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Showing posts with label gum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gum. Show all posts

Wednesday, 27 October 2010


Typically, you would find these umbrellas someplace warm, like the beach... but these ones are inside GUM!
Along some of the walkways on the third floor there are tables with these umbrellas. They've got matching bright colored chairs too. It's a nice splash of color, and makes it cheery when it's cold and grey outside!
posted by Ashira

Monday, 25 October 2010

GUM in Autumn

This is the main fountain in GUM shopping mall, all decked out for autumn. Doesn't resemble a fountain at all now, does it? GUM changes its decorations for each season - here's what it looked like this summer. I love the details they've put into this display, and it certainly gave off an autumn-y vibe! It's a nice change, since the weather outside is much more like winter than autumn... :( I hope you're all enjoying autumn, and it's providing many photo opportunities :)
posted by Ashira

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Inside GUM

I went into GUM to attempt to thaw after my photo walk a few nights ago. It was evening, and the sky was a wonderful shade of blue, which you can see through the ceiling which is basically one large skylight!

Monday, 21 January 2008


GUM is an abbreviation for State Department Store. Located in Red Square, it can be called a main mall of Russian County. This place was a trade center since XVth century but the moderm building was built in 1893. Nowadays this mall presents a number of boutiques and expensive restaurants, there are only a few departments affordable for ordinary people. Anyway, its architecture is beautiful, and I like the way it was decorated for holidays.

Monday, 8 October 2007


It's been raining for three days by now, and I have nothing better to do than watching pictures of sunny days. Like this one, taken a couple weeks back.

How was your weekend?


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