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Pass custom flag to mina ssh server via ssh command

I want to run the ssh command in the following way: ssh user@host "my_custom_flag=myValue" Then in my java application where I have implemented the ssh server(apache mina) I want to be able ...
ashish bhat's user avatar
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No more authentication methods available with Apache Mina SSHD

I'm facing an issue while trying to authenticate an SSH session using the Apache Mina SSHD library in Java in a spring boot microservice project. I have a working implementation using JSch that ...
Yashasvi Raj Pant's user avatar
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Apache Mina SSH failing because "No more authentication methods available" for NETCONF application

I'm trying to SSH to a network device but am currently failing the authentication. I'm able to connect via the command ssh -i /home/usr/private_key [email protected] but am having no luck with ...
steve's user avatar
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Apache Mina SFTP server only returning 8192 bytes on download

We have a mock SFTP server that creates and serves files in a local file system. It was originally written using the jcraft sftp library, then was converted over to Apache Mina with the release of ...
Colton Mack's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I use key from AndroidKeyStore instead of password to authenticate my SSH client connection?

I am unable to login to server using key authentication from my client Android app. I am able to login to server from my app using password authentication. I am able to login to server using key ...
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Error connecting device using arcfour256 algorithm via mina-sshd

version:2.9.2 I configured my client to enable only arcfour256 algorithm, and then the server connecting to mina-sshd will encounter this exception, and the client connecting to a device supporting ...
hang xing's user avatar
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Apache MINA SSH shell session - List of available commands

I am working with Apache MINA SSHD (Backend) and Javascript (frontend) to make a terminal on the browser that connects to the SSHD on the server and create an SSH connection. This is working fine and ...
Omar RB's user avatar
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Adding support for ED25519 to Apache MINA sshd. How to achieve this?

According to the Apache MINA sshd official documentation, support for ED25519 must be added by including net.i2p.crypto:eddsa to the classpath. In my Gradle project, I've done so by writing: ...
ismarlowe's user avatar
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Apache Mina SSHD Client - Key based authentication - Unable to authenticate to server, using keys generated from puttygen

Ive set up an SSH client with Apache Mina SSHD, to ssh into a linux server using private key generated from puttygen The key is generated from puttygen and the public key is copied from the puttygen ...
Radhakrishnan M's user avatar
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Apache mina SSHd uses which protocol, ssh1 or ssh2?

We are planning to use Apache Mina SSHd - ssh client in our product. I need to identify if it supports ssh2 protocol. I checked various resources thoroughly but couldn't able to find information ...
mac's user avatar
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Connecting to SSH server using Apache mina and public/private keypair

I am having trouble connecting to a remote SSH server using Apache Mina. The server has my public key (in RSA format I cannot seem to find a way to configure the SshClient to use my ...
Homewrecker's user avatar
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Mina SSHD enable KEX with SHA1 in version 2.6.0

When using Mina SSHD (for SFTP) in version 2.6.0 the KEX for diffie-hellman SHA1 have been removed (as it should) but in my setup I need to be able to allow this for backward capability. I can see ...
aweis's user avatar
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Apache mina-sshd ssh client always prints EdDSA provider not supported

I'm using Apache sshd's ssh client. Whenever I establish a connection to the destination ssh server, I see this in the logs. The connection works, but is there something wrong? How can I fix it? The ...
joseph's user avatar
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Apache Mina Client Public key authentication

apache mina sshd authenticate client signatures I found this link, I have implemented the PublicKeyAuthenticator's authenticate method and using KeyUtils.compareKeys method to compare the public key ...
Siva's user avatar
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Use apache sshd ssh client got error "No detected/configured" IoServiceFactoryFactory

I want to use apache sshd project to connect a network switch: public void connect(){ try { client = SshClient.setUpDefaultClient(); ...
wang kai's user avatar
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How to access apache mina ssh server from remote machine?

I have created an Amazon Linux 2 instance where I have deployed a Java program launched with systemd. The Java program is a vertx-shell application which is using Apache Mina to start a SSH server on ...
rico's user avatar
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How can I send message error and error status to Sftp client (sshd-core, Mina server)

I'm using sshd-core to create a Sftp server. However, I would like to customize failure message when authenticate like authentication fail, Access Denied,.. I tried to write my message to IoSession ((...
TuanNN's user avatar
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Is it possible to get IP address of SSH/SFTP client via Apache Mina SSHD ServerSession?

I create SFTP server using Apache Mina SSHD. I want to find out the client IP when they connect to my server (via FileZilla, WinSCP). However, while I tried to found it in ServerSession, I could not. ...
TuanNN's user avatar
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What's the meaning of the SimpleGeneratorHostKeyProvider?

In the Apache MiNa sshd interface, what's the meaning of the following interface? Is the key.ser a private key or public key or others? sshd.setKeyPairProvider(new SimpleGeneratorHostKeyProvider(new ...
Ruiman's user avatar
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Apache SSHD client get server public key

I am trying to get the public key of a server. This is what I tried: val serverKey = sshClient.connect("dyn mem", "localhost", "2222") .verify() .getSession() .getKex() .getServerKey() The ...
Jan Wytze's user avatar
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Apache Mina restricting a user through SSH on Windows server

Below is basically the code for the Apache MINA server. It works great. When I connect with WinSCP, I'm restricted to the directory and cannot go back, which is good. On the other hand when I connect ...
Snickers's user avatar
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Collecting command responses from mocked SSH server (Apache MINA)

So what I'm trying to do, is create unit test that checks if invoked command (on shell via ssh connection) has a proper response. The problem is that I can't read those responses. There are not many ...
JohnnyGat's user avatar
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Apache ssh server public key authentication

I want to use the Apache ssh server, which is available at How can I set (configure) the client's public key on the ssh server in order to public key ...
afshar's user avatar
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Implement SSH command to return a contents of a file in Apache Mina

I have created an SSH server which is opening cmd. When I connect with Putty cmd is open and for example, if I write dir (which is the command that I put in the code) everything is okay. Now, my ...
xmlParser's user avatar
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Apache Mina: Get the user's username upon receiving a command

Using Apache Mina, I'm trying to allow certain users to run certain custom SSH commands. But I can't figure out how to get the username or any sort of information about the user in a CommandFactory. ...
Cydrick Trudel's user avatar
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How Apache Mina SignalListner works?

I want to terminate the Apache Mina Ssh Server on the basis of Ctrl+c that are basically SigInt I searched on the google and have looked there are SignalListener but not find any good example of it. ...
Root's user avatar
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Interactive Shell with Mina and Capistrano

Capistrano Doc says ssh me@remote "[[ $- == *i* ]] && echo 'Interactive' || echo '...
Viren's user avatar
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In memory/embedded SFTP server for test with private key authentication in Java

The scenario is that I need to write tests for an application that does SFTP file transfers and I need an in memory/embedded SFTP server with private key authentication implementation so that I can ...
Anirudh's user avatar
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org.apache.sshd.common.SshException: Channel has been closed

I'm trying to send in-memory data as a file to remote server by using org.apache.sshd.client. My code so far: // Connect to remote server code sftp = session.createSftpClient(); StringBuilder sb = ...
Minh's user avatar
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Sending data to SSH client from server implemented in SSH Apache Mina

We are new to Apache MINA SSH server and currently working on reverse SSH Here are the steps followed SSHD server started on a port, server implements StreamIOHandler Upon receiving a connection ...
Vikram Darsi's user avatar
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ssh access to spring boot application

On Spring Boot 1.2.3.RELEASE trying to setup SSH on JDK 1.8, Windows 7. I got the configured as: shell.ssh.port=2212 shell.ssh.enabled=true shell.auth=simple shell.auth.simple....
samyem's user avatar
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mina "Discarding output packet because channel is being closed" missing command output

We use Mina sshd client to connect to Linux based server. It looks like when we get the command SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA along with the Received SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF, Mina will not put the data into the ...
Moshe Moshe's user avatar
3 votes
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Mina deploy: I have set up SSH, but can't connect to [email protected]

I try to deploy a private repository using mina. I have generated a public SSH key on my server which I then added to my GitHub user. Being logged into my server, I can do a git clone [email protected]:...
Joshua Muheim's user avatar
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Terminate remote ssh command upon disconnect

I'm using Mina SSHD client to run remote commands on OpenSSH server. I'm executing a long running command on the remote server, and would like it to terminate when the client session is closed. when ...
Moshe Moshe's user avatar
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Apache Mina SSHD SFTP server fails to list some directories on Android

Using Apache Mina SSHD I've implemented an SSH and SFTP server in an Android app I'm working on, and I can log in through SSH fine, ls the root directory, cd to 'mnt/sdcard' and ls - all of this is ...
math-eww's user avatar
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Apache MINA SFTP - add callback methods after successful file transfers

Am using Apache Mina to build my own SFTP server. I want to notify a server automatically after each file transfer is complete. Please help me with some pointers in this direction. Ideally, there ...
Swaroop Rath's user avatar
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Nothing happens when doing "mina setup"

I'm trying to set up Mina for deploying my Rails app. Unfortunately, when running mina setup or mina deploy, I get to the password prompt, and then nothing happens anymore. I can manually ssh with ...
Joshua Muheim's user avatar
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Apache MINA SSHD - Problems with authentication method when connecting to server

I am trying to follow Apache MINA's guide for setting up a SSHD server but I run into problems when connecting to it with PuTTY. I get to enter a username but then get slapped with the following error ...
user1049697's user avatar
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Apache Mina SSH: Client to interact with the server

I am writing a program where I can send a shell command to the server and work on its response. I looked at this TestCase (testClient()) and managed to connect and send some commands. However I ...
demotics2002's user avatar