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No more authentication methods available with Apache Mina SSHD

I'm facing an issue while trying to authenticate an SSH session using the Apache Mina SSHD library in Java in a spring boot microservice project. I have a working implementation using JSch that ...
Yashasvi Raj Pant's user avatar
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Duplicate file upload get fail in same SFTP Session

I have recently migrated one of Spring Boot SFTP service to 3.3.2 from 2.7.18. The app has ability to upload the file. The application was able to upload duplicate files in same session to same ...
Sarvesh H's user avatar
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How to get remote current directory using Apache sshd SftpClient API?

I can see JSCH has feature to get current directory using ChannelSftp.pwd(); How it can be achieved using Apache Mina sshd library ? I want to find the landing directory on successful SFTP connection ?...
Sarvesh H's user avatar
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Apache mina FTP server initial directory structure

I made simple Apache MINA FTP server in Spring boot. Similar to project mina-ftp-server in this github repo. Main configuration looks like this: @Configuration class FtpServerConfiguration { @...
Galoman's user avatar
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How to Implement a Passwordless authentication to Embedded SFTP with Apache MINA SSHD

I'm trying to implement a multi user password-less Embedded SFTP with Apache MINA SSHD with help of this example Here. But When I'm trying to connect to the server, it always demands a password. ...
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Determining when FileWrittenEvent has completed writing the entire file

This is my first question here so please bear with me.In a recent release of Spring 5.2 there were certain and extremely helpful components added to Spring Integration as seen in this link:https://...
TrialNError's user avatar
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Configuring Camel for Spring with MINA 2

I want to configure Camel for Spring with MINA 2. I did the following configuration code: @Configuration public class SpringConfiguration { public static final String THREADPOOL_ID = "poolId"; ...
Harikrishnan's user avatar
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Why Apache camel mina2 route uri raised exception?

Here is the SyslogServerRoute based on org.apache.camel.spring.SpringRouteBuilder wrapper. Where we need to run two services those are as following: @Component public class SyslogServerRoute extends ...
Śhāhēēd's user avatar
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Is it possible to fixed the sending port in MLLP application?

I have develop an application (MLLP server) which is sending and receiving HL7 messages. I can track the ip and port when receive messages. But when the client application restart the port will change....
learner's user avatar
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How to setup mina2 hl7Codec in Spring Boot Application

Need help from experts. I am new to learn apcahe camel. I have configured camel to spring boot application. Now i want to add mina2 protocol. I have found below code for configuring mina2 for xml, but ...
learner's user avatar
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apache-camel mina2 thread pool shutdown takes 30 seconds

Apache-Camel version: 2.15.2 I have a very simple Spring Boot application that starts, creates a CamelContext and uses a ProducerTemplate to hit a camel-mina2 endpoint. If I don't hit the camel-mina2 ...
Chad Beaulac's user avatar
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ssh access to spring boot application

On Spring Boot 1.2.3.RELEASE trying to setup SSH on JDK 1.8, Windows 7. I got the configured as: shell.ssh.port=2212 shell.ssh.enabled=true shell.auth=simple shell.auth.simple....
samyem's user avatar
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