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Questions tagged [pixel-art]

A way of drawing digital images using a low-resolution and (often) a limited color palette. This art form is inspired by older computer graphics, where resources (e.g. amount of pixels and colors) were more limited.

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4 votes
1 answer

What is Starbound's method for handling tiled textures called?

When digging through Starbound's assets, the assets for dirt had two rows. A top row that was 8x8 pixels and a bottom that was 12x12 (See image): Now I know that they're not just simply being placed ...
Robert I Renode's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I ensure to keep equal pixel density?

I work with an artist that draws tilesets and texture atlases for my 2D game. Since we are not very experienced, we face a problem, when one texture atlas differs to other in size. That means that I ...
Steyrix's user avatar
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Diagonal directions for cuboid in 3/4 axonometric rpg view

In pixel art, how can I construct the diagonal directions for this cuboid? The goal is to create an 8 directional turnaround for a 2D top-down game. I am using the 3/4 rpg view, made popular through ...
Ben's user avatar
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Best practices for pixel art background sizes?

I'm looking to start making pixel art for my 2d side-scrolling game prototype. I'm looking for advice on how large to make my pixel art backgrounds. I watched this video before I began to get an idea ...
Alice's user avatar
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Seperate Sword Sprite to Player

I am aware a common approach in game development for attack animations is to seperate the player from the weapon and 'stitch' them together in runtime depending on what weapon is equipped. This would ...
Silas Hayes-Williams's user avatar
1 vote
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Should I fully draw inside the canvas (e.g.: 32x32 aspect ratio) for pixel art games?

When I draw art assets for a game, should I fill the whole tile/frame? Would it look good in a game if I use less than the 32 by 32 pixels of the canvas, like the picture below?: When I export this ...
NickNameNick's user avatar
1 vote
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How is this smoke effect made?

In the game Sheepy, first (actually second) boss is a crazy cat that generates a very cool kind of light/smoke effect, as it is visible in this video at 12'00: ...
evilmandarine's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What is the process to transform physics positions in pixel art (ex. Rain World)?

In this video (GDC 2016), Rain World developers explain a lot of the procedural animation process in the game. However, it is not clear to me how you go from physical locations and bones to the smooth ...
evilmandarine's user avatar
0 votes
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Help with 2D Pixel art sizing in unity

I just got into making a pixel art platformer for fun and I wanted it to work so that I could have a scrolling parallax background and also a tile set for the actual level to be played on. I ...
Aiden's user avatar
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1 answer

Shader to give the effect of a 2D character covered in oil

I have a 2D pixel art game where characters can be covered in a flammable black oil-like substance and I am looking for a simple way to depict that visually. Simply tinting the character black won't ...
Martin's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How do I render a pixel art game in a modern (scalable, smooth, crisp, hdpi friendly) way with Godot?

In modern pixel art games, one will usually find the following features: dpi agnostic: Having an HDPI screen does not mean the game is tiny. "large" pixels: Game-pixels are big, made up of ...
Seph Reed's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I smoothly connect isometric tiles at different height levels?

I am trying to figure out how to smoothly connect isometric tiles at levels. For example, below are tiles at different levels. I want to smoothly connect the tiles at the two levels based on the ...
lancen's user avatar
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2 answers

How to paint a circle of pixels so that at diameter=3 the result is a cross shape?

I have a pixel art brush and a canvas. When the brush size is 3, I want to draw a cross shape instead of a 3x3 square. I implemented the following formula: if the distance between two points is less ...
Shattered Reality's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How can I fully or partially colorize a SpriteRenderer and make its "color" value match the end result at 100% opacity?

I have a GameObject that looks like this: When I change the "color" value in the GameObject's SpriteRenderer to be (255, 0, 0, 255), the GameObject ends up looking like this: But I want it ...
Pikamander2's user avatar
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Pixel-effect cube in Godot 4

I'm trying to make a simple scene where the camera is in orthogonal mode with isometric settings just like if it was an isometric 2D game. That's because I have already tried doing it with 2D only but ...
Crih.exe's user avatar
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1 answer

Godot distorting pixels

As the title says, Godot is stretching/distorting pixel art. It seems to be dependent on where on the screen the pixel is located. I've already double-checked my project settings and searched several ...
shreyasm-dev's user avatar
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Single pixel disappears in outlining shader

I've recently (11 hours ago, to be precise😅) started to work with shaders and it's going pretty well. I've created a simple shader to create an outline and I tested it on a simple object to see how ...
Arian_ki's user avatar
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Game Maker Studio 2 - Pixel Distortion

I am new to game development and am trying to learn how to use Game Maker to create pixel art games. I've created a demo game with 16x16 pixels art style, the room size is 1024 x 768 and the viewpoint ...
nadiavi's user avatar
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Combining palette-swaps and smooth scaling in a pixel-art shader

I am creating a pixel-art game in MonoGame, and have written a shader to perform various effects on a sprite when rendering it, such as performing palette swaps, highlighting outlines, etc.. Most of ...
Bent's user avatar
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Changing part of a sprite in 2D game

Let's say I have a character and certain things (shoes, vest, hat, etc.) can be changed (visually, just the color changes). What came to my mind was creating each of them as a separate sprite and then ...
Arian_ki's user avatar
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Pixel-perfect jitter-free motion

Here's a thing I cannot wrap my head around: When we are talking about low-resolution pixel art, there is a subcategory that deals with pixel perfection: Like in the olden days you are restricted to a ...
Cerno's user avatar
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Unity Pixel Perfect Camera - parented sprite's children begin to jitter

I currently have a setup using the pixel perfect camera, and found that child sprites moving their localposition begin to jitter if their position is in a decimal point over the hundredths. Designing ...
Username's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

2D topdown generating stairs (access) to generated hill

I'm doing 2d topdown procedurally generated world. I'm generating perlin height values, and when certain value is crossed I'm generating one level higher, while edging biomes creates cliff of the ...
Makaveli_O's user avatar
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Pixelart loses quality when rotated in unity

Sorry, still fairly new to the game here but my pixel art gets little ridges on it when I rotate it in unity. I'd like the pixels to rotate all together. Is this just because I need to make my pixels &...
Max Bailey's user avatar
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How to make a pixel painting program using Unity

So I'm making an Android app/game using Unity where the user is able to "draw" by touching the screen. The drawings will be pixel art -- basically, a pixel art drawing function -- so ...
UserUser's user avatar
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Change color in specific sections in sprite

I have a game, where I would like to generate multiple enemies, just switching randomly their skin and clothes, colors. One way to do it, would be to break every position (each position composed by ...
VP.'s user avatar
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How to prevent blurry pixel art when the camera is following a character?

I'm developing a top-down pixel-art game and previously I was having the camera follow the player like this in the camera's update function (called every frame): ...
Ryan Peschel's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between "8 bit" and "16 bit" in the context of retro game aesthetics?

I am not a game dev here but have a few queries. I was recently playing a game called "The messenger" where you move from 8bit to 16bit when travelling through time. So whenever we are in ...
nightmaredevil2010's user avatar
1 vote
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Editing Pixel Art, Copyright and "The Ship of Theseus" Problem

(Please read the entire question before you crucify me :p) This is a question that has been on my mind for some time. Basically, How much of a sprite needs to be changed in order for you to claim &...
FaffyWaffles's user avatar
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How to animate a customizable pixel art platformer character?

I am working on a 2d platformer which is made up of pixel art. I want to make my character customizable like in stardew valley. How can I implement it and create animations for my game like run , idle ...
Prince Kumar's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to implement pixel art lighting as in the game Project Eastward?

Project Eastward Lighting Demo Can somebody point me to the right direction as to how this lighting is done to recreate this lighting effect? The game is 2D but uses a 3D lighting system.
Anshul V. Kumar's user avatar
6 votes
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Aseprite "Duration" vs Unity "Samples"

When creating a sprite animation in Aseprite, we can set the "Duration (milliseconds)", as show here: But when setting up the animation in Unity, we have to specify "Samples" as ...
Ben's user avatar
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How do I convert a PNG into a pixel art font for use in Godot?

I'm an artist. I have several pixel art fonts prepared like so. My platform, Godot, accepts only TrueType and FNT file formats. My images are of raster pixels so obviously a conversion needs to take ...
Loospie's user avatar
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How can I create character graphics similar to Valkyrie Profile?

I want to create a game with the character graphics similar to Valkyrie Profile. I don't know whether I should make my game character sprites pre-rendered or hand drawn, or which technique would let ...
lebobbi's user avatar
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2 answers

How to put trees on procedural generated world created using Perlin noise

I have been new to game programming but I knew little bit about Perlin noise. So I have created a infinite world using Perlin noise but I don't be able to understand how I put trees in my world like ...
Prince Kumar's user avatar
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2 answers

How to create pixel graphics in 3D?

I stumbled across this game on Backland After trying to find information on how to accomplish the same graphics, I found this tutorial: Youtube Video How can I accomplish this 3-dimensional, ...
Gateway12231's user avatar
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Unity - Pixels, Units, Sprites and Pixels per unit - Setting a relationship between sprites and screen size

I don't get how units and pixels work in Unity. For instance: Here I have a camera with size 5. This means that there are 5 units from the center of the camera to either the top or bottom border. ...
Enrique Moreno Tent's user avatar
2 votes
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Sprites looks blurried on fullscreen

I'm trying to make a pixel art game and my resolution is 384 x 224, but when I change to fullscreen the sprites looks blurry and I don't know how I can disable bilinear filtering. I tried ...
Gianqui's user avatar
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5 votes
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In pixel art, should i keep the same color palette for every sprites?

The question may sounds weird (and very noobish but i'am :p) but i can't find any answer. When making pixel art, it is often said that a color palette could be 2, 4, 8, 16 or even 256 colors, through ...
toyi's user avatar
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Did retro pixel artists design with CRT's in mind?

There is an often stated claim on discussion boards like Reddit that now retro games of the 8 bit and 16 bit era actually had their art designed with CRT's in mind. I am not talking about video modes ...
user1086516's user avatar
3 votes
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Godot: What options are there for removing the filtering or anti-aliasing from text

If I were to start making a pixel-art game with the Godot engine, what options do I have for removing the filtering or anti-aliasing from text? EDIT: I want to know how to remove the AA from ...
Kennichi Nitta's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I create a slope/hillsde tileset?

I struggle to create a 2D slope/hillside for a tileset. Not an impassable mountainside like in Pokemon, more a gentle slope which you can walk both directions. When you see the tilemap, one should get ...
Gistiv's user avatar
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How do you make top down tileable mountain ranges like fire emblem?

TL;DR: my goal is to gain the knowledge necessary to make these kinds of mountains from scratch. Hello all, sorry if this has already been asked, and sorry for any incorrect grammar. I've been ...
Izzy-The-Hedgehog's user avatar
1 vote
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Pixel-art sprite distortion with 1:1 pixel ratio

So I've been studying the Unity's PPU, pixel density, camera settings topic to make my game pixel-perfect. I've set everything in a way that my screen pixel to sprite texel ratio equals 1. The art ...
sarneeh's user avatar
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What PPU should I choose for assets aimed for different resolution

So I'm trying to make my pixel-art game handle multiple resolutions. I've stumbled upon this article: but I don't understand it completely. Let'...
sarneeh's user avatar
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Strange warping/shimmering effect with Unity Tilemap and Cinemachine

I'm using a Cinemachine Virtual Camera in a 2D project to follow around a target. The ground / background is a Unity Tilemap GameObject. As you can see in the gif above (or on Imgur), when following ...
JaredH's user avatar
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How do I remove the background from pixel art sprites in Gimp?

I drew a pixel art tree using GIMP. My problem is, how can I cut out the white background, because if I want to build a tile map with it, in my case with tiled, it always has the white background with ...
ill277's user avatar
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Making objects larger than 1 tile in a pixel art tile map

I'm working on a pixel game, and started creating a little town to test some stuff. My question is whether there is a way to create bigger objects without having to split them into several parts. My ...
ill277's user avatar
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Unity Pixel Perfect Rotation

I'm making a pixel-art game in Unity. The sprites are set to 16 PPU, and currently to guarantee that the pixels scale nicely (integer intervals), I'm setting the Camera's orthographic size. In 16x9 ...
Scooter's user avatar
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How to do 1.5x scaling for pixel art where only one dimension has to scale?

I'm working on a point and click adventure game where the top third of the screen is a 16:3 single piece background with sprites on top. The width has to be edge to edge. It can't be cropped because ...
Péter Simon's user avatar