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Show the logical folder structure(Not Physical Folder) by implementing of sftp server using apache mina (java)

I have used VirtualFileSystemFactory(Paths.get("/hello")) to show the logical folder "hello". But, this folder is really not existed in my filesystem. Due to this, getting ...
user2934977's user avatar
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Pass custom flag to mina ssh server via ssh command

I want to run the ssh command in the following way: ssh user@host "my_custom_flag=myValue" Then in my java application where I have implemented the ssh server(apache mina) I want to be able ...
ashish bhat's user avatar
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SFTP client with key authentication with passphrase using Apache MINA?

I am trying to write an SFTP client using Apache MINA sshd-sftp package. Client should use key authentication and the key is encrypted using a passphrase. The documentation mentions to created key ...
Chandu's user avatar
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Apache Mina sshd: kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer

Good evening, currently trying to setup a simple (starting point) ssh server with apache mina inside a quarkus application. My current code looks like this (yes the logging is on purpose for now): ...
Sascha Haßler's user avatar
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No more authentication methods available with Apache Mina SSHD

I'm facing an issue while trying to authenticate an SSH session using the Apache Mina SSHD library in Java in a spring boot microservice project. I have a working implementation using JSch that ...
Yashasvi Raj Pant's user avatar
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Duplicate file upload get fail in same SFTP Session

I have recently migrated one of Spring Boot SFTP service to 3.3.2 from 2.7.18. The app has ability to upload the file. The application was able to upload duplicate files in same session to same ...
Sarvesh H's user avatar
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How to get remote current directory using Apache sshd SftpClient API?

I can see JSCH has feature to get current directory using ChannelSftp.pwd(); How it can be achieved using Apache Mina sshd library ? I want to find the landing directory on successful SFTP connection ?...
Sarvesh H's user avatar
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Getting IOException - "The semaphore timeout period has expired" while using Apache Mina SshClient

We are using Apache Mina to connect to an RHEL server, and intermittently we are getting IOException - "The semaphore timeout period has expired" while using Apache Mina SshClient. This ...
Raghavendran Venkataramanarao's user avatar
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Apache Mina SSH failing because "No more authentication methods available" for NETCONF application

I'm trying to SSH to a network device but am currently failing the authentication. I'm able to connect via the command ssh -i /home/usr/private_key [email protected] but am having no luck with ...
steve's user avatar
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Apache Mina SFTP server only returning 8192 bytes on download

We have a mock SFTP server that creates and serves files in a local file system. It was originally written using the jcraft sftp library, then was converted over to Apache Mina with the release of ...
Colton Mack's user avatar
-1 votes
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Create an SshSessionFactory for JGit with Apache Mina authenticated with a private key on a client perspective

I want to migrate this code under Jsch to Mina: File privateKey = new File("/path/to/local/privateKeyFile"); Repository repository = new FileRepositoryBuilder() .setMustExist(true) ....
Izaya's user avatar
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How can I use key from AndroidKeyStore instead of password to authenticate my SSH client connection?

I am unable to login to server using key authentication from my client Android app. I am able to login to server from my app using password authentication. I am able to login to server using key ...
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Error while downloading with SftpInboundFileSynchronizingMessageSource Spring component a file to remove SFPT to a local directory

I have the following problem. I followed the documentation here and configured the SFTPInboundAdapter. An error occurs when the ssh client starts to download the file: org.springframework.messaging....
SGiux's user avatar
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Error connecting device using arcfour256 algorithm via mina-sshd

version:2.9.2 I configured my client to enable only arcfour256 algorithm, and then the server connecting to mina-sshd will encounter this exception, and the client connecting to a device supporting ...
hang xing's user avatar
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Using Apache Mina sshd to upload files via ScpClient fails with exception in ScpHelper.readAck()

I'm trying Apache Mina for the first time and run into the exact same error. Using the suggested upload method parameters from How to upload/download files using apache SSHD ScpClient, it still throw ...
fsegers's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to handle Mina Exception Logs in WSO2 APIM Gateway

When I work in WSO2 I have seen some customers are facing the below error in their APIM Gateway nodes intermittently. "ERROR {} - Exception ...
tentoten's user avatar
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Overwriting a file using Spring mina SFTP

I have created a client based on the example on the Spring web page I did change the ...
CraigW's user avatar
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spring-integration-sftp v6 resets connection during idle time

In spring-integration-sftp v6.1.2 under Java 17/Spring 6.1.2, the sftp sends many connections, outputs many warnings (presented unverified DSA key, SSH2_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR - Detected ...
jianmin tu's user avatar
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spring-integration-sftp v6.1.2 throws "Server key did not validate"

I upgraded spring-integration-sftp from 5.2.3 RELEASE to v6.1.2 and injected a sshclient into DefaultSftpSessionFactory during session creation. I got "SshException: Server key did not validate&...
jianmin tu's user avatar
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Implementing retransmissions(NAK or timeout) in Apache Mina

I need to implement retransmissions for Apache Mina server. Receiving messages seems pretty easy with MessageReceived event, state machine and sending NAK or ACK to client. How can I implement ...
NightCity10932's user avatar
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Jenkins Cyclic plugin dependency on mina-sshd-api-common and mina-sshd-api-core

A bit of history on how I encountered this problem. I had a CICD server running Jenkins for my Symfony projects on a Ubuntu 18.04 VPS. I had Composer v1.0 running and there were several messages every ...
sridhar pandurangiah's user avatar
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Encoding a Ed25519 Public Key to SSH format in Java

To begin with I am new to cryptography and the different types of keys/encodings/formats, so correct me if I am wrong somewhere. I have a java application that needs to save a Ed25519 key to a ...
Atanas Donev's user avatar
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Apache MINA SSH shell session - List of available commands

I am working with Apache MINA SSHD (Backend) and Javascript (frontend) to make a terminal on the browser that connects to the SSHD on the server and create an SSH connection. This is working fine and ...
Omar RB's user avatar
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Error sending payment transaction on mina devnet

I'm trying to sign and send a mina transaction on devnet and it fails with this message. error - Error: Query failed -- returned code 200. mutation($from:PublicKey!, $to:PublicKey!, $amount:UInt64!, $...
att's user avatar
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559 views Improper close state: Status = OK HandshakeStatus = NEED_WRAP bytesConsumed = 0 bytesProduced = 7 sequenceNumber = 0

I am getting the below error when I tried to connect FTP server which is running in an open shift cluster. I want to upload the file to the FTP server with the below code. I have referred to the below ...
Chetan's user avatar
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Rails 7 Puma 6 & Mina setup : Mina fails to update server with new releases

The setup (rails7 with puma 6 on debian 11 started with systemd - all in order) is pretty straightfoward but symlink is not updated : ls -la on the current directory show the link remains hanged at ...
Thierry's user avatar
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Testing Sftp using Apache Mina fails with permission denied in GitLab CI

I'm attempting to push my changes to GitLab that allows me to spin up a local server on the machine and connect to it via SFTP using key auth. When running this in my local all tests pass as expected ...
Beez's user avatar
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Adding support for ED25519 to Apache MINA sshd. How to achieve this?

According to the Apache MINA sshd official documentation, support for ED25519 must be added by including net.i2p.crypto:eddsa to the classpath. In my Gradle project, I've done so by writing: ...
ismarlowe's user avatar
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Apache Mina SSHD Client - Key based authentication - Unable to authenticate to server, using keys generated from puttygen

Ive set up an SSH client with Apache Mina SSHD, to ssh into a linux server using private key generated from puttygen The key is generated from puttygen and the public key is copied from the puttygen ...
Radhakrishnan M's user avatar
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How to handle incoming files via Apache Mina SSHD SFTP Client in Java

I want to listen any updates of the file system but on the client-side. I know that I can do the same thing on server-side via SftpEventListener but I'm not sure if there is any option to implement ...
Sandro700's user avatar
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How to capture client information in a application behind AWS load balancer

Running a [FIX][1] server behind a AWS load balancer, The Load balancer is located outside the application VPC. Need to allow/dissalow connections based on client IP. As client connection are through ...
Rimash Mohomed's user avatar
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Apache Mina SFTP 2.8.0 Upgrade

I am trying to upgrade 0.14.0 sshd-core and 0.11.0 sshd-sftp to 2.8.0 version. Unfortunately I found that there are a lot of implementation changes, but I did not find a migration guide before version ...
Nadezhda's user avatar
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JSchException: Auth fail | Apache SSHD & JCraft JSch

I'm trying to connect to a mock server using RSK keys generated using KeyPairGenerator. Constructor() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException { KeyPairGenerator keyGen = ...
Keshavram Kuduwa's user avatar
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Sftp fileupload not working with Apache MINA SSHD and JIMFS in Docker Container

I'm dealing with a tough one: For testing purposes I use Apache Mina SSHD and JIMFS to mock a remote sftp server - only locally and in test environment. Never in production. In my Spring Boot ...
Markus's user avatar
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Apache MINA sshd | When I added the dependency and import it in the class I get "the type org.apache.sshd.client.SshClient is not accessible" error

I use Java 11 with JavaFX. When I added Apache MINA as a Maven dependency and then perform an import statement in the java class I get the following error message: "The type org.apache.sshd....
sm-a's user avatar
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Serialize/De-Serialize Optional values using IoBuffer

In our project we are using the org.apache.mina.core.buffer.IoBuffer to serialize and deserialize objects and send it through the network. There is one more requirement to send Optional values over ...
Ravi Bodla's user avatar
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Apache Mina Integration With Aries blueprint have problem the user guide of the link, it wrote it works for all DI frameworks. but The following error occurs ...
cocoz's user avatar
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Apache mina sshd client: jump server with password authentication

I am trying to implement a ssh client based on MINA sshd communicating with the end server via a ssh jump. based on the documentation (
vivi's user avatar
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Apache Mina SFTP: Mount Remote Sub-Directory instead of Filesystem Root

I would to use Apache SSHD to create an SFTP server and use SftpFileSystemProvider to mount a remote directory. I successfully create the virtual file system with SftpFileSystemProvider following the ...
Rémi Lavolée's user avatar
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Error when using SSL to connect to Apache FtpServer

I'm trying to set up a simple test FTP server using Apache FtpServer, and I'm having trouble configuring to use SSL. Following the Apache FtpServer documentation, here is what my code looks like so ...
Marwi's user avatar
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Use domain name to connect to embedded Apache FtpServer

I'm trying to set up a simple test FTPS server in Java using Apache FtpServer and connect to it using a domain name instead of the IP address. I've pointed the A record to the IP address and set up ...
Marwi's user avatar
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Apache mina SSHd uses which protocol, ssh1 or ssh2?

We are planning to use Apache Mina SSHd - ssh client in our product. I need to identify if it supports ssh2 protocol. I checked various resources thoroughly but couldn't able to find information ...
mac's user avatar
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How can I configure an Apache-Mina sftp client to use a proxy?

I want to use Apache MINA as an sftp client within a Java application. This application will make an outbound connection through a HTTPS proxy to a remote server. I will need to set authentication ...
WW.'s user avatar
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Connecting to SSH server using Apache mina and public/private keypair

I am having trouble connecting to a remote SSH server using Apache Mina. The server has my public key (in RSA format I cannot seem to find a way to configure the SshClient to use my ...
Homewrecker's user avatar
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Using Mina SSHD (Client) to connect to SFTP using Private Key

I am attempting to connect to an SFTP server that requires private key authentication and wanting to use the Mina. Looking through the documentation, I can see how to perform that authentication using ...
Chuck Lowery's user avatar
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Mina SSHD enable KEX with SHA1 in version 2.6.0

When using Mina SSHD (for SFTP) in version 2.6.0 the KEX for diffie-hellman SHA1 have been removed (as it should) but in my setup I need to be able to allow this for backward capability. I can see ...
aweis's user avatar
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Apache embeded FTPS (Mina) issue on Java11+

I have a very simple Java 8 project (FTP server), which uses Apache FTPS (Mina) server library (v. 1.1.1). It is as simple as the following code: ListenerFactory factory = new ListenerFactory(); ...
gubak's user avatar
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Apache mina FTP server initial directory structure

I made simple Apache MINA FTP server in Spring boot. Similar to project mina-ftp-server in this github repo. Main configuration looks like this: @Configuration class FtpServerConfiguration { @...
Galoman's user avatar
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JGIT TransportConfigCallback implementation with Apache MINA

JGit used to rely on JSch as its transport provider, but changed because JSch does not accept certain keys, including some OpenSSH ones. If you are using a passphrase-encrypted key with JGit, the ...
Jörn Guy Süß's user avatar
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Enable ssh-dss algorithm for known-host in Apache-Mina

I'm working on a custom SFTP client. The client receives a known-host record as a required server key. My code works fine with ssh-rsa, but in the case of ssh-dss Mina throws an exception with a ...
Sergey Panov's user avatar

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