity. Currently, I ...
Harish Penta's user avatar
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Why is it considered okay to use structs to represent MMIO registers in embedded system firmware, but not bit fields?

In embedded system firmware, it's common to represent multiple memory-mapped registers of a peripheral using a struct, under the assumption that compiler's code generation will follow a particular ...
比尔盖子's user avatar
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I'm trying to perform a FOTA update on an ESP32 using GSM EC200U through AT commands, but the received data for the bin file is showing a length error

Im sharing some snippet from my code. bool downloadFirmware(const char *url, const esp_partition_t *partition) { printf("Fetching firmware binary...\n"); // Initialize UART commands ...
Rajkumar Verma's user avatar
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Exception RISCV APB

I have a RISC-V core receiving commands from an APB3 interface, and I would like to test the pslverr flag. I noticed that the core hangs when pslverr is received so I probably need to handle it ...
Ste3191's user avatar
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How to tell what kind of event a SCI represents?

I am trying to understand the ACPI event programming model. According to the ACPI 6.5 spec, SCI (System Control Interrupt) will be raised for two kinds of events: fixed event and general-purpose event....
smwikipedia's user avatar
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STM32F407VG Simulating positive quadrature stops working after setting frequency

First question on StackOverflow ever, so in case of any formatting error please let me know. I'm working with a STM32F407VG microcontroller and basically managed to simulate a quadrature using ...
Aiman's user avatar
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STM32F0 Jump to bootloader from application

I have a custom board with an STM32F042C4T6 where I use usart2 to load the firmware. Unfortunately on the connector I only have rx-tx-gnd and to load via usart I have to set the boot0 pin high. I ...
Nik_01's user avatar
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Ways to perform bitwise operations with symbols inside Assembly constants?

I am working on learning to write ARM firmware and am trying to create a Vector Table. I am using the GNU toolchain. I have assembly code like the following: MY_VECTOR_TABLE: .long 0 ...
Echelon X-Ray's user avatar
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how to extract and modify an XFS file

I'm currently trying to modify a firmware of an electric car from china. I have the firmware unpacked and it contains images (I suppose?) of it's partitions. All of them are *.XFS I need to extract ...
Sharipsss's user avatar
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How to use .asm in EDK2?

I am trying to use assembly in EDK2. I build an X64 driver so I can't use inline assembly but I always get an error while trying to compile. I am using a HeciTool.asm that only returns a 0: section ....
Shmurkio's user avatar
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Why is TXE interrupt not being called?

I have to write code for an stm32 microcontroller using the low level library for uni. Part of the assignment is to send and receive data using UART. My problem is: In my USART interrupt handler I ...
Sergeant_Keks's user avatar
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4K frame buffer mod - Run application in 4k resolution

I have an Android TV BOX, this version is OS11, I want to run and APP or APK with 4k Resolution 3840x2160, The default frame buffer is limited to HD 1920x1080, I would like to modify frame buffer to ...
Steven Raz's user avatar
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Coding firmware for an analog mouse

Hey guys I'm pretty new to firmwares and coding IDE's but I'm building an analog mouse for a project and I'd like to get started on making it functional. I know how to code the buttons, microswitches ...
Anthony Charboneau's user avatar
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VTrak No loadable IBL_RAM image. Reset to Engineering mode

I have VTrak M610i. I could not connect with mgmt port. But iSCSI still works. Next I connected with console cable and see lile next. Then I did reboot and it says: islavista> reboot islavista> ...
Sergei Mokeev's user avatar
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Connection to The Things Network whit LR-FHSS

Context I'm currently trying to connect to TTN whit LR-FHSS modulation, this is suppose to be supported by the Things Stack (Check that here), I'm using a LR1110 (this DevKit), using the LoRaWAN 1.0.4,...
Sasmosaw's user avatar
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How to write firmware in vivado?

I’m a logic designer and never written firmware before. On top of that, I have been assigned with task to develop firmware in vivado. I did spend some time learning tool but it’s seems like a ...
sen_eng_23's user avatar
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Build failure EDK2

I get: d:\edk2\SetVariablePkg\SetVariablePkg.dsc(...): error 4000: Instance of library class [OpensslLib] is not found in [d:\edk2\CryptoPkg\Library\BaseCryptLib\BaseCryptLib.inf] [X64] ...
Shmurkio's user avatar
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Can I enable Secure Boot from within an EDKII EFI application?

I want to write the keys (PK, KEK, DB) to enable secure boot, and then enable Secure Boot from within an EFI application. I can successfully read those variables, and I can also write to the PK, KEK, ...
Mabensur's user avatar
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Run EFI application EDK2

How would I make my UEFI application made with EDK2 execute another .efi in a certain folder path? Let's say my .efi is in fs1:\test1\ and the .efi it should execute is in fs1:\test2?
Shmurkio's user avatar
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UEFI application doesn't read user input

I was trying to make a simple application using EDK2 that reads the user input and prints it out, but it doesn't work. That's my source: #include "UserInput.h" EFI_STATUS EFIAPI UefiMain(IN ...
Shmurkio's user avatar
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BLE is not advertising on nRF52840 dongle; how can I configure this dongle using coding?

I am working on nrf52840 in which the BLE is not Advertising even after I am adding one parameter. I just want to add the parameters at the time of adding the 2 parameters. As you can see in picture ...
Shubh Patel's user avatar
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UEFI driver doesn't show "Hello World" in EFI Shell on boot

I made this UEFI driver with EDK2. It prints "Hello, World!" and pauses the Shell for 60 seconds. When I load the driver in EFI Shell manually it works perfectly. I then proceeded to pack ...
Shmurkio's user avatar
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IMX8Mmini firmware upgrade with fallback mechanism

I need to upgrade the firmware of IMX8Mmini with fallback mechanism or secure boot. As i am new into this i am not getting proper document and any blog related to this. Can anyone help me this that ...
Nikita Gupta's user avatar
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Using SST89E516RD controller, how to write the variable values into internal flash memory and read back from flash memory

I am working in SST89E516RD controller and KEIL c51 compiler using and new version. i want store the variable values into flash memory for power on cycle. for that I am using ...
veerendra prasad's user avatar
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Change text color in Z80 assembly for Amstrad CPC 464

I am trying to code this program, similar to game: "The Typing of The Dead" in Amstrad CPC 464 using Assembly language for the Z80 processor. The program consists in when you see a string of ...
reymagnus's user avatar
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Can customers share their code without expose it?

Sorry for the fuzzy headline as I am not sure how to present the problem I am facing in a short way, neither I am not a software engineer by myself and not sure if stack overflow is the right place to ...
Eran David's user avatar
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Create An Array From `Bcdedit /Firmware` Output

I have written a PowerShell script to save bcdedit /firmware output to an arrays. function FWList { $FWStore = bcdedit /enum firmware $FWOS = ($FWStore | select-string identifier,device,path,...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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Problem on executing firmware from Bank2 on STM32 Dual-Bank flash

I'm currently working with the STM32L073RZ on a project that requires firmware update over a proprietary wireless protocol. The OTA method I'm working on is using the dual-bank feature of this MCU. I ...
mehdihfzp's user avatar
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PC cannot detect USB when update firmware for alwinner board

I have a board alwinner running Android/linux. When I update the firmware for the board, the indicator light on the board turns red. After that the PC cannot detect the USB connection through USB otg. ...
Trong Tran's user avatar
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Can't extract squashfs file system using unsquashfs tools

I'm trying to analysis router firmware. I desoldering chip from router. chip name is F59L1g81la And i erase ecc data from the extracted firmware and using binwalk to extract filesystem. It worked but ...
user11278217's user avatar
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adding firmware binary(.bin) in flash image in Modular FIT?

I'm encountering difficulties in the process of integrating my firmware binary into the flash image using the Modular FIT tool during the build phase. Despite exploring different approaches, such as ...
Prashanth CP's user avatar
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How to program (compile/write) a firmware of DSPGroup's baseband chip DE56

There are several DECT cordless phones around me not only in my home, but also in my company. All of them have a same brand. Through the googling I found the fact that the DECT is very weak in ...
user23352862's user avatar

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