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Use domain name to connect to embedded Apache FtpServer

I'm trying to set up a simple test FTPS server in Java using Apache FtpServer and connect to it using a domain name instead of the IP address. I've pointed the A record to the IP address and set up ...
Marwi's user avatar
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Out of order data in TCP

I've an application that's using Apache mina library for communicating based on TCP. The apache mina library provides a callback with IOBuffer that contains data coming over the network, however often ...
user10286755's user avatar
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Synchronization block inside callback method

I'm using Apache mina in one of my projects. The doDecode() of CumulativeProtocolDecoder is called every time a chunk of data is received. I'm concatenating these chunks together until I get a special ...
user10286755's user avatar
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Azure and Apache Mina

I am not sure whether this question is Mina-related or more Azure-related but it has to do with the networking. I have also added Netty tag since Mina and Netty share many networking principles. I ...
Antonio's user avatar
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Mina NIO networking - Packets not sending after initial startup

I currently have a problem while working with Mina. I am able to create a NIOAcceptor and Connector and connect the client to the server. Upon session being created in the Server, it sends the ...
NeedHelpThankx's user avatar
27 votes
2 answers

Apache MINA server closes active UDP "session" after 60s

My client-server app works with Apache MINA at both, client and server sides. Sending data via UDP works OK, but after a minute server closes the connection (or MINA's way - "session") and stops ...
Jakub Turcovsky's user avatar
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What filter should I use to send ArrayList by using apache-MINA

I have server and client applications with apache-mina framework. I need to send a large arraylist (contains 10000 custom objects) from server to client. I first thought to use GSON strings to pass ...
anL's user avatar
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3 answers

404 Not Found page displayed when accessing a lot of the Apache MINA links [closed]

I have to embed a network layer into my Java application in order to enable file transfer from a server to multiple client connections. Having come to the conclusion that Java NIO would be the best ...
VictorB's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Best framework for java networking programming?

I am a newbie in java networking and I have a small project which i want to download on a LAN network and be used by just five users. I want to use Java swing, MySQL for database and eclipse as IDE. ...
majd obeid's user avatar
3 votes
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Dead sessions in apache mina

We have a apache mina based GPRS gateway(server). Sometimes, usually when the connection is terminated from client side brutally i.e, power cable unplugged or any other unusual shutdown or some ...
Umer Hayat's user avatar
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Session management/monitoring in Apache mina

Is there a (built in) way to monitor sessions in apache mina. I want to keep track of total session active whenever a session is created/closed. I know i can do it by keeping references of all the ...
Umer Hayat's user avatar
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IoAcceptor not responding for new connections

In our code we are using Apache Mina on both the sides(server and client). Client is a java applet. Server is hosted on a separate machine and multiple applets connect to it and data is exchanged ...
Umer Hayat's user avatar
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3 answers

Send data back to client with UDP using Apache Mina

I am using Apache Mina to create a server to accept UDP Client requests. I have read the Official documentation provided by Apache Mina regarding UDP Server & UDP Client. However, I wished to know ...
Abhishek's user avatar
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Apache Mina UDP Server Send Messages to Client

Apache Mina UDP Server Send Messages to Client +code, any one have sample code for that can u send it ?
user523534's user avatar
2 votes
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Benchmarking Apache Mina Total Bandwidth

I am developing a relatively fast paced game (Flash/Apache Mina Server back end) and I am having some difficulty getting an accurate benchmark of the type of bandwidth my current setup would use. My ...
savageguy's user avatar
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Trouble synchronizing threads with Apache Mina

I'm using Apache Mina 1.1.7 and Java 1.6. The server sends a sequence of three messages to the client in loop. Sometimes two sets of messages overlap. For example, I am expecting: ++ recv: MSGHEAD ++...
yang's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a modbus implementation which uses Mina 2.x?

Is there a open source modbus implementation which uses Apache Mina 2.x?
Mauli's user avatar
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153 votes
7 answers

Netty vs Apache MINA

They both provide roughly the same functionality. Which one should I choose to develop my high-performance TCP server? What are the pros & cons? Reference links: Apache MINA (source) Netty (...
GabiMe's user avatar
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