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spring-integration-sftp flow runs randomly after first schedule

a spring-integrations-sftp configuration like below @Bean public SessionFactory<ChannelSftp.LsEntry> sessionFactory() { final DefaultSftpSessionFactory factory = new ...
st.'s user avatar
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Heap usage during SFTP operation of a very large file using Spring Integration

The requirement is to move large number of files from clients' infrastructure to my firm's infrastructure using SFTP. The size of each file can be up to 5GBs. I am planning to use Spring Integration ...
AbNig's user avatar
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Unable to repoll failed message from JDBC when aggregate is used in the integration flow

My current workflow has 2 integration flows- First Integration Flow- Polls files from SFTP -> Message Handler -> sends messages to JdbcChannelMessageStore and saves those messages in Jdbc under ...
Musk's user avatar
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spring integration SFTP SSH2_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR issue in spring batch

My spring batch application is trying to download file from mainframe via SFTP (JDK 17) once the download is over, process continues with read,process and write . This happens twice as there are two ...
Sushmitha's user avatar
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Duplicate file upload get fail in same SFTP Session

I have recently migrated one of Spring Boot SFTP service to 3.3.2 from 2.7.18. The app has ability to upload the file. The application was able to upload duplicate files in same session to same ...
Sarvesh H's user avatar
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How to get remote current directory using Apache sshd SftpClient API?

I can see JSCH has feature to get current directory using ChannelSftp.pwd(); How it can be achieved using Apache Mina sshd library ? I want to find the landing directory on successful SFTP connection ?...
Sarvesh H's user avatar
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How can I ensure that multiple instances of my Spring Integration application do not process the same SFTP file simultaneously?

I am using Spring Integration for file transfer, Spring Batch for processing, and Spring Integration again to mark files as done. My setup includes: JdbcMetadataStore for metadata storage ...
Harpreet Saund's user avatar
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Spring boot sftp sshd-sshclient - Initiating key re-exchange log every one minute after 30 min of idle state

I am using spring boot integration to pull the files from sftp server and if server is idle for 30 min after that I see the log every one minute [sshd-SshClient[4e4538bb]-timer-thread-1] INFO o.a.s.c....
jagadeesh's user avatar
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spring-integration-sftp failed to send channel

I have a spring-integrations-sftp configuration like below, basically it listens a remote directory and fetch the files and deletes afterwards. @Bean public SessionFactory<ChannelSftp.LsEntry&...
st.'s user avatar
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Channel is being closed exception. Spring Boot 3.1.2 SFTP integration

we are experiencing Channel is being closed issue with Spring Boot 3 SFTP integration. Caused by: org.apache.sshd.common.SshException: Channel is being closed at org.apache.sshd.sftp.client.impl....
Yaroslav Ambrozyak's user avatar
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Why can I connect via telnet but connection cannot be established from a remote client?

I am writing a spring boot application which acts as a sort of middle man between two external clients say serviceA and serviceB. Communication will be via socket connection i.e. tcp/ip allthrough. So ...
serethewind's user avatar
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spring integration error: one-way 'MessageHandler' and it isn't appropriate

I am writing a simple Integration flow to sftp a file to a remote server and want to stop the temporary file renaming on the remote server. In order to achieve this, I tried creating the following ...
tintin's user avatar
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Delegating Session Factory Spring Integration Thread-Safe

I'm using Spring Integration to handle sftp session, I've noticed that in order to use multiple session and switch between them at runtime I have to use DelegatingSessionFactory and its method ...
prov's user avatar
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How do I implement a MessageSourceMutator that dynamically sets the remote directory based on the date format yyyymmdd and can go thru a date range?

Im using spring sftp integration (Inbound) to read files from directories in a base SFTP directory, /foo/maindir. The sub directories are in the format: yyyymmdd and contain the files I need to ...
Victor Akinola's user avatar
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Migrated from Spring Integration 5.5 to 6.2.3 and cannot configure Keep Alive for sftp

After upgrade to Spring Integration 6.2.3 from 5.5 the DefaultSftpSessionFactory seems to lose keep alive config methods: defaultSftpSessionFactory.setServerAliveInterval(keepAliveInterval); ...
Kamil's user avatar
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Getting "A password must be configured on the externally provided SshClient instance" While trying to transfer file using "spring-integration-sftp"

Getting below while trying to transfer file via SFTP using spring-integration-sftp approach. Error org.apache.sshd.common.SshException: Unable to negotiate key exchange for kex algorithms. With other ...
Jerrin Paul's user avatar
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Spring integration sftp new version upgrade issues

Error Log [sshd-SshClient[thread-4] WARN o.a.s.c.k.AcceptAllServerKeyVerifier - Server at server presented unverified RSA key: SHA256:key [sshd-SshClient[thread-3] WARN o.a.s.c.s.ClientSessionImpl -...
jagadeesh's user avatar
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Session management when using @InboundChannelAdapter vs multiple SftpOutboundGateway to achieve same behaviour

I have two services doing similar operations as listed below Service A Service A uses @InboundChannelAdapter and does following task polls files every 1 minute from remote directory into local ...
riteshmaurya's user avatar
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spring-integration-sftp v6 resets connection during idle time

In spring-integration-sftp v6.1.2 under Java 17/Spring 6.1.2, the sftp sends many connections, outputs many warnings (presented unverified DSA key, SSH2_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR - Detected ...
jianmin tu's user avatar
2 votes
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transactionSynchronizationFactory in combination with database transaction not working

I am expecting my code to receive the file based on poller once it is created in remote directory then do a database insert and then move the file to another remote directory. So far file is polled ...
riteshmaurya's user avatar
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Caught an exception, leaving main loop due to End of IO Stream Read - How to catch it?

I have a problem doing file transfers with a SftpOutboundGateway within a Spring task. The files which I do transfer are pretty normal in respect to size. I am using com.github.mwiede::jsch.jar-0.2.17....
JBStonehenge's user avatar
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spring-integration-sftp v6.1.2 throws "Server key did not validate"

I upgraded spring-integration-sftp from 5.2.3 RELEASE to v6.1.2 and injected a sshclient into DefaultSftpSessionFactory during session creation. I got "SshException: Server key did not validate&...
jianmin tu's user avatar
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spring-integration-sftp v6.1.2 throws DH key size must be multiple of 64, and can only range from 512 to 8192. key size 4095 is not supported

I upgraded spring-integration-sftp from 5.2.3 RELEASE to v6.1.2. Then, I got the exception "Caused by: DH key size must be multiple of 64, and ...
jianmin tu's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to create Functional tests for IntegrationFlows

I have a StandardIntegrationFlow which runs each day and deletes files that are older than 10 days. @Bean public StandardIntegrationFlow oldReceiptsCleaner( @Qualifier("...
Vasilis Iak's user avatar
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How to stop an IntegrationFlow when it parses all the files on SFTP server, and re-run it again next day with Scheduled function

I have a StandardIntegrationFlow which reads some files from a bunch of folders on an SFTP server, filters and then process the ones that pass the filter. The structure of my files are like this: /...
Vasilis Iak's user avatar
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Spring SFTP Intergation: processing anmoving file to another directory

I am new to Spring Intergation. I need to process files from sftp server from user1/upload directory and move them to user1/processed drectory after that. My code workes overall ok, but i have two ...
Nataliya K's user avatar
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SftpOutboundGateway MGet change remote directory at runtime

I want trying to use MGet command to pull files from multiple remote directories and want to store it in separate local directories. But the files are not getting downloaded and no error is thrown. ...
Shail's user avatar
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Error creating bean: SourcePollingChannelAdapter in functional tests when adding a new IntegrationFlow (expected single matching bean but found 2)

I have an app that uses spring-integration-sftp to perform some actions on files on sftp server. In my Configuration class I have the following bean: @Bean public IntegrationFlow ...
Vasilis Iak's user avatar
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jcraft jsch throws "inputstream closed" exception

When downloading a file close to 2 GB size from remote FTP site, we are seeing the below error and not able to proceed. Interesting thing is file gets downloaded but probably during final stages it ...
KVNS_JavaLearner's user avatar
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Spring integration : trace propagation via micrometer on different channels?

I am facing problems with setting up the trace propagation correctly, if there is a QueueChannel with a poller in between :( Flow is initiated by HTTP call, that triggers MessagingGateway from spring ...
asceta's user avatar
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Track multiple folders to download files by Spring Integration Sftp

I tried to change the application to track multiple folders and get the files from Sftp. It is built on the newest Spring stack, Spring Boot 3.2.0, Spring Integration 6.2.0, etc. Follow the official ...
Hantsy's user avatar
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Spring Integration SFTP fileExistsMode for mv operation

Why is not possible use FileExistsMode in case of mv operation? Is FAIL default value for mv operation? AbstractRemoteFileOutboundGateway.Command.MV .fileExistsMode(FileExistsMode.REPLACE) Why not ...
Tomek Niemczak's user avatar
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Spring Integration sftp new file not polled till message handler goes through the list of all files cached on local

@Bean public SessionFactory<SftpClient.DirEntry> sftpSessionFactory() { DefaultSftpSessionFactory factory = new DefaultSftpSessionFactory(true); factory.setHost(sftpHost); ...
Shail's user avatar
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Using SFTP Outbound Channel Adapter to stream data to a remote file server over SFTP

In my spring boot app, I have to read a lot of data from the DB convert it to a CSV file and upload it to a SFTP server. Since the file can be huge I cannot read the whole file in memory and then ...
humbleCoder's user avatar
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How to use SFTP Spring Integration mput with SftpOutboundGateway when File object is directory?

<int-sftp:outbound-gateway session-factory="sftpSessionFactory" use-temporary-file-name="false" request-channel=&...
Tomek Niemczak's user avatar
2 votes
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Migration to Spring Boot 3 - how can I handle "[email protected]" requests from the server?

Our team has an application where a file is fetched and handled once per day from a remote server using Spring Integration SFTP. Right now, I am migrating from Spring Boot 2.7 to Spring Boot 3. After ...
Albin Friedner's user avatar
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Spring Integration: Handle messages from Sftp.inboundStreamingAdapter in parallel

So, if have a Spring Integration 5.5 / Spring Boot 2.7 flow that reads XML-files from a SFTP source, processes and stores them, then deletes. Things do work, but sequentially, meaning each file is ...
Christoph Dahlen's user avatar
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spring-integration-sftp v6.1.2 throws NoSuchMethodError org.apache.sshd.client.future.ConnectFuture.verify(java.time.Duration)

Upgraded sshd-sftp from 2.9.2 to 2.10.0 and test failed with exception below. java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'java.lang.Object org.apache.sshd.client.future.ConnectFuture.verify(java.time.Duration)' ...
ChristineVl's user avatar
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Spring-integration-sftp: how to get logging

I have the following code who fetches files from a directory on a sftp server and moves them locally. First I list the files, then I get them and then I do a rm with 3 different outbound gateways. How ...
terrinizer's user avatar
-1 votes
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Spring Integration - upload file to Dynamic SFTP Server

I am trying to upload files to dynamic SFTP servers whose config details I will receive in a String message with file content. I have researched about spring Integration which will help me in ...
K Coder's user avatar
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Removing a file from ConcurrentMetadataStore if file processing fails in spring-integration-sftp

I am facing a problem while using spring-integration-sftp to pull files from SFTP servers and do some processing. I'm using RedisMetadataStore to power my SftpPersistentAcceptOnceFileListFilter. I'm ...
kaysush's user avatar
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How to set the preferred authentication method as password for DefaultSftpSessionFactory session?

Looking for a way to set the preferred authentication method to password. I am using Spring Integration 6.1.0 with Spring Boot 3.1.0. in previous versions we could have done something like - @Bean ...
user14724924's user avatar
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how can add log everytime the polling results in no detection of file. I want to add a log when polling results empty everytime

public class SftpConfiguration { public DefaultSftpSessionFactory sftpFactory() { DefaultSftpSessionFactory factory=new DefaultSftpSessionFactory(); factory.setHost("***...
Ishant's user avatar
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How to pass parameter to MessageHandler during runtime

I am trying to set up a SFTP file listener using Spring Integration which will poll for files based on pattern and rename the file once processed. I can't hardcode Host, port, username and password ...
Enix's user avatar
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Spring Integration SFTP (xml) Outbound Gateway - copy folderstructure from remote directory to local directory using SPEL Expression and java

I am totally new to Spring Integration and a beginner in Spring. It is a miracle that I got so far but I already can copy my files recursively into a local folder. I based my app on this sample ...
terrinizer's user avatar
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Spring Integration Module that Continuously Polls SFTP Stalled

I have an application which uses spring integration to poll the sftp and once it finds new file thats when spring batch kicks-in and processes the file. I have five such jobs written in an application ...
lavin249's user avatar
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After upgrading from spring boot 2.6.6 to spring boot 3.0.2 the sftpoutboundgateway unable to perform Command.MV from remote sftp to remote sftp

I have been working on a spring boot migration from Tibco and my application requirement is to connect with a remote sftp server and perform the below operation, perform COMMAND.LS from remote input ...
Deabshree Mallick's user avatar
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What is a proper way to specify different remote directories when using DelegatingSessionFactory?

I want my DelegatingSessionFactory to search for files in different remote directories on the same server. I try to use RotatingServerAdvice. The documentation says I need to specify bean ...
Margarita's user avatar
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Is there a way I send mail with all files (as Zip) received in Spring Integration FTP instead sending the files Individually per Message received

I have a Spring Boot application based on Spring Integration FTP where I can DOWNLOAD/UPLOAD files. I need to send the files (as ZIP) received via mail but the problem is, I can only do this per ...
Chunks's user avatar
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Using Spring integration FTP client hangs after transfering the file in Docker

I'm using the following code in order to connect to a FTP server: public void sendData(BepReport bpReport) { FtpSession ftpSession = defaultFtpSessionFactory.getSession(); StringBuilder buffer = new ...
SocketM's user avatar
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