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debug_traceTransaction on a full node not working

I'm running a full but not archive node using geth. I'm trying to get trace for a transaction using debug.traceTransaction('0x4883a2cd5a260723ae65b88787d153864938e0cf0b811bc0597a80e3e820777a'); but it ...
Wanjing's user avatar
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What do the gas values mean in debug_traceTransaction?

I know the struct logs contain the gasCost and the gas limit for each opcode. In some cases like CALL, the gas cost appears to be aggregated from the opcodes below it. Also, all of the gas costs (for ...
antazoey's user avatar
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Under which condition "CALL" opcode does not increase the depth?

I'm currently researching EVM opcode trace data(data fetched from "debug_traceTransaction"), and I meet several cases where the opcode "CALL" does not increase the depth. I already ...
Jeff Chen's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Trying to understand the difference between trace_call and debug_traceCall methods

can someone help me understand the difference between trace_call and debug_traceCall? From what I've read, trace_call is to see the opcodes executed and the gas used for a transaction. debug_traceCall ...
Devin Jackson's user avatar
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Detecting internal transactions given a debug_traceTransaction response

Intro Hello everyone, I am attempting to filter and recreate internal transactions given a debug_traceTransaction response and the {tracer: "callTracer"} tracer. An example transaction can ...
user3223162's user avatar
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1 answer

Geth trace transaction int old block

I start geth without setting gcmode=archive at the beginning. But when i realized that if i want to get all the internal transactions in ethereum blockchain, geth has synced at the blockheight of ...
蒋心健's user avatar
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Transaction cannot found when using debug.traceTransaction

I am trying to use the debug.traceTransaction API but got the following error: >debug.traceTransaction("0x3684f071b34da1116282ee88a106a8f2a266d273ef7d8964957f65128fb58d77") Error: transaction ...
lllllllllllll's user avatar