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Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Village "Sokol"

The jem - village "Sokol" (falcon), 21 hectare, approx.52 acres) is located in busy and noisy surroundings near the center of the city. It was founded in 1923 and that time aimed to introduce the idea of town-garden, the place combining best features of both, town and garden.

Artists, economists, engineers bought city land and paid rather much to get shell-scheme apartment of their own, and these apartments survived with more or less changes the years till now. In 1936 the construction was stopped and the idea was critiqued - as the government recommended to pay more attention to the construction of workers' communal buildings vs individual apartments.

The names of the streets: Vrubel, Shishkin,  Kramskoy, Surikov, Levitan, etc.

While looking for details about "Sokol", I found the realty site where the selling price of the building amounted to 9,000,000 US dollars.

Map of the place from Wiki.
And the drawing of the apartment (source - Wiki).

Photos of the apartments, by streets, here.

Google map.

If you are in Moscow, please walk, go by bike, drive there, as the place is the oasis, believe me. 

Posted by Irina.


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