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C# records, is there a way to property Name is a part of a record so I can use with expression?

I am writing a library similar to Fluent Validator that will allow object modification. For ordinary classes, it works without a problem but I try to code a similar approach with a record and stumble ...
Marek Wdowiak's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I access Met Office daily temperature records for Cambridge UK for 2024?

I have just signed up for the Met Office Data Hub. I'm pretty sure I'll be well less than their 1GB limit for personal users. But I have no idea how to access their data. All I need is the daily ...
William Orme's user avatar
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Is this possible to subscribe to record change event in Google looker?

Is this possible to subscribe to record change event in Google looker? Do such event exist in Google looker? Is this possible to implement any hook to get some rest service called whenever record ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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Declare record type from object or table type

I have an object type type_object created in the database and want to declare a record type type_record in a package for fetching data in a loop using a ref cursor, which doesn't seem to work with an ...
NablaDelta's user avatar
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How to Solve Law of Demeter Violation in Java Records?

I am using the below record in my Quarkus application and at some point I need to access the requestId field, located in Statements nested record. I want to avoid using the getters provided by the ...
Alex_Pap's user avatar
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2 answers

Sort numbers in Latex file between delimiters [closed]

I have a latex file which consists of a list of about 10,000 records consisting of a head word plus reference numbers separated by a comma. Some numbers are marked with latex codes. ʾallik \refnumbers{...
Robert E's user avatar
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How to convert Record to Table in Nushell?

I found how to convert Table to Record using the following code here. let fruits_original = [[key, value]; [apple 10] [banana 42] [mango 5]] let fruits = $fruits_original | reduce -f {} {|it, acc| $...
undercutvirus's user avatar
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Oracle APEX 24.1: Generate page links from placeholders in text

I'm converting an old Perl/MySQL database application to Oracle APEX and there's one feature in the old system that I've been unable to figure out a way to do... Assume that each table is made up of a ...
Dennis's user avatar
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Can the chunk size or IMFSample of the IMFSourceReader:: OnReadSample method be modified?

I use Flutter to call the record package and start the recording stream on Windows. The audio format I set is 16bit PCM, 48000HZ, signal channel. The source code in the package uses IMFSourceReader, ...
Reew1nd's user avatar
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Flutter record package duplicate files

I am using the record package, when I try to background record on a timer every minute I get the same file, although the path to the file is different, but for some reason after decoding into base64 ...
st4tic's user avatar
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Record’s field as formal parameter of procedure in Delphi

I want to create a procedure which performs some manipulations on a variable record type. Globally, I have an array of records. I want to sort the array, but by the records’ fields. I want to pass the ...
t232006's user avatar
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Why can't record struct contain init property?

This is my C# code: record struct recName(int A) { } And this is generated code behind the scenes: internal struct recName : IEquatable<recName> { public recName(int A) { <A&...
FR3Y4's user avatar
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Cloudkit records disappeared

App crashed showing error index out of range. In cloudkit dashboard, querying the table showed half of the records missing. No changes were made neither to the app nor the database since the last ...
nixxe's user avatar
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-2 votes
3 answers

Best way to fix data inconsistency [closed]

If you have a column in your table that contains inconsistent data for destinations, for example some may be "New York", some "New York, USA", "NY", etc. for different ...
vehk's user avatar
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How to make different record `type`s unequal

I am learning PureScript due to not being satisfied (in particular) with TypeScript's type safety of what's called "records" in PS. While doing so I stumble upon the exact same problem in PS,...
Hi-Angel's user avatar
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Intersection of Record with generic key extending template literal doesn't infer result of index access

In principle (T & Record<K, U>)[K] should evaluate to U but it doesn't seem to work in the case where K is generic and extends a template literal. function foo3< K extends `a${string}`...
Exifers's user avatar
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'record' keyword not working in Visual Studio

When I try to use the record keyword in my C# WPF .NET Framework file, it is recognised as a keyword, in the sense in appears in the code completion drop-down menu when you start typing, but then does ...
Adam's user avatar
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3 answers

Batch Script to split record by fixed length [closed]

I have an input text file with a single line having thousands of records one after another. I want to split them after length of 10 characters each. **Input Record** - ====================== Begin of ...
Prashant 's user avatar
3 votes
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Override Equals method on records

Consider this Minimal Reproducible Example. Point point1 = new Point(1, 2, 3); Point point2 = new Point(1, 2, 31); Console.WriteLine(point1 == point2); // True Console.WriteLine(point1.Equals(point2)...
FluidMechanics Potential Flows's user avatar
2 votes
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Why is record class's bool Equal(R obj) a virtual method

From the spec: The record type implements System.IEquatable<R> and includes a synthesized strongly-typed overload of Equals(R? other) where R is the record type. The method is public, and the ...
Ivan Petrov's user avatar
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2 answers

How to duplicate records in pandas dataframe based on column values

I have created a pandas dataframe as follows: ds = {'col1' : ["A","B"], 'probability' : [0.3, 0.6]} df = pd.DataFrame(data=ds) The dataframe looks like this: print(df) col1 ...
Giampaolo Levorato's user avatar
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Using generics to match a single string literal in Typescript

The class MyClass interfaces with an indexing sub-system that requires each record (Record<string, any>) to contain a specific primary key field. I'm trying to use Typescript's type system to ...
sbgrl's user avatar
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typo3 9.5, news 8.6.0, display newslist of second language additionally at the page of default language

I have got a newsletter page with a special configuration, where both newslists of default and second language should display after another. For this, I tried with marks respectively subparts, in ...
holgerd's user avatar
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Do string variables in records get freed when the record goes out of scope?

In Delphi you can declare a record containing a String. This means the record just contains a pointer the heap when the string is located; does the heap memory get freed when this record goes out of ...
John John's user avatar
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Is there any advantage of using a closed record with a rest descriptor over an open record?

Consider the scenario where we create a record for capturing a JSON payload. (application/json content type) Is there any benefit of using a closed record with a JSON type rest descriptor over an open ...
YUK7HI's user avatar
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DNS related. SAME IP. A and PTR records

I have to create 2 'A' records and both the records are pointing to the same IP address. Now if multiple A records pointing to same IP can be created why is it not recommended to create PTR records ...
simran arora's user avatar
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Powershell out-file throwing a file in use error

I have a script that has been running for several years. In the past week, it has started throwing file-in-use-by-another process errors: Out-File : The process cannot access the file '\OB-UTIL-PRD-01\...
eileen's user avatar
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Permissions for this object are disabled

To enable my setup to create custom objects, I need to understand how to activate the required permissions. It seems that the current configuration of my setup is preventing me from creating custom ...
Charles Duodu's user avatar
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How to get into second frame in recording mode in kataon?

My team searched and we found a way where we switched into manual mode, but now we can`t get back to record mode so I need one of two either to know how to back to record mode or to know how to get to ...
nema ibrahiem's user avatar
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Using RPATH on nested list in SQL in QueryRecord in NiFi

I have a json [ { "orderId": "100", "orderItems": [ { "orderItemSeqId": "101", "externalId": "56789&...
Nidhi pal's user avatar
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C# Pivot a collection to create a csv with headers down the left side (vertically) and values on the right side (horizontal)

If I have a collection of models, e.g. a List where Header contains a set of properties. How can I display this such that the header titles are displayed on the left and the values are displayed as ...
Blingers's user avatar
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Get 0 if value dosen´t exist on table - oracle

I have a query where it return diferent info about sales by hour, the problem is that I need to get 0 if at cerrtain hour the whas no registry on that table. Here is the query: SELECT COUNT(a.DOC_NO) ...
Aguachupipons's user avatar
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in QueryDSL DTO Conversion, cannot fetch. cannot find query? [duplicate]

I'm getting a NoClassDefFoundError when trying to convert results to a DTO in QueryDSL. ERROR : Method threw 'java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError' exception. Cannot evaluate com.querydsl.jpa.JPASubQuery....
winter's user avatar
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Store external data in guile modules?

Suppose I have a collection of external data structures in a txt file. Whenever I need the data for computation I have to parse the file and then use it's values. How to make it more convenient? Keep ...
Jan Šmydke's user avatar
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Content versioning and its impact on record fluctuation

How are others doing content versioning regarding technical documentation and search with Algolia? Are they only including the latest content version, or including other previous versions? That is ...
user19527387's user avatar
5 votes
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How to change the type of a polymorphic record using lenses?

In the following code snippet, how do I write the toRecordWrite function such that it can work with any DbRecord with similar type-level mechanics, eg. UserPoly id createdAt updatedAt email username ...
Saurabh Nanda's user avatar
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How to write a Haskell function that can call "getField @k" on "obj" as well as "Maybe obj"

I'm trying to write HTML form helpers where I'd like the call-sites to support both of the following use-cases: {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes, DataKinds, OverloadedStrings #-} import Data.Proxy ...
Saurabh Nanda's user avatar
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How to "stockpile" drugs which have start and duration

I have a R dataframe which has drug prescriptions for patients as follows: Patient StartDate Duration 1 01/01/2004 35 1 15/01/2004 60 1 01/02/2004 ...
Martino's user avatar
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Haskell Record Update Seemingly Incompatible Type

I am trying to understand the internal code of haskell-skiplist. The author defines the following algebraic data type and some relevant functions – the details of which do not really matter. data Node ...
wildcat's user avatar
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How can i make the result from fetch_revenue display on the table

<?php // Database connection $host = 'localhost'; // Change this as needed $dbname = 'cms_db'; // Your database name $username = 'root'; // Your database username $password = ''; // Your database ...
Matthew Onyenwe's user avatar
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Why is my odoo xml record data not updating [closed]

I inherited a module (Recruitment module) and then tried updating the xml data but all my attempt is not working. I tried updating group like hr_recruitment.group_hr_recruitment_user but the update is ...
Paul Nnamdi's user avatar
-1 votes
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C# Initialize inherited record form base record

I have a base record type and an inherited record type which adds a few fields. At runtime I have an instance of the base record type and want to convert it to an instance of the inherited record type,...
Hothie's user avatar
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Loop through record type var and insert values to target table using pl/sql

I have this table TABLE_BB (firstname, lastname, id). I also have a record type: EMPREC is record(fname varchar,lname varchar2,idty varchar2); type emprectype is TABLE OF EMPREC INDEX BY ...
Balaganesh Mohanavel's user avatar
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Uniquness of a record containing a collection

I am using C# records in a HashSet to enforce uniqueness. This works well, but as soon as the record contains a Collection then it stops working. ie. this passes: public record Person { public ...
mulllhausen's user avatar
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How to index custom database record with indexed_search in TYPO3?

How is it possible to index custom database records in TYPO3? I tried with indexed search, setting the option „Table to index“ to the corresponding database in the configuration. But this didn’t work. ...
dade's user avatar
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How do you modify a Couchbase record that contains a fairly complex object and sub-object?

I have a couchbase database full of records that look like this: { "_class": "", "customerId": "A1A2", &...
Ted Herrlich's user avatar
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How to calculate Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Exponential Moving Average (EMA) from a list in pandas

I have created a pandas dataframe (called df) as follows: import pandas as pd import numpy as np ds = {'col1' : [[10,23,45],[54,67,65],[76,43,21]]} df = pd.DataFrame(data=ds) The dataframe looks ...
Giampaolo Levorato's user avatar
-1 votes
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Expose immutable Set<String> configuration

I need to expose some configuration in the form of a Set in my Application but I need them to be unmodifiable and I'm looking for the best way to achieve this. My configuration I need to expose this ...
Alexxxx's user avatar
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Delphi 7 Inline ASM Field Access

I cannot figure out how to access fields in a VAR parameter record. My apologies in advance for such a simple question, but I am stumped. After much Googling and tinkering, I am seeking the advice of ...
Bruce Gavin's user avatar
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Pwa standalone ios safari audio record

Does anyone have an idea on how to record audio in iOS iPhone PWA standalone mode? I'm facing an issue where my PWA works well on Safari, but when I add it to the home screen in standalone mode, it ...
Usama Saleem's user avatar

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