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What is Starbound's method for handling tiled textures called?

When digging through Starbound's assets, the assets for dirt had two rows. A top row that was 8x8 pixels and a bottom that was 12x12 (See image): Now I know that they're not just simply being placed ...
Robert I Renode's user avatar
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Help with 2D Pixel art sizing in unity

I just got into making a pixel art platformer for fun and I wanted it to work so that I could have a scrolling parallax background and also a tile set for the actual level to be played on. I ...
Aiden's user avatar
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How can I create a slope/hillsde tileset?

I struggle to create a 2D slope/hillside for a tileset. Not an impassable mountainside like in Pokemon, more a gentle slope which you can walk both directions. When you see the tilemap, one should get ...
Gistiv's user avatar
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