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Questions tagged [erigon]

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High efficiency method to query chain db

I am running two archive nodes, one is using Geth and the other Erigon. I have to run a pretty heavy duty indexing process, and making JSON-RPC calls to fetch the data is not fast enough, even if the ...
Riccardo Perego's user avatar
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Delayed block 19372460 returned wrong timestamp and set of tx through eth_getBlockReceipts on Erigon Archive node

I'm indexing blocks / transactions as they come in. To that end I'm using calls to eth_getBlockReceipts. I'm seeing the weird issue that when I was indexing block 19372460 it responded with: ...
Geert-Jan's user avatar
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Etherscan claimed MANA, DEXE & REQ tokens creation tx's return different contractAddresses, they got an issue or I miss something?

For example, Mana token page at Etherscan is Mana contract page at Etherscan is
Nimrod Yonatan Ben-Nes's user avatar
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Rust and erigon: How to Stabilize Responses from the Erigon WebSocket API?

I have a Rust application that communicates with the erigon API using websockets (specifically using the web3 crate). Lately, I've been experiencing instability with the responses from the server, as ...
Pierogi's user avatar
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Use erigon to retrieve all transactions for a specific address

Is it possible to use erigon to retrieve all transactions issued or received by a particular address at once? If so, I would like to know how to do it, for example, using the javacript library (web3....
Pierogi's user avatar
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Samsung 870 QVO 8TB - Erigon archive

I read that despite being an SSD with 560mb/sR and 530mb/sW this QVO is poor at syncing Eth nodes. I don’t need it to be a fast sync and I don’t mind it taking a while to sync and archive mode from ...
user1202278's user avatar
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Sync Erigon to Geth

I have a geth server running on local with dev chain. I would like to sync an Erigon node with the geth server. I tried passing the geth enode address as staticpeer to the Erigon server but the ...
jahr's user avatar
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Why trace_call (stateDiff) not show balance changes from internal txs?

I am using trace_call with stateDiff Tracer, to show balances changes after a transaction. Already tried to use Erigon and core-geth, the results are identical thoughout changes in usage. For instance,...
Rafael's user avatar
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Decoding Storage From trace_call (stateDiff)

I am using Erigon. I am using pendent transactions of swap in goerli, this is an output from trace_call (stateDiff): { "output": "0x", "stateDiff": { "...
Rafael's user avatar
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Running a Erigon full node with receipts and tx history only

Erigon provides multiple command line history options for storing history: --prune value Choose which ancient data delete from DB: ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar