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What is the difference between transaction revert and status:0?

After running transaction = abi_func(**func_args).build_transaction({ 'chainId': 1337, 'gas': 200000, 'gasPrice': w3.eth.gas_price, 'nonce': w3.eth....
Lyn's user avatar
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how can we decode transaction data using rust?

As we all know, we can decode transaction data when a known method is called like this. [...] fn main() { let input = "...
Saikat Karmakar's user avatar
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err="execution timeout" timeout when calling debug_trace transaction

I have one question. We have organized the ethereum en node as an archive. Since then, we have called large amounts of debug_traceTransaction to that node but err="execution timeout" ...
spark's user avatar
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Decoding Storage From trace_call (stateDiff)

I am using Erigon. I am using pendent transactions of swap in goerli, this is an output from trace_call (stateDiff): { "output": "0x", "stateDiff": { "...
Rafael's user avatar
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Get logs for a transaction without actually sending the transaction

I'm trying to simulate a transaction without actually sending the transaction. The trace_call method (on Alchemy) returns 3 types of traces - vmTrace, trace, stateDiff. The trace object returns all ...
pbsh's user avatar
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Is there a way to analyze the contract trancsaction trace result like Etherscan?

This question is a continuation of the question below..! How to decode when the input of tracsaction consists of multiple contracts? In the question above, node information is needed to trace the ...
Minwoo's user avatar
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Unclear description on Etherscan

On Etherscan, when I hover over the "?" on the "From" field I see the following: The sending party of the transaction (could be from a contract address). I don't understand. I ...
lollercoaster's user avatar
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Parity transaction tracing and how to determine transaction/call failure or success

I am currently working on a in-payment monitor system for Ethereum using the trace functionality in the Parity Ethereum Client. The reason I am using the trace functionality instead of just looking ...
ar undefined's user avatar