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Questions tagged [transaction-trace]

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Eth tx state error: tx state and trace state is not matched..!

I found a case where the data is different while looking at the eth tx data and trace data. Why is this happening?? Isn't this a problem? case 1) tx succeeded, but error message is displayed in trace. ...
Minwoo's user avatar
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What is the difference between transaction revert and status:0?

After running transaction = abi_func(**func_args).build_transaction({ 'chainId': 1337, 'gas': 200000, 'gasPrice': w3.eth.gas_price, 'nonce': w3.eth....
Lyn's user avatar
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how can we decode transaction data using rust?

As we all know, we can decode transaction data when a known method is called like this. [...] fn main() { let input = "...
Saikat Karmakar's user avatar
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what does "op":"STOP" in StructLogs in debug_traceTransaction mean

Running debug_traceTransaction, I get {"id":1, "jsonrpc":"2.0", "result":{"gas":"0x5f84", "structLogs": [{"depth":...
Lyn's user avatar
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"DELEGATECALL" with value

How is it possible that "DELEGATECALL" with a non-zero value? Example: ...
Dmytro Shalaiev's user avatar
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debug_traceTransaction on a full node not working

I'm running a full but not archive node using geth. I'm trying to get trace for a transaction using debug.traceTransaction('0x4883a2cd5a260723ae65b88787d153864938e0cf0b811bc0597a80e3e820777a'); but it ...
Wanjing's user avatar
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I get blackmailed by a person from which I have only the Etherium wallet adress [duplicate]

I need help to identify a person that is blackmailing with what she thinks is compromising material, to send it to family, colleagues, etc etc, if I do not pay 300 € (as a start) to settle the issue. ...
Matthias's user avatar
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err="execution timeout" timeout when calling debug_trace transaction

I have one question. We have organized the ethereum en node as an archive. Since then, we have called large amounts of debug_traceTransaction to that node but err="execution timeout" ...
spark's user avatar
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debug_traceBlockByHash regenerates historical state and increases memory usage

Question. I often get logs like the following. I assume this is being called from outside, but why is it being called? Also, is the error because my node does not have historical state up to (latest ...
user8974's user avatar
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how this following transaction trace generated?

i got one tx hash: 0x7d2296bcb936aa5e2397ddf8ccba59f54a178c3901666b49291d880369dbcf31 How is the following transaction trace generated?
smart contract_research_Rookie's user avatar
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How to track scammers through etherscan? [duplicate]

I just came across this video here: Wich have this code in the description: It seems quite attractive at first, but the ...
Davis97's user avatar
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Getting execution bytecode from trace_addresses

Given the following call graph: A CALLs B CALLs G CALLs C CALLs G Is it possible to get the full bytecode that was executed by the evm as a single string, given the bytecode of the ...
Biela Diela's user avatar
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How does the PUSH instruction get its input?

I'm trying to understand state storage, and by doing so (for the first time) looking at raw geth traces. I've hit a blocker, though, which is understanding where the arguments to PUSH instructions ...
Vegard Stikbakke's user avatar
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Decoding Storage From trace_call (stateDiff)

I am using Erigon. I am using pendent transactions of swap in goerli, this is an output from trace_call (stateDiff): { "output": "0x", "stateDiff": { "...
Rafael's user avatar
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Why do I not see CREATE or CREATE2 opcodes in traces of contract creating transactions?

I am trying to see smart contract creations from opcodes in transaction traces with debug_traceTransaction. But traces of transactions that created contracts do not seem to include the CREATE opcode. ...
ruben's user avatar
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What do the gas values mean in debug_traceTransaction?

I know the struct logs contain the gasCost and the gas limit for each opcode. In some cases like CALL, the gas cost appears to be aggregated from the opcodes below it. Also, all of the gas costs (for ...
antazoey's user avatar
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Under which condition "CALL" opcode does not increase the depth?

I'm currently researching EVM opcode trace data(data fetched from "debug_traceTransaction"), and I meet several cases where the opcode "CALL" does not increase the depth. I already ...
Jeff Chen's user avatar
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Trying to understand the difference between trace_call and debug_traceCall methods

can someone help me understand the difference between trace_call and debug_traceCall? From what I've read, trace_call is to see the opcodes executed and the gas used for a transaction. debug_traceCall ...
Devin Jackson's user avatar
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Detecting internal transactions given a debug_traceTransaction response

Intro Hello everyone, I am attempting to filter and recreate internal transactions given a debug_traceTransaction response and the {tracer: "callTracer"} tracer. An example transaction can ...
user3223162's user avatar
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get final changed state of a transacion

I want to call 'eth_call' and get all changed state after this call. How I can do that? I want to use it as 'stateDiff' for next 'eth_call'.
heydar dasoomi's user avatar
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Get logs for a transaction without actually sending the transaction

I'm trying to simulate a transaction without actually sending the transaction. The trace_call method (on Alchemy) returns 3 types of traces - vmTrace, trace, stateDiff. The trace object returns all ...
pbsh's user avatar
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trace_transaction and error in traces

I'm having hard time trying to understand how errors in traces apply. Let's consider this tx: Etherscan detailed traces see that only call_0 has status "Reverted" (hover over red exclamation ...
DimaA6_ABC's user avatar
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ganache modify code of smart contract after fork?

Ganache has recently introduced the ability to fork from a live blockchain at a particular block number. After forking, I would like to be ...
David Callanan's user avatar
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Is there a difference between success and failure of `receipt data` and failure of `trace data`?

In the case of partial failure of ethereum, Is there a difference between success and failure of receipt data and failure of trace data? I found cases where even partial failures are logged as ...
Minwoo's user avatar
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Are failed ether transfers tx also written to the block?

When sending eth, EOA->EOA case, Is there a record in the block if the transfer fails? I wonder if it is possible to check the case with block, receipt, and trace data..!
Minwoo's user avatar
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Dealing with ethereum LOG1-2-3-4 opcodes: How to parse them correctly?

I'm trying to do some analysis of events from the opcodes of transactions, but I'm finding it very hard to understand how can I find the index_topics and the values returned by the event. For instance:...
Hiperfly's user avatar
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Is there a way to analyze the contract trancsaction trace result like Etherscan?

This question is a continuation of the question below..! How to decode when the input of tracsaction consists of multiple contracts? In the question above, node information is needed to trace the ...
Minwoo's user avatar
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How to parse trace output using ABI & web3?

I am pulling a trace from a Parity node using the JSONRPC API. It looks like this: print(trace) { 'action': { 'callType': 'staticcall', 'from': '0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', ...
lollercoaster's user avatar
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How to find out if an individual trace succeeded or not

I understand that I can find if a transaction succeeded or not via the receipt status field. I'd like to do the same for individual traces, since a root tx can succeed, but child calls can fail. My ...
lollercoaster's user avatar
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Unclear description on Etherscan

On Etherscan, when I hover over the "?" on the "From" field I see the following: The sending party of the transaction (could be from a contract address). I don't understand. I ...
lollercoaster's user avatar
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How to test if a transaction create a specific event using the trace api?

I need to frontrun a transaction on a specific contract only if does a specific thing which is fired as an event once included in a block. So how to get the event based on current contract state of an ...
user2284570's user avatar
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debug_traceTransaction says tx failed, etherscan says passed

I was running debug_traceTransaction on the transactions in the first 100,000 blocks, and I came across 25 that were flagged as failed, but says they are fine. The gas used is below gas, ...
anon4250158's user avatar
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Save stack traces while syncing

I have been working on a project, where I would like to trace all transactions from a block and for this reason I have been using a fast-syncing node. It works well, the only issue is that querying ...
Jani's user avatar
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How to run instrumented EVM in go

I'm working on a project where I would like to catch internal transactions and figure out the stack trace. For this reason, I have been trying to define an EVM log collector as recommended here. ...
Jani's user avatar
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geth’s "debug_traceTransaction" vs parity's "trace_replayTransaction"

Is it at all possible to transform geth’s debug_traceTransaction trace into something that looks like what you get from parity's trace_replayTransaction? Parity’s trace module is extraordinarily ...
Josh's user avatar
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Parity transaction tracing and how to determine transaction/call failure or success

I am currently working on a in-payment monitor system for Ethereum using the trace functionality in the Parity Ethereum Client. The reason I am using the trace functionality instead of just looking ...
ar undefined's user avatar
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How can I tell if the node I am using is exposing the Parity trace methods?

What is the best way to tell if the node I am using is exposing the Parity trace methods? One way I know if is to call a contract on Kovan and look for a revert reason that says to expose the trace ...
Shane Fontaine's user avatar
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Geth trace transaction int old block

I start geth without setting gcmode=archive at the beginning. But when i realized that if i want to get all the internal transactions in ethereum blockchain, geth has synced at the blockheight of ...
蒋心健's user avatar
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debug.traceTransaction returns empty structLogs

I have installed a private node using geth (1.9.11-stable). I have created a number of accounts, deployed some contract accounts and sent transactions from the accounts to the contract accounts. By ...
sim085's user avatar
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How to Make Geth 1.9+ Full Node to Trace Ancient Blocks?

I have full-synced a Geth 1.9.9 node but my requests including ancient blocks erroring. I know this is because of state-pruning but I wonder how to enable tracing for an ancient block so it returns ...
ferit's user avatar
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gasCost of opcode "STATICCALL" in Geth VM Trace

{ "pc": 4765, "op": "STATICCALL", "gas": 222711, "gasCost": 219243, "depth": 1, ... } As above, Geth VM Trace (
yiqi chen's user avatar
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What's the difference between 'type' and 'callType' in parity trace?

For the parity node, the response for getting the transaction trace contain "callType" and "type" which are all "call". But for geth node we only get 'type':'Call'. So I am confused, whats the ...
hao xu's user avatar
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Transaction cannot found when using debug.traceTransaction

I am trying to use the debug.traceTransaction API but got the following error: >debug.traceTransaction("0x3684f071b34da1116282ee88a106a8f2a266d273ef7d8964957f65128fb58d77") Error: transaction ...
lllllllllllll's user avatar
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Revert reason and Parity trace

I have heard that the revert reason can be found in the Parity trace. I tried running trace_replayTransaction, and I have found that the output field contains the reason indeed, but there are many ...
ulu's user avatar
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Parity Node: Different results from trace_rawTransaction and trace_replayTransaction rpc calls

By calling these two rpc calls, I can track if a transaction invokes more message calls. Yet when I tried this two rpc calls, i get different result on this transaction. (
Wen Huang Lin's user avatar
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Public GETH trace

On Etherscan we can see geth traces, but only for 1000 operations for some reason. Is there any site where we can do geth traces or is there a public geth node where we can do these traces?
JBrouwer's user avatar
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Tracing old transactions with Geth

I have a node synched in normal mode up until number=5143444 Node started with geth --datadir "./" --rpc --rpcaddr --ws --wsaddr --wsorigins="*" --maxpeers 100 --maxpendpeers ...
Daniel Luca CleanUnicorn's user avatar