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Showing posts with label Exhibitions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exhibitions. Show all posts

Saturday, 12 May 2012


Fashion show for people with disabilities

These photos are from exhibition "Integration-2012", organized by "Messe Dusseldorf, Germany",(it is Moscow version of the show in Dusseldorf). The exhibition aims at showing Moscow the latest achievements in rehabilitation equipment and programs for people with disabilities.

You can not see often people with disabilities in Moscow. Our city is not welcoming for them at all, I think. So I was so very pleased and touched to see so many damaged, but happy people, joined together and enjoying their life, at least for the three days of the show.

Site of the exhibition.

Clay Toys Workshop
Association of Deaf Artists

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Da Vinci in Moscow

Few days ago I went to the exhibition "Da Vinci Genius". The name of the show says it all.
The genius whose ideas were understood and realized 300 years after his death. The person of widest interests. And Mona Lisa.
City of Future
The show is very smartly organized, using audio, video, written info, possibility to touch and to experience the mecanisms invented by Da Vinci and realized in our days.

I highly recommend to visit and to take your children with you.

Exhibition site (in Russian).

Posted by Irina.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Lines to Museums

The very long line is forming every day for almost two month to see the works of Salvador Dali in Pushkin's art museum, despite of cold and wind of Moscow autumn. I am proud for Muscovites!

As for me, after this photo, I went to "the private collections" part of the museum (Site in Eng)  to see Annie Leibovitz exhibition on ground floor. It was great experience. She is genius.
The number of visitors was very big too, I'm posting photo made at the closing time.
First and second floors are presenting Kandinsky and his group. So interesting. I promise to show them to you in nearest weeks.

Posted by Irina.

Friday, 14 October 2011


125 years ago V.Tatlin, the founder of Russian Constructivist art was born. Exhibition in Tretiakov gallery at Krimsky val shows 60 of his works of 2 decades in the beginning of 20th century.
(here you see the costume and playbill of the V.Khlebnikov's "Zangezi", directed, set designed and played by Tatlin, Tatlin's head sculpture and entrance poster with one of his paintings on it). 

Bonus photo shows the view from the gallery window.

Wiki about Tatlin (Eng).

Posted by Irina.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

The days of Qatar Culture in Russia

Once, one month ago I heard loud sounds of Arab music and singing near the Building of Tretiakov gallery at Krimsky val. The sounds had simple explanation, the days of Qatar's culture were in full motion. This man is teaching how to make fishing net. I was watching very attentively.

There was a number of small booths with Qatar art, food and craft.
Above, you can see the name "State Tretiakov Gallery". Below - "Saint Russia", the name of the exhibition which is held at a moment in the building.

Posted by Irina

Friday, 10 June 2011

And for men, too.

Yesterday I went to Solianka gallery to see the paintings and sketches of famous Soviet animator Leonid Shvartsman. His active years were 1950-1990 and our childhood was coloroured by his amazing drawn cartoons and dolls cartoons. In the underground floor they show non stop the best and most popular cartoons.

The place was very bad lit, so I could not make the overall photos. So I post the 15cm (4,5") doll from the exhibition and the photo of the interior door ("And for men, too" is written on small piece of paper. Looks like they forget about men. Or lost the plate).

About exhibition (in Russian) with several images of his cartoons.

And Shvartsman's cartoon "Mitten" on Youtube.

Posted by Irina.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Berlin in Moscow

Last Saturday I suddenly came across the Brandenburg gates, 5meters copy of gates in Berlin, capital of Germany. The outdoor exhibition "Berlin 1880 - 1990" at Strastnoy boulevard was dedicated to the days of Berlin in Moscow and was the part of  the cultural program.
Behind the gates there were stands exhibiting photos of the city of Berlin.

Posted by Irina 

Monday, 30 May 2011

Baron Wolman in Moscow

Just around the corner from my drawing class there is "Pobeda" (Victory) gallery where right now they exhibit photos of famous "Rolling Stone" photographer Baron Wolman. It was greatest pleasure to see my old friends Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Janis Joplin, Miles Davis, BB King, Mick Jagger.

Do you know how I learned about the small but so warm place located right under my nose? Carraol wrote to me. Right from Mexico City. Thank you so much, Carraol!

Gallery link.

Google map.

Posted by Irina.

Sunday, 8 May 2011


Last week I was at the exhibition in "Manezh" exhibition ground. I promise to do separate post about Manezh, its history and present. Meanwhile I go on with the exhibition.

The huge exhibition hall, packed with the paintings, was almost empty, though the exposition was intensified by the program, which included invited guests - famous Moscow theater performers, painting workshops, concerts of classical music. That was the moment when I came to the hall and made this photo. The piano was playing Mozart, everybody was listening. Few were watching the paintings.

Clever marketing. I like the idea. Today we have some music, too.
Classical music (Rachmaninov's piano concerto #2), and pop music (their name is "The Viagra").


Manezh site in Russian.
Google map.

Posted by Irina.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Model of Moscow

Today we look at model of Moscow inside the exhibition hall of "House on Brestskaya", center for architecture and construction.
The installation of wooden model of the center of the city (12m x 12 m (40'x40') was started in 1968 by Nikita Khruschov's (Soviet leader during 1953-1964)  order and finished in 1986. The model changes together with changes in the city, so it shows the actual view of the city.

The model was a total surprise for me. I went there to see the exhibition "World through the eyes of architects". Double pleasure.

Website of the "Dom na Brestskoy".
Google map.
Posted by irina.

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Would you like to play guitar?

You will have the urge for sure. At least I did, and I never had been a musician, never interested in guitars. That is the power of visual arts!
This example was photographed during the preparation of the opening of small Christmas exhibition of hand-made presents. It is located in Skriabin museum (link in Russian, unfortunately "englisch version" of the museum's site does not work))), which is famous by classical music concerts.
I will post more little pieces later. They make our grey short winter days brighter.

Friday, 10 December 2010

Art-Manezh (1-5.12.2010)

The annual exhibition of art galleries, delivering their pieces of art into the Manezh exhibition complex. The exhibition is very good example of what art is exactly required in the city, galleries will never show the no profit examples, right? At least I think so.

Posted by Irina

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Mai Miturich (1925-2008)

Illustration to Kipling's "Mowgli Stories"

I post today about Russian artist Mai Miturich (1925-2008). Why? He is a Muscovite, his exhibition is now in Tsereteli's Art gallery (Prechistenka, 19) and will go on till 11th November, he illustrated the books of my childhood and I want to share with you his so very talented works.
Alice, The white rabbit and the Mad hatter
Japanese Tales

Besides we have 4 holidays and low gray raining sky, so I will be glad if our readers, located in Moscow, read this and would like to see his priceless works.

Unfortunately there is almost nothing about Mai Miturich in the internet, so I start by my own photo taken at the exhibition today and go on with the photos from Livejournal "All Drawings" community and bits of info I found when googling.
The Cheshire cat

The exhibition shows that Mai Miturich was not only famous illustrator, but very talented painter and his watercolors were full of light, freedom and ease.

Miturich worked in watercolor, oil, ink, graphic arts and known here by his illustration to L.Carrol's "Alice's Adventures", R.Kiplings' "Mowgli Stories" and Russian writers for children. Mostly they do not know the name here.

But if you show the book to the adult, he will immediately recognize the drawings of his/her childhood.

Gallery location.

Posted by Irina.

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Hand made

Today photos from Festival of hand-made "Other things". It will go on tomorrow, so if you are in Moscow you can visit Trubetskoi park to have some workshops about hand making and get some lovely toys and many other hand made gifts. Your children will be happy. 

Link to site of festival (in Russian)

Google map.

Posted by Irina

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Festival of Free Publishers "BooFest"

One week ago the 2nd festival of free publishers "Boo" was held in two rooms of tiny gallery at Rabochaya street. Small publishing houses, illustrators, art-bookers, handmade books, stuff and papers makers were presented.

The small publishing houses decided to join the efforts to develop and spread their activity in the market which belongs to large and rich publishing houses.
I hope this association will survive at our book market.

There is a workshop going on on yellow table. The girls do collages from everything they have around: magazine's cuts, cellophane, acrylic paint.

The walls around the stairs were decorated by the participants of the exhibition and the boxed with free books were put there (upper photo).
Signs on the boxes: "Happiness for free!", "Nobody will leave bookless!"

Posted by Irina.

Monday, 30 August 2010

Exhibition Business

My work has connections with industrial exhibitions in Moscow. CrocusExpo (Google map) and Expocentre (Google map) are two largest exhibition centers in the city. And I foresee that you will have the opportunity to see more details in future posts.

Today I want to show how they do it. Four days of mounting progress of one area in the pavilion are presented in four photos. The fifth photo shows the result.
It is Auto-mechanics-2010 exhibition, I shot the images during 21-25 August mounting dates.

I love these fields.

Posted by Irina.

Sunday, 20 June 2010

World Press Photo 2010

Yesterday I was at World Press Photo 2010 exhibition. They have collected about 200 best photos of the year and show them in the building of the ex confectionery factory "Red October" (which explains the coarse interior, so popular in Moscow art galleries these days).

So much sorrow and suffering of our little world. Great works of the photographers.

My personal number one is this photo of the Tokyo underground in rush-hour. The author is German photographer Michael Wolf. Please visit his site.

Posted by Irina.


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